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Generic BO this time around

Hi Ginie!
Thank you so much for helping us.
So how many months were you on PM?
and How many months have you been off of NBE?
Thanks again!

Hi Melissa, I think I was on PM for about a year, a little less. It´s hard to say when I really stopped because I remember I was occasionally pumping and taking PM lower dose for a while and then somewhere in October I stopped. So now it's almost 4 months.

As for NBE in general I think it must be three years or so with breaks.

I have a dilema now. When I stopped PM my hair started falling out. I thought that shedding was because of stress due to the move abroad but then I read somewhere that estrogen makes your hair full and beautiful and once the estrogen level drops so does the hair, it starts falling out. When i was on PM my hair looked so good - it had a lot of body, was full and shiny. Then I lost a lot of hair after I stopped PM. So now I want to add a little bit of PM to get that hair back! As I don't want my boobs to grow now I think I should use really low doses of PM.

I forgot to say that I tray and eat "boobie friendly" foods and stay away from "boobie enemies" Smile That's just a habit now I guess.

(09-08-2011, 13:32)Ginie Wrote:  Hi Nikki, bovarian ovary lowers FSH, a very VERY important hormone for women. FSH is getting higher and higher when a woman is reaching menopause. So do you think it is safe for a very young girl to take BO? I don't think so. I'm not a doctor but I can figure out that what is good for a menopausal woman is not going to be very good for a girl who is still developing. Just stick to my advices and you will grow wonderfully! Because they are not just my advices, I/ve been doing NBE on and off for years and trust me - these are the things that really worked for many women.

Yes, you can buy collagen (better in powder) in health shops or online. I take multivitamins and EFA. If you are're going to add msm then take it with vitC and take vit C separately from Ca.

For massage you can use oils or a lotion (though they absorb faster) - choose any but stay away from those packed with harmful chemicals, parabens, so on. I'm sure you will find plenty of good stuff in your nearest health shop.

Did you visit NB forum? You will find tons of examples and advices there, girls and guys grow just on NB alone! Smile If you mess with your hormones (BO or herbs) you may destroy your hormonal balance and that doesn't only mean getting overweight or infertile, for example. Use a non-risky healthy method (NB, vitamins, msm, collagen, massage) and you will remain healthy with a terrific figure! Good luck!
Hey, Ginie, so you don't think BB is good for someone who is in their early 20's? What would you recommend?

From what I have read, BO is safer than herbs because it's progesterone based.

Well, I personally wouldn't recommend BO to a young girl. There's nothing "progesterone based" in an ovary! It is just ovary! Big Grin Ovary does not contain progesterone Big Grin It just stimulates your own overies to produce more of your own hormones - both estrogen and progesterone. What is does is just over-stimulating your own ovaries. For an older woman this could be the last chance to extend the youth of her reproductive system. But what will it do to a young girl if she uses it for a long time? It will exhaust her ovaries.

If you look closer at some stories of BO users you will see what I mean, what simptoms they now have to fight. I was taking BO and actually got results from it but I do not recommend it to young girls.

For them I recommend NB and something to use topically (cream or lotions or extracts of some phytoestrogens). Plus all good vitamins, EFA and collagen as I said before. NB is giving really impressive results. You should check out their website.

One thing I agree with is that some herbs can mess your system really bad. I started NBE few years ago when I knew nothing about it. I bought Lucile Sorela's book and wasstupidly following that program. messed up my hormones really bad. It took me about 6 months to recover. I used other herbs and PC for that. So yes, with herbs you must be really careful. Do your homework first.

OK, that sounds about right. I think I will stop using BO after my cycle ends. I wish I had known this earlier. I've used it for about 10 months. I've started getting sensations in my uterus area. What do you think I should do? Is there anything I can do to reverse some of the damage? I think I will stop taking supplemental NBE and just do NB. I'm a bit worried that I've screwed myself over for he future having used BO so long.

Also, do you think NB will work for me? I'm skeptical because my breasts are much smaller than average. A lot of things that will work for A cups and above won't work for us smaller girls.

From what I have read and researched, BO was originally created for young girls, more specifically teens. I think in light of this, you will be okay, but if you are experiencing any kind of adverse side effects from anything you are taking (herbs, BO, or PM), you should definitely not take it! It may just not work well with your body.

OK, you guys are scaring the crap out of me!
I have been using BB for 5 months and I have grown but after reading all this, it makes me want to stop cold turkey! Any breast growth is not worth damaging your ovaries.
But BB has been in business since 1996, that's 16 years! Don't you all think that we would have heard a few girls or at least one who has reported any permanent damages from BB?
Ginie is probably right that BO is not just progesterone based, but from what I have seen here, I don't think PM is any safer for a young girl. I have seen so many girls here having messed up cycles with PM. Doesn't our cycle tell us if our hormones are out of whack? For instance, if our hormones are out of control, our periods will come too early or too late or it won't come at all.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Like I said, I'm thinking to quit cold turkey, I'm getting scared. I also have a sealed bottle of BB, it's a 4.5 month supply but I peeled off the label so that my husband won't know what it was, it's still sealed though. Good luck for me on selling that one!

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