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My Program... (:

You have that STRENGTH girl. And WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU. Don't act or feel like you are alone. I check this forum everyday...seriously...looking for advice from others and giving to those in return. So if you have more to talk about, let us know; we know it helps one relief. If you let yourself down, WE WILL LIFT YOU BACK UP. And we'll continue until you can run on your own, even stronger than before.

I hope you are feeling better, I'm actually getting worried that you have not been posting...Dodgy

Hello GRainbow!!!

I just want to agree with everyone else... NBE isnt all about telling eachother what works and what doesnt going off trying it and reporting back...

This is a WHOLE mental process, this isnt something one may necessarily want to tell the world about so we need a support system...

I totally agree with Rosance's last post... I am worried you havent responded but it really hasnt been THAT long... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont get down or depressed if you want i will post a video of me doing a little jig if that makes you feel better. I just want you to know I've been in your shoes and I know how u feel... Cry all u need but at the end of the day let it be a closure relieving cry of release and not a heart-wrenching I dont know what I am going to do now cry!!!

The boobie fairy will visit you tonight (once she leaves my house!!)

Firstly I'd like to say thank you for all your supportive comments, and secondly I'd like to say sorry this reply has taken so long!

The reason for this is... I've been in Albania. Long story short, after my fella and I seemed to be breaking up, I went to the pub, met some guys that do relief work, charity work etc. abroad, and one of them said they were going to Albania to work on gender inequality. I immediately asked if I could go and he said yes they have a space Smile so two days later I was on a plane wondering what on earth possessed me.

A lot of, uh, significant things happened during my trip. Mainly, I met an Italian guy who I rather liked. Ended up getting very drunk on the local spirits and the rest, as they say, is history. It's probably important to mention that the Italian guy turned out to be not very nice at all Sad serious misjudgement of character.

When I arrived back in England my boyfriend seemed to think we were very much together and he was intent on 'fixing our relationship'. I decided it was worth giving one more go and my experience in Albania, apart from leaving me feeling like a cheap idiot, showed me how much worse people can be than my fella...

And things have worked out. Pretty smoothly until I borrowed his computer yesterday and discovered all his porn when I tried to save a word document. He has an unhealthy obsession with anal sex and what's rather more concerning, rape. I sufficiently embarrassed him about this.

I'm moving to Ireland in a few months for work and he's staying here so I don't know what that means for relationship. I would like it to work. I'm sure about that now.

And where does NBE fit in to all this? Well... I didn't give my program a second's thought while I was away. Nor did I take my pill because I assumed I wouldn't need it. A week earlier than expected, AF graced me with her presence during my trip (or so I thought) and I started taking my pill again from the last day, assuming immediate protection. When I got home my fella and I had very awkward 'sex because isn't that what couples do?' and I thought nothing of it.

I'm not the kind of person that ever throws up but after a week of it I'm feeling a tad suspicious. I'm approximately a week late if my last period was anything to go on... And my boobs are looking fuller than ever without any supplements and minimal use of creams/massage.

I have the funniest feeling I may be pregnant. The truly awful thing is that if my last AF wasn't actually a period I may have been pregnant for at least a month (would explain the boobs), and my child could potentially be weirdly Italian looking.

Actions have consequences and I don't have any self-pity but... OH MY GOD. One second I think my relationship has ended so I just make the most of not feeling insecure and worthless for once, then I'm making the biggest mistake of my life with an evil Italian guy, then my boyfriend and I finally come to a truce because we realise what it is we need from each other... And next I'll be explaining why my child's popped out tanned with black hair and brown eyes!

But boobs.

And apart from being incredibly nervous about the possibility of being pregnant, I've actually never felt better. Perhaps younger and less experienced than ever. But in a very positive place.

I already thought he'd put more effort into you once he feels you're shopping around. Edit the post, invest in a test, and make up the story later. Seriously, no reason for you to play nice now.

Now that's off my chest Dodgy soo happy you're finally feeling great Big Grin

I thought so too... But that's not necessarily a bad thing is it?

Considering his taste in porn, he might even like the humiliation. Sounds like fun. Try a few of these:

Literally, the other day I was wondering where you went!! After reading your story, I am very glad to read that it all concluded with the fact that you are happy and "in a good place." That is SO wonderful!!

Thanks Isabelle, that link was... Interesting Tongue I don't think I'll forward it to my boyfriend though. I'm pretty anti-porn anyway, I just think it's totally degrading.

And thanks notsobusty Big Grin

I have a gig tomorrow night, supporting a guy called Juan zelada and I was just trying on the dress I wanted to wear and oh my goodness I had to take a picture...

Which apparently I can't upload from my phone. Sad anyway, I have boobs! Proper ones that touch each other!! The last time I wore this dress was for a video shoot last year and I plainly had no cleavage whatsoever... Now it's bursting out!!! Admittedly I keep throwing my shoulders back to make it do that... But it still does it Tongue I never thought I be able to grow my boobs back like this though Smile it's exceeded all my expectations.

Okay so my tummy is also sticking out a lot further than it was a year ago but I'd rather have boobs than a toned tummy. Which is absolutely stupid because a toned tummy means I'm in good shape whereas big boobs mean I've taken endless supplements to change my shape but hey! I'm happy Tongue

And what do you reckon the chances are that if i lose my tummy, the boobs go too?


Congratulations GasolineRanbow,

I wasn't suggesting to feed him more of what he's apparently getting too much of already. I was thinking of playing the stories out on him Big Grin

GasolineRainbow- I wouldn't rule out the option of having an abortion at this point if you are pregnant. It doesn't sound like you're in the best place in your life to be having a baby, and it's not really the most ideal circumstances. And you will be very surprised how much having a child takes out of you. Your life will not be your own anymore.

Just want to point out that this is what abortions are for and there's no shame in it. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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