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i feel like just giving up :'(


This is my first month using PM and I've cycled as usual I'm on the luteal phase and this is already my second time bleeding and my menses isn't due for another week. I haven't grown at all and I'm so concerned for my health. My husband has no idea that I'm doing this and I'm embarrassed to tell him. I've hid my bleeding from him and I don't want him to find out I'm bleeding again....all my friends are getting their breast enhanced surgically and I wish I had the money to just skip all this and get them done...I'm sorry I just feel sooo hopeless and needed to vent : (

I feel your pain my dear.. Sad Is your period irregularity the thing which is concerning you about your health? I haven't yet started my program and I'm not yet too informed about what to expect when on PM, so I'm sorry I can't really be of much help. I just wanted to send you some good-will and I hope that you feel better soon. **hugs**

Thank you : )

I had to pull myself out of this funk and realize that its a trial and error thing for everyone on here. Since I got my menses at age 12 I'm now 30 and I've never had an irregular period so experiencing this bleeding at this phase is frightening. I'm usually in a great mood on the luteal phase. I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board and eliminate any kind of herbs in the luteal phase. Sorry for freaking out...I haven't told a soul about me trying NBE since its such a touchy subject for me and the only place I can talk about it is on here and I know I'm never alone.

Hey, getting your period early is better than getting it late! I was so worried and because I wasn't on birth control, so a late period was alarming. I had to take milk thistle to speed up my menstrual cycle after taking a pregnancy test just to be safe. I have found that massage helps along with a spray. I am on PM, and within a few weeks, I have developed "under arm" (breast) fat. We are all different and that is why we react differently to drugs and herbal supplements. I agree that you should eliminate all other herbs and take it one supplement at a time.

I haven't told my husband either because I haven't seen any dramatic results yet, but I don't think he would mind. Maybe you can give it a few months before telling him about NBE too.

Trust me, I want to get them surgically enhanced too, but I know I cannot live with myself after the surgery. I don't like anything "foreign" inside of me, especially something plastic.

I really think everyone should start slow with PM...and no adding other herbs, even during the luteal phase...many girls here have experienced bleeding, I'm such a scaredy cat I'd really panic if that happened to me. PM is really strong so you don't need to add anything else, I'm actually thinking about stopping the PM pills and just go with the cream next month, or take just one pill instead of two. I haven't told anyone about this either, if I told my bf he'd probably tell me to stop he'd say I'm messing up my health...but oh well...

(19-06-2012, 23:33)highhopes Wrote:  This is my first month using PM and I've cycled as usual I'm on the luteal phase and this is already my second time bleeding and my menses isn't due for another week. I haven't grown at all and I'm so concerned for my health. My husband has no idea that I'm doing this and I'm embarrassed to tell him. I've hid my bleeding from him and I don't want him to find out I'm bleeding again....all my friends are getting their breast enhanced surgically and I wish I had the money to just skip all this and get them done...I'm sorry I just feel sooo hopeless and needed to vent : (

Right now, I'm doing exactly what you just described, period on day 20. I feel your frustration believe me. I've posted in my program about it yesterday. I'm also very confused and don't know what to do. I also started menses at age 12, always regular. Now I'm 43, at first I didn't cycle PM, and it never messed up my cycle. But then I became estrogen dominant so I started cycling with progesterone cream, which helped, but this cycle I used fenugreek instead and started menses a whole week early Sad I don't think I even ovulated when I should've. Maybe it's perimenopause Huh who know's. But I feel so bad right now that I also feel like giving up all this stuff. I do plan to lay off PM until I get get my next period, I wouldn't dare take any right now. I'll give it another chance since I did make a change this cycle. I'll go back to progesterone cream during luteal and see if that straightens this mess up. But if it doesn't, I'll probably drop hormones all together and try another route. It might sound strange to keep messing with this stuff when I have a bad effect, the only explanation I have for my need to make it work is the fact that I have gained a full cup now using pm. But I have to say that one more cycle with this awful feeling and I'd be willing to give it up and try to be somewhat content Shy It's awful to find something that works for nbe and then find out that I can't take it.

Yesterday all herb consumption came to a halt and I started using progesterone cream and the bleeding got lighter. Today the bleeding has stopped and no headache upon waking : )

@b00ba: We're on both ends of the spectrum here. Some girls ovulate earlier or later than the 14th day and maybe you ovulate earlier than 14th and stop PM late postponing your menses...Im not a doctor but its my guess. I think since we're both getting into trouble I think its best to invest in a ovulation kit.Blush

@adrianna23: This is a big lesson learned for a newbie like me. I underestimated the PM and amped up to 3 capsules on days 6-12 which is making my estrogen tip the scales even on the luteal phase. I know what you mean with telling your boyfriend, once i took relacore to loose weight and started losing my hair and was 3 weeks late on my menses I panicked and told him and he threw all my diet sups in the trash and was closely monitoring that I didnt take anymore things.

@sgc42: OMG I was using fenugreek on luteal and found thats the culprit to my bleeding. I think using PC is good when your feeling estrogen dominant but other than leave it alone. Im learning to let my body regulate itself on luteal so my body can produce its natural progesterone. This one was a big lessoned learned!

Im going by this forum for help and by Dr. Susan Loves first edition breast book. Its the breast bible I think everyone should get it. Heres a review:
Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book has been considered the bible of breast-care books since it appeared in 1990. In 1995, Love completely updated the book in a 600-page second edition, including new biopsy and screening methods, implants, the pros and cons of hormone therapy,
new discoveries in breast-cancer treatment, and many other topics. Every chapter has been rewritten, with the exception of the anatomy chapter (The breast, I'm glad to report, is still located on the chest!). Love presents copious medical information in a simple, welcoming style, and plentiful illustrations make the information even clearer. About two-thirds of the book deals with breast cancer: risk factors, prevention, screening, diagnosis, staging, emotions, treatment options, surgery, alternative treatments, clinical trials, and more. But the book isn't just about breast cancer. It's also about breast development, physiology, bras, nursing, sexuality--if it has to do with breasts, Love discusses it. Love also debunks breast myths: underwire bras do not cause cancer, neither do bruises or injuries; fibrocystic disease isn't really a disease. The book includes a wealth of resources: books, treatment centers, and organizations.

Hope this helps especially the silent lurkers that silently panic looking for help on here : )

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