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BodyRocking's Baby Steps



The juicer still isn't here :/. I need to find recipes to get all the veggies I need in me. And fruit, considering that's not a daily thing I eat either...

Now that I'm getting into my health and diet and all, I've realized it's a lot more complicated than I thought...

Still wanting that flaxseed oil for massaging. I think I figured out the Chi massage, and I'm thinking doing an actual massage may be more effective than random rubbing. So I'll do 300 chi rotations nightly. Is that a good number? Oh, and going inwards, towards my chest/ cleavage area (I've read going the other way decreases breast size, but who knows).

Going to play the hypnosis song twice (two hours) at night. I'm going to wear headphones though, because all I hear is the music and I'm afraid I'm not getting the subliminals.

What I've been using for protein shake:
Double chocolate flavored. I've been taking in with about 8 oz. of milk (1%), some ice cubes, and a banana.
Except I think I might have something odd with whey. I've used a protein powder before, Vanilla flavored, and I thought that was what had gotten to me- my stomach was... unsettled(?)- and I thought it was that the vanilla was overpowering. But I'm kind of gettting like that with the chocolate... So I may have to use protein powder with no whey, like vegan protein powder (I think that's whey-free). I know Shakeology has vegan chocolate powder Smile So I'm okay if I need vegan powder.

My abs are slightly sore. Not really much I feel though. Thinking of adding an extra 5 reps to everything next week if I don't feel much. I ran/jogged/speed walked a mile today, along with walking a mile.
My butt is a bit sore, too. I need more moves for my butt, things that will increase size, but not my thighs.

I think I want to get a derma-roller, I have really bad stretch marks. I can use it with cream I have.

I'm afraid all this calorie-burning will shrink my boobs Sad, any suggestions? I can't get out of it, except for the moves I do at home, and I want to do those.

Thinking of starting up a fat-transfer massage, too. I could use less of my layer on my tummy, and more in the boobies Smile.

Quick thought.
My goal is an exaggerated hourglass figure. So, bigger butt, and boobs, but now I realized my picture of this has a small waist. And with a small waist, anything I gain will look even bigger Big Grin! So, I was looking into wasit... shrinking. There are corsets, and then I found... Sqeems (?). Has anyone used one and gotten permanent results? Can you just wear it overnight? Does it just help burn fat or actually shape your waist?
I measured at the narrow part of my waist (between my ribcage and hip bones). I'm at 26". I kind of want to go down about 2 inches. Any suggestions?
Should I try out this Squeem thing?


I realized I never posted any stats here.

Age: --Young-Still in high school. Smile
Height: 5' 4.5"
Weight: 125lbs
Waist: 26"
Gender: Female
Background: Small breasts on mother's side, unknown on father's side, mother has large breasts.

I'm going to switch to 100 chi rotations every night, then the rest just massaging. For about the length of 2 songs, so max 7 minutes. Might increase that to 10, I need a different oil though. The Vitamin E oil absorbs too much with the lotion into my breasts. Hope flaxseed is better.

I like to picture it like this: I apply the lotion on my boobs, then I put oil over it, and it keeps the lotion from going anywhere except my breasts.

I was thinking, people produce more HGH when they're younger. I'm not sure if this is related to collagen, or NBE- but if it is here is my thought:
Since breast massage alone is good for younger people, then breasts must grow faster when stimulated when you're young. So (if this is true), I could try cranking up the breast stimulation. Like massage, massaging tool things, and maybe a pump of some kind? Collagen is often taken with pumping to promote new cell production, right? If collagen and HGH are related in production, and have higher natural production levels in younger people, it makes sense to me to use a pump, and my body will naturally grow, but faster since my levels are higher. So if I pumped, massaged, and maybe used some kind of extra thing for breast stimulation, and all of this is true, wouldn't I get great results?

Please, correct anything if it's wrong ^_^ this was all really some side thought, and some might have been read somewhere.

Think I'll need to order flaxseed oil online, I haven't found it in any stores near me yet...

I see where your at with the HGH/Collagen and the pumping thought but because you are young, your breasts are the last place it'll go. Since your still going through puberty your body is more focused on lateral growth, regulating your cycle and eating habits et cetera, providing energy to your other cells first that help with homeostasis and then your fat cells in the breasts, but the amount sent is regulated by hormone production from the hypothalmus or pituary gland.

However the increased blood flow into the breasts when you pump will carry nutrients for your breasts to grow bigger in size so that will help. I just said this in another thread but honestly, the best programs on here with women who achieved the best results didn't use the NB from what I've read.


So do you think it's worth getting a pump? Or should I try out one of those cheap ones where you pump for like 20 minutes a day? (Not thinking they work though...)
So for Omega-3's I've started using Chia Seeds in my shakes. Two tablespoons.

Well in any other case I would've said forget the pump but because your young and can't use some of the other NBE enhancements products I think you should try. The cheap ones first and then if you see any signs of growth [fullness, perkiness, volume et cetera] then maybe get NB.

Thanks Smile.
What I was going to say about growing (body and breasts- since I'm younger) is I haven't really grown any taller for a while now. Lol. My family isn't very tall, so I don't see myself growing much more.
I was thinking the pumping would encourage breast growth, since there isn't much other growth going on now...
I'll get one and try it out while my HGH/collagen (whatever it is) production is higher, so I won't have to worry about supplements.

Okay, scratch the Chia Seeds. They absorbs liquid, and become this kind of gel substance. They don't taste bad or anything, I just can't handle the texture. It felt like I was swallowing frog eggs... o_o.

(22-08-2012, 21:47)BodyRocking Wrote:  Still wanting that flaxseed oil for massaging. I think I figured out the Chi massage, and I'm thinking doing an actual massage may be more effective than random rubbing. So I'll do 300 chi rotations nightly. Is that a good number? Oh, and going inwards, towards my chest/ cleavage area (I've read going the other way decreases breast size, but who knows).

...I've used a protein powder before, Vanilla flavored, and I thought that was what had gotten to me- my stomach was... unsettled(?)- and I thought it was that the vanilla was overpowering...

...There are corsets, and then I found... Sqeems (?). Has anyone used one and gotten permanent results? Can you just wear it overnight? Does it just help burn fat or actually shape your waist?
I measured at the narrow part of my waist (between my ribcage and hip bones). I'm at 26". I kind of want to go down about 2 inches. Any suggestions?
Should I try out this Squeem thing?

The Chi rotations are very good, and you're doing it right, so keep at it. I think the rotation direction affects how your lymph drains from your breasts, and rubbing the wrong way probably prevents it from draining (pressing too hard during massage will also prevent it from draining). This is only a theory, though, as I've never found the actual reason as to why massaging one way promotes growth so much more.

With the protein, I get the same way. I've always only used whey because of how easy to find and how cheap it is. However, I have been wanting to try soy protein, because I hear they can taste better sometimes. Have you ever gotten "protein high"? I got "high" from protein a few times. It'll usually happen when I have large amounts of protein for the first time in a long while, and then after that it doesn't happen anymore (although for my first protein I ever tried, it lasted for like a week!) I imagine it's what most people would experience from sugar and caffeine highs, although I've never responded to either of these in my life. It was so scary at first! my whole body shook and I couldn't steady my hands and I moved really fast-paced! When I would write, I'd scribble at lightspeed. xD

As far as corsetting and Squeems go, they are usually only recommended to those who are at least 18 years old, because they will reshape your bones (even the Squeem). Of course, if I had found them at your age, I would have started using them, and as long as you research and don't over-wear them, you won't hurt yourself (remember, back in the day, everyone started corsetting before they hit puberty!). 26" is a small waist already, but I can understand your wanting to go smaller (my goal is 25/24" by next summer, and 23" permanent). Now, results will never be "permanent"; you will always have to wear them for maintenance (usually only a few days out of the week to maintain pretty well after years of training). It is a commitment, but if you're dedicated, it can happen.

I like the Squeem. It DOES burn fat through thermogenic means (it'll make you hotter and sweat off excess fat in this area), but it also reshapes you because of how tight it is. I love that it's made with steel boning (although I wish it would have been made more like a corset, with extra boning and sewn so it doesn't bunch up in the middle). It gives great back support (my main reason for finally looking into waist training). It's flexible, and if you wear it during ab exercises, it'll provide EXTREME resistance to your ab muscles, which will work them even harder (trust me, you WON'T be able to do your regular exercises at first). I'm naturally a 27" waist, and I didn't think it could possibly give me real results after my first month (God knows the fake Squeem I ordered first didn't), but it hasn't even been a full month yet, and even after not wearing it all night, I wake up in the morning and my waist is so much more defined than it's been in a long time! It may very well be possible for me to lose something within this first month (although it won't be a full inch like they promise).

Over time, I'm sure Squeem will really help shape you smaller, even though it'll take a while to reach your goal (it will probably take you at least a year since you're so petite to begin with). But if you really want to reach that goal, it's so easy to wear! I've heard of women buying the XS Squeem with a beginning waist of 25" that look 23" in clothes when they put it on, so it should definitely be enough to over time help you reach your goal. It won't reshape your ribs as drastically as a corset however, but since you're so young, it might work better for you than most women. It's worth risking the $50 to try it in my opinion, and if you give it a few months, you'll probably be surprised by your curves come the new year!

Also, in the way of HGH, I know you usually walk, but try sprinting instead. Who knows, it might help you get taller than the rest of your family! Sprint short distances, walk some, then sprint again. You'll really get the blood pumping! If you're still worried about burning too many boob calories, walk four days out of the week and sprint three, and cut out other unnecessary cardio. Or even try sprinting the first mile, then walking the second. But don't cut out cardio altogether, because it's great for overall health. Smile

Have I mentioned jiggling your breasts in hot water in the shower, then cold, on and off for a few minutes? That will stimulate collagen production. I took MSM for joint health and I don't think it helped my breasts any, so taking it as a supplement might not help. Just keep up with massage and growth will come with time. Smile Also, Vit E is often used to help things absorb into your skin faster, so if you do buy flaxseed, your best bet is to use it with that. Flax takes a while to absorb. For finding flax oil, do you have a Vitamin Shoppe or GNC by you? They should have it. If there's a natural food store, they also probably have it.

Girl, you move fast. You need to just slow down. This will be a slow process, and there isn't much you can do to speed it up too much. I've been on HERBS for 7 months now and have still been growing a lot slower than I anticipated, even using all sorts of different massage methods and oils. Nothing happens overnight, so just take your time and learn to love yourself the way you are. That way, when growth does show up, you'll just be able to love yourself that much more! (From your body stats, you seem to have a pretty rockin' body, so learn to love it! I'd kill to have started from where you did!)

*Sigh* I know, I know. Slow and steady. You're right, I need to chill.

No, I don't think I've ever had a "protein high." I've felt like I was going to be sick from getting a lot of protein at once, but it usually goes away. I think that only happens when it's highly consentrated amounts, without much else. When I started putting a banana in my shake, it helped quite a bit. I don't get crazy hyper from coffee, I do if I have lots of sugar at once, and not that much from chocolate. I know the one thing that can get me rowdy quickly is Monster Energy Drinks (and I haven't even had a whole one).

I was wondering about the Squeem and abs, too. I don't know if this is even possible to happen, but could it keep you abs in an hourglass form? I was just curious, I don't really think I want a smaller waist, just to get rid of that layer of fat on my tummy ^_^.

My walking has been cut into one mile a day! Sprinting three days and walking four sounds like a good thing to try. You know what, I was getting moves together (okay, I'm going to do this forever, switch my exercise, sorry!) but I was thinking I could do those moves, then run outside and sprint back and forth. It may not be a mile, or even close, but is it the blood that gets the HGH pumped?

No, sadly. Where I live I'd have to really search (a while away from me) to find one.

Think I could combine Flax, Vit E, & Isosensuals into one mixture? I could shower- and jiggle (LOL), massage, then use a heating pad.

Exercise Brain Storm:
  • 10 Push ups
  • The Hundred
  • 20 Single Leg Stretch
  • 20 Deluxe Donkey Kick w/weight (light)
  • Short distance sprints
Then increase as I get better.

I'm going to do this, because I need to do something. My walking has become 1 mile a day.

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