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PM creams?


hi guys

Been looking over the things oh this site for a while and im interested in maybe getting myself some PM cream.
My nbe quest is for even breasts! If the lil one was to catch up to my bigger i would be very happy as theres about a cup size diffence, its something that really gets to me. Thats why i was looking at the PM creams in stead of internal things.

Just wondering if i could get any advice on what people have found works for them before i go buying any.

thanks Smile

I've heard from a lot of people on this forum and other forums that st. herb breast cream really works.

heres the website

or you can get it on ebay it's almost half as much =)

Thanks i had a look at stherb and what other girls said and it looks very good.
I had a look on ebay and the cheapest cream was being sold by deborah and early this year through my sisters ebay account got some ro-bust but it never arrived and she said she'd look into it but then has'nt replyd to anything else so not sure whether or not to trust her again.
Has any one else used her and it all been ok?

thanks again for the info on st herb Smile

Yep, I ordered through Deborah a few times. I have never had a prob with her, and she always answered my emails. Even though she has lupus, I'm a lil disappointed you never got your cream. :-/ IDK what's going on with her nowadays, since the last time I ordered that Ro-Bust cream was from Siriporn website itself (Deb had a message up at the time that she won't be available, so the items won't be shipped then).

I decided not to order anymore cream since I'll be using NB (Noogleberry pump) soon, and will save some money by only using cocoa butter on the bitties to keep any possible stretch marks at bay. XD I figured since people are doing well using only the pump, I'll be fine without the cream and just stick to the caps until I hit my ideal size. Then I'll prolly stop using those as well and keep up maintenance with just the NB. Phyto-estrogens are the culprit of my shedding hair, so rather not keep using 'em after my goal is reached!

Oops, I rambled... XD My bad, but anyways good luck with St Herb.

I just got some Robust Cream from Deb from Ebay last week. She was very helpful and answered my messages too.

oh ok maybe she was just going through a bad patch when that happened with me Smile

Just out of curiousty how did you do with ro-bust? and how is it going Lilac71?

good luck with noogleberry Smile


During the 1st couple months of using Ro-Bust I was doing great. It really helped with fullness, and quickly too. After only 2 days of use, my boobs were tingling and noticeably fuller I couldn't believe it! However it didn't seem to be as powerful after a couple months for some reason. IDK maybe my body is just used to PM now since neither method is working as well as it did last time I using it. And now that I realized this, I invested in the NB instead (besides 1 of my New Year's resolutions was to have some actual breasts this summer lol).

Speaking of which, thanx for the luck. I'm certain I'll get some results going with NB. Smile

I'm not using yet. Not much point until bubba is weaned LOL. Pretty much everything is on hold until that time comes, except for MSM and Fish Oils EPO, vitex, Vit C and broths. I'm even giving up on massage except for lymphatic drainage. I thought she would have weaned by now, but she loves it.

Almost everything else I thought I would do will increase the lactation! Lots of time to learn and prepare my body to accept some NBE.

Not too thrilled with the smell of the Robust though, but if feels like a nice moisturiser. I think I'll add a nice essential oil to it when I decide to use it. It sounds like it worked for shyboobs, but perhaps like anything if we don't take a break we get used to it and then it gets resistant- like caffeine. You need more for the same effectiveness Big Grin

Actually I did take a break from PM. I had tried common herbs for about 4 months or so following my 1st round, plus waited another month to give my liver a cleanse. So that was a big enough break if you ask me lol. Now that I'm back on it, it's still not as great as it was the 1st round. And there's no way I'm increasing my dose, I'm tryin' to keep my hair from shedding too much. Hair vits and Nioxin can only do so much if ya keep using the same thing that makes you shed. Tongue Matter of fact, I had recently decided that I'm not gonna buy anymore PM caps either once my bottle is finished.

I love that PM helped me gain some breasts when all others failed, but I just can't keep taking the shedding. I've got my NB now and am beginning to see an improvement today (only day3) after noogling. So I have faith I'll be good just using that. Good luck all on your PM journey.

Do you think the PM is causing the hair shedding? I certainly don't want that either. Everything else I have read so far said my hair would be full....???

You are right- that sounds like a big enough break.


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