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Doll's PM Program

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Thanks for ur reply doll!Big Grin U mean first 2-3 days (upper breast) next 2-3 days (wrist) next 2-3 days (inner thighs) .. And so on till d 2 weeks elapses? (Hope I got it right if not am such a dummy!)Tongue

Holy cow your boobs look HUGE to me! I think opposite of you, that perky boobs look way bigger than ones with more hang! I'm a 34c (barely), but I dont think I look bigger than a B (basically like what chiyomilks boyfriend said to her lol), and from the side I think I look more like an A. If I push them up to where yours are they look a lot bigger.

: I totally want your boobs! I would even take your "befores" Smile

^ Blush Thank you. I guess it's like they say, the grass is always greener...

(28-10-2012, 07:37)rebel.diva69 Wrote:  Thanks for ur reply doll!Big Grin U mean first 2-3 days (upper breast) next 2-3 days (wrist) next 2-3 days (inner thighs) .. And so on till d 2 weeks elapses? (Hope I got it right if not am such a dummy!)Tongue

Bingo! I'm a scatterbrain, so I'm glad I didn't confuse you the way I described it! ^^;

My breasts have been tingly the past few days. I've never experienced this before, just growing pains and tenderness. It's so strange to me!
I ran out of maca today, but I start my PC Wednesday, so I'm not too worried about running out and buying more right now. I think my hormones will stay pretty level until I get some next cycle.

That's great news doll! That means ure growin!! Big Grin can I ask why u take maca with pm and also am tinkn of usin PC in luteal I have emerita progest and it says on d dirctions to use 1/4-1/2 tspn (rily dno mch abt hw 2 measure cream wid tspn)lol but I dno if am progesterone deficient or not. Dodgy can I stil use PC or wil I damage my hormones Huh so many questions soriBlush

(25-10-2012, 04:23)Doll Wrote:  I'm beginning to experience the...moisture...effects of PM already...Blush

LOL me too. And I'm no where near ovulating. All other sensations so far are very, very subtle though. Bah. Good luck on ramping up the PM. I'm only on the 2nd week so I will wait at least until next cycle to ramp. Right now I think I need to focus on absorbing the PM better.

^ I just ramped up to two pills today, so I'm a little nervous that I started experiencing symptoms of growth already at just one pill, and I'm already increasing my dose! I wonder how severe these side effects are going to get now!

(29-10-2012, 00:15)rebel.diva69 Wrote:  That's great news doll! That means ure growin!! Big Grin can I ask why u take maca with pm and also am tinkn of usin PC in luteal I have emerita progest and it says on d dirctions to use 1/4-1/2 tspn (rily dno mch abt hw 2 measure cream wid tspn)lol but I dno if am progesterone deficient or not. Dodgy can I stil use PC or wil I damage my hormones Huh so many questions soriBlush

I was taking maca to make sure my hormones are level. I began experiencing estrogen dominance before because I wasn't taking anything for progesterone, so it's kind of my fall-back herb, just to make sure I don't tip the scale too much in either direction again.

WHICH is why it's important to know if you NEED PC before taking it. PC is very strong and stays in your body a long time. Only those with low progesterone or on very high doses of estrogenic herbs should take it. I started taking it once I realized I had become estrogen dominant. I originally started my NBE program thinking I was only very low in estrogen, but apparently I'm incredibly low on both. You should look into getting a saliva test done or something before starting NBE; it really will help you understand what to do from the beginning to see the best growth without doing any harm to your body.

Started PC and 1,000mg PM today. We'll see what happens in two weeks when I stop, whether it lengthens my cycle or not. Either way, I'm not too worried about that sort of thing, as long as I manage to fit in a 5-day break at the end.

I tried on a bra yesterday while I was at Wal-Mart because it was really cute. 36D. Which would be the same as my 32E goal. I can tell it's made a half a size smaller because it fits perfectly, but that's still encouraging to know that I only have half a size left to go. Smile

Lol that only means bigger boobies! Haha really nice side effects ehTongue

Ok now u got me scared on the PC, doll. I guess I will just have to take the hormonal test to really find out my hormone levels.. But I already started taking my ainterol pm ysterdai for follicular phase since I can't use PC for now durin luteal until my tests results r done what do u suggest I use for luteal plsDodgy

Hi Doll!

You seem to be a fountain of knowledge, I was wondering whether herbs in an NBE programme would create an abnormal result in a hormone test? I'm having one done by my doctor in the next few weeks as I am a long term sufferer of depression and anxiety as well as acne, and have just come off Dianette which I've been on for ~3 years (eek I know and I'm only 18). If so, how long will I have to stop taking pueraraia for it to leave my system so I can have an honest result at my hormone test?

Thank you


(01-11-2012, 10:01)rebel.diva69 Wrote:  Ok now u got me scared on the PC, doll. I guess I will just have to take the hormonal test to really find out my hormone levels.. But I already started taking my ainterol pm ysterdai for follicular phase since I can't use PC for now durin luteal until my tests results r done what do u suggest I use for luteal plsDodgy

I'm sorry, I never learned about any of the phases, so I have no idea what any of that means! =__= That's why I just make my programs as simple as possible, because I honestly have no idea what happens hormonally throughout the month! Sorry!

SugarQ Wrote:You seem to be a fountain of knowledge, I was wondering whether herbs in an NBE programme would create an abnormal result in a hormone test? I'm having one done by my doctor in the next few weeks as I am a long term sufferer of depression and anxiety as well as acne, and have just come off Dianette which I've been on for ~3 years (eek I know and I'm only 18). If so, how long will I have to stop taking pueraraia for it to leave my system so I can have an honest result at my hormone test?

Oh, no! 18 is way too young to be starting on herbs, especially something as strong as PM! Starting at such a young age, you risk damaging your hormones and actually stunting your growth! You need to stick with massage, hypnosis, or another method that doesn't involve herbs! I know it sucks being told that you shouldn't start NBE until you're 20, but we say it for your own good. Heck, I wish I had known about NBE at your age just so I could start massaging then, and so I could have started herbs at 20 rather than 21. Massage on its own can sometimes give women growth.

Talk to your doctor about your concerns and see what he has to say. I'm not exactly sure about Dianette or how it works, but your doctor should be able to discuss your concerns with you (although don't expect him to know anything about NBE). Also, ANY herbs WILL affect your hormones, therefore affecting your hormone test results. Hormone tests should be done before taking anything, even if you are the right age. 3 weeks should be long enough to get it out of your system, although I can't be sure. I won't suggest Milk Thistle to cleanse, as it is a weak phytoestrogen, so just stop taking PM, drink lots of cranberry juice (or try a cranberry pill if you don't like the taste), and everything should be close to normal for your test.

I read your program thread just before coming in here to respond, and I can say I do feel your pain. I was always made fun of for having small breasts (although at least you have more booty than I did!), and even though I would always make jokes about it, it still made me very self conscious. I always wished for bigger breasts, but they only got smaller as time went on. But you need to give your body time to grow on its own before you try to rush its growth, and let nature take its course before intervening.

Look into a Volufilline cream like I'm using to help expand the fat cells on your breasts, try consuming more protein every day, and massage, massage, massage! Once you start to get more fat on your chest, you can workout your pectoral muscles to help push the breasts forward more and make them slightly larger (although doing this before you have at least a 34A might make your chest look too masculine). If you're really concerned with it, ask your doctor about putting you on birth control (AFTER looking into it; there are pretty severe BC side effects no one tells you about!). With a hormone test, you will be able to see where your levels lie and what type of birth control you'll need to take to level everything out and help promote growth. When taking the right type of birth control, growth is very likely to happen! Good luck, and please be safe!

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