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BodyRocking's Baby Steps


(07-08-2012, 19:25)Doll Wrote:  Have you tried Melatonin? It should help you sleep a little better. Get a bottle from Wal-Mart (although if you don't mind paying an extra dollar or so, I suggest buying from Vitamin Shoppe or something, better quality). Take one for a few nights right before bed, and if it works, it should help normalize your sleeping habits. I suggest using it every few days after the first few days (or dropping it completely if you don't need it anymore), otherwise your body will get used to it and might need it to sleep, or it might not work at the regular dose anymore. :/

Also, a lot of women report great growth with chicken feet soup, if you're brave enough. I personally hate feet, and refuse to eat anything with it in the title. Lol

The CD sounds like something good to try. Let us know how it works for you, maybe more of us will start buying it!

I'll consider that, though I think first I'll try other methods, like working out regularly, and eating healthier and at consistent times (my meals are all over the place), taking a bath or hot shower, or soe kind of relaxation thing. Plus, there's also triing myself out so much I can crash the moment I hit the pillows ^_^ lol. I'm afraid of my body becomig used to it and relying on it to sleep :/, I'm not veryclose to supplements that are supposed to do things like that haha, but thanks!

Eeh, I'll think I'll pass on that... I like chicken, but... their feet? Mega eew. Maybe it tastes good, but picturing chicken feet in food is too stumach churning... Hehe.

^_^ I'll post as soon as I get the CD. Then I'll transfer it over to my iPod. The good thing about the CD is that it's supposed to sound like just music and ocean waves. If I title it "Sleep Music" no one will react weirdly if they see it. If they listened to it and heard someone talking about relaxing and breasts and trance/hypnotism on the other hand... Lol. Tongue


What I forgot to post at the start of this--
I am going to be focusing on not using any sort of things that mess with hormones in this program!!
{So, no herbs, no oils, no cream (or at least none with hormone changing stuff)}

Also new update:

2. Diet-
Once upon a time I was a horrible eater. Now I'm a bit better. Soon, I'll be great.

Changes Made:
•Much less caffiene-Not eliminated though.
•Less bad carbs (Super processed pasta, crackers, chips, etc.)
•Less calorie intake (Not overeating, etc.)
  • One cup (I just use a mug...) of Green Tea

Changes In The Process:
•More fruits & veggies
•More protien
•Switch breads & pastas with WHOLE grain
  • (Once I'm done with the remaining Green Tea) Drink DECAF Green Tea **MAYBE**

^^ That's 'cause I am trying to limit caffiene, and being a choco-sugar-soda-holic that I sometimes am, wherever I can cut it out, I will.
After I get more of my stuff together, I'll re-post the entire program so far ^_^ Sorry.
No CD yet. Hope it gets here soon.

**New Step:**
3. Exercise-
{This is under some insane construction mode and will get constant changes. For now.}
  • Walk (estimated) 3 miles a day, I don't know exact numbers, more or less, but more than 2.

**Estimated Delivery For CD:
Monday, August 13, 2012 -
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
-__- Yeesh, the wait... Hope it's worth it.


What a healthy regimen you've got! I'm so proud of you! <3

If you add sprinting to your daily walks, it might also benefit you. Sprinting actually helps the body produce more Human Growth Hormones, which help you grow! This includes your boobies! Wink

Would sprinting a quarter of a mile work?
Just to start Tongue I'm not in much shape right now.

& are there any other ways to "activate" HGH?
Can you "encourage" it for booby growth?

The CD is HERE!! Big Grin

It's 54 minutes.
I just popped it in and am playing it. It's nice background music. Just piano sounds and ocean waves. I catch the occasional hint of voice(s) but it's easier than listening to only speaking.

What I like is I can do other things without having to worry about relaxing, visualizing, or listening. I can just do whatever and the music just plays.

Really hoping fo results. If there's any major growth soon, I'll assume it's this CD. Isosensuals just doesn't seem like it's working for growth on me. Maybe it has, I just haven't noiced.

Oh, and am looking into supplements, for health & NBE. So far I'm looking into EFAs and L-theanine. Not saying I'm getting any of these for sure, just cheking them out Smile.

I don't think I get enough EFAs. Maybe I do?

Omega-3: One tablespoon of Flax seed oil is supposed to take care of this, so if I add it I could just put it in my shake. It's supposed to be one of the highest Omega-3 level foods/supplements.

Omega-6: The site said, "Linoleic Acid is the primary Omega-6 fatty acid. A healthy human with good nutrition will convert linoleic acid into gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which will later by synthesized, with EPA from the Omega-3 group, into eicosanoids." So it sounds like a healthy diet isn't in much need for Omeaga-6 supplements. So I might skip this, as I'm trying to be a healthy eater.

Omega-9: This isn't essential to take because it is produced by the body, but in limited amounts. The site said, "However, the 'time-released' effects of obtaining these nutrients from nuts and other whole foods is thought to be more beneficial than consuming the entire daily amount via a single oil dose." So I think once I switch out to whole grain I'll be good. (Except when I eat filled pastas that aren't whole grain...)

So, after this I'm thinking I should just take some kind of Flax Seed Oil supplement for my Omega-3's.


The mininum of this CD is to play it once a day.
I've had it going for a few hours now, it's nice and relaxing. I might try out playing it all night, that way I could have at least 5 hours of it, though I;m not sure if it would have the same results. The CD did say it could be played during sleep though so I guess it'll work.
I'm not really measuring, I breathe, the tape is too tight/loose, I moved the tape slightly, etc. I want big changes, whole cup sizes. And hopefully by keeping healthy, and trying to encourage my boobs, I'll get there.

Want to need new bras by winter.

--Quick note, (for myself to remember) I need more protein.

Flaxseed oil is Omega 3, 6, and 9, so you really don't need it. With an average American diet, you get more Omega 6's and 9's than you need already. It's best to try to keep them balanced, so try Fish Oil pills instead. They're just Omega 3's, and they're packed full of 'em! Glad you got your CD already! That was fast! Hope you start getting growing tingles soon!

Okay, so just Fish Oil Smile.
What is the average American diet though? I don't think I have that...

About the protein thing.,,...20,00.html

It says a way to figure the amount you need is with:
Activity Level (what to multiply by) x Weight in Pounds
Sedentary x .4 = Amount of grams of protein you need
Active x .6 = Amount of grams of protein you need
Competitive Athlete x .75 = Amount of grams of protein you need
Light Body-Builder x .85 = Amount of grams of protein you need

My weight is... around 125-135 pounds, but I'd guess more towards 135. I guess I could say I'm active.
So, 135 x .6 = 81 grams of protein daily.

If this is accurate I am waaaaaaaay below....
I maybe have been getting about 30-35(ish) grams of protein a day.

Now to incorperate this into my diet:
Since I will be adding Shakeology (at some point in time) I'll give the nutrition facts: (This is for Chocolate [NON VEGAN])

Serving Size: 1 Scoop = 48 grams
(Per Serving)
Calories: 150
Sugars: 9 grams
Total Fat: 1 gram
Cholesterol: 15 mg
Sodium: 100mg
Total Carbohydrate: 17 grams
Protein: 18 grams

That's 64 grams I need, 18 grams will be covered by this (once I start, this may be delayed now, sorry!)
So that leaves me with 46 grams needed.


As for other ways to get the needed grams... still working on it.

Okay! New program addition!
I think I'm going to squeeze in Steve G Jones hypnosis for Breast Enlargement. I have an old MP3 player I can put all of my hypnosis things on, then listen to it all night. ^_^ I hope I can listen to Steve's MP3 while I sleep... Oh well, I'll still try it out.

*Type in 'diamond' in the coupon/discount bar!

Okay, so for protein I think I'll have some kind of protein shake (for now). Whenever I start Shakeology (this might be pushed until winter D: Sorry!) I was thinking I could add in protein powder too. Except it seems protein shakes should be taken immediatly after a workout if you want to increase any muscles. I want to eventually have a workout program for my butt and will have a shake when finished, maybe.

Anyways, now I need some kind of way to get protein. So I'll find a shake. I think Whey Protein is good, Soy isn't good, right?

Now that I'm looking further into Protein sources (powders, supplements, etc.) it seems like I should cut my protein needs back to about 40 grams until I get more exercise going. I think this will be good? So I think I'll get a 20 gram shake thingy to start.

I didn't listen to anything last night as I fell asleep at my computer... So I'll do Steve G Jones & the hypno-music tonight!

Well, I forgot my lotion this morning! Oops.
Anyways, I loaded all my hypnosis (for breasts & other stuff) onto an old MP3 player. I'll listen to it all night for a while.
Steve G Jones suggested something like 21 days for most session recordings. So I guess I'll try to keep track, though I don't think they'll all be noticably in 21 days.

By the way, my breasts are feeling a bit sore :/. Not sure if it's the growing, running around without a sports bra, or my period coming... Ugh.

** About my diet.
I think part of the problem is that I've learned not to eat huge meals, and I think when you eat less your stomach shrinks so what I used to eat is now a lot to my stomach. I don't get hungry from the amount I eat, I just need to find ways to get in all the nutrition I need daily, without stuffing myself.
So for my veggies (mainly leafy greens, blech. I don't like them.) I'll eventually get a juicer. So I can put the juice in a protein shake (or the Shakeology when I start, I should start by October/November at the lastest, sorry!) so there's veggies and some protein. I think I'll also take fish oil. Slowly switching out to whole grains. I need more protein, and fruits. I might be able to juice enough fruits & veggies to put in some kind of drink. I'll still eat food of course, but then I won't have to worry all day about sacrificing what I like for what I need (lazy I know ^_^) There's just no way to eat the amount of foods I need every day, I just don't eat that much.

I walk 1-2 miles a day now, my schedule got more added, so I'm more limited on time. I have activities during the day, too. But that's all over the place. Then I want to add a small workout for a single part of my body (and then move to another, and keep a few moves for the first part). I mean like working arms, abs, legs, butt, etc. First I think I want to work on my butt. Big Grin I want to rock shorts next summer I was too scared to wear :/.

Fitness problem: I am not in any way, flexible. I can't even touch my toes... I've always had really hard time with flexibility. I really don't think my body was built for it. So I'm looking for a few simple stretches to start off. I'll post once I find ones I like. Any suggestions welcome. I want to mainly work my legs, I'm really stiff there.

Smile Keep growing.

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