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Fat transfer massage...seems to be working


(20-06-2012, 14:32)veronicas2257 Wrote:  I used chiyomilk's video as a guide once as i repeat many techniques one after another to keep the massage continuous and my breasts warm, after doing the lipomassage u tend to get into your own way of doing it or whatever u are comfortable with, i also use cocoa butter on my breasts and chest area to keep the skin moisturised and healthy as healthy skin= good environment for cell growth
I would recommend u first identify the specific areas in ur body which u deposit most fat in, eg stomach, back, thighs,
Once u have done that imagine (focus) that this unwanted fat is being moved to the breasts and imagine that its filling them out, after that tense ur hand a little and firmly push the fat from those places towards the breasts, i push the fat from the back to the top of my chest, the fat from my arms to the side of my breasts and the fat from the stomach to the bottom of my boobs, u can also try feng shui massage, i do it whenever i remember to Tongue haha theres many posts about it in the forum and on the internet, basically it is all about using the nuckles to press into the pressure points of the breasts, u can form a fist with ur hand and using ur nuckles firmly press into ur breasts starting from the arm pit and moving around the top of the breasts, do single strokes like that around 20 times for each breasts
Warning: it gets quite painful
Hope this helped u Smile

Thank you so much, that really helps!!

I wish I had fat to transfer to my boobs! I've always wanted to do her massage, but I really have nothing to transfer. I wish I could transfer the fat from my arms to my boobs, that seems to be the one place I can't lost fat... :/

But I've heard great things about people who use this method religiously.

We all deposit fat around our bodies, i am a sporty person and eceryone thinks that i dont have fat on my body as it dusnt really appear like that, but wen u really push into ur body with ur palm u ll notice that there is fat tissue, for example.. chiyomilk shows us to transfer fat from our back to the front of our bodies and then to the breasts.. But where exactly is the fat on our all appears to be just muscle tissue and bones, however we all have fat on our back and even tho not quite visible we shoud still stroke the back fat to the front ( our chest). And when it comes to your arms.. Yea of course, u can transfer fat from any part of ur body!! There is a therapist in thailand who does breast slappibg which is a different way of the fat massage, there is a video of her promoting the massage and the model she is doin it on is very skinny, however after a few treatments the girl gains 2inches in her breasts, it is possible, u are a lucky one who obviously has little fat tissue, however its still there so go for it!! Every little helps right Tongue plus i would recommend checking ur BMI as maybe u could gain some weight which would add fat to ur breasts Smile

This sounds great & I definitely plan on adding it to my program. Question: Do you have to do it standing up or is it also beneficial while laying down?

It is best to choose a position where u can easily pick up the fat using ur hands so u can feel it moving with ur hand towards ur breasts
I have an update... Since my first post i lost another half a centimetre off my stomach, meaning the massage is still working for me, whenever i look at my breasts now they are bouncy and very full!! I see a definite increase in circumference Big Grin i recommend this massage with all my heart, at first i have to say i was skeptical about it but i gave it a try anyway, i have been doin it for a month now and already see great results!!!

I actually DID gain weight to build muscle and help with nbe lol I still dont underatand how I'd be able to move my arm fat all the way to my girlies. And that makes sense about the subcutanious fat being all over. I really don't think of that as fat, just pretty much the visible stuff. Now, I'm waiat training, lile three weeks in. Will that over time force my fat cells to regroup in my hips and breasts do you think?

I guess i can try this type of massage. I hear that when you do it right, it'll hurt a little, but I guess oil will help. So, does this over time put your fat cells in you boobies, so later when you gain weight you'll gain it there easier?

U can raise ur right arm and massage the fat from ur arm using ur left hand, moving down towards ur breasts, either the top or the sides of ur breasts, u can also brush the fat from ur arm pits to ur breasts, the top or sides. And well i think if u train ur body to deposit fat there by massage or hypnosis im sure it will work for u, after all it is all in ur mind and wen u are in the right mindsrt everything is possible :}

Thanks Veronica for the info n help.

How are things going with it now it's been another month?

I have tried it, but I've not been disciplined doing it everyday, but overall this month I have had some growth, so yay!

woah seriously gonna give this a try! great post and info Smile ill come back and tell about the results in a month!

I do a variation of Chiyomilk's massage and it seems to be going great, but I just started so who knows, I do my disk one when I apply my FSO

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