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From a 32B to a 32D

Oh wow, hope you did great!!! And oh yea, it's motivating alright lol I gotta FOCUS! Are you seeing anything with UB? I know that high protein intake has gotta cost money so you def. shoulda seen soon kinda progress.

And yea, do stretches or warm ups to avoid that burning sensation. It helps alot! And take a Blood Circulation herb before exercising.

And YAY Big Grin so that's mean growth right?? Are you filling the large domes now?

And omg, urgh I which I thought of lotion when I first though of the exercise. Woulda saved e from the BURN lol and yay, my waist is def. more nipped in and yea me and my mom have been looking at body shapers [I'm buying this one for like $7.50] and fat burning cream and I'v found the one I'ma get us! And the cream is suppose to burn fat and see results in 7 days. And by doing this little exercise before I get the body shaper and cream I'll see dramatic results woot!

Hi! Sorry I've been away for a while, moving out of my dorm/into my apt lol. Oh! Annnnd~ I ended up with an A- in biochem! Also, I think I might be working in a lab this fall ^___^

Idk if I'm seeing anything with UB...sometimes they look a little fuller, but I'm not sure if my boobs always looked like that XD. I haven't seen much of a difference in the measuring tape, though it's only been a month Smile Each day I read these PM success stories, it makes me want to switch more and more lol! I finished one bottle of UB today and have one more to go. I kind of want to finish that one as well, but at the same time, I don't want to be wasting my time it's kind of difficult trying to get all that protein. It's even harder now because I've been so busy settling into my apt...AND classes start tomorrow >.
I'll keep that in mind! I do have some Ginko Biloba from last year that I might start retaking Big Grin

I think it does mean growth! Even though I myself haven't seen much of a difference lol! Yea, the contoured larges are pretty much filled! I'm hoping I'll see more dramatic results with the XLs ^_^

Woah! Only $7.50?! That's awesome!! I totally forgot about getting a cincher with all the stuff that's been going on TongueI hope that works for you! 7 days sounds pretty cool! Keep me posted on that! I think I'll have to put that on hold until I can get a job lol!

The lab thing that I got is for credit (i think) and I have the possibility of getting paid next semester...I'm not exactly sure, I just know that I got an email saying they wanted me and that we'll meet on Tuesday lol. I did buy a bikini today though! I finally got my bf to help me narrow it down ^.^ I figured that my boobies won't grow that fast so I should be able to use that suit for a while Big Grin I think I might have to wait on buying anything else big for a while (that thing was $50+). I had a sense of false happiness bc I thought my mom had given me $500 and I was like :O then she sent me a text a couple days later saying she put that in to pay for something that was 455....then I was like DodgySad lol XD I'm glad I didn't decide to go on an online shopping rampage that day Big Grin


Whoa! That's great! Congrats on the A-, I know how hard the science classes are so that's really awesome!! And whoa, a lab job that's going to look so amazing on your record! This semester I'm going to ask around to see if any professors at my campus need lab students to help with research.

And don't give up, give it another month before deciding anything in final. And I know, I keep reading the PM sucess stories and I want to try it again, but I think I might hold off on it for now. My classes don't start back until a week and a half, so I have some time to relax before getting back into it.

But to be honest, I'm kinda faltering in NBE, I haven't moved passed 38" in weeks Sad I'm at a lost of what to do. But what I'm thinking of doing is finishing off my bottle of Flaxseed Oil just to finish it, then stopping all NBE except maybe breast massaging to keep my breast full and then in like September. I've already did my internal cleanse to rid my body of estrogen build up but still nothing so I thinking of buying herbal detox tea to use. I just really hope I can push 40" by at LEAST by birthday in Dec. because I'll be spending it in the warm sunny tropics aka Bikini City. I've been looking thru the PP to inspire me so I don't lose full hope. So hearing that you're filling those XL domes is uplifting Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

And yea, I'm still waiting for the body shaper/cream but I hope it helps me with my waist in the end.

And ooo, was that the monokini you wanted, or did you just buy this one to carry you over? lol when I got my bikini I held myself a private fashion show and was modeling it up in the mirror llai


Thankya thankya lol! I met with the one of the guys that work there today, and I'll be working there for class so $$$ :/ but I'm still happy because it'll still satisfy a class requirement and I'll be getting experience ^.^! You totally should! You should try looking up the science websites and looking under the 'research' tab and send lots of emails!

Yea, I might wait another month mainly because it'll probably take a while for the PM to ship anyway XD. Plus, I'm still trying to figure out which brand is best for me lol! I do know that I'll probably try that Booby Stacked cream after the cleanse Smile. Dang, you're so lucky you have another week off lol! I mean, my week break felt pretty long, but still Tongue

Girl, I WISH I was at 38" XD. Hmm, maybe you have to take a bit of a break? Or maybe move on to another method Tongue. Awesome! I have no idea which city is Bikini City, but that sounds like that'll be fun! I haven't been to a legit beach in FOREVER! Heck, I haven't been to the pool in forever XD. Btw, what is PP? Thank you! I haven't noogled in a week or so because I'm waiting on my soft ring to get here so I can properly use those XLs lol...I think it'll take another week though Dodgy

Lol, nope, it wasn't the monokini...I think that if I ever get one, it'll be when I'm more than just slender curvy lol! From what I saw on the website, it did look like it kind of squishes your boobs for that added effect lol. The thing about that is that your boobs (if on the smaller side) will look awesome from the front, but they'll look flat from the side Big Grin. I just bought a normal bikini. It's described as a hologram black, and has a scrunch bottom Tongue. I'm hoping that it looks good on me, I'm so anxious for it to get here so I can try it on >.< If I'm lucky, I'll look almost as awesome as you do when I try it on XD

Hi Ems, thanks for your insight again....Just an update, I am getting back the little boobie growth even after I stopped taking Fish Oil...

I really think Agnus Castus vitex and red clover is working for me...

Well I happen to have a boyfriend now and as a prevention I like to take BCP specifically Diane 35...just in case....I hope this one doesn't interfere with my boobie progress or have effect on my regular herbs


I also plan to order the GreenBush kit for next month.


At least you get the experience, that's good!

And BSC is really great, but it has PM in it so be careful with it mk. I gained couple inches with in in total. And ugh I knw but I hate being stuck at 38" Angry that's why I really wanna try the RapiBust so I can take a break from hormonal treatments ya know and I try protein treatments. But it's not eexactly on the back to school list llai

PP is the Personal Program Section. And oh well I hope when you get it all goes great for you. And ooo we should go to the beach together sometime to show off our boobs have a great time lol

And yea I noticed that too when I was kini shopping I got a non padded one but I got it in a size smaller so my breast seem bigger Tongue hehe it pushes my breasts together and gives an okay lift and haha no say stuff like that, you'll feed my ego naw but I'm sure you'll great! Big Grin


That's great to hear!! I hope you keep getting progress! And ooo lala lol don't blow his mind to much with your awesome boobage lol I never heard of Diane 35 but look at the ingredient and then look at the BCP threads on hear to see what effects other women got.

Tell me how the GBK goes,, I'm hearing alot about it now.

Lol yep ^_^. I feel like I'm going to be pretty busy this sem bc I'll be volunteering at the hospital once a week for about 3 hours Tongue. The orientation today was three hours...I was practically dying of hunger lol!

Lol! I hope you'll be able to try the RapiBust, and I hope it does work! It would be nice to use something that doesn't mess with your hormone AND gives you good resultsBig Grin! I think I'll take the UB until my period ends, then I'll switch. I'll just have to figure out where I want to get the
PM while I'm cleansing.

Lol, speaking of the bikini, I'm returning it asap XD. The fabric was shimmery/shiny and the 'hologram' was basically that weird rainbow pattern that shows up when the light hits it a certain way. It kind of looked more like a stripper's uniform rather than a kini. I got decived by the pic Dodgy. Luckily, I was choosing between two suits so I'll get the other one. If that one isn't to my liking, then my work is not done lol Big Grin. Lol, that sounds fun XD. That reminds me of the time I went to the beach and this guy walked by me with his eyes glued to my boobies...I had on sunglasses, so I'm guessing he thought I didn't notice Dodgy

OMG! I thought I was the only one who did that! I'm probably a size M, but I like to go smaller for the extra umph Big Grin. You're lucky that you don't need that padding..I feel better when I do have it lol, preferably one with a slight push up Rolleyes

Update: So I've been depressed as hell that I wasn't growing and started hating my measuring tape but I pulled it out just now and I grew!!!! Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin YESSSSSSSSSSS!! I'm at 38.5" right now but I don't know how long it'll last, I just know mmy breasts seem a tad bit fuller and I'ma enjoy it for as long as it lasts. And it was just what I needed to get my out my mental slump


I'm going to try volunteering at Grady in Atlanta if I can. Hope I can going to fill out the assessment tonight.

And yea it would be great not to have to mess with your hormones like all the time for growth so I'm keeping RapiBust on my list at the top of things to buy for NBE when I get the cash. And ok, tell me know the PM goes for you, I heard Siriporn is pretty great. But you didn't see any growth with UB at all? Or was it just so small. I've always heard UB was so good too.

Llai at a stipper bikini...I want one o_O llai where you shopping for your kinis. Check out for kinis, my bestie shops there alot. This is the dream kini i have my eye on [for now]

[Image: 18158.0.detail.jpg]

lol i think alot of girl do that, lol i've heard of padded kinis but wouldn't that be like wearing a bra?
Big Grin 

Congrats on your growth! Where you doing your same routine or did you switch it up?

Cool! Do they have some sort of deadline? I know the hospital I'm volunteering at had a deadline that was Wednesday Tongue.

I'll definitely keep you posted on the PM when/if I get it lol! Yea, I heard that Siriporn was pretty good too Smile I just got a little nervous when looking at their site today bc they had a warning that said not to use it with bcps...even though there are girls who are fine using both...I guess I just wasn't used to seeing the warning lol! I think my choices are between Thanyaporn (they added spices for increased absorption), Ainterol, and Siriporn. I would like to try Ainterol, but I'm thinking that I might want to start off with a lower dosage of PM THEN work my way up.

I don't think I've seen any growth with the UB, but then again...I haven't been on it all that long. I just figured that it wouldn't work bc I'm breaking all the req that may need to be met for it to work lol. I might have grown a little, but I can't's especially difficult now since my cycle is starting soon Rolleyes. I think UB is a good product, as I haven't had any problems with it (thank GOODNESS!), but I don't know how well/if it's working since I can't get all that protein and change up my diet lol.

I've been looking at a lot of bikinis from It's a little tough bc I want a kini that's sexy/edgy/cool, but not slutty and over the top...I really love the lace ones, but I think my bf said no XD. I really wanted the red, but it was sold out of the S/M (I'm a little worried to try a M/L).

Lol, here's what I thought I was getting:
-I was pretty bummed that It was all shiny and weird looking XD

My other choice is this one:
-Heck, I'll probably end up looking for something else by tomorrow lmao XD

I also looked at most of the bikinis on amazon one day when I *cough*was procrastinating *cough cough* had too much time on my hands, and I actually found a few cute ones! Ujena has some nice ones also...just a little expensive lol!

I checked out the nastygals site and they all look so awesome~ The one in your post looks so cool and unique, I've never seen one like it before Big Grin. I've always like the crochet kinis, but I always wondered how they'd do in the water and sand Tongue any insight? You might give me even more options to look at lol!

Yea, it kind of is like a bra, minus the underwire lol! I looked ok in just a normal padded kini (non push-up), but I almost wanna buy some push-up padding just to see how I'd look lol!

No, I've just been doing a couple of chest exercises, rubbing on Booty Stacked cream. That's all! And I'm not sure I didn't see one but I gotta do it today because I forgot last night Dodgy dang

Lemme know which one you choose, I've never heard of Thanyaporn though. I'ma look them up. And yea maybe it's time for a switch from UB if your not seeing results really. I know something will work for me if I get swelling/growth within the first two weeks. Are you going to get a progesterone supplement as well?

And OMG eeeeeeee the kini is soooooo cute! I was on the site and I feel you on the lace ones they're so sexy and on edge Tongue I love the first one you picked out, it look so great! And so does that model here breasts are gorgeous! I like your second choose as well! It's cute! And oh yeah Amazon has come cute cheap ones as well,, never heard of Ujena gunna check them out.

And yea NastyGals has some pretty cute/sexy stuff! Crochet kinis mostly for show, but you can get them wet yea, I've never had one to say personally though, sorry lol. And hmm I might wanna try a padded one them...


Lol! Well, I'm glad you broke the plateau! Yea, do it asap! I missed the deadline last time for the summer bc I thought I could just do it anytime Tongue. You know, I forgot about the Booty stacked! I think I'll get that too depending on how much money I have left! I forgot, did you say that The booty stacked worked really well or was it just the Booby stacked?

Yea, I'm trying to mak a decision before the weekend is up, but if anything... I might just order one bottle of Ainterol and one bottle of Thanya (maybe three, since it's supposed to take a while for it to get here). Wow, maybe you're a fast responder? I heard you gotta give something a couple months for it to work...idk, but then again, I've never really taken anything with a lot of phytoestrogens in itRolleyes. Yep, I'm thinking of getting some progesterone cream as someone suggested, but I have no idea what brand to get (if it matters lol!). I heard that using the two in combo can work wonders Big Grin.

IKR!! I loooved the black one on the pic, but sadly when I got didn't really look anything like it :/. I know I had gotten the right one, but I think the reason why it looks like that on the pic is due to a trick of the light Tongue I WISH it looked just like that lol! Yep the models boobs look awesome...even better if they were real XD! Yea, now it's in between the other one and maybe a pink lace one...gotta get the bfs opinion to help me choose...he owes me lol!!

Lol yea! I looked at some of Nasty Gals tops and dresses and I love them! I really like some of their midriff tops Smile The outfits look pretty cool too, I never would have thought to put those together XD. I figured that about the crochet, I really like them, but I'd need something that does well in the water as well XD. Idk, I assume they'd be fine either way, I think I'd be worried about it stretching over time. If I had the money, I'd get a crochet and a normal bikini lol Tongue

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