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Lost 7 weeks of growth...... :(


Hello ladies
I just wondered if anyone had any ideas as to why we loose our breast growth. I've lost all my growth and obviously, I'm devasted.
I started NBE 7 weeks ago. I started hypnotherapy and within a few days felt puffiness/fullness when placing my hands over my breasts. Over the course of the next few weeks they felt more fuller and firmer. About 3-4 weeks after the hypnotherapy I could start seeing a slight difference.
During this time I also massage with the breast roller, and wore that bra thing you wear over your normal bra to help keep the fat towards your breasts (just for 2-3 hours on an evening after work).
3 weeks ago I started rubbing FSO into my breasts 2-3 times a day. I had no growth whatsoever. But about 1 week ago my fullness and firmess went and was left with just a slight fullness (very upset). But yesterday, I've lost everything, I'm back to my pre-NBE size. I'm very very upset over this and really don't know what to do.
I'm thinking could it be the FSO (so from today I am not going to use it).
I've read on the forums about a lot of ladies losing their growth, but I've never heard whether it has come back (or how quickly it came back if it did).
Please, is anyone able to let me know - why we loose our growth, and how easily and quickly are we able to get it back. Thank you so so much.
I just don't know what I should do now. Should I continue with the hypno, massage & bra to hopefully get my size back, but will I lose it again, and then go through all this devastation and upsetness again.

i'm sorry to hear about your loss, but i don't think what you had was growth. your body didn't create new breast tissues in those 7 weeks, or else it wouldn't deflate so fast. what you had was swelling, which comes and goes. this is very common.

Agreed. However, the good news is that usually after you achieve swelling once, it will be more likely to come back again. While that isn't always the case, it's still more likely to gain back the swelling again rather than to not.

Adding something that your body doesn't agree with can definitely reduce the swelling you'd achieved, so maybe without FSO for a little while you will be able to see whether or not that is the problem. But regardless, even if you decide FSO is not the culprit and start using it again, it will not give your growth in that amount of time. It may be able to give you swelling in that period of time, but not actual growth. Although even seeing swelling in that amount of time is very rare and minimal at best.

You don't need to keep making new threads addressing this issue; this same concern is constantly brought up by newer members, and if you've already asked the same question before, eventually you will see answers in your first thread rather than creating so many new threads. By creating new threads, you're actually making it less likely to get the proper answers, as there will be so many scattered threads. Hope you understand, and also hope you see your swelling returning soon. I know losing swelling for the first time can be real discouraging, but it is a very common thing and will occur to most people in NBE.

Thank you both very much - that has made me feel a little better.

If it was swelling and it does come back, and then I lose some swelling again, do you not lose as much as the time before? In other words you swell, go down, swell, go down,,,,etc,,, (each time going down less), and then eventually it becomes a permanent growth? I'm sure I read this quite a while back, but can't seem to find the thread now.

lled34aa - you say I didn't create new breast tissue in those 7 weeks. How long does it take to create breast tissue? Also, you say it was swelling otherwise it wouldn't deflate so fast? Therefore, I am assuming that breast tissue can deflate as well (albeit a lot slower)? Is this right? Thank you

Doll - I didn't realise I'd already created a thread asking this question. I know I have replied to a thread helping someone out and telling them I'd had loss too. And yes, I understand, thank you for helping me out, and hope I see my swelling come back, with some growth too. Thank you

It's been said multiple times that swelling over time does turn into permanent growth; however, there seems to be a lack of evidence to fully support this idea. And yes, if you lose anything, it WAS definitely swelling, as actual breast tissue does not grow and shrink; it's the same as swelling around "that time" each month. It is only swelling. The only other way to lose is to lose actual fat from your breasts, which is why a lot of people see their breasts shrink after weight loss.

It usually takes people 3-6 months to see permanent breast tissue growth, although since it is different for everybody, it can happen sooner or can take longer.

Here you stated your growth loss at the bottom of the page, and this is your other thread specifically mentioning your growth loss. On the same page in the Herbal Breast Enhancement section, there is already another thread by someone else on the same topic of lost growth, and another on the next page. As you can see, re-creating the same topic so many times actually makes it harder for other members trying to go through and research topics to find what they're looking for, as all these threads contain generally the same information, only repeated.

I hope you understand.

Hi Doll

Thanks for the info again -

I see what you are saying re repeated threads, but I thought I was doing good in that I was asking a particular question directly, rather than different conversations going on through one particular thread. I thought making one topic/thread would be easier.

Thank you

hey hun, i don't know why this has happened to you, but I would say, just follow the good advice and try not to panic. Think calmly about the situation and start again.

I wouldn't worry too much about repeated threads I don't. I just don't read them all properly if I see a pattern. It can clog things up a bit I think that's what Doll probably means. But I know that you are just trying to get some comfort due to being panicked.

Start again, keep calm and carry on. You'll be fine Smile

Oh my god!!!

This means that all the growth i got is only swelling. Sad Because when i stopped taking flax seeds for like 5-6 days i lost 1" . And as soon as i started taking flax again, i gained back in a matter of days.And this swelling thing happened to my tummy as well. I lost and gained in my breasts as well as tummy.

Can we get swelling from taking something orally too or swelling holds good only for massage and hypnotism??

And if that is the case then do i have to stop flax seeds and start some other routine?? Please advise.

What i have noticed is that if i take another herb with flax, i dont get the same kind of growth. I tried taking lotus seed powder and did not feel the same kind of fullness. so i stopped cos i dint want to mess with the growth. But i took lotus seeds for only two days and dint give it enough time.

So what do i do?? stop flax? or add something else ??? Huh i dont have access to a lot of the herbs. the only other thing that i can do is take powdered Fenugreek, fennel seeds, sesame seeds, green papaya. i really dont know about estrogen and progestrone either. Its way too confusing. My periods are regular but comes a little early, i have hairfall and acne.

Guys please help me out here. You all know so much...I have no clue. Even after going through the programs i am clueless. i cant follow someones program either cos i have no access to all the herbs....

Dj - sorry to hear about your loss. hope you get it back soon. but time to re-evaluate my regime. And i was suggesting you take flax too. Really dont know if thats a good plan anymore. Sad

(06-10-2012, 09:00)Virgina Wrote:  Oh my god!!!

This means that all the growth i got is only swelling. Sad Because when i stopped taking flax seeds for like 5-6 days i lost 1" . And as soon as i started taking flax again, i gained back in a matter of days.And this swelling thing happened to my tummy as well. I lost and gained in my breasts as well as tummy.

Can we get swelling from taking something orally too or swelling holds good only for massage and hypnotism??

And if that is the case then do i have to stop flax seeds and start some other routine?? Please advise.

What i have noticed is that if i take another herb with flax, i dont get the same kind of growth. I tried taking lotus seed powder and did not feel the same kind of fullness. so i stopped cos i dint want to mess with the growth. But i took lotus seeds for only two days and dint give it enough time.

So what do i do?? stop flax? or add something else ??? Huh i dont have access to a lot of the herbs. the only other thing that i can do is take powdered Fenugreek, fennel seeds, sesame seeds, green papaya. i really dont know about estrogen and progestrone either. Its way too confusing. My periods are regular but comes a little early, i have hairfall and acne.

Guys please help me out here. You all know so much...I have no clue. Even after going through the programs i am clueless. i cant follow someones program either cos i have no access to all the herbs....

Are you taking the flax seed oil internally, or just using it for massage?

Swelling is the most common part of NBE. It comes, it goes, and it usually comes back again. This will happen with anything taken internally or any type of massage. Most often, swelling will be water retention or excess milk production. Think about it; your breasts swell each month with your period. That doesn't make it actual growth. Your breasts will also swell if you start to drink less fluids, causing your body to retain more water weight. Breast tissue is the only real growth you will see, as it is the only growth that won't disappear every month.

As I'm not sure how old you are or what your hormone levels might actually be like, I can't suggest anything for you personally. Remember, if you're under 20, PLEASE don't start an herbal regimen, as it may stunt your growth in the long run. Otherwise, if you have a GYN, ask them to do a hormone test for you so you can see where your levels are at, and the people here can give you a better answer as to what you should be doing. If you don't have access to anything like that, there are online companies that will do tests for you (sorry, I don't know any to refer you to).

You seem like you don't quite realize just how long term NBE is. You have to be committed, and you have to give these things time. Breasts won't just pop up overnight, and for many of us here, it can take up to a year or more to even start responding to certain herbs and to find a program that fits us individually. I know it's hard to be patient for something like this, but you'll just have to wait and give it time, and eventually it will all pay off. And don't worry, the longer you stick with it, and the more you learn, the easier it becomes to be patient.

(05-10-2012, 23:11)Babakins Wrote:  hey hun, i don't know why this has happened to you, but I would say, just follow the good advice and try not to panic. Think calmly about the situation and start again.

I wouldn't worry too much about repeated threads I don't. I just don't read them all properly if I see a pattern. It can clog things up a bit I think that's what Doll probably means. But I know that you are just trying to get some comfort due to being panicked.

Start again, keep calm and carry on. You'll be fine Smile

Thank you Babakins, that's really sweet and nice of you. Your reply made me feel a lot better. Thank you x

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