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Not growing using noogleberry..?


Hi girls, I need help! I've been noogling since May 2012, almost daily, when I go to bed. Ie noogling when im lying down and sleeping, but I don't see any visible difference! Sad

Do you think there's anything that I could be doing wrongly? Or is there anything I can do to help my breasts grow?

I didn't want to try internal methods first, since I'm only 21, but now I'm thinking of getting PM and/or herbs, do you think that it is suitable for someone my age?

I'm so jealous of the girls who are SOOOOO skinny but with big racks!!!

Thanks in advance! Smile

massage, run in flaxseed oil good diet, those subliminal sound things(ie rockmelon ringtone)

I think 21 isn't too bad too start. It is about the earliest possible though.

Thanks jiberish for your reply! What do you mean by run in flaxseed oil? Do I eat the oil or apply? Its super costly from where I stay, $30 per bottle. :/ but if that works, i'm willing to pay!!! And yes I run everyday and its not something i'd compromise Tongue

I'll do my massages and rockmelon and Blake talks more diligently! Smile


Emilyloretta posted good gains from massaging it I think. Check out her post.

Hi, if you are not growing with NG alone, you will need herbs or some type of booster.

I think some grow cause they are still growing, or needed a circulation boost and noogling alone works out for them.

I truly believe if you are pumping and see no results within 4 months, you are not currently in a growing phase . You need to check your hormone levels to find out what's really going on.

21 is fine to start though your body is probably still changing.

I was having the same problem. I used NB for probably a year with no results and gave up for several months. I've been on a noogle hiatus for the past 6 months, and just started using again on Sunday. Supposedly you need to drink a lot of water to get swelling, so be sure you're doing that. Other things I've read or heard: high protein diet, massage with flaxseed oil, use heat on your chest before using NB, and don't pump too much or too hard. Try changing things up. Some girls have had success using the NB for hours at a time. Others have been more successful using it for just an hour a day. I guess it's different for everyone. I'm adding borage oil to my routine and hope that gives me a boost. Good luck!

Yea I figured i'd really need more water and protein. Like what tibetan wrote, I'd probably also need a booster.

Trying out a couple of massage oils now, and I'll slowly add in PM, then herbs like in chiyomilk's program, so I can pinpoint which one really works for me. And one thing i love about noogleberry is that it can be used concurrently with anything!

The circulatory system's principle function is to transport oxygen to the tissues ( and wastes and co2 out). it is also involved in distribution of molecules such as hormones. (functional Histology, Burkitt and Young).

I'm wondering is a major part of the effectiveness of suction devices may not be just "tissue tension" growth but circulation (which is why manual massage helps). Also, nipple stimulation makes prolactin available which can enlarge breasts. If there are not enough hormones to be circulated or the hormone receptors in the breasts for some reason don't get activated..... that's why for some women they don't appear to work as well.
Just my two cents.

Have you thought about MACA which apparently makes hormones you already have available and is a fantastic source of protein, vitamins and minerals (check out a website for a good explanation) - which is why it's good for men and women.
You could combine that with p.m. and if you fear getting estrogen dominant - natural progesterone cream.

Good luck!

Yea but I heard stories about maca and how it affects people's bum and cellulite deposits at the thigh area before it reaches the boobs. My butt is already proportionately bigger, so I don't want it to increase any much faster than my breast! Sad

I never grew with noogleberry and I thought maybe it was because I didn't have enough breast tissue to begin with. Now that I have some boobs, I'm gonna give it one more shot and see if it works.

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