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Is anyone doing this because they've been teased all their life? =(


I know how you feel kipper, as do everyone else. What gets me, is the fact that guys have it so easy...think about it, even if they do have a small penis, it isn't seen through their pants! Our chest size is exposed all the time...I'm 21 and have been an AA cup since I obviously first started developing! Could you imagine being the exact same size for 10 years? I was told I had plenty of time, well jokes on me! I don't even want big boobs...I'm very petite, have a super fast metabolism. I'd be happy with no bigger than a B cup. Funny thing is, I actually have a curvy lower half, so I get an ass but no boobs, so it looks funny. I LOVE my whole body except my chest. It really hurts being told "you're flat!"

I guess the only thing to do is for guys to put socks in their undies and gals to put tissues in their bras. Tongue As a matter of fact, wasn't that what the ancient codpieces that men wore all about?

On a more serious side, you've been talking about being teased during your youth. Consider what I face as a guy trying to grow boobs. And that is what's been causing me pause. I sure wish this was easier to decide.

Hugs all around.

Way to put things in perspective Erica.
And for the rest of you girls, I was always made fun of for having large breasts, and would sometimes try and hide them under baggy clothes (although now I love 'em and aspire to get them as big and juicy as possible). The grass is always greener, eh? Remember, we never see ourselves as others see us. Misskathryine, alot of top heavy girls don't get hips and ass and would trade you tits for ass in a New York Minute, you have something to flaunt at least!
I wish you guys luck in your quest for breasts though, because it does sound like you've recieved some hurtful treatment over the years.

(03-02-2012, 17:04)Lux Wrote:  Hello! I don't mean to feel down on my first post, I still smile! =)

Here's my emotional rant lol =p Just something to get off my chest (oh pun)

I usually don't let what other people say get to me, let alone do things to rectify whatever they think is wrong with me. So at first I thought I was doing this because I myself wanted to just be given a challenge, fit my bras better, change my look for the lolz...
I mean, whats the difference between NBE and tanning, wearing heels or plucking eyebrows? Neither alternative (small or large breasted, tanned or pale, short or tall, natural thick or sharp thin eyebrows, is actually 'better').

But, why does it hurt so much - if not, the most - to be teased about breast size?

Does anyone else struggle with the fact that they are solely doing this because of being teased by people etc.? These people don't know it, but it got to me so much!

I guess it's because most of my close friends are guys and I know they don't *entirely* mean it when they openly obsess about girls with large breasts but it happens A LOT and it gets annoying tbh. I also play video games with them and obviously all the girls in those games are skinny with F cup boobs. Yes, I'm so insecure, fictional characters can upset me lol.

I thought I just needed some empathy and some advice to 'get over' this. I really wish I am doing NBE for myself, and not for the opinions of a bunch of guys.

I feel particularly bad because I do have an amazing boyfriend and he thinks my breasts are the perfect shape and size.
(aaand the reason he is amazing isn't because he thinks the body part I'm most insecure about is great, though that would be a good bribe for the 'best bf award' lol, - he simply is too sweet!)


I understand!!
I was made fun of too by my friends, guys and girls in school, & coworkers.
The media puts a standard on how we should look and so do guys.
I work with them all and I get so insecure about it!!
To top it off my bf is a boob guy!!!
Altho he says he loves them the way they are and doesnt want to change em
i cant help but dread the summer in fear of my insecurities with the girls on the beach snd me being the flattest Sad lol

I totally agree
Life is nothing short of hell for flat chested girls Sad I am always teased by the girls of my class, esp when we all are changing together for dance shows... There are always snide remarks like 'pffft, you don't even have any boobs, why are you hiding them?'
Trust me, it hurts...I was never really teased by guys, except once when one of my close friends called me flatty...
Though my boyfriend says he loves my body, I'm always paranoid that he'll leave me for a girl with bigger boobs SadSadSad

Omg!!! I feel that way too...
and guys are always talking about other girls...
like for real. Who knows if they say crap bout that stuff.

Ugh it makes me soo insecure.
hopefully we will all gain like a cup or two by the summer tho!!!

(29-02-2012, 02:27)MissKathryne Wrote:  I know how you feel kipper, as do everyone else. What gets me, is the fact that guys have it so easy...think about it, even if they do have a small penis, it isn't seen through their pants! Our chest size is exposed all the time...I'm 21 and have been an AA cup since I obviously first started developing! Could you imagine being the exact same size for 10 years? I was told I had plenty of time, well jokes on me! I don't even want big boobs...I'm very petite, have a super fast metabolism. I'd be happy with no bigger than a B cup. Funny thing is, I actually have a curvy lower half, so I get an ass but no boobs, so it looks funny. I LOVE my whole body except my chest. It really hurts being told "you're flat!"

YES AGREED!! i have an ass and i feel so unpoportionate too lol!

Well, I was never teased about my breasts so that definitely wasn't a motivating factor.

I actually think small breasts can be really gorgeous, especially if you've got a slim body to go along with it.

I would have been fine with my breast size if they were normal! I had one normal breast and one side that was underdeveloped and basically flat. It made me feel really self conscious, and I do think it was noticeable even with clothes on. I was even called out on it once! But strangely, that didn't bother me too much.

Even now that they're almost the same size, they're still completely different shapes so they still look really uneven.

I have hope that they'll be completely symmetrical someday, but I'm not stressing out about it.

People can and will say whatever they want, but you can choose how to react to it. Instead of feeling hurt, have the self confidence to love yourself no matter what other people think of you. Don't change yourself unless it's actually what you want.

The ones who try to hurt you only show how insecure and unhappy they themselves are....I think that's a more pitiable thing than the state of whatever it is they comment on.

awww im a guy's girl too, always playing games and i know you play league of legends due to your name Tongue but honestly you must have other things like a nice butt or curves or smth that may make up for your lack of breasts. Just focus on those and try hard on your program and maybe it'll give you somethign ! cheer up !!

I have also being teased for a very long time for being so skinny. It cam from all sides - family, friends, even starngers on the street! It might be because I am so different from the common ideal here in our country. And then there's the media! Angry It got so bad that I stopped leaving my house for days at a time. My ex was really good about it though, he never made me feel bad about myself! What really gets to me is that being skinny overall(no boobs, butt and skinny limbs), people just think I am sick and keep passing comments everywhere I go! When will this end?!?

*sigh* Enough with the rant. Happy growing, everyone!

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