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Boom Baby!


Round 2:
Okay, time for my second round to get my booming bust. Tongue
I have no clue if this will work, it's just an experiment I'm too curious about and won't be satisfied until I try. Big Grin
So 'ere goes:
One capsule of fish oil mixed with some cocoa butter lotion, applied to breast each night.
(One capsule per breast)
I'm going to focus more on just getting the mixture rubbed in well, not the massaging part- that hurt my breasts.

Above bust:33"
Middle bust:35"
Below bust:32"
Height: 5'4" (& 1/2 an inch Tongue)
Weight: Somewhere around 125-135
Sex: Female
(NEW/Current) Goal: C Cup!!

Note: No, I am not flat chested, I know, & I never have been (after pueberty). But once upon a time (At the beggining of this year, at the least) I was a 34 C. I decided to cut a lot of caffiene and sugar out of my diet, limit my carbs, and add mor fruits and veggies. I also had started exercising (Which by the way I need to pick back up again, lol) Anyways, I (according to the scale...) dropped around 15-ish pounds. I went down a size in jeans, and my once fitting shirts became loser fitting. I was very happy with myself, my figure/shape was looking more like I wanted. Until I noticed my breasts weren't fitting in my bras anymore. I was mortified, I know you're probably thinking it was no big deal, but it was to me. I have an hourglass shaped body, but now I am on the quest to enlarging my balancing ends. My boobs, and my booty. So, I don't know if that is helpful at all, but now you know where I came from. I got the waist closest to what I wanted, but now I want my ends back and even better. So here I go!!
This is Round 2: For Boobs.

Okay O_o Had a few fish oil capsules. They were NOT odorless. Digsuting, I hate the smell of fish. Will get odorless ones ASAP.
Tonight-I mixed the fish oil with plenty of cocoa butter lotion, and a few drops of pepperming essential oil (for the smell), the combination resulted with an extremely slick mixture, one that would've taken a LONG time to rub in. So I threw on an old shirt and am hoping it will have soaked in by morning.

Oooh I like the sound of this experiment Big Grin GET ODORLESS...Tongue

Will officially start next week- or when I can buy odorless capsules- whichever is sooner. Sorry!!
OH: Should I try usuing Borage/Starflower Oil instead? Heard it balances hormones a bit, so maybe instead of fish oil I'll use that for my breasts...
NOTE: I'm sorry, I know I already said most of this, just letting you know what is going on in my head, considering changing plans...

ANYWAYS. I said I wanted to get bigger on BOTH of my ends, I thought I might as well make my plans known.

(Round 2) Boobs: Every night will use *(Borage or Fish Oil)* on breasts, mixed with cocoa butter lotion. Will not focus on the massaging, more on getting it soaked in. {OR maybe!! I should use one in the morning & one at night? Or one twice a day? NEED INPUT HERE!!}

(Round 1) Booty: {Currently a vague plan, will give certain plan once initiated} Once a day use 2 Fish Oil capsules & 1 Vitamin E capsule (per cheek), wrap in seran wrap for 45 minutes, take off. Wear "push up"/shaper underwear every night (heard this helps, don't know, won't know until I try though), do a few butt exercises daily.

Once I get those into gear, I'll give an idea of what I try to keep my diet as, and will try to make an exercise routine, too!!

Back to Boobs: Think I'll start off with Fish Oil (save money Tongue) for both, if I get results in either one or both, I'll continue use until no further results/desired results achieved. If no changes occur with boobs, I will use Borage/Starflower Oil.
Good? Smile

I am so glad I found your thread! I am waiting for Bust Boom to come in the mail, and like you did, I am just going to try it and see what happens. Even though, if I had found this forum sooner I would be buying individual herbs For Sure! I want to start massaging but I haven't purchased any cream; however, I happen to have fish oil capsules and cocoa butter lotion... Is it as simple as throwing those together or am I misunderstanding??

The Bust Boom-- I don't think it worked well with me because I think I may have high estrogen levels (had taken Fenugreek before, nothing but breakouts and smelling like maple syrup, and I think it gave me mood swings). I didn't break out before Bust Boom unless I was stressed, so if you break out now, it may help with that and with your breasts. I did experience slight increase in sex drive, but in all honesty I didn't need any help there Blush. I'd just take it, measure consistently & if there are negative results (like my break outs) stop and find something else Smile.

I tried breast massage- and it made my breasts really sore, it hurt for them to move, and wearing a bra was horrible. So I stopped Sad

-- I was going to use the cocoa butter just for stretch mark prevention (I am also trying to fade the terrible ones I have now), what I've heard is that the Fish Oil is really what you need, Vitamin E or cocoa butter is just extra protection with stretch marks.

I am going to try Fish Oil & Vitamin E. I am getting Fish Oil tomorrow, I'll post what I will do tomorrow as well Big Grin I'll keep this updated for all to know my progress- tell me how Bust Boom works for you!!

{Extra}--I'm trying to determine if I may have either, so I can find what would work best for my boobs. Just thought I'd post, if anyone has any input. Smile

Signs of Estrogen Deficiency:
Minor anxiety(May be more than minor)
Emotional instability(Can happen)
Feeling of despair, crying easily(Sometimes)
Poor concentration, mental fogginess(Sometimes)
Forgetfulness(Very much)
Difficulty falling asleep(Very much)
Increased back and joint pain(No)
Hot flashes(Don't think so)
Night sweats(Maybe, if this is getting randomly hot at night, then most likely yes)
Episodes of rapid heartbeat(Don't think so)
Dry eye, skin and vagina(Sometimes, Most often, NO)
Low libido (sex drive)(Positive on this- No)
Vaginal and/or bladder infections(No)
Painful intercourse(No)

Signs of Estrogen Dominance:
Nervousness, irritability, impatience(Yes, Can be, Yes)
Mood swings(Yes)
Breast tenderness or pain(Sometimes)
Increase of breast size(Hmm... Not sure, they aren't where I want them though)
Water retention, swollen figures and legs(No, I don't drink enough water...)
Pelvic cramps(No, don't think so)
Heavy menstruation(No)
Weight gain(Would think yes, it's not hard for it to happen with me)
Sugar cravings(Yes, randomly & annoying)
Sleep disturbances(Yes)

Hmm... I would think if I had estrogen definiency I would have had better results with Fenugreek & Bust Boom. (Will post anything else I find)

Perhaps it is not Estrogen I need to look at, but Progesterone... Am not sure, but Progesterone seems key with breast growth... Maybe.

Anyways, am focusing on hormone balancing... Big Grin

Well, this is interesting...
Maca Root.
Seems to be good for increasing booty- Hey! That's one of my goals here!! Tongue
It also seems to help balance out hormones!! Smile Even better!
But for some it seems to have helped a bit with upstairs as well.
Big Grin If I could balance out my hormones, increase my butt, and perhaps my boobs-- Count me in!!
I think I'll get some Maca Root. Blush

Think I may add Maca with Fish Oil, then I can use both methods to work both ends Big Grin, so either end I gain in, I'll be happy with, as long as it's not my thighs or belly...

Does the fish oil actually help with growth or is there some other purpose?? I definitely have stretch marks from breastfeeding my son so I don't know why I didn't started massaging with cocoa butter lotion a long time ago Huh I should just mix up that lotion and fish oil and get crackin Lol
I actually do have breakouts and low libido... and pretty much every other mild symtom associated with estrogen dominance. But then looking at that list of Estrogen Deficiency: I have the memory of a goldfish (worse as I age and I'm only 22), difficulty falling asleep, hot flashes, back pain, migranes. Then again some of the symptoms overlap Anyway, I am just starting to research as well, so I don't want to add confusing imput (which is all my brain has right now), but I did just post a relevent article on one of the boards: Have you considered getting a blood or saliva test? I am going to try to figure it out by what changes happen and what the specific herbs are known to effect; unless it gets too complicated, and then I will get a test.
Hopefully, my BustBoom will come in tomorrow! I'm dying to start but I'm also still unsure if I'm suppose to wait for my period...
Anyway I will definitely be sure to measure and take pics! Don't think I will post them but maybe some day Blush
Blah Blah And so the journey continues Big Grin

I've heard mainly that Fish Oil has been used for increasing booty size, then some decided to use it for breasts. I'm just going to have fun experimenting with this, it's cheaper Tongue, and if it doesn't work I'll find another way, which will cost more, lol. I figure if I try Fish Oil out, and it works or not for me, it may come in handy to others.Smile

Cocoa butter if supposed to help stretch marks, as far as fading them it didn't really help me, and I've used it on and off for a few years. As far as preventing them, that's what I was going for with the Fish Oil.

I've found some interesting home treatments for stretch marks, I'm going to post them here:

^^ I'd say try just the Bust Boom, so you will know that are results are because of it. I had generally clear skin, when I wasn't stressed too much, and high libido. Bust Boom just made libido a bit higher (if possible, pretty sure it is though) and gave me break outs when I wasn't stressed. I've finally found good things to keep the break outs down, and maybe gone. I really wish I had measured my breasts. Oh well, I wasn't happy with break outs. It may work for you!! Big Grin Keep me notified!

Do you think I should try out Maca? Combine it with the Fish Oil? Or do them at seperate times to know which cause what results?
It really has my attention, if it helps with booty size (I don't want a mega increase, but I want to get my dream bubbly butt Blush, and helps balance out hormones (I'd like to see if that helps me overall), AND possibly increase breast size!-- It really sound like a win-win situation if I try it out, I may gain on one end or both. Decisions decisions.....

I tried to go back through this thread but I'm not clear on ur regimen
Like r u taking things orally now or still topical U said u stopped massage so u still just spread it on and go? Lol
I know almost nothing about Maca, but when I start researching something I just Google "breast nexus" and what ever word I need Lol
That way I go straight to relevent posts I haven't had much luck with posting questions on here so I have been doing that Alot
Isabelle explains everything out wonderfully in what I have found
These are some things I read about it but doesn't fully explain:
Maca is a weight gainer
Maca: increases DHEA
This is a maca search I would do

YAY I just got my BustBoom bottles!!!
I'm just gonna start them I can't figure out if I am suppose to wait for my period and it is late... Maybe I should take a preggers test first Uh Oh Lol

Yes, I keep looking into Maca, seems many (or maybe all) gain overall weight, not what I want... I couldn't find any odorless fish oil at the grocery store, I'll have to look elsewhere... Or keep looking into what I want for my NBE routine.

I don't think it matter when you're on your period or not, at least I paid no notice to that, lol. I just followed the directions.

I haven't yet started a new regimen. I'm just posting my thoughts... it seems the more sure I am of what I'm going to do, I find something bad about it or something better...

My thoughts were for Fish Oil & Vitamin E- applied to my breasts, not oral. I was massaging, just using olive oil or cocoa butter lotion (which ever I grabbed, I used them for slick-ness, needed something that wouldn't immediately absorb into my skin before I could massage enough) I then just gently kneaded my breasts, and rubbed in circles (towards the inner part of both breasts). Not soon after I started though my breasts were getting really sore and tender...
I liked massaging though, and maybe I'll start again, and keep close measuring on them, maybe it was growing pains?

Still looking into all of my options and getting Round 2's Program together, sorry for my fickle-ness.

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