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tibetan princess's program

Woah I had to google that. Good luck! Love following your progress.

Thank You Louloute! I hope you have luck with yours too.

2nd week Follicular phase (cycle 19*2)

shooting pains last night in my left breast and itching around the areola in the right breast.

Noogled today for a couple of hours and felt itching in the right areola again. Upped my dose to 18 drops and I felt immediate cramping in the stomach I think this dose is somewhere around 600MG of BO. I am working up to 750MG this week and will play it by feeling. So that will be about 7drops 3x a day.
I know the dose is around 1540mg for UB's BO but since its in drops I am tirtrating up slowly to prevent immediate stalling or a bad reaction. I am low in hormones anyway so I won't be surprised if this half dose isn't enough. I will give BO at least six, seven months.

Today is the 13th, cycle 19*(2).

I am exactly a month on BO. I feel like a little more swelling is sticking to my left breast which looks a bit caught up now with the right.

Breasts are a bit achy off and on but still B Cup. 2 days till luteal phase.

Still have pointy breasts. But my left areola I think is bigger??? I think I am experiencing areola changes.


[attachment=2217][attachment=2218]Having some itching mainly in the right breast. No luteal swellingHuh

Its so weird, I get water boobs this whole month and no change into luteal swelling. I think something strange is happening here though they look a little fuller. I am still of course, a 32B. No soreness.

Looking back, I realize that I have been going through this sort of yo-yo boob effect as well as the waterboobs.

I grow, shrink then grow again. I recall my last full B cup size(June) was not sustained by the time August came. You can see above (1st pic August) after breaking from all herbs and pumping, I lost quite a bit of growth (compared to the bottom). Then the one next to it on the right is me now, a month later on BO.

The one below is June(nice and full-7th day Foll. ) and there was no waterboob effect as you can see they are much perkier.

June was the last time I had a normal period. Then I started having weird spotting so I believe I cannot sustain results on otc PC and herbs like PM.They are not bioidentical. Since I have low hormones as it is, I believe my results have diminished and were never permanent.

Until I restore my ability to produce adequate amounts of healthy hormone levels, I am not going to get results. This is why I believe I have not been able to get to that C cup. I've been yo-yo-ing from a Full A/loose B to a Full B. Notice how the bottom pic from June is less asymetry compared to the ones above.

Maybe this waterboob effect is new tiny cells filling the space or prolactin outdoing the estro/progest levels.
I dropped the alfalfa in the middle of this cycle but I am taking 2-3gms of parsley.
Now at 10 dropsBO 3x a day. I used PC for 2 out of 3 days into luteal this time around.

I am ordering my PC gel/Estroidal gel for cycle 20. Hopefully this will kick it into real growth. I have a hunch I need to dose a mimic cycle of Estrogen/progesterone. So yes, I will be adding in PC (otc)first like I am doing now and then E gel (prescription) and then PC gel (prescription) along with keeping my dose of BO throughout.

Left is still smaller than the right


Okay finally! I have reached luteal swelling 2 days ago. I am 3 days from my menses. A little late.

Today, I received the bio identicals and I am wasting not time using them. I applied my first today( progesterone gel).

Days 7-17, I will be using my estradoil gel. I hope this works well with BO I am taking. Its only been a month and nearly 15 days since I have started BO.

I have nothing to report as far as growth. If I had new growth, I think I would be noticing a bigger size difference by now but since I am not, I am taking it as no growth spurt this cycle.

btw, my left boob is noticable smaller still! I sware sometimes they look very close in size but then I realize, they are too noticable. Dont know what this means.

Oh my god tibetan they look AMAZINGGGG!!!


your boobs look great!

WOW! They look amazing!! Smile You have amazing shape. Congrats! What size are you now?

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