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Siriporn Journey


Hi Rosance. I think I am going to try cycling this month. Not sure if it's estrogen dominance, myself, but I had slight cramping and a low back ache, off and on, during my period. I would only, normally, have cramps and a sore back on the first day. This time the first day was brutal!!

And I still feel emotional, which is not like me, whatsoever! lol

I'm going to do the 15 days on 15 off and supplement with FG during the 15 off. I was looking up natural ways to boost progesterone and FG was on the list.

We'll see how that goes.

Well, I am doing better now. NO PROBLEMS AT ALL, besides a runny nose Dodgy

I have been experiencing aches with my Greenbush Pills! I hardly EVER experienced this while not on PM. Now that I added the PM, they get growing aches, a little similar to lactation. I am taking 2 capsules 3times a day and 1.5 ml of the blend extract; this is a low dosage for me, but it is working. After I am done with the Greenbush pills, I will be buying individual herbs of FG, WY, and FN. I am so excited! I actually see and feel a visual difference. They are rounder, and more popped out. When I grab them, they are definitely more than a handful; they used to be a handful. I still cannot believe this. I have barely been on PM for 2 cycles and I can see it. I am also using my Fenugreek extract I bought long ago. I put it on along with my body oil. I then massage for about 7 minutes and Noogle. My breasts are looking not only bigger and rounder, but softer! I am most likely going to buy Nip+Fab Bust Fix. Since I am noticing many have not tried it from this forum, I am willing to buy it, try it out, and share with all of you my experience. I will be purchasing this cream around maybe a month from now, along with the other supplements Wink

I will be taking, starting today, a whole month off of all supplements, and using Milk Thistle. I have been taking herbs for about 5 months, and surely think I need to care for my liver Tongue

have you grown on your program?

Oh my god...I looked at my measuring dates and noticed that I miss calculated, I have been taking herbs without stopping for 3 months not 5. I was 34.5 inches before starting the Greenbush Pills, which I hardly felt anything from (hardly any aches and no noticeable difference; I took these alone for about two months (in know, not enough). Then I decided to add PM and NB. Each individual breast used to be around 21.5 cm, now each is about 23 cm. Around my bust I am measuring 35 inches, then again, my period is coming soon, should be here in a week; I will be measuring up again three days after my period ends (the way I have). I also have noticed that my left breast is slowly catching up to my right! Today I flexed, because I have been doing the flexing routine by Dharma, and my husband was like, "wow, I can tell you have been working out!". Haha. I really think that has to do a lot with the improvement of my

I just got my period today, in other words, it's on time Wink
I will be taking one PM pill today at night, and will be taking two a day from day 2 to 12. Day 13 will be only one pill in the morning. Will be measuring three days after my period like in the past two months Smile

I am going to change my luteal phase from Gerenbush blended pills to FG, FN, and WY Big Grin

As of Jan. 5, 2012____As of Feb. 3, 2012
Overbust: 79.5 cm____Overbust: 80 cm
Bust: 86.5 cm________Bust: 87 cm
Underbust: 74 cm_____Underbust: 74 cm

As of March 5, 2012:

Overbust: 81 cm
Bust: 89 cm
Underbust: 74 cm

No swellness at all, have not noogled today and yesterday I did not noogle at all Dodgy slacking it...

On the ninth of this month, I will take one PM and that will mark the end of this month's PM's cycle. I am really excited to try the new combination of herbs for the luteal phase Big Grin

I have been taking Neocell Collagen 1 & 3 along with Vitamin C for increased absorbtion and with Hyaluronic Acid for optimum results. Later on the day, I take Pantothenic Acid. I have seen an aweome effect on my skin Big Grin !

My anti-androgens may have gone down, but with these supplements I am recovering very quickly (the effects are quicker than SP and WY working as anti-androgens). It's too soon to see any firmness in the breast area; have been taking these for exactly a week (Started on Feb. 27, 2012).

My breasts have been feeling fuller; barely today did I notice how much of a different I physically feel. It is almost as if I will be needing a bigger bra, but not quite yet. I have been feeling perfectly fine. Periods are perfect length as opposed to no herbs at all; they used to be 8 days long with extreme heavy bleeding that will guarantee bloody pants every day (except for the last 2 days)...not cool. But now they are 5-6 days long and the only heavy times are around day 2 and maybe 3; those heavy times don't come close to how heavy they used to be.

UPDATED Luteal Phase Program:


Collagen+Vitamin C+Hyaluronic Acid

Before Breakfast

Fenugreek (610mg) X 1
Wild Yam (425) X 1
Fennel (480) X 1


Pantothenic Acid X 1

Before Lunch

Fenugreek X 1
Wild Yam X 1


Fenugreek X 1

This is just an idea for now. I might be able to increase Fenugreek (FG), so I might do that, however, I will always start my Luteal phase with only three of them, 2 of WY, and 1 of Fennel. I will gradually increase my FG only...just because it is accepted by the manufacturers (up to 6 a day) and I rather follow the recommemded dosage; pharmacist cannot stress how important that is.

Noogle wise: I will force myself to noogle two times a day and massage prior to it...I just feel so lazy sometimes Tongue


WHOOO HOO!!! Congrats on the 2 cm increase!! That is so exciting!! Smile Now, I am not familiar with cm, but is this equal to a full inch increase since you started your program? yayyy!! Big Grin

I have read on Pantothenic acid and how it affects acne, but I am curious: is this al for NBE purposes in your program?

I think your luteal phase program looks good. I am lowering fennel down to one capsule too. Can't wait for the next cycle!!


I am in the process of hair, skin, and breast enhancement?...Basically want to clear my complexion and feed more nutrients to my hair, in other words, my overall health. The reason for Pantothenic Acid is for my complexion and hair, Hyaluronic Acid is for my skin and hair as well. I am taking Collagen because of the overall health benefits we get from amino acids (many thanks to you for pointing that out for me Wink). Collagen: most abundant protein in the body. With collagen, my complexion will greatly enhance as well as my hair and the firming of my breasts.

And THANK YOU!!! I am so excited!
I have gained 2.5 cm since I started. 1 inch equals 2.54 cm. So, almost an inch increase. This last time I measured, I kept measuring because I couldn't believe that there was a difference. My breasts don't lose what they have gained after my period is over Big Grin

I sometimes feel like the measuring tape is not the right way to measure the increase. I feel like it somehow fools me to thinking there is an increase. But I honestly see and feel a difference. I really don't have that long, so, I feel like I am in the area of breast enhancement where you are beginning to see a difference, but are not quite sure yet. I know my bras are feeling tighter, but I just find it too good to be true...I am not losing anything so it must be Dodgy

I want to be honest...I did not really believe I could feel or see a difference with the use of natural breast enhancements. I felt like...I had nothing to lose...sort of like "I guess I'll give that a try" attitude. But now, I think I got These herbs, pump, massage (which I have been even greatly slacking) have showed me up.

My complexion is greatly improving too! I feel like my pores are minimizing, which I thought was impossible.

I am considering adding Fenugreek to my Folicular phase, but am not sure how that will result...Cat86

I can't wait for next cycle either!!

I am considering taking the herbs with a meal because I have been feeling slightly nauseous (Fenugreek lowering my blood sugar levels). I might as well take the other herbs with a meal as well, except PM. Not so sure about this as it can affect my results, but I rather not mess with my sugar levels Dodgy
Also, I ended up accidentally taking 2 PM pills on the last day of my PM cycle (March 9, 2012), which was day 13, as I wasn't paying attention to the date Shy I am also considering taking two Fenugreek pills before bed instead of only one.
I have noticed that these Brand's (Nature's Way) Fenugreek is much potent than Greenbush's. I know this one consists of 610 mg per pill and Greenbush consists of 192 mg of FG, but keep in mind the dosages recommended. I was taking 9 a day (3 am, 3 evening, 3 pm). This would result in the taking of 575 mg three times a day adding to 1725 mg of FG. With Nature's Way, I am taking 1 am, 1 evening, 1 pm, which adds up to 1830 mg of FG. The difference in mg is 105 mg. I never felt nauseous when on Greenbush, even after taking them before meals. There was a time I was taking 12 a day (4 am, 4 evening, and 4 pm) and still didn't experience this. I am hoping to see better results with this Fenugreek since Greenbush's did not do much. By adding another pill at night, I will be taking a total of 2440 mg of FG. I can go up to 2 FG pills three times a day (recommended dosage), but I think that is a little too high; this would add up to 3660 mg a day.

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