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Nervous About Noogleberry


Hi everyone~

Although I've been here before, this is my first time actually posting.

Anyway, my ribs are somewhat large and my breasts look small and underdeveloped on my frame. Due to this, and the fact that I'm terrified of implants, I've been stuffing my bra with silicon prosthesis for years. Recently, I've been taking a second look at suction style systems.

I really want to purchase a Noogleberry, but I have some questions about both it and suction systems in general. I'm sure that some of these have been asked before, and I've seen some responses to similar forum posts. But, I don't know if I should trust the manufacturers forum and can't help but ask these--just call me nervous.

First, a few stats first. Then, the questions. I'm sorry if all of this seems rambly.

Age: 28

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5'8

Bra size: 38A

Underbust: 86
Bust: 91
Over: 88

Goal: A large C to a D, as it would best fit my frame.

- Because my chest is on the broad side, I'm having difficulty with choosing cup sizes. Should I start with a larger cup? Any thoughts on which size?

- How long is it recommend that I wear the system a day? (I couldn't find usage instructions.) Is it fair to say that the more time a day I spend wearing it, the faster the results? If I get to the end of one regimen, can I just start another and keep wearing it? Or, do I need to let my body rest for a period of time in-between?

- How convenient is the Noogleberry to wear? Could I wear it while cooking my family dinner? What about while sleeping? I can't imagine it's easy to wear out of the house, is it?

- My breasts have never been very sensitive. Is it true that is a system like this can increase sensitivity? Has anybody experienced the opposite? (I'm kind of skittish about the possibility of loosing the little bit of sensitivity that I have.)

- Is it normal for the nipple to increase in size, or just the areola? Does the color change at all?

- My breasts have a cone shaped. Has anybody had success getting a rounder shape using the method described by Mumma Bear below?

- Any final recommendations?

Thanks in advance for any help! I really appreciated it!

Hello, I’m a 38B, have coned breasts and am aiming for a D too.

I have the large contoured system at the moment and its wonderful and I would recommend it. Because it is contoured it fits very comfortably on the chest doesn’t leave such bad marks and it will also give you the suction you might need being an A but really my B is a small one and I’m doing fine with large.

I haven’t been that consistent with my pumping but in the guild it suggests a minimum of 30mins a day but most people do it for longer, I wouldn’t say there is any harm in doing it for longer, if I’m doing a day in the house I might wearer mine continuously for hours watching a film, working on the computer, web surfing, cooking. If I try to do something to rigorous they do fall off which is unfortunate and I don’t eat with it on. I would never ware it outside of the house they are strange and you couldn’t hid them under a top. I haven’t tried to sleep in it yet.

As for speed, it really your body that dictates this but presumably yes if you only did it for 30mins a day you may grow a bit slower than someone who does 1/2hours a day but I wouldn’t be a slave to the pump and you should do what your body tells you. It is recommended by some to take a few days off now and again say 6 months after continues use it can help. Also it’s a nice way to gage what’s growth and what’s swell but I have been braking on and off after the first month of getting it and I don’t think its harmed me that much.

I haven tried the device/adaptation you linked to for roundness so cant help with that one. But I havent found the NB to have made my cone shape worse. I also haven’t experienced a change with my nipples or sensitivity etc.

Hope this answers some of your questions.

Other advise: Flex your breast muscles while you work, it was advised by someone on here and it really works for getting a bigger swell. It has also been advised to massage before you pump but I haven’t noticed it do anything different although I have decided today to introduce it back into my program with some peppermint tea.

One last thing oils and lotions for getting a good suction: use plenty! I don’t use anything special, coconut oil or coca butter.


And one more thing. drink lots of water!

Thank you for the detailed response Maz! Big Grin

I'm sorry for the delay getting back here, but I've been prepping a presentation all week and just got home from showing it.

I did get an order in place, but for the large non-contoured cups. I had figured the contoured cups would be necessary sooner rather than later, but that sounds especially true after hearing your feedback!

Even if I can't wear the system out, it's good to hear that cooking can be done with the cups on! I spend a pretty decent amount of time in the kitchen after getting home from work. It seems like I should be able to get at least an hour of pumping done in the morning while getting ready, and an hour in the evening. I did recently see a post mentioning indents appearing on some people, so I imagine that going much longer than those few hours is a bad idea.

I won't get into the details of massage on this board, but if you don't mind me asking, is there a particular techneque you're using?

Thanks soooo~ much for the reply! And don't worry, I already drink lot's of water. (I live in the Rockies, and it's a good thing to do in the altitude.) Drinking more shouldn't be too tough! Tongue

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