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From a 32B to a 32D

*Dramatic Sigh*

Girls, girls!

Please, why can't we all just get along? I like you Emily. You have a very interesting program based on some wonderful ideas and great research. I also like Doll. She's usually a very nice and cute person. I also like tibetan, she's got a great positivity to her that you can just feel from her posts for the most part. And mocha... But for some reason some of you are just so... sooo... CATTY towards each other. And the sparks are always over such stupidly minor details.

I am certain I'm measuring myself incorrectly... So? I don't doubt for a minute that any of us are likely not completely correct or honest with our measurements, and it's not like we're purposely lying, it's just that we're looking at things through tinted lenses. We each have our own personal pet theories and we each want so desperately to be better (in our opinions) that we'll skew our own results without even realizing we're doing it. Sometimes in favor, sometimes negatively.

Really though, when it all comes down to it in the end, we're all in this together and there's no reason to be at each others throats over our small discrepancies. REALLY!

Anyways... Blush

Sorry about your recent stress-induced loss Emily... Stress sucks in so many ways, and loss of boob and or decreased gains are some of the worst of it.

EDIT: AAAND I see that tibetan and Emily are already reconciling while I was busily typing away. I hope you can reconcile with Doll too at some point.

@Abi, you are sweetBig Grin

To read that you have lost, are you sure the tape measure is giving you a correct reading? Mine always fluctated with that damn method. So I never do it. Oh yeah, alfalfa can give you a squishy boob effect as it promotes healthy prolactin levels. So is it possible that your prolactin is rising and taking place of the fatty tissue stores?

This was why I stopped my alfalfa intake. I got squishy boobs and I am just doing parsley for now.

Also, are you aware of a feedback mechanism we have in our bodies. If any of these things you have applied or taken internally has a phytoestrogen.progestin effect, it will send that message to your glands and they may not release the same amount of hormones because of the weak chemicals have attached to your receptors. Just something to consider.


Your sweet, however I've learned my lesson with Doll. I want nothing to do with her at all after this. To me she is a very sick in the head individual. This is based off the several experiences I had with her, but because you've had another experience with her I don't expect you to understand my side and why I see her the way I do.

Which is fine, of course but I won't reconcile with someone who to me is sick in the head. And that is probably an extreme way to talk of her but I have no other explanation for her actions against me. And you have to understand this has been going on for months, this isn't the first time, this is just the first time it's blown up to this height.

She's said horrible things to me before that has made me feel bad about my body and she's here doing it again. But this time I refuse to let this evil person who apparently can even love her own body tell me how I should feel about mine. You know what I think, I think she's jealous that I love me and who I am and my body and that she can't love herself the way I do myself.

She probably doesn't even know or maybe even care that her words can hurt and affect people badly on the internet or not. She probably say these things purposely with intent to hurt! But I'm a big busted, beautiful, intelligent woman who will not accept her negativity! She's the enemy and I'm stronger than she'll ever be because I love me!! And as long as I love me she has no power over me!! There are so many people who think I'm beautiful inside and out so I refuse to let this evil person who thinks I'm not keep me down. Why the hell have I been letting this jealous woman tell me what is beautiful!? I mean obviously I have to be beautiful if she so jealous to go out and spread lies and whatever about me!!! I'm gorgeous and I've been letting this evil person steal my light for to long, time to get back to me, time to get back to Emily Lovely Loretta!! Yes!!


Sorry Abi Drew, this kinda became a self-movitaional for me. Wooo, lol wow it feel good to say this and get everything out!! Kinda theraputic lol ok now that that's done, I can focus on me and getting myself right lol but I'm not asking you or anybody to stop liking her or stop being friendly to her but to me she is a horrible, evil and jealous person. She's a disease and I'm a survivor!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin Feels good to breath again!!

I can understand the way you feel about her. And I do have to agree with you that she probably does have some pretty severe body image problems. She admits as much herself in some of her more... well... cognizant moments.

Because of her dis-morphia, I severely doubt she even realizes what she's doing when she does reflect it off onto others. It's her own personal demon that she has to fight and she's not an enemy for having to fight it. At least, not in my view of things.

I have a dis-morphia too, you know. Mines so bad it's in the DSM as a mental disorder. My body says I'm a man. But I think I'm a woman.

Do you perhaps need to ignore some of what she says? Definitely. But I honestly do not think it's entirely her fault. Just like I don't think it's your fault for getting riled up by it. They're both natural reactions to certain stimuli that react in very rotten ways with your individual demons.

I still think you're both very wonderful people who just have some very rotten hands dealt to you and you both need to cool off and THINK before you post to each other. And maybe just not do so for a while.


*HUGS!* Big Grin

Maybe, I'm missing something, but I have never seen Doll say anything genuinely nasty to Emily on this board. Of course, I don't know what's going on over at BHM, or even in private messages (if they exist), but Emily, if you're saying that you think her posts in response to you on this board have been nasty, I'm confused. Pointing out that you might be measuring incorrectly is not the same as saying that you are lying or that you are flat chested. Questioning someone, even multiple times, is not at all on the same level as directly insulting them, but saying that someone is jealous, and has BDD is absolutely a direct insult, and very inappropriate. Debating someone and attacking them are two very different things.

(30-09-2012, 04:08)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I can understand the way you feel about her. And I do have to agree with you that she probably does have some pretty severe body image problems. She admits as much herself in some of her more... well... cognizant moments.

Because of her dis-morphia, I severely doubt she even realizes what she's doing when she does reflect it off onto others. It's her own personal demon that she has to fight and she's not an enemy for having to fight it. At least, not in my view of things.

I have a dis-morphia too, you know. Mines so bad it's in the DSM as a mental disorder. My body says I'm a man. But I think I'm a woman.

Do you perhaps need to ignore some of what she says? Definitely. But I honestly do not think it's entirely her fault. Just like I don't think it's your fault for getting riled up by it. They're both natural reactions to certain stimuli that react in very rotten ways with your individual demons.

I still think you're both very wonderful people who just have some very rotten hands dealt to you and you both need to cool off and THINK before you post to each other. And maybe just not do so for a while.


*HUGS!* Big Grin

I can't say it's her fault entirely, because I know I'm no saint. But after months of her negative comments I'M DONE!! I love inspiring people to grow their breasts, I love when people come and tell me about their progress with NBE or even their failures. I love when people say I did something you did and got growth so for her to come and try and tear apart that trust that those women place in me to be honest and faithful with them about my measurements, is not okay! She crossed my line! So I'm done with her! And I'm alot happier for it, I'm sorry but I won't ever let that evil person back into my life. So I know you wanna be Ms. Fix-It, but this is the only solution to the matter.

But I do hope you can defeat your own demon and get over your disorder aswell! Just please don't cast it out on others, its hurtful to you and them.

[huggies back]

(30-09-2012, 04:20)mochaccino Wrote:  Maybe, I'm missing something, but I have never seen Doll say anything genuinely nasty to Emily on this board. Of course, I don't know what's going on over at BHM, or even in private messages (if they exist), but Emily, if you're saying that you think her posts in response to you on this board have been nasty, I'm confused. Pointing out that you might be measuring incorrectly is not the same as saying that you are lying or that you are flat chested. Questioning someone, even multiple times, is not at all on the same level as directly insulting them, but saying that someone is jealous, and has BDD is absolutely a direct insult, and very inappropriate. Debating someone and attacking them are two very different things.

There's other stuff, Moch. And those reasons are the only ones I can think of for why she acts that way towards me. Like I said, YOUR experience has been completely different from MINE. So you can't have to understand my side and I can't expect you to, but I do ask that you respect my decision to cut this person out of my life and leave it at that. I don't want anyone to hate or think bad of her because that's not the intention. My intention was to free myself from her negativity.

EMILY, EMILY!! You're one gorgeous woman whom the booby fairy (and booty fairy too!) absolutely loves and you should be proud of this! I totally respect you, your dedication to NBE and your selflessness to share your experiences. Smile

You should be aware that you didn't even need to share how you gained; you could have just enjoyed it by yourself. But you did anyway, without any obligation! AWESOME! Big Grin

I guess your growth may sound phenomenal, but I believe that as long as you're not trying to sell anything, I don't see why you need to bluff your stats.

I genuinely wish that you'll reach 40" and ultimately your final goal.

Anyway, didn't one rapi experimenter get rashes on her boobs, like nasty, after using Rapi Bust?

As for Doll, I find her real nice too. Didn't really post so much on her thread, but she did reply to some of mine and she replied to my personal message to her. I also like her herbs program! I think we all have different methods of growing. BO and NB, PM, herbs, massage etc. Doesn't matter which you are using, as long as you're growing! :*

(30-09-2012, 04:28)loverstilly Wrote:  EMILY, EMILY!! You're one gorgeous woman whom the booby fairy (and booty fairy too!) absolutely loves and you should be proud of this! I totally respect you, your dedication to NBE and your selflessness to share your experiences. Smile

You should be aware that you didn't even need to share how you gained; you could have just enjoyed it by yourself. But you did anyway, without any obligation! AWESOME! Big Grin

I guess your growth may sound phenomenal, but I believe that as long as you're not trying to sell anything, I don't see why you need to bluff your stats.

I genuinely wish that you'll reach 40" and ultimately your final goal.

Anyway, didn't one rapi experimenter get rashes on her boobs, like nasty, after using Rapi Bust?

As for Doll, I find her real nice too. Didn't really post so much on her thread, but she did reply to some of mine and she replied to my personal message to her. I also like her herbs program! I think we all have different methods of growing. BO and NB, PM, herbs, massage etc. Doesn't matter which you are using, as long as you're growing! :*

lol omg thanks love! and yea she I think its because she doubled up if I remember correctly. I remember her saying something about how she doubled up and then something going badly with her breasts. You think I shouldn't try it?


I wrote something in response to Emily here, but then deleted it, because now I see that she responded to me. Sorry. But I do want to point out that I still have very large doubts about the kind of comments that Emily actually received from Doll. It's true that I've had my own experiences with Doll, and they were all good, but if she really has directly insulted Emily, and it wasn't in a PM or email, than it should be publicly available for me or any else to see. Emily, if I ever come across something that confirms what you're saying, I'll gladly eat my words.

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