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My experience (so far) with brava, week 9, and anybody selling wide/large domes?


Hi Malina!

Glad to hear your swelling is sticking around longer! Keep me posted on your progress!

(11-03-2012, 18:06)Malina Wrote:  Hi, lled34aa,

Can I ask you a question. Do you have kids? Or have you ever had a substantial weight gain where your boobs were significantly larger? Were they ever large and did you lose the tissue somehow?

I think Feather_rose is responding a lot quicker (and better) than I am, for example. But she was a 34D when she was breast feeding so that makes a lot of sense. The progress is indeed pretty amazing! I'm jealous Smile I want to make sure you're not disappointed if you don't respond as quickly and as well.

I have no kids, and my one significant weight gain (15 lb) did not result in a boobage gain of more than half a cup. So, unfortunately after 12 weeks I can not report retaining 2" through the evening, even wearing this thing 12+ hours a day with no skipped nights. However, My boobs definitely got bigger. I think at this point I may be keeping something between a cup and 3/4 of cup through the evening (about an inch). I'm happy to report that right now my boobs are the biggest they had ever been. But I definitely can't say that they swell *that* much.

In week 11 and 12 they started swelling more, and the swelling stays longer, but I'm not a fast responder like Feather_rose, unfortunately. So don't get discouraged if you don't get the same results. It will work, but your pace may be a lot slower.


Coongrats Feathuer_rose on your results. You have acted as a motivation for me and as soon as next month I will try to buy this Brava thing. I am very hopeful about itSmile

(12-03-2012, 17:50)viloletka Wrote:  Coongrats Feathuer_rose on your results. You have acted as a motivation for me and as soon as next month I will try to buy this Brava thing. I am very hopeful about itSmile

mhh, maybe I should contact Brava and ask for commission for the new salesTongue.

Just kidding!

But seriously, give it some though, even being a 'fast responder', which apparently I am, I am not sure if I would have done this thing if I knew how annoying it is. And many girls have had to go way longer than 10 weeks. Just saying, be sure you want it.

Besides Brava, I am also doing herbs and PC, which may have helped getting the inches. I am still tinkering with the program, but mostly is FG and hops first two weeks of my cycle, then FG and PC on my boobs on the second two weeks. Spearmint and licorice tea all month. So not sure if is the herbs, brava or the combination, but something is working Smile!

Best of luck!

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for sharing information of brava, I just in 2nd week using the system now. It is terrible, I can not sleep with them on at night, it is nightmare, I feel like I put on a ton on my breast, and I'm very very tired with them on the bed,
First few days I wear them on 2 hours and I asleep tired and I awake and I take them off immidiately,
Now I tried to wear them right after I pick up my child from school at noon, so I wear it around 1-2 pm and I take it off at about 12 pm or 1 am at night. So I can have some sleep after taking them off.

But weekend, I have to take our child out, sometime we go out whole day, so I only can put them on at night, and I get less sleep...Smile

So any one wearing the system same like me? I'm wondering if the transition time during the weekend (change wearing from noon to evening- have more hours skip, instead of wearing them 1pm, I skip it until 8-9pm during weekend), is this will effect the result?

Thanks & have a nice day,

(13-03-2012, 10:52)mesusuana Wrote:  Hi Ladies,

Thanks for sharing information of brava, I just in 2nd week using the system now. It is terrible, I can not sleep with them on at night, it is nightmare, I feel like I put on a ton on my breast, and I'm very very tired with them on the bed,
First few days I wear them on 2 hours and I asleep tired and I awake and I take them off immidiately,
Now I tried to wear them right after I pick up my child from school at noon, so I wear it around 1-2 pm and I take it off at about 12 pm or 1 am at night. So I can have some sleep after taking them off.

But weekend, I have to take our child out, sometime we go out whole day, so I only can put them on at night, and I get less sleep...Smile

So any one wearing the system same like me? I'm wondering if the transition time during the weekend (change wearing from noon to evening- have more hours skip, instead of wearing them 1pm, I skip it until 8-9pm during weekend), is this will effect the result?

Thanks & have a nice day,

Hi mesusuana,

I don't know if wearing them with longer intervals in the weekends will affect the grow. It may take you longer to reach you size. Maybe as the weeks pass you will get used to them and can wear them to bed and get more regular hours that way. Longer sessions than 10 hours seem to be key to success for many of us here, so it would be worth the effort to try. At the beginning I found it impossible to sleep with that contraption on me, but now I am *almost* comfortable.

Take care, I hope it will get easier for you.

Feather Rose,

Thanks for sharing, I'm trying to get more hours wearing the system now... but the skin still painful... this is my 3rd week

Do you experience with Nipple swelling and getting bigger? I got nipple swelling very big after take off the domes, and I'm scarring if they are getting bigger. Today I still got nipple swelling, it become like 1 + 1/2bigger compare to normal.

Congratulation on your great growth, keep us up date!

Hi ladies!

Well I had to do a scary experiment with this brava business due to work duties. I had so far not missed entire days during the whole process, even when I have to do shorter sessions due to bad domes. But this time I had to do out of town for couple of day in a business trip and had roommates from work. I would rather die than let them catch me with my plastic armor, so brava had to stay home.

I was very worried that I would go right back to my starting size after the two days, so as soon as I got home tonight the first thing I did was get the tape measure out. I am happy to report that I was still +1 1/2"! Big relief, but still unsure how much of that is real grow, since according to brava, the shrinkage continues for two weeks. So, how much would I actually retain after that if I stop here?

I had decided that if I had lost it all by tonight, brava would end up in the trash bin (together with all the money I spent on this contraption!). But it just gave me enough hope to keep plowing along. How I wish this was was faster!

Brava graduates, how long did you continue shrinking after you stopped brava? and what percentage of your retention at night end up being real grow?

Take care

wow, I hope you will keep up with brava until 22weeks as you planed to keep your growth. I'm in my 5th week so I have no idea how permanent is this.

I'm ordering an airlock today, do you think I can use the airlock and my mouth instead of smartbox? I see the smartbox is not immediately realize if less pressure in the domes...


So, this month came and is about to end, without any progress to talk about...
I am starting to get a bit discouraged, is it possible that I have reached the limit of my grow with brava? So far, I had increased the retention of the swelling by about 1/2 " every cycle. Not much increase of the morning swelling, as I swelled a lot from day one (a side effect of my breasts had been stretched already by breastfeeding, I believe). But this cycle, nothing! Not even a itsy, tiny bit. I feel that I went through a whole month of uncomfortable nights for nothing. I am whining, I know, but where else can I whine about my NBE experience but in here with you?

Have you had this happen to you? Has growth resumed after a stall? Or should I just throw the towel and just hope at least to retain my hard won inches? It has been 14 weeks, half way through 15. Life without brava sounds wonderful right about now. But I really want that B cup. Is it possible? or is this a far as brava is going to take me?

Sorry for the tantrum, it may be the lack of sleep.

Best of luck!

Have you thought about trying the NB you should see if the NB domes are bigger then the brava system domes. If so try those. Maybe you need bigger domes to swell more. the NB domes do not cost very much.

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