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Brava Lurker



I figure I'll give a shout out. I've been lurking here for about 5 and a half weeks, which coincidentally is exactly how long I've been using Brava. I started out at a full 34A (padded B) and I'm trying to get to a full B. We'll see how it all works out. So far, I'm getting about and inch and a half of swelling in the morning and retaining about a half an inch in the evening. I only noticed that I was starting to retain anything at about a week ago. It's so hard to tell though. Even with pictures. And measuring.

Something tells me 10 weeks ain't going to cut it, so I've resigned to going through the end of May to get to about 22 or 23.

Hi Malina,

Just saw your post and thought I would reply as an x brava user. I think you are definitely right to put in more weeks. The initial swelling can be very encouraging, but in order to gain lasting growth I really think 10 weeks is nowhere near enough. I did 26 weeks and gained a whole cup size which has lasted for the 2 years since I stopped.

I may do another brava cycle this year as I want to lose about half a stone and I don't want to lose any weight off my boobs. .

I used brava almost three years ago. It really takes many hours a day and several weeks. I wore my system for around twelve hours a day and put in twenty weeks. my results were permanent when I stopped using it. I went from an AA to a full A! the swelling you get from it is incredible. I am starting with another enhance system in a couple of weeks and pm. keep me posted as you progress. from one brava user to another. good luck!!

Thank you for your replies. I just completed my week 8 and getting somewhat discouraged. I never pegged myself for someone who needs instant gratification, but it's scary not knowing if it's going to work at all. This thing is really cramping my style, haha. I think my boyfriend (while very supportive on the surface) is hating the bejesus out of it... I can't say that I blame him. Another thing that sort of added to my discomfort is my obgyn. My doctor is actually the guy that was featured in the Allure magazine with the original Brava hype. He was leading the pack on Brava doctors.

I just found out that when I got my Brava system and there he was in in the article. I asked him about it and he said, don't waste your money it doesn't work. So that was sad.... I didn't have the heart to tell him I was already using it.

I think I'm keeping about an inch of swelling (at best through the evening), but it's not much. And I worry that it will be 6 months of torturing my boyfriend with no results. He does get a good laugh out of it, I'm sure. I look absolutely ridiculous in that thing, but still... Kind of sucks to spend all this time for the laughs.

So two weeks ago, I added a few herbs. I was doing hops, fenugreek and fennel with flax seed oil here and there. Needless to say nothing after 2 weeks. But if it does work, I guess I won't know what did it :/ To many variables, and scientific method fail.

Hi Malina. I am literally in the same boat as you. I'm on my 13th week of brava but I started off as a 32A and my goal is to do 30 weeks (stop by early mid july and continue again in the fall if my schedule permits) I am also a slow responder as i dont swell up as much as some of the other ladies on this forum but i do see that I retain some of the swelling (btw Im using the narrow medium domes) I do an average of 10-11 hours on weekdays (i work and go to school so its hard to do anymore) and 13-14 on fri-sun. I did, however, miss 3 days sadly, 1 due to a really bad rash/blister that needed to heal on my second week, and the other 2 were out of my control (hey life happens things come up) I pray that doesnt stunt my growth but after lurking here for awhile it seems it has not for some of the ladies here who skipped days (even more than me) I'm gonna push through it and I just hope there is light at the end of the brava tunnel and i get boobs after this becuase i will be very devastated if I dont. Good luck to all you ladies!

(25-02-2012, 17:36)starfaerie03 Wrote:  Hi Malina. I am literally in the same boat as you. I'm on my 13th week of brava but I started off as a 32A and my goal is to do 30 weeks (stop by early mid july and continue again in the fall if my schedule permits) I am also a slow responder as i dont swell up as much as some of the other ladies on this forum but i do see that I retain some of the swelling (btw Im using the narrow medium domes) I do an average of 10-11 hours on weekdays (i work and go to school so its hard to do anymore) and 13-14 on fri-sun. I did, however, miss 3 days sadly, 1 due to a really bad rash/blister that needed to heal on my second week, and the other 2 were out of my control (hey life happens things come up) I pray that doesnt stunt my growth but after lurking here for awhile it seems it has not for some of the ladies here who skipped days (even more than me) I'm gonna push through it and I just hope there is light at the end of the brava tunnel and i get boobs after this becuase i will be very devastated if I dont. Good luck to all you ladies!

Hi, starfaerie03

Wow, 30 weeks and then more in the fall, you're glutton for punishment! So, 2 things, for blisters, are you using no sting wipes, they are supposed to help protect your skin, and I think they do that for me...

I've had a few days where I knew I wasn't going to be able to wear it for the full 10 hours, because there wasn't enough time. If I saw that coming, I made a point of throwing the system on during the day. The goal is to maintain the swelling, and have as little time between wears as possible, I understand. So I figure throwing the system on for 3 or 4 hours during the day, buys you some time for the evening, etc. Good luck! Make sure to keeps me updated when you start seeing a significant change, I have a thread for "brava graduates" and Leckie noted that her growth spurt happened in week 17. Mine hasn't happened yet, but I do progressively retain a little more into the evening. I measure a full 32B, in the evening and a 32C in the morning. The boob greed makes me wish for that 32C Tongue


i just saw this thread. it's so encouraging to know that it's very possible for me to go from an AA to a full A! i'm still waiting for my Brava sports system to arrive... should be any day now. thanks for sharing your experiences and please keep us all updated on your progress! (and any tips you might have along the way)


Well, I certainly hope you continue to update us as well. I'm definitely seeing the benefits now. Week 11, at week 8 I was really frustrated and didn't think it was working enough. So keep at it, you're in it for a long ride! The first week will be miserable, btw, but don't give up and stock up on tylenol. It hurts a lot for the first few days.

Thank you Malina for you reply I appreciate it. I do use the no sting prep wipes and the blisters I no longer get as I only got them my second week and it was between my boobs (cleavage area) which I must have aligned the two domes wrong at the time (stupid me ><). Then i made another big mistake by putting a bandaid over it with the domes on and got 2 more blisters around bandaid Sad I was really frustrated at that point and i didnt want to miss any more days so i used tiny pieces of cotton ball over the blisters as they healed and then put on the domes (at this point i didnt care about damaging the domes as they were still very sticky being only 2 weeks in) It actually didnt damage the domes and they are still sticky to this day (the antiseptic spray helps alot with preserving the stickiness). I wish i stumbled over this forum earlier during that week but oh well lesson learned. Now i use more of the wipe between my breasts as the skin there is more sensitive and thinner.
I am on my second box of the no sting skin prep wipes (got thru amazon) and once that's done I am going to try aloe vera gel as many of the ladies here recommended to use as a substitute for the wipes.

I'm now at week 15 (my halfway mark lol) and im seeing a difference than i did 5-6 weeks ago. I know 30 weeks is alot lol and im starting to get some of that "boob greed" you ladies like to talk about ahaha. But I do wanna get as much time in before late june/early july. I live in Florida and it gets insanely hot/sticky/humid so wearing this thing to sleep in that heat is 10 times more torture than what it is now. Anyways Good luck Malina and all you ladies i'll keep you updated on my progress!

(01-03-2012, 17:33)lled34aa Wrote:  i just saw this thread. it's so encouraging to know that it's very possible for me to go from an AA to a full A! i'm still waiting for my Brava sports system to arrive... should be any day now. thanks for sharing your experiences and please keep us all updated on your progress! (and any tips you might have along the way)

Welcome! As a newcomer myself this forum is awesome as everyone here is encouraging and helpful to those new to NBE. I'll share with you my tips as well as what works for me but I encourage you to skim through the forums as there are many Brava veterans here that probably know alot more than myself and have been there and done that.
When you first get your brava go easy on yourself the first weeks as your skin needs to adjust to the domes and pressure. You wanna gradually move up to the 10+ hours every night.
Another tip is to skip on the brava lotion and wash that comes with it. Alot of people including myself find it to be harsh on the skin. By all means, test it out beforehand, but an even better substitute would be Ivory soap or Johnson and Johnsons baby shampoo for the wash and Aveeno daily moisurizing lotion. Both are really cheap about $4.00-$5.00 each. Also DO NOT skip on applying the no skin prep wipes that come with the brava systems. It is imperative that you apply this on your skin before using the domes as it forms a protective layer between your skin and the domes. I wait like 8 mins for it to dry then place the domes. You can also try aloe vera gel (as some of the ladies here swear by) as a substitute for the wipes since the wipes can get expensive. You can buy one cheap for 5 dollars at Sally's beauty supply or find one online. Just make sure it is alcohol free. If you don't wanna go that route and want to stick with the wipes you can buy them online at for around 18-20 dollars for a box of 50. Don't buy them directly from Brava as they try to rip you off by selling them for 50 bucks a pop (outrageous i know)
The main thing is to protect your skin and keep it moisturized. If you get a rash with brava you can always apply hydrocortizone cream. Also you can go here to this earlier thread where the ladies share what works for them when they get a rash.
I'm sure im leaving out alot but as I said you can always search thru the threads on here as we are all here to encourage and help each other out. I wish you good luck on your Brava journey and most of all dont give up! I'm not gonna lie it is long and frustrating and will put a damper on your social life but it is a sacrifice worth it in the end.


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