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journey from a 34AA

siriporn new "gel" came today. it looks thick; no strong smell that i can detect. i will try using it tomorrow. still waiting for biovea.

even on my small days now, i am still very noticeably larger than i was back in february. this is so rare - i am very happy with brava.

my pictures showed that i had a growth spurt from may 2011 to around oct 2011. then my growth halted or was so minute that it's barely detectable from nov 2011 to march 2012. i started brava middle of march. i am now enjoying my second growth spurt! Big Grin i hope this will last longer than my last growth spurt. when i have time, i'm going to look back at my calendar where i write down all my supplements to see if i did anything to cause the stall from nov 2011 - march 2012.


Woot congrats girl!!! Do you fill an A cup on your small days yet?

i'm not sure how i fit in a 34A bra on my small days. i'll test it out beginning of next cycle. i'm in the middle of my cycle now and i'm spilling out of 32A bra.

so in an effort to figure out why i stalled, i tracked down everything i was taking during my growth period and my stalling period.

i started NBE back in july 2010, but didn't get ANY result until starting may 2011 when i switched from BO to PM and started taking synthroid for my thyroids. from may 2011 to oct 2011 i had a growth spurt.

during my stalling period from nov 2011 - feb 2012, here are what i was doing differently:

- went off of synthroid
- experimented with hops
- increased PM and GR to no avail
- tried milk thistle
- experimented with maca

i'm taking maca currently so i have to be extra observant to see if it's affecting my progress or not. i'm going to stay away from hops and milk thistle. the biggest take away is that my stalling could have been caused by me getting off of synthroid. too bad i didn't write down the exact date i went off of synthroid.

product review:

i used the new siriporn gel yesterday. when i opened the bottle, there was no smell. but once i applied the gel onto my skin, there was a really foul smell. i hated it! i almost wanted to wash it off right away. but shortly after, the gel completely absorbed into the skin and the smell dissipated. i think i might like this better than the lotion since it leaves my skin feeling not greasy at all. it's almost as if i hadn't applied anything to it. it's too early to tell how effective the formula is, but i plan on continuing to use it and will report back later.

brava update:

i wore brava last weekend for 15.5hr and got the largest swelling to date of a tiny bit over 34.5"

didn't realize i passed the 20 weeks mark. i am now on week 22 of brava. recently i haven't had any breast sensations, and felt as though my breasts are not as full as they should be. i have 2 theories as to why:

- could be because of maca. i've been taking maca for 3 weeks now. not seeing a huge difference in butt size. so if it's at the expense of slowing down my boobs growth, i'm thinking of stoping maca.

- i started taking this hair omega supplement that contains vitamin b as well as 33mg of zinc. if i remember correctly, last time i took zinc and vitamin b supplements, i felt as though i wasn't getting any growth. this is a bummer. i want to stay healthy. i might just do half dosage of this instead of stoping completely.

i've been using new siriporn gel for 4 days. no breast sensations at all. didn't see any extra fullness either. it's too early to tell maybe. or perhaps i'm not using enough. today i'm going to use a quarter size per breast rather than quarter size for both.

i was on the brava site and found my brava inspiration story. this woman started out an 32AA, low body fat, (slow responder even though she had 2 kids). after 36 weeks, she filled out a 32B. my goal is a full 34A, which is equivalent to 32B. i really hope it will happen for me too! the cool thing about this story is that she went to get a mammogram and was able to see new breast tissues that had grown since the prior year. they also said that dense breasts with mostly breast tissues and little fat are harder to grow than breasts with more fatty tissues.

right now, 10 hrs after brava, i can fill a 34A bra with no gap. but if i exercise for an hour, at the 11th hr mark, i can see that it deflated some.

this might sound funny or odd but sometimes during the day, i would see a little cleavage and it doesn't register right away in my head that the cleavage is mine! when i wear my old 32a push up bra at night, my nipples are a nudge away from falling out of the bra. it's a great feeling to see/feel progress!

week 23 brava update:

i'm currently 11hr into my brava session and already, my nipples are pressed against the end of the domes, and the side of my boobs are touching the sides of the domes. it used to take me 14hrs+ to get to this much swelling. i imagine at this point, if i do a 22hr session, i might fill out the domes completely. it is time for larger domes, but they are soooo expensive! i didn't buy my system directly from brava so now i can't buy just the domes.


I'm 4.5 weeks in and my boobs only fill out half the medium domes. How were you doing with the large domes at this point? I know you're doing airlock, so the suction is stronger. I'm debating switching to airlock because I don't come close to filling the ends even after 15 hours of wear.

i was no where near the end of the domes either at 5 weeks mark. you are doing much better than me if you're retaining swelling at night. i didn't notice larger breasts at night until past 12 weeks.

i'm not using an actual airlock. what i've been doing is sucking out the air with my mouth so i get a stronger suction than what the smartbox would give me. then i fasten the tubing back onto the smartbox. the smartbox is really just there incase the domes fall off while i sleep.

from a scale of 1-10, 1 being super light pressure right before the domes fall off, and 10 being too painful to bear, i have my pressure at around 5 before going to bed. when i wake up, there's usually 2hrs before i take off the domes. during this time, i suck out more air to about an 8. this is usually when my nipples are pressed up against the end of the domes.

ever since i started doing this, my swelling has been much better!


day 25th of my cycle, week 23rd of brava:

after 16hrs of wear, my breasts swelled up inside the domes to the max as i could no longer suck out more air. to my disappointment, when i removed the domes, i only measured around 34.25". have i hit a plateau?

i feel like this is the largest i can swell up to. from this point out, i'll try to measure how long i can retain the swelling.


Hi Lled34AA,
Been following your progress (Congrats - what progress it is!!!!)
Are you still taking Maca? I just started 1 mo ago & finally got to experience a pulling/tugging breast sensations but no growth (?)
I reead a thread from Isabelle where she wrote Maca might cause the LH to put the break on when the the total amt of sex steroids become too high. Maybe this is why you've stalled.
As for me, I'm so confused about what to take or not take & how much to take.

i think we are all just experimenting. there's no magic formula that's guaranteed to work. have you made progress this past few months?

i've been taking maca for about a month also. i'm going to stop taking it starting tomorrow. i'm 90% convinced it's stalling my progress. i also think it's making my thighs a little fatter rather than my butt.

my breasts were smaller than usual today despite the 16hr wear the night before. i'm feeling a little discouraged.

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