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Pueraria Mirifica DIRECTLY from Thailand...anyone tried?


Hi guys,
I'm a long, loooong time lurker and semi-contributor to this site, but I haven't been active on the forums since sometime last year. I started traveling at the beginning of the year and I took a part of my NBE regimen with me (my PM pills and some vitamins) but I left a lot of it behind (my Nooglberry and my protein shakes).
I'm now in Thailand (and will be for the next month or two) and am super excited since this is the place where all this stuff comes from. Yay!
Anyway, before I continue, I want to give a quick background on my NBE efforts so far. With PM, I tried the Siriporn brand after reading on this board that it was in fact farmed cultivar. I took it pretty religiously for a few months (before traveling) along with Noogling everyday, drinking Fennel tea when not on my periods, consuming at least one protein shake a day, and making my own boobie batter with Fenugreek and olive oil for my Follicular Phase and using the Siriporn brand PM cream for my Luteal Phase. The results were...I grew. EVERYWHERE. I literally expanded.
When I went home again, my mom asked if I'd gotten a boob job. Which is exciting, but she also asked why and how I'd gained so much weight Sad
Since I began traveling, I haven't been keeping up with most of my NBE regimen - I mostly only took my PM pills for the first 6 months of this year. And...nothing. I lost weight again. And along with that weight went my breasts. All the fullness disappeared. No real growth seems to have happened.
I'm not entirely sure what happened and where all that growth came from (the noogling? the PM? the protein?) and why it has all gone away.
I've been wanting to get back into my boobie growing so I've been looking around Chiang Mai and I've found all sorts of goodies - PM soap and a bunch of PM supplements just sold in pharmacies everywhere.
I bought a bottle of one of the PM supplements I found because the company is located just 5 minutes away from where I'm staying right now and I figured I could actually drop in on them and find out about the stuff. I started taking them the second day of my last period, not sure how it's going to go.
Anyway, I know there are a gazillion PM sources and all of them claim to be from Thailand and made of real farmed PM root, but I wonder if maybe this is my first time taking real PM? I mean, I did grow on Siriporn, but the growth stopped when it was ONLY Siriporn (without noogling and protein).
I'm really curious to see how this will go. I'm planning on looking around some more, maybe getting a trnaslator so I can talk to locals and finding me a few sources of verifiably real, farmed cultivar PM. And give this a real go.
I'll you guys posted. If anyone has tried PM directly from Thailand (verifiably) - PM me! or reply to this post. I'd really like to talk to you!


Can you find out how Thai people use PM root in their normal diet? What type of dishes, how the dishes are prepared and also, how often they consume it in their food (typically 1x per day, 1x per week.. ) and how much ie a fist sized portion or more etc.


All PM comes from Thailand from my understanding, as that is the only place that it grows. I bought Ainterol that was originally shipping from Thailand, but the company instead shipped to me from their New Jersey (I think) store so I could receive it within three days, rather than weeks (it also made shipping cheaper on their end). However, it is STILL grown in Thailand, and just shipped overseas to us.

Protein does have a massive effect on NBE that no one realizes. Protein is essential for creating new cells in the body, which is what makes it such a great workout supplement for building muscle. I have always had great results supplementing extra protein with my herbs.

Also, brand DOES play a large part in choosing PM. While it is all grown in Thailand, it is cultivated differently, and that can be enough to affect potency. Ainterol is made from plants that are cultivated after 2 years, rather than the usual 5 years. Although they do get great reviews (it's been doing wonders for me so far), this might make it work better for some people, while others might not get results from it.

Enjoy your time in Thailand, and see if you can bring us back any NBE secrets from over there!

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