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Does anyone have more info about any of the Japanese NBE blogs?


Angel, you're right. That's VERY strange. An aromatase inhibitor?
I doubt that Whitex added the grape seed in order to block aromatase. They probably added it because it contains vitamin E, but it still seems weird.

While searching for studies on grape seed extract and aromatse, I found some evidence that hops and red clover also inhibit aromatase. This is totally unexpected, and I don't know what to make of it. The endocrine system is a hell of lot more complicated than the simple caricature we make of it on these forums. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? Scroll down to "Natural product extracts tested for aromatase inhibition".

Yes, and since it is advertised as a skin/beauty supplement its probably also for the antioxidant. Maybe one or 2 girls like chiyomilk used it and everyone else just jumped on the bandwagon.

But if a lot of them grew from it than it doesn't really matter why they took it. I just wish I knew for sure that the ones who claim huge growth are telling the truth.

(08-11-2012, 05:54 AM)mochaccino Wrote:  
Quote: If it truly works as well as some of those B&A (I intended on using it at this point) - I have a suspicion of something that might be in it that could potentially be dangerous if consumed for a long period of time. Looking to see if I can confirm my hunch when I get my 1st packages by finding a testing lab prior to taking it. That isn't to say that I won't take it if my hunch is right but at least I'll know what is going on and make take an educated risk to continue.

Lookingforward2NBE, I've also been thinking a lot about that possibility, but I wasn't sure if I should mention it without first finding out more. Im actually really glad you brought it up.

As much as I like and support the thoughtful use of evidence based herbs and supplements, it's very uncommon for herbs and supplements to have such a massive effect on the body. Not that there are no exceptions to the rule. None the less, I agree that the degree and speed of the growth strongly suggests the use of some kind of drug or active hormone.

If you do decide to get some lab tests done (and I hope you do), how do you intend to go about it? In order to get them tested, I think you probably need to know exactly what you're looking for. I could be wrong, but I think you have to tell the lab exactly what chemical to test for. That really complicates things.

The first thing I'd personally want to test for is the presence of human estradiol in the Ladies PM, but Abidrew believes that a lab probably would not be able to tell the difference between human estradiol and the phytoestrogen in PM. Hopefully the lab will be able to tell you whether or not it's possible to differentiate between them.

The other thing I'd want to test for is the presence of HGH in the pig placenta (Whitex). I don't think it's been proven that taking HGH would necessarily increase breast growth, but it seems like a possibility, which is why I'm suggesting it. Placenta is commonly promoted as a supplement that increases HGH. Im not sure of the exact details behind that claim, but I wouldn't be too surprised if some companies pad their product with actual HGH.

Im not sure, what "secret ingredients" if any Puruoi might contain. Do you have any ideas?

These are just random suggestions from someone who hardly knows what she's talking about (meaning me Tongue ) Maybe you have much better ideas for what to test for. Either way, I really hope you go through with the testing. On the other hand, if the tests come out clean for the chemical being tested, that doesn't necessarily mean that they don't contain some other drug or hormone. Oh well...

I personally do not believe it's the addition of a hormone - estradiol or otherwise within some brands of PM (most likely directly in the PM so most 3rd manufacturers ie pill and cream makers wouldn't even know). GH is very very expensive to produce and poorly absorbed orally or topically. Plus, continued use would lead to an insulin sensitivity issue and even potentially diabetes (if taken in significant doses). Personally, I believe this whole GH positioning is poorly understood by many and IMHO has very little to do with breast enhancement. So as far as I`m concerned, GH within Whitex is highly unlikely.

As long as you keep cortisol down and you get real deep sleep for 7+hrs continous sleep (5 REM cycles of GH production) without melatonin aid (anything about 1mg is very deterimental to nocturnal GH production) you`ll have plenty of Natural GH.

I personally feel it could potentially be a scenario like the Protein-Melamine situation a few years back in pet foods. A contaminant that has a potent effect at very very low levels and not detected on standard testing so a Ingredient Supplier who does care(and it`s often from China - I have many many direct dealings with them and their willy nilly altering of Certificates of Analysis is appauling
etc). Only problem for a user is, that its beyond cost prohibitive to investigate on a hunch or whim.

Add to the fact .. NBE is singificantly more complicated then many realize. I do think that some of Japanese womens results are real but diet plays a huge role as does some of their products and acceptance of eating certain foods North American`s feel is disgusting but often way more nutritous (chicken feet soup, organ meat, non-white meat cuts etc.) and significantly lower consumption of dairy (especially, another animals milk).

Collagen being probably one of the least understood and probably most important elements in NBE. If you can`t build glandular tissue, doesn`t matter how you boost phyto-estrogens prolactin and progestrone.. if the building blocks are thing to build the internal mammary structures.. its useless. I personally don`t buy into the MSM story for collagen production for NBE. The simplist.. is chicken feet, beef and pork nuckles etc. soup; with bones (marrow important) and ensure the addition of vinegar to leech out vitals from bones into the brooth.

I often read here people freely substituting really important elements of Chiyomilk and others programs (Nano collagen) and wondering why they are not getting the same results. There is a very wide range of collagen (shark, marine, chicken etc.) available and once again, saying collagen is collagen is collagen is a really big misnomer. I personally feel NBE should consist of a significant amount of `natural` low molecular weight collagen everyday. It will help with wrinkles and should help greatly.. along with Rooster Cone HA (hyaluronic acid). Plus Vitamin C.

That`s just one very very simple example of why I think many people are struggling with results but that is just one of developing hypothesis`.

Hot-Cold Deep Breast Tissue Massage and Fat Transfer Message is probably the next really significant step in their programs that is very often overlooked by members doing PM etc.

I`m not a fan just from basic physiology about Pumps being required or a good idea and could potentially be detrimental as the significant amount of pressue required to suction I feel is very damaging to the sensitive mammary structures and could even be leading to negative feedback mechanism that hinder growth. Why would your body establish mammary structures on a area of damage (pulling action creating void volumes) ---- makes no sense to me. It would lay fibrous thick structures to help deal with the distention. BUT THAT IS ONLY MY OPINION. I do not believe you want to harm your body in order to make it grow, your body will be in fight mode trying to bring your breast tissue back into the body versus trying to make it grow larger. Where designed to be a homostatic being.. ying yang idea. Reminds of the penis pumps to extend penis length but then men had very difficult times getting erections due to damaged ligaments and blood vessels.

Hynopsis or deep thought I believe could also be very useful and help by picturing your breasts growing. There is many well published well designed and supported research on the power of thought and its ability to alter disease and conditions etc.

With respect to BO or placenta.. I do feel there is something to it depending on what is holding back an individual from growing. Mainly..mRNA leading to upregulation of DNA and nothing to do with the actual protein ingestion associated with ovary or placenta etc. The placenta and ovaries is very interesting but how the dissecting is done is really important so that the mRNA-DNA and other cofactors are not denatured in the processing.

(08-11-2012, 08:42 PM)mochaccino Wrote:  But if a lot of them grew from it than it doesn't really matter why they took it. I just wish I knew for sure that the ones who claim huge growth are telling the truth.

I don't think all those girls are lying but their results can't be considered as common they are more likely fast responders and it's obvious that they created their blogs after they were successful with nbe. I also think that they got some monetary motivations to run their blogs and advertise certain products (for some reasons always the same).

There is some obvious fake stuff on there.

Not all can be trusted. Even the women's massage program. The one who started the fat contouring massage program. If you watch the videos of that. The instant results are all fake. The women are either wearing the bikini straps shorted, lifting their arms to make it seem higher etc. I am not saying it doesn't work. But the instant results are on the adds are.

The reason I think chiyomilk is considered the staple product. Is because if you scroll through her pages you can see the weekly progress pictures.


There cant even be very much collagen in whitex. 1 package a day is reccomended, and the main ingredient is 366 mg of egg shell membrane, and only 88MG of hyaluronic acid. I was looking at the biocell collagen website, Its a low molecular weight collagen (and it does do comparisons with egg shell membrane), and the recommended dose it close for collagen to 3,000 -4,000MG per day.

Main component content (1.5g in 1 package)

Egg powder 366mg cornea, placenta extract powder 183mg (from pigs), 110mg (containing astaxanthin), 88mg hyaluronic acid, vitamin C73mg dye Haematococcus algae, grape seed extract 59mg (containing proanthocyanidins), shark cartilage extract (containing chondroitin) 37mg

Maruman placenta suggests 500mg a day, you could take 250 mg for like $15 a month and 2,000 mg of the Biocell for $20 a month. I bet the Whitex is good stuff, but VERY overpriced. The algae and grape seed look like they are for antioxidents which you could get from fresh berries.


(12-11-2012, 07:52 PM)angel34 Wrote:  There cant even be very much collagen in whitex. 1 package a day is reccomended, and the main ingredient is 366 mg of egg shell membrane, and only 88MG of hyaluronic acid. I was looking at the biocell collagen website, Its a low molecular weight collagen (and it does do comparisons with egg shell membrane), and the recommended dose it close for collagen to 3,000 -4,000MG per day.

Main component content (1.5g in 1 package)

Egg powder 366mg cornea, placenta extract powder 183mg (from pigs), 110mg (containing astaxanthin), 88mg hyaluronic acid, vitamin C73mg dye Haematococcus algae, grape seed extract 59mg (containing proanthocyanidins), shark cartilage extract (containing chondroitin) 37mg

Maruman placenta suggests 500mg a day, you could take 250 mg for like $15 a month and 2,000 mg of the Biocell for $20 a month. I bet the Whitex is good stuff, but VERY overpriced. The algae and grape seed look like they are for antioxidents which you could get from fresh berries.

You do realize that your simple Whitex substitution of the Egg shell membrane is missing a equivalent to the single biggest ingredient (~1/2) in Whitex .. Huh

Sorry, but this simple solution would result in a Loss of a key element in that formula by omiting the Egg Shell Membrane ingredient that is GROWTH FACTOR B which is responsible for tissue enhancement and differentiation. There is also collagen & elastin and 2 cofactor amino acid's for elastin (elastin is important for helping with shape and stretching of skin, stretching glandulars etc.) Rolleyes

As for the pig placenta.. are you sure Maruman material is handled with care.. if the drying process is too hot, it will denature many if not all of the enzymes making them useless as well as other proteins, hormone cofactors, mRNA etc. Consuming glandulars ideally whould be done raw, but realistically that is impossible. Did you know that when a Lion takes down an animal, it 1st consumes all of the glandular internal orgams then goes the meat as the glandulars are by far the most nutritious part of the kill. It's not just about the meat and proteins, its about everything else that Westerners like us do not account for in our diet; especially natural enzymes that are sensitive to handling. Blush

As for the rest, I would tend to agree ie Shark cartildge, GrapeSeedExtract that probably any form is ok. Wink

Sorry, but your substitution formula is NO where equivalent to Whitex.

The main reason I brought this up in a bit of detail is simply because people are often confused why there are not getting results and get confused because they believe they are making assumptions on substituions that are simply not valid. By no means if taking Whitex a guarantee to getting results, however, just taking pig placenta, HA and some "type" of collagen and assuming its the same thing or good enough or close enough.. Sorry, it just very simply is not even close to pretending that is it.

Sure, you are saving a few dollars, but you're doing your own experiment at the point and one that can take 3, 6, 12months to find out if your formulating correctly against what someone else did. In the end, you might just give up on NBE but you will never know if what cause of you being a poor responder or if your substitution "cocktail" was poorly conceived. I`m by no way saying you shouldn`t experiment and come up with your own witch`s brew with many different phyto`s, glandulars, oils, herbs etc. just be aware that there is no such thing as a simple substitution. Western science is at it`s infancy in understanding plant medicine and how plant RAW vs. COOKED has impact on nutrition let alone trying to understand glandular consumption and it`s impact on physiology.

Looking to older medical systems like TCM, Aryuveda, Egyptian, Native American medicine for `guidance` and as a place to start a hyptothesis and understanding is very very much important. 1,000`s of years of experience can mean a lot more then a simple GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spec) scan of a plant part.

Reminds me of the fad in juicing, people dont realize that cheap centrifugal juices destroy the SINGLE most important nutrient in plants.. ENZYMES! Sure the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are important but the key component in a raw food is plant enzymes. Similar to why the practice of pasteurization of milk is such a horrendous thing. It basically destroys some of the absolute most vital and key components of consuming milk. CALCIUM is one of the least important factors in milk. Lactose is just sugar. Its all the other stuff that pretty much gets rendered useless by high heat.

So RAW milk isnt the same as Pasteurized milk. Same thing can happen with Glanular consumption.

Not sure how legit but here's a Japanese site showing a list of NBE success stories complete with clear before and after pictures of the ladies:
List of NBE success stories- google translated from Japanese to English

I'm somewhat inclined to believe! What do you ladies think? Smile
Big Grin 


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