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Nyx's Quest


Age: 20
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Children: None
Medication: None (yet)
Smoker: No
Alcohol: Twice a month, maybe, but heavily. Hey, I'm in college, don't judge :angel:
Caffeine: Coffee and RedBull whenever I feel like it, but not often (and not together)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Bra Size: A or AA
Goal: B

Initial Regimen
3x610mg Fenugreek
3x1500mg MSM
3x1000mg Borage Oil
Massage (the TigerLily/fengshui one) after waking up and before bed
30-60 min cardio and strength training at the gym daily, I hope
Diet: Lots of soymilk, soybeans, and protein in addition to the usual 3 meals a day

If that program doesn't work, then I might try WonderUp.

Also, I'm getting on birth control soon, which will probably help with breast enhancement a bit, since it did before I got off of it.

Tomorrow I'm going to go buy the stuff I'm missing, a tape measure, and something for massaging with. I think I saw these Flaxseed+Fish+Borage Oil capsules at Walmart (lol) that I might try? Anyway, I'm excited Big Grin

Sweetie, I've look at wonder up's program before.

And, I would try your own program, before I would theres. It has fairly low dosages in its capsules and is fairly expensive given the ingredients (no pueraria mirifica extracts or glandular).

You could just add to your program and see what happens. You have a good start to your program and I would wait a good 2 or 3 months before considering to add wonder up. Just go over to their sites and look at their ingredients, I would soon enough by the extracts of some of those herbs and make my own compound.

:-/ I can't edit my post. I wish you could edit your own posts...

Anyway, I took my measurements and did this bra calculator thing, and it says I'm a 34AA. So my starting measurements are 33.5" bust and 30" underbust.
I ended up just getting a bottle of plain borage oil. Creepy man at GNC asked me what I was taking fenugreek for Dodgy I'm going to just take fenugreek and borage oil in the morning and night, instead, because it was expensive (aka I'm poor, haha) and I can always ramp up if the lower doses don't work out.

@jorisabomo: Yeah, I wasn't planning on trying WU unless I've given up on my own program Smile I've seen a lot of people doing well on WU though.

(07-01-2010, 02:06)Nyx Wrote:  :-/ I can't edit my post. I wish you could edit your own posts...

Anyway, I took my measurements and did this bra calculator thing, and it says I'm a 34AA. So my starting measurements are 33.5" bust and 30" underbust.
I ended up just getting a bottle of plain borage oil. Creepy man at GNC asked me what I was taking fenugreek for Dodgy I'm going to just take fenugreek and borage oil in the morning and night, instead, because it was expensive (aka I'm poor, haha) and I can always ramp up if the lower doses don't work out.

@jorisabomo: Yeah, I wasn't planning on trying WU unless I've given up on my own program Smile I've seen a lot of people doing well on WU though.

Nyx, you should able to edit your post after 1 or 2 more post. I just started myself, and in the beginning I wasn't able to edit my post.

Fenugreek, borage oil, and msm is good. If you don't see results, you can later add fennel seeds or capsules, which are pretty reasonable.

I could suggest that you could put a good cream or lotion to compliment
your program and massage your chest with. I could suggest things, like taking a few fenugreek capsules and mixing them with a good lotion. Or simply buying some peppermint or jasmine lotion/oil and using it. Both herbs are good for vasodilators.

Also, most bust enhancing companies use them it as well, I guess to gain credibility . . .

You might could also buy a cheap breast pump or something to suction them with, or simply something to get blood flow to that area more than usual.

(07-01-2010, 20:58)jorisabomo Wrote:  
(07-01-2010, 02:06)Nyx Wrote:  :-/ I can't edit my post. I wish you could edit your own posts...

Anyway, I took my measurements and did this bra calculator thing, and it says I'm a 34AA. So my starting measurements are 33.5" bust and 30" underbust.
I ended up just getting a bottle of plain borage oil. Creepy man at GNC asked me what I was taking fenugreek for Dodgy I'm going to just take fenugreek and borage oil in the morning and night, instead, because it was expensive (aka I'm poor, haha) and I can always ramp up if the lower doses don't work out.

@jorisabomo: Yeah, I wasn't planning on trying WU unless I've given up on my own program Smile I've seen a lot of people doing well on WU though.

Nyx, you should able to edit your post after 1 or 2 more post. I just started myself, and in the beginning I wasn't able to edit my post.

Fenugreek, borage oil, and msm is good. If you don't see results, you can later add fennel seeds or capsules, which are pretty reasonable.

I could suggest that you could put a good cream or lotion to compliment
your program and massage your chest with. I could suggest things, like taking a few fenugreek capsules and mixing them with a good lotion. Or simply buying some peppermint or jasmine lotion/oil and using it. Both herbs are good for vasodilators.

Also, most bust enhancing companies use them it as well, I guess to gain credibility . . .

You might could also buy a cheap breast pump or something to suction them with, or simply something to get blood flow to that area more than usual.

Hi. I am curious if using the contents of the capsules are good or is it just a waste of capsules? Maybe make a tincture out of the powder? Has anyone tried to do this?

(07-01-2010, 22:40)tryn2bconfident Wrote:  
(07-01-2010, 20:58)jorisabomo Wrote:  
(07-01-2010, 02:06)Nyx Wrote:  :-/ I can't edit my post. I wish you could edit your own posts...

Anyway, I took my measurements and did this bra calculator thing, and it says I'm a 34AA. So my starting measurements are 33.5" bust and 30" underbust.
I ended up just getting a bottle of plain borage oil. Creepy man at GNC asked me what I was taking fenugreek for Dodgy I'm going to just take fenugreek and borage oil in the morning and night, instead, because it was expensive (aka I'm poor, haha) and I can always ramp up if the lower doses don't work out.

@jorisabomo: Yeah, I wasn't planning on trying WU unless I've given up on my own program Smile I've seen a lot of people doing well on WU though.

Nyx, you should able to edit your post after 1 or 2 more post. I just started myself, and in the beginning I wasn't able to edit my post.

Fenugreek, borage oil, and msm is good. If you don't see results, you can later add fennel seeds or capsules, which are pretty reasonable.

I could suggest that you could put a good cream or lotion to compliment
your program and massage your chest with. I could suggest things, like taking a few fenugreek capsules and mixing them with a good lotion. Or simply buying some peppermint or jasmine lotion/oil and using it. Both herbs are good for vasodilators.

Also, most bust enhancing companies use them it as well, I guess to gain credibility . . .

You might could also buy a cheap breast pump or something to suction them with, or simply something to get blood flow to that area more than usual.

Hi. I am curious if using the contents of the capsules are good or is it just a waste of capsules? Maybe make a tincture out of the powder? Has anyone tried to do this?

They have to be dissolved....usually it is easily done with vinegar.

So an update...if you can really call it This is mostly just a "journal" post for myself.

Nothing so far. But I have issues with remembering to take pills, in general, so I've skipped a couple days here and there :-/ And I forget to massage...a lot...arghhh I wish there was a way to make me remember/force myself. Sometimes I wonder if I have something wrong with my memory.

(25-01-2010, 08:30)Nyx Wrote:  So an update...if you can really call it This is mostly just a "journal" post for myself.

Nothing so far. But I have issues with remembering to take pills, in general, so I've skipped a couple days here and there :-/ And I forget to massage...a lot...arghhh I wish there was a way to make me remember/force myself. Sometimes I wonder if I have something wrong with my memory.

Nyx is ok, I think if you can get 3 to 4 really good ones a week and a few of those days to compensate for the missed ones you should be fine.

Update! I know it's been a while, haha.

So about a month ago I started taking birth control again and I added Fennel Seed capsules to my regimen. I also decided to make my own boobie batter from Wahaika's recipe...I don't remember where I got it from, but I was reading around here and found it. I added the fennel to it though. I have to let it steep a few more days before I can start using it though. Even though I never get the tingles everyone talk about, my boobs feel and look a little bigger, I measured them a week ago and they had grown an inch! But I was on my period, so I don't know if it counts lol. I'll measure again when I find that tape measure and post my updated measurements. My only problem is I have so much trouble remembering to do the massage. I'm hoping that having the boobie batter will encourage me to massage daily. I don't like taking so many big pills too, but oh well.

Current Regimen (3/15/10)
3x Fenugreek
3x Borage Oil
3x Fennel Seed
3x MSM
Birth control pills
Daily multivitamin
Boobie batter (Olive oil, borage oil, fenugreek, fennel, borage oil)

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