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journey from a 34AA

(21-03-2012, 04:45)lled34aa Wrote:  Feather rose, that's the first time I heard about the white marks and having to conceal them with makeup. I get the white rings from noogling and they took a week to fade away. Dodgy

Tonight, i decided to do the unthinkable, I'm skipping brava altogether. The reason being something weird is happening and it's scarring me. for the last 3 nights, I noticed that my right breast hurt a lot with the brava on compared to the left. it got so bad that I just had to clamp the left tube and released the air out of the right dome. today, I noticed that whenever I use my right chest muscles ( to turn faucet... pump soap dispenser... light workout, I would feel something pulling inside my right breast right under my nipple. I've never had that sensation before and it's very alarming to me. could I have damaged some tissues underneath. The left chest/breast seem normal. I just don't understand how slightly engaging my right chest muscle would cause a pulling sensation in my breast right under the nipple. Visually, both breasts look the same. any other brava users have experience this? I am so scarred of the possibility of me damaging something!


That is very estrange indeed! I think you are absolutely right in stopping until you find out what is going on. I hope all is ok.

take care,

(21-03-2012, 04:45)lled34aa Wrote:  Feather rose, that's the first time I heard about the white marks and having to conceal them with makeup. I get the white rings from noogling and they took a week to fade away. Dodgy

Tonight, i decided to do the unthinkable, I'm skipping brava altogether. The reason being something weird is happening and it's scarring me. for the last 3 nights, I noticed that my right breast hurt a lot with the brava on compared to the left. it got so bad that I just had to clamp the left tube and released the air out of the right dome. today, I noticed that whenever I use my right chest muscles ( to turn faucet... pump soap dispenser... light workout, I would feel something pulling inside my right breast right under my nipple. I've never had that sensation before and it's very alarming to me. could I have damaged some tissues underneath. The left chest/breast seem normal. I just don't understand how slightly engaging my right chest muscle would cause a pulling sensation in my breast right under the nipple. Visually, both breasts look the same. any other brava users have experience this? I am so scarred of the possibility of me damaging something!

Oy, it's scary. I've never had that happen I don't think. Do you have a Brava coach? Did you go through Brava? If so you at the very least have one free coach session, maybe they have some answers for you. I hope it goes away quickly.


Could you tell me what dome size are you wearing? I see they cover perfect all your breast base in the picture and your chest size almost same mine. Could you let me know the mesurement inner of the rim?

Thank you

I am wearing narrow large domes. it's hard to measure exactly but I think it's around 6 inches in width.

so I skipped one night of brava wear and that strangle pull under my nipple went away. thank goodness!

the stickiness on my domes are wearing off fast! but as long as I can still get a seal, I prefer these less sticky domes since they are less irritating to my skin. I find I can get away with 2 prep wipes instead of 3.

the skin issue is getting a little better, but the pain and soreness is constant! is it normal to have this much pain? while wearing brava, the pain from the pressure of the domes on my chest is unbearable without Advil. after taking off the domes, the soreness around my breasts stay all day. so the following nights wear is a little more painful since I'm putting pressure on the same sore spots. is this normal and will it get better with time? I really don't want to take Advil for weeks on end.

my swelling isn't that impressive... the measurement shows almost an inch larger but it's mostly from the enlarged nipples.

since i cant dedicate 14-16hrs a day to brava, (so far I'm doing 10-12hr), I'm supplementing my regimen with noggling sessions. last weekend I was able to do 1 day of 16hrs but I didn't get larger swelling from that. it looked indistinguishable from the 12hr wear.

am I supposed to get larger and larger swelling? I seem to be getting the same amount of swelling every morning... there hasn't been any increase in swelling... does it take weeks before you notice the swelling increase?

Hi, I'm glad to see your see you're still trucking along. Ages ago I considered asking you if you had checked for a thyroid problem, but I think I decided not to say anything because I didn't really know what the heck I was talking about. Now I kinda regret it. Oh well...

Anyway, maybe I shouldn't give advice because I've never tried Brava, but NB plus Brava sounds like a hell of a lot. I'm sure it varies from person to person, but you're obviously having a hard time with it. Have you considered stopping for a full week or more to allow your breasts to heal? If you go easy from now on, the pain might not come back if you give it a chance to heal completely first. Maybe you could try doing just the 12 hours of Brava per day for a full 10 week cycle. There might not be any reason for you to have to go through all this pain and annoyance. If you gain close to a cup size from one cycle, than you'll know it's not necessary. Of course, it might not work, and waisting time on failed experiments sucks, but I'm learining the hard way that you can't get around it. Then again, I probably don't have to tell you that, after all you've been through with BE. Best of luck! Big Grin

(24-03-2012, 05:32)lled34aa Wrote:  I am wearing narrow large domes. it's hard to measure exactly but I think it's around 6 inches in width.

so I skipped one night of brava wear and that strangle pull under my nipple went away. thank goodness!

the stickiness on my domes are wearing off fast! but as long as I can still get a seal, I prefer these less sticky domes since they are less irritating to my skin. I find I can get away with 2 prep wipes instead of 3.

the skin issue is getting a little better, but the pain and soreness is constant! is it normal to have this much pain? while wearing brava, the pain from the pressure of the domes on my chest is unbearable without Advil. after taking off the domes, the soreness around my breasts stay all day. so the following nights wear is a little more painful since I'm putting pressure on the same sore spots. is this normal and will it get better with time? I really don't want to take Advil for weeks on end.

my swelling isn't that impressive... the measurement shows almost an inch larger but it's mostly from the enlarged nipples.

since i cant dedicate 14-16hrs a day to brava, (so far I'm doing 10-12hr), I'm supplementing my regimen with noggling sessions. last weekend I was able to do 1 day of 16hrs but I didn't get larger swelling from that. it looked indistinguishable from the 12hr wear.

am I supposed to get larger and larger swelling? I seem to be getting the same amount of swelling every morning... there hasn't been any increase in swelling... does it take weeks before you notice the swelling increase?

Hi lled34aa,

I admire you for sticking to the brava after all your problems. Did you get an opinion from a doctor or the brava coach about the pull in your nipple? Make sure you are not damaging anything.

The pain lasted for about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. Now I feel some dull pain only if I pump too hard with my mouth. The amount of pumping the smartbox does never causes me pain anymore, and I can barely tell if there is any suction at all. How long have you being braving?

For me, the main difference has been the amount of retention at night, not the amount of swelling. It took probably 4 to 5 weeks before I retained anything at all. I have noticed that the jumps on retention happened during the luteal phase for me. I went from nothing to one inch, then stayed there for the first part of the next cycle, and then added another inch in the second part. After my period it stalled again, I am waiting for ovulation to see if I have another jump. But the amount of swelling has barely moved at all, and seems mostly dependent on the time I wear it and the amount of suction I apply. I have been swelling from 33" to 37 or 38" from day 1, and no increase on that. So I think the important part is the retention. May be if your breasts have never been stretched you will increase the swelling slowly. It is still pretty early in brava time, so try not get discouraged. Drink lots of water. Seems to help for me.

Best of luck, I hope it gets easier for you.

I think I can provide a slightly different perspective here. I started out pretty small, I was a bit bigger than your pictures, but I bet pretty close to where you are. I measured 28.5" and 34". My boobs are wide, and my rib cage isn't totally narrow either, it gets wider towards my shoulders. I never had any kids, and I never had any serious weight fluctuations. My swelling in the mornings was never more than an inch, sometimes less. I didn't used to keep it and now I do. But I think as the time goes on, I still swell no more than an inch (inch and a half after 18 hours of wear), but my starting point is shifting because I'm getting bigger.

Originally my boobs swelled up just enough to fit into a my padded B cup, now they swell up to overflow my padded B cup a little bit. So the swelling increases slowly with time, but never too significantly. I used to swell up to 34.75" originally. Now I keep 35" through the day and swell up to 35.5". I started retaining better around week 11. Until then it was swelling in the morning, and back to where I was before by the time I return home. I'm hoping that I will end up with 36" at the end of this process.

I will bet that even though us slow responders respond much slower, we also lose a smaller percentage after we're done with the program. Just my guess and intuition on this.

It's tough and annoying, but I think results should be possible. At least I very much hope so.

Hi Feather_rose,

You mentioned you pumped with your mouth, this is very impressive me as I'm always worry what happen if my smartbox suddently stop working? what should I do to not skip any day of wearing the sytem while waiting to fix the smartbox.

So could you pls share how do you pump the brava with your mouth? how do you keep the air in the domes after pump with your mouth? And do you get more benefit from pumping by mouth rather than the smartbox?

Thank you

i really appreciate you guys sharing your experiences so far with Brava. it's so tough to go through the program, and if i didn't know what to expect, i think i would have given up after the first few nights.

i'm on my 13th night of using Brava... so almost 2 weeks. it is definitely getting more tolerable. and i must say, i look forward to seeing myself with larger breasts every morning. that part is addicting!

my skin is almost healed thanks to aloe vera gel. i've even tried using aloe vera gel instead of skin-prep. the stickiness is a lot less but i was still able to get suction. with aloe vera gel, i don't have to peel the domes off. they fall right off once the suction is lost. my skin seems to like the aloe vera gel much better than the skin-prep. only problem is, i don't know if with continuous use, the aloe vera gel might damage the domes? my domes are already a lot less sticky than when they were new.

i still have pain on my sternum from just the right dome... weird. starting last night, i turned the right dome at an angle and that seemed to help alleviate the pain significantly. but now the domes are not symetrical so i don't know if i'll end up with lopsided breasts! i still can't figure out how to fit both domes on my chest at and angle.

seems like i'm learning a new trick on how to cope with the brava with every wear.

last two mornings, my swelling got up to 33"! Big Grin i am in my luteal phase, so i'm sure that's helping with the swelling.

nipples are still SUPER sensitive. it's sort of interesting to note that when i was pumping with the noogleberry and got 33" swelling, my nipples were only slightly larger. with Brava's 33" swelling, my nipples looked like they doubled in size! i wonder why that is. i seem to be able to retain the swelling for a lot longer with Brava than i did with the Noogleberry. so for that, i feel my theory about pumping was right and it was a good idea for me to make the switch from NB to Brava.

Malina, i too also think that the longer it takes to grow, the higher the chances of us keeping that growth. i hope that's just not wishful thinking!

so far, i'm averaging 10.75hrs a night. on nights were i can only get 10hrs or less, i try to squeeze in a NG session later that day to make up for it. i simply cannot put my life on hold because of Brava. so supplementing with NB is the best thing i can come up with.


i am doing my longest Brava marathon to date... i'm aiming for over 17hrs! i will take some photos after the take the domes off to report the swelling. i hope it will be significantly larger than my usual 10-12hrs.

i am noticing that there's quite a big difference between swelling from 10hr wear and 12hr wear, just like everyone said. my nipples swell really large, then they go back to normal size. BUT, i noticed that they are darker than normal, and they don't get lighter as the swelling goes away. i don't understand why they would get darker. Huh

last night, i measured myself before putting on the domes and i got 28" under bust and 32.5" across nipples. since wearing brava, i've been exercising less so my underbust increased from 27" to 28" Sad. i'm measuring my growth not by my measurement across nipples alone, but the difference between that measurement and my under bust. so right now, i'm at 4.5". when i started NBE over a year ago, it was around 2.5" difference. to be a legitimate A cup, i think i need to gain another inch. sigh* but i'm not going to give up until i get there, and beyond!

one good thing about sleeping with the brava is that it forces me to sleep on my back, which is good for keeping the facial wrinkles at bay since you're not squishing them by sleeping on your sides.


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