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So, Any tips on How to Clear Acne? I've used everything, Proactive, Clearasil, Clean&Clear , Neutrogena, Seba Med, Pears, Garnier, Olay.

But still, I have lots of Blackheads and Pimples.

Any natural Alternatives?

I'll be glad if you give me some Rolleyes

No natural alternatives from me.

I tried the regimen with the suggested options which you can get at the stores risk freeWink.

After such great results I decided to buy the products he sold. The thing about the regimen is that the process is as important as the products.

You really dont have to buy his products, like I said you can try the products he suggests, follow the regimen strictly. He also has a page where he tells you what to expect through it.

This is what worked for meSmile

For me, what has worked best to dry them out and heal them is:

1. washing my face 2-3x a day - I just use a bar of soap that has tea tree oil in it - any health foods store will have it.

2. pure Tea Tree oil, applied with a q-tip right on the pimple 3x a day (this really dries it out, I usually keep it on for an hour and then wipe off with a wet cloth and put on my moisturizer, repeat in a few hours). Make sure this doesn't get onto your eyelids or on lips.

3. Every couple of days I do a honey face mask (just pure organic honey) I found it was stinging/irritating around my mouth/chin area so now I just don't bother putting any on here.

4. Very important to NOT touch your face!! ever!!! unless your hands have just been washed. If I wash my hands to put my moisturizer or something on, I make sure not to touch any dirty doorknobs or my phone before as this would re contaminate them.

It takes time so you can't expect instant results, you will notice the drying from the tea tree oil within a couple days though.

I have gotten rid of most of my acne but now have some scarring from the ones I had tried popping before this regime, so I have a vitamin C serum i put on before my moisturizer, but lemon juice may also be good as it has vitamin c and also will lighten scars.

Prevention also must take into account what you bring into your body and the sleep you get - for healing. Lots of water, fruits, veggies etc.

Hope all this helps!!

I used to have mild acne but I managed to cure my acne by eating raw garlic and taking probiotics. Good luck!

If it's hormonal, you could try birth control. If you just haven't grown out of it, Accutane will help. I know accutane comes with risks and treatment is hell but in the end, you get perfect skin. I've been battling acne since I was twelve years old. Four years into the fight and I'm tired. I'm going to get a prescription for accutane soon and by this December I should be well into treatment.

I recently went on an extended trip to Cuba and in the three weeks I was there, my skin cleared up. I tried to replicate the environment here at home. You know. I got a humidifier, I ate organic eggs only.

My diet there consisted of eggs, pizza, occasionally fruit and a lot of rice and beans. I partook in my fair share of smoking, drinking, and very little sleep, I ate so unhealthy. I don't understand how my horrible life style in those three weeks cleared my skin! I hardly ever had the time to wash my face. Between parties and meeting family, I went to bed at 2am and had about 20min to get ready in the mornings. Ain't nobody got time to take care of your face and eat breakfast in 20 minutes. I'm starting to blame America for my acne, like the soil is cursed. Haha, I'm kidding! I love the land of the free, but all the hormones in the food must be what's causing my acne. Or it could be the stress of school. Beats me.

I think my acne is hormone related, considering I'm 16 and havent had a period in four months, but I ain't gonna start spending $6 for a carton of organic hormone free eggs and give up my hormone-laden cheese. No, siree. That colby-jack grilled cheese is just too delicious.

Back on topic. I think you should have your hormones tested to see if it's hormone related and if it's not you could try a new diet. But why struggle so much with natural solutions when you can solve it all with one big (prescription) bang? Like BC or Accutane.

Acne has a cause!

And unless you eliminate that cause you can't stop acne.

I would suggest looking for what caused your acne?

A major cause of acne with members here appears to be the indigestion of toxic plants!

Let me suggest that either remove the toxins first ( from the plant ) before ingestion or find a plant that your body tolerates better.


For blackheads, a simple baking soda + water in paste and apply it as a mask for 2-3minutes 2x per week works well.

I wouldn't suggest tea tree oil. Manuka honey would be way better and safer and less harse and more balancing.

That said, you need to understand what your root cause is.

Allergy? Food or chemical reaction to some product ie soap
Detoxification? body off or pushing a toxin
Surface skin oil imbalance?
How is your scalp? Dry? Look into doing a couple clarifying washes and maybe even a monistat treatment of your scalp incase your have a undetermined infection. Avoid any shampoos, and considering doing mainly condition only washes that have no bad stuff in it.

I suggest going the route of a gluten intolerance check diet. Not because you have a gluten intolerance but the way you go for checking is also very good for checking food intolerances.

Also, get rid off allllllll soaps and cosmetics. Use only Castil soap or even africian black soap. I would suggest oil cleansing method to balance your natural oils. Only use jojoba oil as moisturizer or sweet almond oil if you want a less expensive alternate.


(05-08-2013, 17:09)LookingForward2NBE Wrote:  For blackheads, a simple baking soda + water in paste and apply it as a mask for 2-3minutes 2x per week works well.

I wouldn't suggest tea tree oil. Manuka honey would be way better and safer and less harse and more balancing.

That said, you need to understand what your root cause is.

Allergy? Food or chemical reaction to some product ie soap
Detoxification? body off or pushing a toxin
Surface skin oil imbalance?
How is your scalp? Dry? Look into doing a couple clarifying washes and maybe even a monistat treatment of your scalp incase your have a undetermined infection. Avoid any shampoos, and considering doing mainly condition only washes that have no bad stuff in it.

I suggest going the route of a gluten intolerance check diet. Not because you have a gluten intolerance but the way you go for checking is also very good for checking food intolerances.

Also, get rid off allllllll soaps and cosmetics. Use only Castil soap or even africian black soap. I would suggest oil cleansing method to balance your natural oils. Only use jojoba oil as moisturizer or sweet almond oil if you want a less expensive alternate.
This is what i love!

Someone with a reasonable solution to a problem.
Which they clearly put some time and effort in suggesting a solution to.
with the motive of helping us.

Did not quote some sales pitch of a useless expensive product, that they were conditioned to believe worked.
And did not try to sell us anything.

Thank you.


Use a home-chemical peel. Salycid Acid or a Mandelic Malic peel are so amazing.

Remember, follow the instructions, start with a very low strength mild one and work your way up.

Mandelic Malic peels re-fine your skin texture, are the best for pigmentation and black heads, and leave your skin looking clear.

The best way to get rid of acne is to watch what you eat and using the beauty product that will help you get of it. You skin is your largest organ of the body and if your digestion is not good, it frequently comes out via the skin. And speaking of skincare, I personally use Triple Action Vitamin C Serum by VoilaVe. I found it on Amazon. Using the serum gave me radiant skin. It was definitely noticeable and I got several compliments on it. My face really has a healthy aura to it now, my skin looked smoother, I developed a glow and now my acne was gone. Additionally, the treatment is very affordable. Check this out too. Smile

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