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My PM Plan! ... What do you think ?? Dosage??


Hi everyone!

So I am new to the forums but I have been paroozing for awhile and have come up with a plan for extreme boobage that I will be following.

My Profile
Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Weight: 118
Birth Control: Mirena IUD

Growth Plan
PM: Unsure of dosage yet. I would rather undershoot this than take too much. Going to cycle 15 days.
Fenugreek Tea/ Pills: Will ingest both when cycling off PM

Breast massage: 2-3 times daily, 5-7 minutes a breast
Massage oil: Olive oil with fenugreek powder (initially heated in hopes of transferring fenugreek properties into the oil).
Shower: Hot & cold water rinse (5x temp switch, ending with lukewarm)--> increased circulation
Heating pad applied at night, about 10 min.

Diet: Regular 3 meals a day PLUS:
- 2-3 cups of soy milk a day
- 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter daily- if possible (on a banana or plain) --> to gain a bit of weight to go to my boobs and also to keep me from munching down a bag of chips or something not so healthy

Other Supplements:
- Omega3 100mg 3xday (peanut butter is very high is omega 6)
- Vitamin E every other day
- Multi vitamin every other day

What do you guys think a good starting dose of PM would be?

I am worried about weight gain, but at the same time I have been the same weight for the past 3 years. Here is what I plan to do for weight control/ due physical and mental care:

- swimming 1-2x week (treading water for about half hour)
- yoga 1-2x week
- crunches and stretching.

This may be a little difficult for me to follow as I am busy and lazy lol... if I begin to have trouble maintaing a healthy weight then I will begin taking cayenne supplements and running. And start drinking mass amounts of green tea!

(05-02-2013, 06:12)Outofstyle Wrote:  Hi everyone!

So I am new to the forums but I have been paroozing for awhile and have come up with a plan for extreme boobage that I will be following.

My Profile
Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Weight: 118
Birth Control: Mirena IUD

Growth Plan
PM: Unsure of dosage yet. I would rather undershoot this than take too much. Going to cycle 15 days.
Fenugreek Tea/ Pills: Will ingest both when cycling off PM

Breast massage: 2-3 times daily, 5-7 minutes a breast
Massage oil: Olive oil with fenugreek powder (initially heated in hopes of transferring fenugreek properties into the oil).
Shower: Hot & cold water rinse (5x temp switch, ending with lukewarm)--> increased circulation
Heating pad applied at night, about 10 min.

Diet: Regular 3 meals a day PLUS:
- 2-3 cups of soy milk a day
- 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter daily- if possible (on a banana or plain) --> to gain a bit of weight to go to my boobs and also to keep me from munching down a bag of chips or something not so healthy

Other Supplements:
- Omega3 100mg 3xday (peanut butter is very high is omega 6)
- Vitamin E every other day
- Multi vitamin every other day


Pueraria Mirifica: phyto-estrogen, anti-androgen.
Hops: phyto-estrogen, anti-androgen.
Fenugreek: increases progesterone (controversial) and prolactin.
Wild Yam: increases progesterone (controversial) and prolactin, anti-androgen, and slows the metabolism of estrone, one of the body's own estrogens.
Goat's rue: increases prolactin.
Saw palmetto: anti-androgen.
Fennel: phyto-progestin, increases prolactin.
Soy: phyto-estrogen.
Flax seed: phyto-estrogen.
Licorice: phyto-estrogen, phyto-progestin, anti-androgen, increases prolactin.
Red Clover: phyto-estrogen, phyto-progestin.

Its usually not advised to take PM and FG since there both strong photo-estrogen. Perhaps PM and fennel would work better together. I highly doubt the Hot/Cold water thing will do much good, other than be annoying. Tongue Massaging and the heat pad should be enough for circulation. Also when your heating the FG powder don't put it inn the microwave! The rays will destroy a lot of the properties of the oil and possibly the powder.

Do you know if your hormonally imbalanced? Most of us are in one way or another. Freaking hormones. Dodgy

Here's some links that can help! Big Grin


Quote:Its usually not advised to take PM and FG since there both strong photo-estrogen. Perhaps PM and fennel would work better together. I highly doubt the Hot/Cold water thing will do much good, other than be annoying. Massaging and the heat pad should be enough for circulation. Also when your heating the FG powder don't put it inn the microwave! The rays will destroy a lot of the properties of the oil and possibly the powder.

Do you know if your hormonally imbalanced? Most of us are in one way or another. Freaking hormones.

Here's some links that can help!

Thanks so much for your response Kaitlyn!!

I have not been tested for a hormone imbalance but I am definitely now thinking that it would be wise to do that after reading through your links.
If I was just making my own guess, I'd say I fit into low levels of estrogen, high levels of progesterone, and possibly low levels of Androgens. Some of the symptoms overlap though.

My oil I heated with a blowdryer..... LOL. I live in a university residence so I do not have access to a stove. But I will be stopping the fenugreek for now until I am tested and can figure out what is best.

So I guess my new plan is: Book a Doc Appt asap!! Cool

"Goal: No goal, no pressure, only unconditional love."

I love this! Big Grin

Oh and I wouldn't be too concerned about weight gain. 118 on a 5'8 frame is skinny, but of course a little exercise is good no matter what.


usehername, me too!!

I guess my weight gain concern was that since I have such a skinny frame, it would all go to my tummy. But if I do in fact have a hormone imbalance with low estrogen, I think PM would help put the weight in other areas (boobs, hips, butt, etc) and hopefully not just my tummy Big Grin

I've ordered my PM! Can't wait!!! Anterol, 500mg. Going to start first cycle with 1 pill a day and then up it to 2 and see how that goes for two cycles then reevaulate. I will either keep it at 2 a day or bring it back down to 1 if I need to, no higher than 2.

Ive read that the antierol is very potent so don't exceed 2 a day, and watch out for estrogen dom. Headaches are the main symptom. It happened to me a couple weeks ago. Thats where to Progesterone cream can be handy I suppose. Its all about balance...too bad we cant plug ourselves into a machine that gives us a read out of all this crap. My life would be sooo much easier. Rolleyes

Let us know how your progress goes! I'm about to start on PM so maybe we can give each other notes and possibly complain about the estrogen related headaches we get. Lolz

Thanks Kaitlyn! I have since decided that I would like to add PC to my program, waiting on my credit card to arrive so I can order it! And I have put a pause on taking my ainterol (It reassures me that you say it is strong because I was wondering about the quality of it!) so I am on a pause because I would like to do a liver cleanse first. I have been eating freakishly healthy for a few months now and drinking 8+ cups a water (almost) every day and yet I am still don't have a good skin complexion so this has lead me to believe that my body is not removing toxins as well as it should be. I am on the hunt for the solution, and in the meantime just doing massages.

Hey Hey! Tongue Milk thistle is really great for liver cleanse. You should think about eating more garlic and ginger to help purify the blood, which will in turn help the liver. Your liver metabolizes used hormones and if it doesn't function properly then it will send the empty hormones back into your bloodstream and to your receptors.

That's odd that your breaking out with BC; the birth control that your on could really be messing with your hormones. I was on Yasmine for 2 years and went to my natropath for testing. He said that I basically had no natural hormones production going on. I had very clear skin while on it but once I got off I knew that my body would freak and i would break out like crazy. I ate some edamame everyday for the first few months until my body could regulate a little better and my skin was pretty clear with the occasional breakout. I took Vitex last month for 1 week and my skin was amazing! So perhaps that could help you. I've read that its much harder to grow while on BC cause you can't predict all the variables that it has mixed with NBE. Mixing synthetic hormones and plant hormones can be a bitch to figure out.

If you have oily/acne prone skin then you need an anti-androgen. Spearmint tea is good and caffeine free. It will also aid in the cleansing process.

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