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tibetan princess's program

Practically in the middle of cycle 18(1) for the new program.
2nd week of follicular phase and stopped taking PM for the cycle.
I am biting the bullet and taking UB. I feel like at 92lbs, I am going to need a boost and this might do it.
My very first dose: 3 drops 2x a day. will take it from there.

I am not happy with the shape I am seeing. I am clearly progesterone deficient. I have too much of a deflated pointed shape once luteal is done and over with.

I feel like I am having a hard time getting over that B cup wall and I keep creeping up on it but can't get over so I am sure weight is my issue here. I dont want to go back to eating like I was cause I dont miss my stomach. I will just have to make sure, I eat a lot of protein.

lowered my parsely/alfalfa intake by 2 gms each. I havent pumped because I truly feel its not doing anything for my shape. It may be making it worse, idk.

My worst fear is developing large areolas and nipples. I sure as hell dont need silver dollas on a b cup patty, lol!

But my biggest problem is my right breast is noticeably bigger than the left. I also noticed my whole left side is asymetrical to my right side. I need to see a chiropractor STAT.

Mid cycle *18 and I am feeling slight aches all over. Using 3drops 3x a day on BO. stopped PM and topical PM every other day.

gained 2lbs!

Wow so you are cycling PM and BO?
(PM in Follicular phase and BO in luteal phase?)
This is very interesting Smile

I did for this first month but since I am so low in progesterone and higher in estrone, I am going to most likely just do the topical PM and do BO everyday or do one drop PM 3x day for the first 13 and a low dose of BO everyday. I am not sure because I am seeing a Hormone replacement therapy Doc and he will be prescribing me bio identical hormones so I may just do a very low dose of BO everyday and forget the PM altogether.

BO is like a body tonic since it supports glandular function so I think this will be okay in minor doses.


breast pics!

Notice how the breast you see is pointed some what straight (though nipples are placed lower on the breasts) and the other behind is slightly pointed downward. I do have asymmetry but posing on the side, you can't really tell. slight deformity.

I have pointed breasts and they will most likely never change.

I am day 3 or 4 on BO and I am using pc topically ever other day and I am feeling like they are waking up or slight aches, tingles and such. I am not sure if this is just luteal or luteal supercharging from all that I am doing. After all, I am deficient in progesterone so this makes sense if I am growing in luteal phase this time.

BO 3drops 3x daily. Not really watching my protein intake, I just eat till I am full.


You have gorgeous breasts!

thank you Raw!

I think they look better from the side profile as like I said, I have asymetry to the point it is noticeable and they are practically 2 different breasts: the bigger one has more a round shape, slightly smaller areola, thicker nipple and the other is smaller, areola bigger, smaller nipple, and it is placed lower on the breast.

Then I have them slightly apart. I think asymetry has all to do with circulation and how the tissue developed.

I think I can correct this somewhat with a chiropractor and chinese medicine.

This am I woke up feeling luteal aching to the point where if it were any worse, I would feel sick. I think its working so I am doing 2drops x3 today and maybe tomorrow.


Wow, you breasts look really different in your recent pictures.
Much larger (lucky you!)
Congrats on your continued growthSmile

Thank You Brilaw!

here's what my asymmetry looks like but smaller in size of course:,r:25,s:130,i:247

hopefully link is clickable

Cycle 18*(1 for new program)

I have noticed a flatter stomach these days, still have work to do though. I have 3 little breakouts on my chin. I have been experiencing aches and cramps and breasts are more swollen then ever.I stopped topical progesterone yesterday and stopped topical PM two weeks ago. I am 5 days from my next cycle and am hoping BO is working for me. I know its too early to tell but I think something's happening. I feel different. I feel more fertile.

I am taking about 2.5 gms of parsley and alfalfa. I don't want to over do it and start lactating even though one opposes the other. Pumping every now and again.[/php]

I have only been on BO since the 13th of this month so not even a whole month by the time my menses come.

Still a full B cup with bloating. I hate bloating.

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