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tibetan princess's program

This is going to sound nuts Tibetan BUT I want to touch those boobs! They are lovely can't wait to see how they progress.

(22-11-2012, 10:46 PM)Babakins Wrote:  This is going to sound nuts Tibetan BUT I want to touch those boobs! They are lovely can't wait to see how they progress.


Lol! Thank YouBig Grin I am a slower responder but I feel they are filling in little by little every month. My shape is a little better. Never thought I would see the day they would round in shape.


I have very minimal luteal swelling. I think the sage in the dressing made me estrogen dominant!

I have also added a cream with PM and I think using it a couple days may have put my progesterone off as well as using half the dose of my PC than last month.

I am assuming there will be no growth to report this cycle.

I have stopped the estradoil gel and I won't be getting anymore.

Along with my BO dose, I will just take all of my supps with PM cream topically for 15days. I guess I will just continue to use PC topically for the next 15 days after.

I've been hearing not to place PC topically on breasts as it can cause P+ receptors to grow cancer!
This is why they say not to do it. I figured. But hopefully I will be okay for last month. This month, I just did it less and switched to other areas.

Hi Tibetan,

I read that you're taking both parsley and alfalfa for personal health reasons, I was wondering what dose did you start with for both? Also, do you that you could benefit from chlorophyll or would that be overkill as you are already taking a pretty high amount of alfalfa? Thanks in advance for your response.


(25-11-2012, 07:28 PM)Brilaw Wrote:  Hi Tibetan,

I read that you're taking both parsley and alfalfa for personal health reasons, I was wondering what dose did you start with for both? Also, do you that you could benefit from chlorophyll or would that be overkill as you are already taking a pretty high amount of alfalfa? Thanks in advance for your response.

Hi Brilaw!
Yes, as I have many issues with my glands, I have to go the extra mile here. So yes, I am taking these for those reasons.
I started with 2gms of each and work my way up to 5-8gms of each. Its a whole food so you can't really overdose on it.

Chlorophyll is to chelate my mercury,flouride and bromide out of my tissues and since I take whey, the aminos in them chelate most of them out of my body safely. But if one has metal fillings in their mouth, they must not take any form of chelating agents (includes chlorophylls, cilantro, etc.) until they have been removed. So before taking parsley, alfalfa, cilantro, algaes or any kind of chlorophylls, make sure you do not have any metal fillings. Not sure about clays.

People don't realize how important it is to research before they take something. They can literally harm themselves.

Its not overkill for me but I know it can be for some one else.

I read your page and was going to respond but since you are here:
I can tell just by looking at your body, you are most likely estrogen dominant since your bottom half is bigger. I noticed you listed placenta as a possible supp to take.

Be careful, this is a form of estrogen. If you are serious in taking it, I would introduce this later after your progesterone is raised or your hormones are balanced. PM is also most likely not going to give you real results, which is why I am not taking it, not yet until my progesterone is up. Remember, if you have a hard time with raising your temps, it can also be because you are too high in estrogen or you consume too much sugar (check adrenals/thyroid).

My advice to you: Please devise according to YOUR specific health needs. There are hundreds of properties in each herb alone.
Its very important to know why you are taking certain supplements and what they do to your body. Its important to know your body and go by your most recent lab results.

I think HA or collagen would be a must. But only you know what your body needs so go with your intuition.

I wish you luck!


WOW. Thanks a TON.
I've been reading your page as well as others and try to keep myself informed but like you stated there are hundreds of properties in each herb.
I did read about the possible interaction between chlorophyll/alfalfa and metal fillings but was under the impression that it was not so serious. I, too, do think I am approaching ED (despite having only taken 1 capsule of PM a day for most of the time) and have since decided to add PC to my program but only after a long break. I agree with you on the importance of knowing what you are putting into your body.

Still I would like to know why you believe PM is not going to give me real results.

(25-11-2012, 09:10 PM)Brilaw Wrote:  WOW. Thanks a TON.
I've been reading your page as well as others and try to keep myself informed but like you stated there are hundreds of properties in each herb.
I did read about the possible interaction between chlorophyll/alfalfa and metal fillings but was under the impression that it was not so serious. I, too, do think I am approaching ED (despite having only taken 1 capsule of PM a day for most of the time) and have since decided to add PC to my program but only after a long break. I agree with you on the importance of knowing what you are putting into your body.

Still I would like to know why you believe PM is not going to give me real results.

I think it will give little results because you may have plenty of estrogen and not enough progesterone. If its true that you need progesterone to build the breast (ie the big house glands and tissues), and if you have less progesterone, you will have a lot of fat (Estrogen signaling to store fat)wanting move into your small house (lack thereof progesterone in your breasts).

But lets try to prove it wrong. Maybe the research isn't exact, you may be the exception. Only you will know your results from giving it a full course try.

That makes sense. So I definitely will be obtaining a more recent blood test to help guide my program. I'm more than cautious when it comes to using PC as the exact amount to be used is very imprecise. Thank you for your words of wisdom and guidance, they're much appreciated.

(26-11-2012, 03:55 PM)Brilaw Wrote:  That makes sense. So I definitely will be obtaining a more recent blood test to help guide my program. I'm more than cautious when it comes to using PC as the exact amount to be used is very imprecise. Thank you for your words of wisdom and guidance, they're much appreciated.

Your welcome. You are one the right track, finally! You will know exactly what hormones need to pick up and go down.

On a side note, since there is no luteal swelling this cycleSad
I have decided to give sour cream a try topically last night, Thanks Heshang! Lol! I had some sitting in my fridge and gave it a go.

I woke up this morning feeling a tiny difference in swelling but maybe that's my luteal coming in finally! It stinks to high heavens once its drying then it dries and flakes, gross but oh well. Obviously not suitable for vegans, lol.

I am wondering if there is any artificial growth hormone in the cream. There prob is. I know breast cancer can happen so maybe I need to look for the organic kind if I am going to be serious here.

Its nice and cheap though for a breast mask. It softens skin too!

So yeah, holding off on the PM internals as I am still estrogen dominant.

So I am spotting. I didn't do as my doc prescribed with the pregnelonone ( sorry, butchered) as well as the PC. So, I am going to do both as prescribed as this BO is left me E dominant this month or I can add some phyto progestins. I really need to do some more research.

I read if your lut. cycle is shorter when the menses come, you are E dominant. I have to say, I am experiencing painful cramps, is this high progesterone or high estrogen or both?

My breasts have no swelling still so I guess I am no growth this time around. I still feel like I look like a large B no C but I am so close...

I would like to add that I am curvier, thank goodness.

So on top of all the supps. I am taking for health, My BO program is:

*PM cream topically for days 1-15 and half PM dose topically days 15-30

*Some type of phyto progestins for Lut.
*cascara sagrada for colon, liver and gallbladder
*Maybe stop my placenta in Lut.
*finish mercury detox
*Maybe introduce green papaya powder for Foll. phase (next cycle or when I have done 6 months of BO by itself).

*I am aiming to shrink my stomach and arms and cheeks with some slimming topicals. Hope they work!


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