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doc's put my fire out :(


Hi everyone, i've just spoken to my doctor and am so down about the outcome! Sad I asked all about getting my hormone levels tested to see what im deficient in so i can take the right supplements. She basically said the reason i have small boobs is due to my genetics and theres pretty much nothing i can do about it, I said about men becoming women and how doctors give them hormones to grow breasts and she said she's never heard of giving out hormone treatment to a biological females just to grow boobs, she also said supplements are dangerous and that breast enlargement surgery is safer!! I said i was going to take supplements anyway but wanted her advice and she said i shouldn't take any! she said as my periods were normal before birth control, its un-necessary to test my levels. Feel so disheartened, i don't want to go down surgery route as i believe i could grow my boobs naturally. when i said this to her she basically scoffed and said that's unlikely. ive been down about my boobs all my life and just want to feel like a woman! to be told theres nothing i can do and taking supplements is dangerous has really put my fire out Sad just thought i'd share with u and hopefully be told shes wrong and i feel so low...


i know how you feel. im 36 and since 15 im concerne about my boobs.... i also when to see a breast specialist (doctor) coz i have adenoma (fibroadenoma) on my left breast. it not cancer but she told me to stop all the supplement that suppose to enlarge breast.

i try to grow my breast for almost 4 years and got nothing.except wasting my money(that i probably got enough to have surgery, but i wanted naturally).. the only think i got is a bit of swelling..

OH!!! and by the way im not here to discourage anyone, if someone have the right brand or got amazing result and didnt loose anything after stoping (the PM or hers, etc...)
let me know ... Coz she assure me (the doctor) that except swelling , i will not grow breast naturally, and as far as swelling it like when we have our period after a wild it have to came back the way it was before...

the mammary gland we have it what we have, the amount that is in the breast cannot grow, it just can swell....

so i guess no matter what we have as breast we have to except it..and embrace our feminity...even if i still dream of a B cup, i guess it is not going to happen soon......

But like a said that is my personnal case and i got issue with my breast now that i diidnt have 4 years ago so..... it is not easy but i have to live with my small breast...until someone find something that really work

i wish you good luck and i know that for some woman here it seem to work but for myself , i have to stop taking all kind of supplement coz not only it gives me fibroadenoma but it mess up my period for a while and it also mess up my libido......but that my experience

good luck and let us know if u decide to give NBE a try Wink

Hi, thank-you for replying. I'm sorry to hear you havn't had much success. How can doctors say that and put a dampen on our hopes? I don't want to believe that I can't grow bigger boobs and that i'm going to stay an a cup for the rest of my life! I really both our doctors are wrong and that their just too ignorant. If a biological male can grow breasts why can't we?

The thing is i can't embrace my femininity as i don't really feel like i am feminine Sad it seems you have had a long journey so far. It's a shame you can't take supplements as I have heard they work for some women. Have you tried noogling? I was a AA before and after noogling for a year (inconsistently) i am now a full A so it has done something! maybe you would get some success from that? Did you try massage too? I have read that massage has had good results. I'm not ready to give up yet! gonna keep on trying for a lil while longer at least and if after trying everything for me it still doesnt work I'll have surgery but I have to try!

Good luck on your journey and I would say try noogling and massage before you accept it. Hope this helps xx

Um I highly doubt your doctors knows jack about NBE. Herbs are very safe. Doctors will always be opposite to it because its 'self help' and their not making a buck off of it. Please don't be discouraged and please dont get surgery. There are plenty of other natural alternatives. Doctors are not God and sadly they dont always have your best interest in mind. Surgery IS NOT SAFER. Thats complete bullshit. Next time you could try talking to an herbalist or someone with homeopathic knowledge.

Also remember small breasts are still really beautiful. I know you cant see past it, but trust me. Guys just like boobs. Period.

and lesbians. lmao.

Think about it: this forum would not exist if growing breasts naturally was not possible. Also, Luxy is 100% correct in everything she posted above.

(02-10-2012, 12:47)lilboobies Wrote:  Hi everyone, i've just spoken to my doctor and am so down about the outcome! Sad I asked all about getting my hormone levels tested to see what im deficient in so i can take the right supplements. She basically said the reason i have small boobs is due to my genetics and theres pretty much nothing i can do about it, I said about men becoming women and how doctors give them hormones to grow breasts and she said she's never heard of giving out hormone treatment to a biological females just to grow boobs, she also said supplements are dangerous and that breast enlargement surgery is safer!! I said i was going to take supplements anyway but wanted her advice and she said i shouldn't take any! she said as my periods were normal before birth control, its un-necessary to test my levels. Feel so disheartened, i don't want to go down surgery route as i believe i could grow my boobs naturally. when i said this to her she basically scoffed and said that's unlikely. ive been down about my boobs all my life and just want to feel like a woman! to be told theres nothing i can do and taking supplements is dangerous has really put my fire out Sad just thought i'd share with u and hopefully be told shes wrong and i feel so low...

Haha! What a Bitch! Don't let her dictate what your body is able and unable to do. She can't tell by looking at you. That's like a person with stunted growth wanting HGH and their Doc says,"its in your genetics, you are meant to be this height." She scoffed for a reason. She will only treat you if you are medically concerned.

The fact that she wouldn't even test your levels is absurd. You can have a normal period for eons and still be screwed up ever so slightly, especially from taking BC!

You wait and take it long enough you may have a reason down the road to test. Sounds like your typical MD.

My mom has small breasts but her mother is ginormous and I was always small but both my mother and I have thyroid disease. So you just never know.

Don't give up. Just do what you gotta do. If it were me, I would have lied to the bitch and said I have a family history of yada yada sabara.

I have always been able to weezle my way into having MD's give me what I need prescription wise and tests wise. She should be working for you. I guess its too cosmetic for her to even consider.

Plus plus everything above. I would have written a really long drawn out post when I saw this, but I was kinda rushing out the door to get to school.

It's POSSIBLE she's right...... But so extremely unlikely that we're all gunna call her BS right here and now.

Go ahead and try whatever you want, but do your research first. This forum has a vast wealth of knowledge.

If nothing else, you can ALWAYS grow from suction devices... Just be aware those are excruciatingly slow going and takes utter dedication.

EDIT: Though she's completely irrevocably wrong on one thing: augmentation surgery being the best option. That should be the absolute last resort for a AA who just cannot grow at all. If you have at least full A's even I wouldn't recommend augmentation surgery even if you couldn't grow. Honest. That silicone is nothing but trouble.

I used to think my Dr. was my hero, he cured me from cervical dysplasia, and was so sweet and nice. Then I started nbe, and through this forum and other resources, I found out that my estrogen dominance could actually have been the cause of it all. So, yes, he helped me by stopping the dysplasia. But he never once offered to tell me what might have caused it, or asked about my symptoms, or told me how to avoid it. Things that I complained about to him that were bothering me so badly, like cysts in my breasts, he told me that things would get worse until I reached menopause. Then, everything would get better by itself. He was brushing me off. I'd give anything to have known then, what I know now. Hormones are dangerous, your Dr. was right. The least she should have done was check your levels instead of brushing you off. My Dr. could have listened to my symptoms, checked my levels and saved me the trouble of treatment. But that would not have been as profitable, I guess. Another Dr. (cardiologist) suggested a beta blocker for my heart palpitations. I refused and he said, "You'll be back when they get bad enough." I said, "I doubt it." Then he suggested a pacemaker! I was 40 yrs old! I walked out and never looked back. And guess what??!! The palpitaions are gone. My hormones are more balanced by what I've learned here.
I'm not saying all of them are bad, but I wish more of them would share more knowledge with their patients instead of signing our charts and sending us up front to the payment window.

Most docs put no credence in supplements, which is ridiculous. They can't even be bothered to learn which supplements interact dangerously with pharmaceuticals, something that the federal government acknowledges. On the other hand, there are "docs" who are licensed to practice medicine, but tend to believe heavily in homeopathic cures and avoid standard medicine as much as possible. Neither group lives in the real world with the rest of us common people who mix and match to the best of our ability, having been pretty much abandoned by the medical community.

Very discouraging.

To be honest a typical response from a doctor who doesn't know anything about the topic is to just say no. It is safer for them that way, especially from a legal stand point. Also many things especially with un-tested topics like NBE have people on both sides of the fence who interpret the little research that exists differently. Doctors can also be wrong, it is part of being human. Saying no is just the safe answer for them. The best advice is to listen to their justification and then make your own informed decisions.

Many people expect their doctor to know everything about everything which is just not possible. A friend of mine is a doctor who works in the emergency ward of a hospital and he has to spend 8 hours a week learning about things in his specialisation and then teach the other doctors about it in a presentation.


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