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BodyRocking's Baby Steps


Okay, well I'm sick.
I have a little ear infection so I have to take a Z-Pak for that. And I may have caught a bug going around. I wanted to vomit all night. Luckily I didn't, I hate throwing up.

My diet is going to be very out of whack, I'm not eating a lot, and I'm not eaing much "actual food" more like some broth, crackers, etc. Small things to not upset my stomach.

I didn't do anything last night; no shower jiggling, no massage, no lotion, no heating pad. I may not tonight if I feel the same again.

I hate being sick. Dodgy

Aw, feel better! <3

My breasts always get REALLY sore around growth, and yours could also be extra sore from being sick. So hopefully it's just mostly growth. ^^; Eat a multivitamin if you can to at least get the right nutrients while you're sick.
If you find a probiotic that contains Streptococcus salivarius, it will help your body fight strep as well as help prevent future infections. I always used to get strep throat the same time each year, as soon as school started up, so if you're like me, you should look into this as a preventative measure for next year (it's obviously too late this year; if that's what you have, you'll need antibiotics, but this might help you recover faster anyway)! Wish I would have known about it when I was younger...

MiracleMineralSolution is the BEST! I was so sick and it was almost time to have it come up the top end so that's when I made some MMS / olive oil and had my mum rub me down all over from neck to lower back with dmso and with in 15 mins all of my cramps, pains, and sickness was gone and I had slept so well that night after the previous day and a half of it coming out the other end. I have even used for strep.

Trust me, you will kill it with this stuff!

Thank you both!! <3
I feel normal today, I guess I just needed a lot of rest. It's nice to be able to eat normally again Smile. So I'll start up with massage, heat pad, jiggling, and lotion again tonight ^_^. *I didn't last night either because I felt like I was going to vomit all over again... But then I woke up this morning and I feel good again Big Grin.

My breasts are still a bit sore, so if it's from growth, I hope to jump start it again by starting everything up again tonight.

I'll start working out next week, I really don't want to over-exhaust myself and get sick again >_<.

I'm going to try and buy an inexpensive simple pump to use, just to see if I get any swelling and/or growth after using it (I give it... 1-2 months to look for any sign of either).

Doll- You use(d) the Bus Roller, is it mainly for perking breasts up/firming them, or is it good for actual growth?

(08-09-2012, 22:57)BodyRocking Wrote:  Doll- You use(d) the Bus Roller, is it mainly for perking breasts up/firming them, or is it good for actual growth?

Any massage will be good for growth. I haven't had it too long and am also using herbs, so even if it were to cause growth on me, I would never be able to pinpoint it as being from that. However, I can tell you I can feel it working in ways that regular hand massage can't (really good for draining your lymph system), so I'm sure this combined with regular massage will definitely help with growth over time as opposed to regular massage. Smile

I don't think I'd take that Miracle Mineral Solution.

(09-09-2012, 03:38)Doll Wrote:  However, I can tell you I can feel it working in ways that regular hand massage can't (really good for draining your lymph system), so I'm sure this combined with regular massage will definitely help with growth over time as opposed to regular massage. Smile

Okay, it's cheap so I think I'll get it ^_^. Plus, I'd be more motivated to massage more if I didn't have to use my hands the whole time, lol Big Grin.


Well, I started my monthly time today... I'm not sure if I'll experience any swelling, since I don't think I ever have... Oh well, any suddenchanges are soley because of that and I won't be thinking of them as permanent.

Alrighty, so I'm done with medicine. It's my time of the month. I'm getting back to working out since I feel better. My schedule is getting busier. My diet needs to be healthier again. And my boobs need toget bigger.

They still hurt. I skipped everything last night because I just crashed. I think I'm going to order a suction thingy for my boobs, a Bust Roller, and maybe some Supple Nips (when I can).

I really want to do something for stretch marks too, so maybe I'll get a Derma Roller for them (they are noticable an feel like huge ridges). Touching my breasts feels like touching a giant raisin (okay, exaggeration...) but you get the idea. Big ridges, scars, not soft or anything! I want to do mybest to fix this, and I think I'll start out with a Derma Roller. I may get one now (I was going to wait until I was done with working on my breasts), since this will take time, and so will a Derma Roller, I might as well tackle both together. Plus, using a roller may help the lotion/oil combo get into my skin better! So I think I'm going to get the 1mm one:

Thinking about my lotion/oil combo too. Considering these:
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Almond Oil

I've also heard of using these for NBE:
Lavender Oil
Ylang Ylang Oil
Argan Oil

If any of those are good for NBE, could I try mising a few withmy lotion and using all together? (Trying to reel in possible growth from anything, lol, desperate)
Big Grin

Juicers are amazing!

(05-09-2012, 14:18)BodyRocking Wrote:  Well, I'm sick today.
A lovely virus going around where I live, so I'll be home all day.
I might still workout, if I feel up to it. Or maybe I'll just cut out certain moves for today. I need to tweak my ab workout.

My boobs are STILL sore!! I persisted with massaging them, hoping if I can get as much blood flowing as possible, I'll get max growth (if I get any out of this). Is this good though? The degree thay hurt is more than I thought it would be... They hurt to touch and to have move around. I hope massaging is helping them out...

I listened to my CD yesterday, btw.
And, my max on the heating pad is 2 hours, then it automatically shuts off. I never really know how long I have it on though, as I am sleeping when I use it...

**My boobs are less sore now. They feel heavy, and still have soreness, just a milder degree now Smile.

I am wondering what brand/type/kind of heat pad you are using? I find it hard to know what to use, and this sounds great since it automatically shuts of after a certain time limit :-)

By the way, I would just be positive about the breast pain - (as long as you dont have lumps and stuff that a doctor generally should take a look at) you have to consider this being a growth spurt Big Grin Remember when you were starting to develop breats, how it hurt like hell Wink

Thanks Smile I on't worry about it anymore, it's faded a bit.

I think I'm going to try to I don't know... meditate(???) on growing boobs. You know, like people who do Hypnotherapy (much more in depth than I've ever tried) kind of focus on thinking posistive things, and thinking about growing breasts to help? Well, I have a hard time liking myself. I don't know why, I never have much, I guess I'm just too critical, and NBE is part of my journey to loving myself. I just want to be comfortable in my skin, and I'm not really... Sad

So I think my positive power to help with NBE will be through sitting quietly and focusing on growing breasts, maybe wishing/imagining/saying "I will have ___ size soon" etc. Maybe light a candle or incense or something that smells good ^_^ Maybe just like 5-10 minutes a day. I'll let you know when/if I do.

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