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The Importance of Growth Factors like HGH in Breast Development (Please read)


If you have had trouble growing on PM or herbs that increase estrogens, please read this. It is for your benefit Smile

Something I have noticed throughout the forum is more of a focus on sex hormones to increase breast growth than anything else.
While it is very true that hormones have a huge effect on breast growth, hormone issues are not the only reason why women have trouble growing.
What I am about to explain is the result of in-depth research that I have spent the past few days conducting on the internet (a brilliant source of knowledge). This will explain why some females (and males) continue to have trouble growing even though they take herbs or PM to increase estrogenic activity. I do not claim to know everything about this issue. I am simply sharing the knowledge I have collected during my research that I feel may help many people in this forum.

I will begin with this statement: Neither estrogen alone nor estrogen plus progesterone can sustain breast development without other mediators, such as GH (aka HGH) and IGF-1. (

I will explain this in more detail.
In women with hormonal imbalances, it is true that low levels of estrogen or other sex hormone factors could be to blame for lack of breast growth. Once these imbalances are corrected, it is very likely that successful breast growth can take place under the right conditions.
However, in my case (as I have come to realize), and I believe in the cases of many women (most specifically older women) that have trouble increasing breast size through use of herbs and hormonal balance, the problem is not sex hormones, it is lack of growth hormones.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels are determined by various things (genetics, stress, diet, sleep, age). They are more prominent in the early years of your life. They are responsible for the growth you went through as a child, and for the growth you should have gone through as a pubescent teen. HGH is also beneficial in the upkeep and health of your body over time. But like I said before, HGH levels are determined by many things, and if these things are messed with in serious ways, HGH levels will not be effectively present to cause breast growth.
Genetics: HGH levels vary in every individual. Genetics are part of the reason for this. Those with shorter statures (because of genetics) are shown to have had lower levels of HGH during long-bone growth (when most of your "height growth" takes place.) There is nothing wrong with this. (I'm short myself, as are most of the women in my family. I love and am proud of my height.) However, those with naturally low-levels of HGH may also have small breasts because of it. However, genetics is not the only factor in HGH production.
Stress and Sleep: We all know the effect stress can have on sleep, especially restful sleep. It is nearly impossible to get restful, deep sleep when stress has become overwhelming. Can anyone think of a particularly stressful time in their life? Perhaps high school (or middle school)? The stresses of being a teen are far and wide. You may look back now and laugh at the silly things that made you stressed out when you were young, but the truth of the matter is, you were stressed. You lost nights of sleep on silly things (or serious things) that upset you.
Most natural HGH production takes place during deep sleep. Do you remember when you were younger and your parents laughed about how you seemed to have grown a whole inch "overnight"? Well, you probably didn't grow a whole inch, but you may have grown a substantial amount, during deep sleep, when HGH was produced.
That deep sleep loss and stress you experienced as a teen may have had an effect on the lack of breast growth you experienced as a teen as well, because of the loss of HGH.
Diet: It's simple. If you do take care of your body by providing it with the essential nutrients it needs in order to produce HGH, there's a good chance your body won't produce enough of it for growth to take place.
Age: As you get older, the amount of HGH your body naturally produces slowly depletes to nearly nothing. This explains why it gets harder to grow breasts as you get older. This HGH reduction is caused by an increase in a hormone called somatostatin, which blocks HGH production. The amount of somatostatin produced increases more and more as you get older. Somatostatin blockers, like some amino acids, can help in the upkeep of natural HGH levels.

All these factors are true for both males and females. Males that choose to grow breasts may be able to block the androgens in their body, but blocking these androgens and producing more estrogen does not mean any growth will occur without the factors that actually cause growth.

As a side note, I would also like to say that estrogens can cause more HGH production, which is why some women do grow on PM and herbs. But for some, the HGH production cause by estrogen may not be enough to facilitate growth.

I would like everyone to know that I am not saying everyone should jump up and start finding ways to get HGH. I am saying that there are other factors that contribute to breast growth besides sex hormones, and these factors MUST be taken into consideration. If you believe you fall into this category, I urge you to do your own personal research on HGH, its benefits, risks, and the way it works.

More information about HGH can be found here:

Information about ways to help your body produce more HGH:

I hope all of you have found this information beneficial to your breast growing endeavors. I wish all of you the best of luck Smile

Your body produces the most once you hit rem 3 (i think) stage of sleep.
So if you are a light sleeper or wake up too frequently. It could have an affect.

You can try things like GABA, melatonin, valerian to get a deeper sleep. However I would only suggest GABA for long term use.

I think also magnesium may help. But from what I remember there are a few types and not all are good. I think the one in ZMA products are the one you want.


Bump! This information is great for the users who want more knowledge on HGH!

Growth hormone is imperative to the growth of breasts!

Yeah I would also like to know more on this subject, especially how it pertain to genetics and subsequent breast growth!

Multi's and the right amino acids are necessary too to get the maximum out of hormones.

But I wouldn't go out buying IGF supplements because they are bunk and real HGH is illegal in the same category anabolic steroids. So any product that claims to be HGH on the shelf is fake.

This is where L-Arginine, L-Lysine and other amino acid supplements come in.

They aren't HGH, but they boost the production of HGH. HGH supplements are a scam. First off, sold hgh is illegal and even if it was legal, the HGH would quickly get destroyed in your digestive tract. HGH can only be administered in a medical setting, usually by injection and is certainly nothing over the counter.

Your best bet to boost HGH is to eat healthily, get plenty of sleep (we make the most HGH during sleep, especially in REM), and to take at least 10 grams (10,000mg) of L-Arginine.

But be careful, as the the article states, the effectiveness of using L-Arginine to boost HGH production is very dependent on age. The efficacy of this method lessens with age. Not only that, but if you're young, you already have a high level of HGH so raising it further may possibly overload your body with HGH which can have dangerous effects like overgrowth which is called Acromegaly. This all depends on your body; not all may experience this, but don't get crazy. Anyway, if you're young, I think it's best if you raise HGH using more safe and natural methods. I'm only 20 so I'll just try to be healthier in general and get more quality sleep. If I take l-arginine, it will be at a much smaller dose.


I am going to make a counter point to l-arginine.

If you look at all the studies that show it improved growth hormone it infused directly and not taken orally. When taken orally it only increased blood plasma levels.

I would say leucine is more important because if there isn't enough of that your body can't utilize the protein.

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