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Hypnosis, massage and a few herbs.

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Hey Gilly, thanks very much for sharing! Smile

I thought keeping the feet up was only good for the legs, I would have never thought it had something to do with breasts! I didn't know about cortisol either... argh there's sooo much to learn in NBE.
Do you think the sarvangasana (spell?) would be ok? Because that one is almost vertical so it must be the real stress killer lol.
So if putting your feet up lowers cortisol levels and also increases the blood flow in your upper body, it must be good to do that before or after massages... I mean: -cortisol=+blood flow=+swelling=+growth?

Btw I envy you, I want a yoga teacher too... I would bore him/her to tears with my boobie related questions lol. Please, if you learn any new useful tip, let us know! Big Grin

(26-01-2012, 06:20)gilly Wrote:  Alicia, I just have to add something that my yoga teacher mentioned the other day. Just laying on your back with your feet elevated (up in the air or just over the side of the couch or wherever) lowers your cortisol levels (stress hormone). High stress levels = bad for growing boobies. Laying on your back with feet elevated = great for boobie-growth Big Grin (yes, I like simple science)
Also, yoga supposedly stimulates the entire endocrine system, which hormone creation is a part of.

I don't know if this stuff is common knowledge or what, but it has become my obsession to link everything in my life with how it can positively effect my boobs Tongue so I thought I'd share

Thank you


Right! I have seen a lot of post around here about stress being bad for boobie-growth, which makes sense, because stress can do all sorts of bad things to your body (you loose weight, you get heart problems etc). But if the specific hormone cortisol is bad for boobie-growth, I don't know (hormones get so complicated Dodgy ) However, high cortisol is said to be bad for general health.
Anywho, here's a not-so-scholarly article that mentions one of the several studies that has been done to prove it, And they mention "postures such as Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), Salabhasana (Locust Pose), Vrksasana (Tree Pose) and Halasana (Plow Pose)"
yoga journal
So I think you're right about Sarvangasana, which I btw LOVE. I actually just did it, along with Halasana and the fish pose, and I can swear on my future C+ cups that my boobs look more swollen now. Which makes sense, because it feels like all my blood pools in my chest/face/neck area when I do it Tongue

Yeah a yoga teacher sure does keep you motivated at least! Haha, I try to be a bit subtle when it comes to boobie-related questions, as I'm in a class with fellow college students, and I don't want to appear more weird than I probably already do. Tongue

Kelly9: No problem! Smile

Thanks for the article Gilly, I've taken note of those asanas Wink I used to do the halasana in the past, I'll have to add it back to my routine!

I see you're more disciplined than me, I was going to do the Sarvangasana yesterday after my night massage, but it was late and I got too lazy to pick up my yoga mat... But seeing you had good swelling after doing it I promise I'll do it tonight Big Grin In fact I've done it today as a part of my daily "session" and repeated it a few times, and it certainly left me more relaxed.
I do remember to do the vrksasana everyday after my morning massage, with the oil/cream still on my bust the skin of my breasts and nipples stretches nicely.

I wanted to ask you: how many secs do you hold each position? I always tense up the muscles but I'm afraid I don't do it long enough. Sorry to be so inquisitive, but you have the yoga teacher, teeheee :p (let me know if I'm a pain in the neck)

Oooh btw, this isn't bust related, but someone told me yesterday that my butt is looking perkier lately. My butt is wide but rather flat, so it's funny to hear that, especially after losing some weight! Perhaps it's the upward/downward facing dogs giving results, I've been doing them a bit more intensely for the last 2-3 weeks Big Grin

hehe you are not a pain in the neck! My teacher has us hold asanas for about 30 seconds, and then we can gradually lengthen with a few more seconds once we've done this more throughout the semester. But I guess you do whatever you're comfortable with. I think you're supposed to give yourself the time to breathe and relax into the asana, before you come out of it.

And congrats on the butt-comment! Big Grin I'm looking to perk up my butt too, so maybe I'll spend more time doing the upward/downward dog.

Hellooo! Time for an update!
First of all, my measurements (Remember I measure in cm and convert to inches with an online calculator):

Starting point (31-12-2011)..........Today (4-2-2012)
Bust: 34.6" (88 cm)---------------Bust: 34.6" (88cm)
Underbust: 28.5" (73 cm)----------Underbust: 28.3" (72 cm)
Waist: 28" (71 cm)----------------Waist: 27.2" (69 cm)
Hips: 37.4" (95 cm)----------------Hips: 37" (94 cm)

As you can see there's been no imrpovement in bust size since I started, but I'm happy because I've recovered the cm I lost two weeks ago, and part of the body weight too :]

-Protein Shakes: So I finally got my protein powder. I chose PlantFusion, which is infused with a bunch of aminoacids and it's vanilla flavoured... But ARGH I've had such a haaaaaaaaard time getting used to this! The texture, the flavour... I hated it all lol. But I didn't give up and kept on taking it, and hey I'm beginning to like it Big Grin Sometimes I mix it with water, sometimes with milk (but it doesn't mix as easily as with water), and I try to take at least one a day, for the moment I can't take any more, I don't like it that much yet lol.
-Teas: I'm taking Spearmint during Follicular phase and I'll take Licorice tea during Luteal, mimicking Bargain Boobs program Big Grin Spearmint is fine, I don't even have to sweeten it Smile
-Dairy products: They're my alternative source of protein while I'm getting used to the shakes. No idea if yoghurts help or hinder NBE, but I've been eating about 3-5 every day and one or two glasses of cow milk. I use the yoghurts as a substitute for my after-dinner donught/chocolate snack.

-Fenugreek: I'll be taking it in my luteal phase, starting at 610mg and ramping up slowly. I'm so excited! Big Grin
-Hops: As I said in other post, I started at 310mg, a couple of days later I doubled the dose and kept on ramping up slowly until I reached 1550mg. The weird thing is that I felt tingles and ...erm "things" inside my breasts when I was taking 310/620mg, but I ramped because nobody in the forums was taking so low a dose. Should have I stayed at that low dose a few more days? I may do the same thing next month and I'll see, perhaps the tingles were just a coincidence...
Ah, and it gives me vivid dreams, which it's cool Smile
-SP: The hairs around my areolas have thinned considerably. I took a "before" picture when I started taking SP but it's so blurry there's no point in posting it, but trust me, the difference is notable. But I've also thought... perhaps it's just a result of the friction of massage, and not an effect of SP...
The rest of body hair is also improving a bit, especially my facial hair.
-EPO: I've been having some stomachache and reflux lately and thought that perhaps I was taking too many pills (I don't tolerate medication too well and herbs aren't an exception) so I decided to sacrifice the EPO, as you know i was having my doubts about its effects so this was the chance for doing the experiment. The digestive discomfort stopped, not sure if it was the EPO or just my mind... Yesterday I took it again, I want to make sure if it was causing my stomach to be upset or not!

I've been thinking about cycling... my periods are very irregular so I don't know if there's any sense in cycling herbs when I don't know when exactly to start one herb and stop the other. Some months I feel when I ovulate, but others I don't... So I'm thinking of taking FG all month long and add Hops in the first 14-15 days only, and follow the instructions Wahaika posted here. He also posted a very helpful chart here.
I've also started taking my basal temp... to see if I can learn something from it.
So I'll see how Fenugreek treats my body and I'll decide.

My libido is still very low, but I've found I have no problems in "getting in the mood" when it's required Big Grin so I haven't obsessed much about this subject.

-Multivitamin: No comments
-Orthosilicic acid: I've been taking only 5mg the first 2 weeks, because I read some reviews of women growing thicker body/facial hair in the first weeks of use. Nothing has happened (thank God), so I'll increase to 10mg next week. That's the recommended dosage in the bottle.

-La Femme: I use it now every morning and night. I don't know if it helps or not, perhaps it's too soon to tell, as I've only been using it for two weeks.
-Oil: I mix it with La Femme for my morning massage.

-Pressure points: I've come accross this article and it advises to press only the point between the breasts... Perhaps that's the right way¿?? I'll try it, if I remember to do it.
-Fat brushing: Nothing to comment, except that it has helped me to know my own body better: My left side is fatter than my right side lol, that must be why my left breast is bigger.
I spend 5-7 mins in my left breast and 10-12 in my right.
-Chi massage: I still do 400 rotations for my left breast and 500 for the right.
-Breastperformance: I'm dedicating a few more minutes to these. My favourite is the "pressing them together", at least I can see myself with an amazing cleavage while doing it, he he.
-Lymphatic massage: I only do it 2-3 times per week and before my massage session.

I'm afraid my massages take too much time... around 45 minutes! 5 min in the morning and around 40 in the evening.

-Hypnosis session: I was thinking of changing to CD5 (which "takes you back" to the teenage years) in a couple of weeks, but I think I'll stick to CD3 some more time, because I still get sensations now and then while listening to it.
I try hard to visualize perfectly during the session and, sometimes, when I open my eyes, I still keep the image and feel of my desired big breasts. So bad that I can't visualize during the day :[ I think I'm very aware of my real breasts, you know what I mean... I should stop looking at them every 5 mins lol.
-Subliminals and supraliminals: As aways, I've been listening to a supraliminal plus first thing in the morning, and put a supraliminal on repeat at night, but I've been a bit busy these last 2 weeks and haven't listened much to my recordings the rest of the day...

-Yoga: I've been practising the asanas Gilly and I discussed in previous posts Smile and I always do the sarvangasana everyday, before and after the chi massage. So now my massage session looks more like a Tae-Bo class: Stand up-massage, lie down-feet up-sarvangasana, stand up:massage, lie down-feet up-sarvangasana etc....
It certainly helps with swelling, so I'll keep on doing it Big Grin
-Sit-ups: I do at least 20 (I know, not many lol) everyday.
-Walking: At least 30 mins 4-6 days every week.

And this is all for now, I'll measure again next month and I hope to see positive changes!!
Happy growing everyone!!


Hi Alicia!

Congrats on getting those inches back!
I thought I'd update you on something (sad) my teacher told us in yoga class today. Apparently, the sarvangasana and plow is not good for your neck according to a new book on the science of yoga (here's a link to an interview with the author who mentions this: ), so she has stopped us from doing the plow completely, but we do a modified sarvangasana instead of the full pose. Normally, one would try to get the body as straight up pointing to the ceiling as possible, but now we support our back more with our hands, so our body is shaped more like the right side of a K. So we can still get the great benefits of draining lymphnodes, lower cortisol, better swelling, but without killing ourselves Big Grin Anyways, just thought I'd share that with you.

I hope your program is still going good! I admire your willpower in keeping all of this going! You can definitely do this!!

Hey Gilly, thanks for the advice!
You're right I feel a lot of pressure in my neck when I do the sarvangasana and I can't I keep it for too many secs without lowering my butt a little. I'll do as you tell me, as the right side of a letter k.
That article scared me!! But hey it's so cool your teacher keeps his/her knowledge up to date! Cool

I've been lurking around your program and I see you've bought a Noogleberry, I want one tooooooo *capricious child moaning*. These last days I've been suspecting herbs may not be the thing for me, because I've had the most painful ovulation I've ever had and I felt like s**t for two days Sad and as this happened before starting FG, I'm afraid the culprit was the hops, or perhaps the amount of dairy products I've been eating.
I've had painful ovulations in the past but this time it's been craaazy, I'm ok now but I'll ask the doctor if this happens again, thoughts of many diseases have crossed my mind, and I've also thought about the risk of taking pills (once more lol)... well, you know the story!!
I think I'll cut the hops and take just FG+SP all month long as I said in my last post and see what happens.
The only good thing about this experience is that I had MASSIVE swelling, I had to go to work without bra because they all were too tight. But now they've deflated *sigh* Dodgy

Lots of luck with your new boobie-toy Gilly, I'll be checking your progress! Wink
And thanks very very much for your yoga lessons, they're much appreciated!

I am so sorry to hear about the pain!! I really hope it works out with the herbs, Alicia.
And thanks for the good luck wishes (Though I think I need more luck in not dying from impatience for it to get here Tongue )

Achtung, achtung! This is a silly update! Big Grin

Just a few complaints things:

-I have a backache since yesterday afternoon, I'm not sure why, probably I've been bending my back too much while doing yoga or I've overdone the sit-ups, sometimes I feel uncomfortable doing these even though I only do 20 or 25 (I'm getting old lol) so I won't be doing them for a couple of days. I'll keep the yoga (it's compulsory Big Grin) but I'll do it gently.
I should read the book Gilly mentioned Blush

-I've stopped the breastperfomance massages. I read about that program "Grow Yours" and how applying pressure on certain areas of your breasts can make you lactate so I got a little scared. Can too much massage lead to lactation?? Or am I wrong?
I was spending too much time massaging anyway... I may do it again in the future if I feel like it.

-I've tried drinking licorice root tea and I don't like the taste at all Sad so I've decided to take fennel tea instead during luteal phase.

-I'm afraid fenugreek makes me gassy *blushes* and I feel bloated today, I hope fennel helps with this.
I took 2440mg fenugreek yesterday but as I'm so bloated I've only taken 1830mg today.

-My breasts hurt a little and seem a little bigger (swollen?).

*End of trifles*

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