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Time to Wake up Y'all, Seriously


I'm really startin to get pissed off. I have been lurking around sites and posting on the subject of our food/supplements safety to spread awareness. It seems to me many still are unaware with what's going on here in the world while we are sleeping.

We can change this if we payed a bit more attention and signed against these ridiculous bills. Its a slow war but we are still losing. We are losing our rights as human beings to decide what we put inside our bodies.

On a side note: I think as ridiculous as it sounds, we need to realize the one world government is happening and the order to depopulate has been in the works for some time now. Bill Gates is one of many who support this.
I am so grateful I do not have young babes to worry about. I don't know how you all do it. I had made the decision a year ago, that I will not bear children into this world as there are just too many that do not have homes and as human race, we suffering. And with these mandatory vaccines they want to push, its inevitable many children may not see adulthood.

I hate the idea of having to have a permit to grow my own damn garden!Angry

Time to do something about this

Every federal and state congressman (in the U.S.) needs to see this.

You are looking at the FDA case wrong. At the moment the FDA needs to prove a product is harmful for it to be banned. But after this they could have already sold tens of thousands and the damage could have been done. Also they can change the product at a cellular level and claim it is a totally different product and put it back on the shelves again. It happens a lot.

The best example of this being pro-hormones for men. Where ban wave after ban wave was released only for them to change it and re-release it.

In my opinion it is good. The supplement industry is not regulated at all and the supplement companies can make a claim that their products do anything. The FDA needs to prove them wrong to get them to change their statements. This is why there are so many bogus supplements that do nothing at all.

You are against vaccines? So then you want us to live in a world where 1800 century diseases still plague the world?

Be glad there is some control via permits. If not then what is stop your neighbour from growing drugs in their backyard? Or maybe a nice big tree that drops all of its leaves in your yard and gutters.


Sorry Jiberish, but that's gibberish (pun intended btwWink).

I understand your point of view to a limit. However, I have many personal experiences among many in the fight to save whole foods and natural supplements. You have just scratched the surface of the subject. So I can see how you may not understand the big picture of what's going on in the world.

While many are out there touting ridiculous claims of what these herbals can do (and yes herbals like anything else are harmful if you don not educate yourself on them and take them incorrectly), this has nothing to do with making sure these herbs are deemed safe or not for use.

There is something far deeper going on here and its been for a very long time. Just research NWO. It is a very real thing that is happening and the results are many things to come (many of us will not even realize it until it has been said and done) and some of those "things" are already happening.

I didn't quite understand your last statement other than a possible relation to Weed (which hasn't ever been noted to kill anyone btw).
Speaking of growing drugs in one's back yard, there is a lot of serious talk about having permits to grow your own garden of organic fruits,veggies not just herbs with known healing or medicinal properties. Sounds too ridiculous to be true right? But that's what its all about. Freedom of choice may be no longer in our future. Pesticide,hormone injected, GMO based foods is the way to go! Our glandular systems would be taxed which would result in wonky hormones= ill health, early death, no boobs!(had to go there- as its true). DEPOP!

The Gov.( FDA, CDC Big Pharma and the like) want to practically erase old methods of healing and make such information unavailable to the public as the Pharmaceutical industries are losing money every year because of so many healing themselves with herbal compounds based on ancient methods from thousands of years ago. They tend to isolate these active compounds and make them into drugs by chemically structuring them with synthetic compounds(far more unsafe for humans) so that they are effective to treat but not effective enough to cure disease,ailments etc. They can't however take a plant species in its natural form and label it a "drug" for pharmaceutical use even though that's what the've begun to change this (so desperate) doing like with omega 3 spps. for cholesterol and marijuana for inflammation and pain.

I know what I know because of my personal experiences in the medical field (western medicine) as well as my own health struggles and of course being a former u.s. vet guinea pig. And a big fat YES- the vaccines do nothing but more harm than any good (there is plenty of proof) and there is a depopulation order behind the created H1N1 and H5N1 flu and the supposed protected vaccines and (that is a whole other subject I don't need to get into).

The bottome line:
We are a drug-ridden society now that lacks motivation to do our own research with an impaired mindset to even begin to think and look out for ourselves. They tell us its good for us - And we believe it.

As I have somewhat passionately stated before, Time to wake the F$#% up Y'all!


ROFL you're a nwo conspiracy theorist.

There aren't regulations on what you can grow in your garden unless it affects somebody else. Which I believe is fair.

Now while I agree that pharma companies aren't always looking out for our best wishes and instead the bottom line. They have still made leaps and bounds over plain supplements. But your comments that the FDA and CDC are trying to erase old methods of healing...Give me one example because that is a load of crap. Quick note....thousands of years ago with all their wonderful ancient medical knowledge the average life expectancy was at least 30 years less. Even with all the people with horrible diets and smoking addictions.

Currently I believe there are TOO MANY herbal supplements. Most of which do nothing and the number of new ones are growing constantly. They are hardly being strangled by the big pharma companies.

What a strange thread. I doubt any of you will be able to convince the other of the validity of your point. But go ahead, enjoy typing.


"What a load of crap?" You say. I see you have a very immature mindset which leads me to believe you are probably no older than 20. My intentions of this thread was to spread awareness (hence the link in the original post) and to those who may not be aware, not to argue with anyone. It is as plain as day what is happening in our world, I don't need to provide such evidential facts.These are real bills, petitions, letters to our congressmen, articles, real organizations, real activism based on facts and you have the nerve to ask for an example when the proof is all around??

Did you bother to click on the link? I think not. It is obvious you are here to debate. In regards to the garden, it is a real bill that has been tried get passed for years! Thank God for those who have fought against it. But some version of it is always floating around as they constantly alter their choice of words and change the name and code of the bill.

And you call me a NWO conspiracy theorist... Your an idiot and I am going to stop being one by responding to you. Have a nice day!

On a separate note to everyone: You either see it or you don't.

I don't need to get into trying to prove to anyone that its happening all around us as they can simply open their eyes!

I am spreading awareness and its up to everyone to research it for themselves and pay attention as these ridiculous bills are being reviewed every day and frequently trying to get passed. As a result, our freedom of choice will be taken away as to what we choose to put in our bodies.

But its not too late, we can still voice and stop this, but if we one don't see it coming, how will we be able to?


Keep making judgements without any real logic to back it up. If there were so many you could give one easily. So keep covering your windows with newspaper and wearing tinfoil hats. EVERYONE IS COMING TO GET YOU!!!!


Jiberish, why do you keep provoking her? It take two to tango and it takes at least two to argue. This can go on forever.

Needless-to-say, I stopped reading either side of this long ago and am just noticing that it's continuing on and on and on and on and.....

Just let her "win" and we can be at peace again.

(06-03-2012, 23:51)tibetan113 Wrote:  We are a drug-ridden society now that lacks motivation to do our own research with an impaired mindset to even begin to think and look out for ourselves. They tell us its good for us - And we believe it.

Have U ever considered dat U are actually da sheep? Dat maybe placez like GNC are postin counter articlez, newz reportz and stuff to protect their own interestz? I remember GNC had something called "save our supplementz" and dat was back wit dat other bill about 2 yearz ago where they wanted to "ban all natural supplementz" (as GNC put it) but dat didn't make sense because dandelionz could be considered "natural supplementz" (and they grow everywhere so what was da government gonna do arrest everyone who has Dandelionz in their back yard?) so where did the line draw? I read da bill and it was to ban certain typez of supplementz but U see GNC wanted to protect their business (because they have a ton of spiked and unregulated supplementz) so they created a website to sound liberal to feed da liberal sheep like U (I'm liberal too btw) into believin dat the bill was gonna take away all natural supplementz, GNC knew dat da average population is stupid and used dat to their advantage to get people to protest against it and U know what happened? It didn't get passed and people are still dyin (Hydroxycut) and gettin sick off of unregulated dangerous diet pillz and stuff like dat. So I don't know what da realy "enemy" is.

U know what I'm tired of, paranoid conspiracy believerz Dodgy I do believe da medical industry isn't in our best interest but if anything da government banned da SELLIN (not growin) of personal garden itemz so dat we can only BUY produce and stuff like dat from grocery storez if anything they were protectin grocery business but U are still legally allowed to grow your own fruitz and vegetablez but U can't sell them. Just read da actual bill and you'll see. If grocery storez don't get enough business guess what happenz, less grocery storez so we can complain about dat too, U see why dis bill is imporant now? It is for da protection of people buyin from their neighborz when they don't know if da produce is safe or not (because I'm sure most people don't test and regulate da soil in their yardz and there is a lot of dangerous soil in old housez due to oldschool lead pipez) and it is protectin da loss of grocery storez because if grocery storez start closin then food and our selection of it becomez worse, also, dat meanz dat placez like Walmart will get even more business and placez like Walmart are what is keepin dis economy in da hole. Da government isn't really doin stuff to "end da world" as much as U think if U really think in depth about it rather than bein a puppet to FOX newz (or somethin like that, maybe a popular radio host or blogger)

I do believe our government doez sneaky thingz like 9/11. Now stay with me on dis. I do not think dat 9/11 in any way was a good thing. I did a report on it and I highly believe our government did it. Now, why would they do dat though? It was diversion, it was da governmentz way to have a reason to send our troops over, but again, for what? To protect oil dat is over there (just like da Gulf War). If our government said, "we need to send our troopz over there to protect oil" everyone would have been like "WHAT i'm not riskin losin my husband to protect oil, can't we just take some from our American soil?" Um yes we can but dat would have meant hiring Americanz to do it and dat would have meant dat gas would have become extremely high and dat would have meant dat no one could afford it which = an even bigger crash in da economy than we are in now. Again, not sayin 9/11 is a good thing, I still believe our government could have approached it in a FAR BETTER way. But again, it was to blind us from da fact dat gas is runnin dry, really fast and if our government had told us dat and started gettin gas from America it would have become a huge panic and mess.

Most of these opinionz on government stuff is from people who are paranoid and they get their opinionz from otherz and otherz get their opinionz from otherz and it just keepz goin and goin (I think 95% of us Americanz are just sheep and don't really think for ourselvez), only a handful of people actually have a real opinion of their own after readin da true evidence (not what a blogger, or newz station tellz them). Are these opinionz based on FOX newz or because U actually read da bill, probably not because it is super long. I did read it all cuz dis concernz me and what I do wit my breast herbz.

conspiracy theoriez like da illuminati have been around forever and every time da government is screwin up or a war happenz or something else like dat da illuminati theory comez up again and then we don't hear anything about it for like another 6-7 yearz until something else happenz dat is illuminati-like (like 9/11, before dat it was the Vietnam war, they talked about da illuminati all da time!) it's just a bunch of paranoia and it'z people like U dat are only makin it worse.

Have U ever considered dat maybe da world is becomin worse because we think it is gettin worse so we begin to care less and in da end it does get worse? Da brain is a powerful thing.

Here is what is happenin in da world or dat are real thingz dat are gonna show up soon, water shortagez, gas shortagez, mineral shortagez, dis is gonna effect our world a lot in da near future. What is happenin is all these new lawz are bein passed because they are surroundin underlyin issuez. Da government is actually protectin us but they don't say anythin because they want to try an solve da problemz we are blissfully unaware of so dat they don't panic us. Now how crazy do U think da world would get if we knew of all da underlyin problemz? Dat is exactly what U are doin now, creatin panic and chaos and dat is why da world is gettin worse because now everyone has dis "one man for himself" attitude and dat is what is makin da world a worse place people are only thinkin of themselvez to prepare for these so called illuminati thingz dat are happenin. It'z like if your child has cancer (like really young) U try and cure them before U tell them until it'z too late and then U have 2 tell them they are gonna die. So havin da government just tell us everything here and now will shock the livin hell out of us and then we panic and nothing getz done, da real "end of da world"

Have U ever considered dat da government is passin lawz to extend our freedom of these problemz vs tryin to take our freedom away? For example: as I explained da gardenin one, I believe they did it to protect our freedom to chose what and where we buy our food in da near future because da government saw dat people are gettin poorer and poorer thus they would start doin stuff like growin their own produce to sell to make more money (I know a lot of people who were doin dat) but dat is not good for grocery store business. But because U are so hopped up on da conspiracy train and drunk on da juice now U think dat every law da government passes is because da world governmentz are secretly an illuminati-like thing. So all U could see is da bad in dis bill without even questionin dat maybe it'z for your own good and why did U think bad without even thinkin good first? Because U read some blogger, or FOX, or a radio host and guess what? U are that person'z sheep! How would U even know about dis law unless U heard it from da media in da first place? Any because of dat personz opinion (not your own) U now have their possibly wrong opinion and U are blindly spreadin it like a virus because YOU failed 2 educate yourself about it, dat media person/company has just won da real battle. Da real battle is da sheep-like mentality of America and you are no better yourself.

Like da 12/23/2012 date, when December comez I am gonna google and see how much credit card sign-upz is gonna increase U know why? Because people are so stupid to believe dat da world is gonna end on dat day that they're gonna take out money and spend it all but U know what'z gonna happen? Da world won't end and we'll be left in a larger debt this is all because we assumed and believed in a conspiracy. Believin in conspiraciez is what da conspiracy is! Like dat guy who predicted da end of da world like 3 timez, another king of da sheep (I bet U believe him too), one guy spent his live savingz to post on a billboard dat rapture was gonna happen on one of those datez lol... datz so sad.


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