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Can anyone suggest a program for someone when FG/SP/Hops isn't working?


From what I understand, maca is an adaptogen, so it makes whatever hormones your body is lacking. Which is why it wouldn't create testosterone in men, because they already produce heavy amounts of it. However, I'm sure if a guy had low-T, or even if the pill was taken every night before bed (when T counts are at their lowest), it probably would create testosterone in men.

Maca is also used heavily in libido pills, along with horny goat weed and a few other herbs. But I think those are what mainly do the job. I had to take libido pills embarrassingly enough after BC pills completely killed my libido (as well as messing up my hormones in countless other ways).

Maca actually IS great for butt growth, but mainly BECAUSE is creates testosterone in women. Testosterone helps build stronger muscles faster, which is why men are capable of bulking up so much more than women are. Since your butt muscles are used to walk everyday, many women experience slight butt growth or even just a better shape even without working out (although you really don't see great results until you workout).

Interesting, though, I never heard of it being used to prevent stalling. I guess that would be because it's an adaptogen. I'd love to be able to find her post talking about it, that's very intriguing. Maybe I should stay on it after all.

I have been taking maca too. I read on the transgender site, that in order for growth to be permament your program should include maca. That alone is reason enough for me. I don't want to have to take pills forever after I reach my goal size. I still get alot of growth. So I know its not stalling me. Maybe someone else can help on this.

I linked a good review of the scientific literature on maca here:

Outside the scientific literature, web sites say maca increases DHEA. That's a cheap claim to make, because free DHEA levels are so low they can't be measured. But I thought it's easy enough to check. I took 6,000 - 7,000 mg of maca. If it really increases DHEA, all the DHEA should become testosterone, regardless of the stalling limit. It did cause androgen symptoms and insomnia, but I'm still not sure I was really above the stalling limit.

Go to the last page of my program thread, and type "maca AND DHEA" in the "Search Thread" box below the last post. You should find most of what I wrote on it.

Besides Metagenics' Menohop, I have another suggestion on topic:

(26-06-2012, 18:02)Isabelle Wrote:  Outside the scientific literature, web sites say maca increases DHEA. That's a cheap claim to make, because free DHEA levels are so low they can't be measured. But I thought it's easy enough to check. I took 6,000 - 7,000 mg of maca. If it really increases DHEA, all the DHEA should become testosterone, regardless of the stalling limit. It did cause androgen symptoms and insomnia, but I'm still not sure I was really above the stalling limit.

I just read that DHEA is used to help treat Lupus. Maybe I wasn't taking a high enough dose to affect my symptoms, but now I'm afraid I'll start getting worse flare-ups now that I'm not taking it. =_= It just gave me too many negative side effects when I took any more than 500mgs, even when I slowly ramped up to adjust my body to it. I might start taking it again in the future, but for right now, I'll just rest my wallet.

Hey doll, sorry to post on such an old thread but I was wondering how your friend did when she added progesterone cream? Did she ever find something that worked for her? Also, I noticed you said somewhere you found out you had pcos so that's why you responded so we'll to NBE, I heard maca helps lower testosterone levels for women with pcos, but it's raising it for you? Is that bad for pcos? I have a similar breast shape as your friend although characteristics of tuberous as well, I personally believe it is due to different leveled hormones so I was really curious about your friends results! I am taking maca also, but I already have more muscle then I'd like and quite a bit of body hair! Do you think maca is a bad choice? I was under the impression it'd balance my testosterone :/

I cant help to suggest a working NBE program, but do suggest she read up on the effects of too low calories as it can actually stall weight loss. Personally I decided that MY body is MY temple and I will keep it healthy, not just skinny. And I finally managed to after decades of failure by realizing just one thing: my body follows what I do. It likes me, it adapts to my choices and I just gotta suck it up for a week or two to make a change semi-permanent.
Knowing I won't be on an emotional roller coaster indefinitely took a lot of stress out of weight loss for me. I used to look at that endless dark tunnel and quit without ever starting.

Your body adapts within days, as early as 3 days sometimes.
- smaller portions = smaller stomach within 3 to 5 days (this is why the big heaping side of salad diet backfires so bad, it stretches your stomach and makes you eat more after the diet is over)
- You crave what you are used to: the healthier you eat, the more you crave good stuff, the more junk you eat, the more junk you crave.
- Very low calories stalls your metabolism, the lower you go, the harder your body will fight to hang on to it's reserves. Your body needs to feel 'safe' in your hands, it needs to know it's gonna get enough food to at least partially replace what it uses up.
- Besides burning fat and carbs, your body can also burn tissue. Normally it only destroys damaged cells but when going too low your body will burn up your healthy muscles and tissues instead. You lose overall weight, yes, but your fat to lean mass ratio will grow more and more UNhealthy. You also wont gain muscle mass that way and more muscles = more calories burned when working out.
It's also not going to build new mammary cells out of thin air and if it burns up damaged mammary cells they wont get replaced.
- Don't "diet", instead make realistic changes. For example if you love having some wine at night, don't cut it out entirely, otherwise when you stop and go back to your old habits this will create a sudden surplus of calories. "everything in moderation" is key. Eat what you want to eat, just be aware of how much you can have to stay healthy.
- Learn not to "graze". A lot of our food we eat while grazing like mindless cows... we are not aware of everything that passes our lips. I used to be really good at that with chips. I would open a big family size bag and much during a movie and before I knew it the bag was empty! I just ate 2000 calories in less than an hour... yay me... I had to teach myself to take what I was going to have and put the rest away, out of sight, out of reach, so I would have to consciously get up to get more. Keeping a food log also made a huge difference.

So what works?
- keep your body guessing at how many calories you will ingest and/or burn today, never follow the same numbers for more than 3 days in a row.
- have a cheat day, even if it's only once a month instead of once a week. If you keep denying cravings, sooner or later you will end up binging when you do slip up. Instead take control of your cravings: you want some icecream? Have a scoop, put the rest back. If you refuse you may find yourself eating the whole tub at once a week from now. Savor your treats and cheats, roll the flavor in your mouth en enjoy every second of it.
- when creating a calorie deficit, the weekly total is what matters
- figure out your personal addiction and control it
I'm a carb addict so my fastest weight loss is going low carb. I especially love breads & potatoes sooo much and if I eat over a certain amount my body will cry and pout like a spoiled little diva brat threatening to hold her breath till she passes out if I don't keep these carbs flowing. It's harsh sometimes, but for me low carbing lets me lose weight far faster than going low calorie.
- create bigger calorie deficits either through workouts or intermittent fasting. If you really must, eat a maximum of 500 calories below your BMR, in most cases that is already cutting out a third of the energy your body needs to just plain exist...

Most importantly... keep talking to her about it. She should be smart enough to realize her current diet is interfering with things that make her happy. After all, a change in dietary habits costs nothing and doesn't come with a contract... she can try something for a week or two and just quit if it doesn't suit her.

Sorry if I rambled on a bit there... Good luck to you and your friend!

Edit: Blush wow I just realized this is an old thread... I got a little carried away I think, sorry!! Blush I do hope your friend is eating healthier now.

Haha that was my fault, I posted on it asking about her friend sorry haha! But very good advice and info, after years of struggling I finally figured out all that you typed! You feel free once you no longer crave junk 24/7. And treating NY body like a temple is so much more rewarding than being "skinny" I feel happier and healthier I only hope everyone can eventually get to this point in their life as well and no longer feel trapped and helpless,to food or extreme dieting

i'd say first try a weight gaining suppliment to get some calories back. i googled it and came back with a product called GNC weight gainer For fast weight gain i'd say use something like this slowly or in minimum dosage on top of taking what shes already on it would probably keep most of the weight gain in her boobies instead of the rest of her body..... just a thought.
Fenugreek and PM together make me extremely hungry i'm eating like a pregnant girl which is good because after 2 kids i'm still a size 3 and it is frustraiting having no body fat except for on my butt! so far i have been using this brand of PM
i do not know anything about it however or if it is even a real product. i've only been taking it for about 2 weeks max but i am having a lot of breast cramping from it it does not smell and does not taste and it is a white powder in a gel capsule.
i wish your friend luck! Big Grin

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