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Confused and worry!!!!



im on a new brand of PM since nov 17, 2011 that was my day one....

Day 1 to 15:

Pm Siriporn 100 mg 3 times a day
Silicon gel (with vitamins C & D3) 1 table spoon
Omega 3 and Omega 6 (EPA & DHA):1400 mg
Vitamins complex B

Massage 2 time a day

Day 16 to 34

SW: 2 x day 450 mg
FG: 2 x day 610 mg
Maca:750mg 1 x a day
Silicon gel (with vitamins C & D3) 1 table spoon
Omega 3 and Omega 6 (EPA & DHA):1400 mg
Vitamins complex B
tea :fennel, cumin, anis,Verbena officinalis and Anethum graveolens ( find the recipe on the net only took 1 cup a day for 2 days
breast massage 2 x day

days 34 to 40 (TODAY)

Nothing .... im waiting for my period

I did feel that something is going on in my breast but not seeing growth and mesure are still the same

Plus when i did breast massage i saw liquid coming out .... so i stop using everything and im waiting for my period to arrive

I also did my BBT chart and my ovulation date was on day 26.....

So im confuse and i wounder if it normal

thank for your help

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ok i got my period and it was 40!!! the month before i had a 29 days cycle....

i still try to figure out the dosage of PM (siriporn) i was taking 3 pills a days. Now i start a new cycle and i will stick with 2 pills a days but instead of doing 1-15 days i will try to do it until day 21....

i cannot wait to see growth, i try so many things so far and didnt see result. This all NBE is new as far as cycling,BBT and dosage, brand and cream.

Do i really need PC, or human growth hormone,noogleberry to have result?
I try to found Chiyomilk program but cant find it can anyone know where to find it?

Hope to see result soon at least a little bit

thank for advice i kind of discourage

Hi Jul,

from the date of ovulation to menstruation is 14 days for most women (according to literature that is out there) and it seems that was your case since you ovulated on day 26.

Now what you have to focus on is ovulating, sooner. 26 days is too long.
To have a 28 day cycle, you have to ovulate on day 14.

Yes, try 2 siriporn pills, a day, as stated on the bottle. But do not take till day 21. Stop on day 12 and let your estrogen levels drop, so as to bring about ovulation (hopefully on day 14 or thereabouts).

After ovulation, some girls resuming taking PM from day 17 to 22, while some wait till the 1st day of their cycle, to resume.

Chiyomilk's program is on this thread:


hello Nila,

Thank you so much, i was woundering if i have to take PM for longer then 14 days coz i cannot wait to see result and so many different way and program here .....

I know that ovulation on day 26 is way to long..... So if i take PM 2 pills a days from day 1 to 12 i should ovulate sooner? Im keeping a journal of everything im taking and when and how much..... i try to be consistent, i am for how im taking it mean like twice a day but not in time.... sometimes i wake up early and sometime not... but i guess as long as im taking it i should be ok right?

I have a question about SW.... im taking it alone with FG and other herbs in my luteral phase but im woundering if SW do not mess up my cycle coz i know that is a anticoagulant(mean reduce or stop bleeding) What do you think about SW?

What do you think about my program?
Are you still on Siriporn?
Did you see growth? How much so far?
What do you think about HGH?
Do i really need collagen cream or PC? Or Robust is ok
And Nooglleberry? Have you try it ? Is it worth it?

thank for your help

Hi Jul,

If you take PM for 12 days instead of 15, yes you will ovulate sooner. However, there is no guarantee that this might be enough to shorten your cycle to the appropriate length. Say your next cycle is 35 days long, you will have to tweak your program a little more to find the best fit for you.

Every woman is different, and has differing amounts of estrogen and other hormones, in our body. You just have to pay close attention to the symptoms your experience and change your program accordingly.

Also, you have been on PM since Nov 17. For most women, NBE requires a lot of patience. The people that grow 3 cups in six months are the exception to the rule. So hang in there.

Yes I am still using siriporn. I used to take it from day 1 to 12. Currently, I begin to take it from the end of my period (usually day 5 of my cycle) through day 12. Sometimes I resume taking PM on day 17, other times I start off with a different phytoestrogen such as hops. As far as I know, nobody has reported a lengthening of their cycle from using hops.

Yes, I have had some growth, but more of the slow and steady kind.

Your program seems fine to me.

Things that I feel have helped my program are flax seed oil, MSM in powder form and I recently bought maruman pigs placenta. Chiyomilk used it and so did Ginie. You can find information on Ginie's page.

You can also try progesterone cream in the 2nd half of your cycle. Noboby can tell you for a fact that this or that will work for you. Every persons body chemistry is different. I have tried some things which did not work and all I did was move on. You just have to make sure that you sufficiently test out whatever it is before you abandon it.

P.S. I have used L arginine. It seemed to work OK. But after reading on some thread, I think I will try arginine pyroglutamate and L lysine. It might be just the boost that I need

Also, what is SW? Saw Palmetto? Saw Palmetto is an anti androgen. Do you need one? Why are u taking it? These are the questions u need to ask you self before determinining whether to include it in your program.
Taking a lot of supplements is not always the best. Sometimes less is more.

Why do you take Maca in the second half of your cycle?

Maca increases DHEA. Testosterone is made from DHEA. Estrogen is made from free testosterone.

For info as to what levels your hormones should be at different stages of your cycle, refer to the menstrual graph posted in this thread:

hi Nila,

i take saw palmetto coz apparently it can help but im not sure.
I take maca to balance my hormone and try to regular my cycle.
But the dosage suppose to be 1-2 pills a days for 2 month non stop then stop and start back again.

I did Dr.Lee test and im estrogen dominant and progesteron dificient so by taking maca i think that may help.

But i have to say that im a bit confuse about all that.

As far as i know i will try to stick with natural herbs coz im a bit scare of placenta,bovin ovary, Gaba (coz it also a Neurotransmitter) who play in your brain cell and is scary for me.

i would like to take just one or two herbs coz i know that less is better.
But i wounder if PM for day 1 to 12 is enough?

Why are you taking PM at day 17?

When can i take PM outside of day 1-12?

Did you try Noogleberry?
Does it hurt and is it effective?
Is it necessary or massage is ok?

Thank a lot for your help
P.S happy new year to you and all your loves one Wink

Happy New Year to you, too Jul.

Do a search on this forum, for estrogen dominance. You can also do a google search. If you are certain that you have the symptoms and are estrogen dominant, then taking PM may not be the best for you.

PM is a phtoestrogen and will only increase your estrogen levels, some more. Too much estrogen may result in a stall (stoppage of growth).

If u really are estrogen dominant, my advice would be to take phytoprogesterone's (e.g. fennel capsules/tea) or use progesterone cream in the second half, of your cycle. Some women also take DIM (Diindolylmethane) which helps with estrogen metabolism (i.e. break down and elimination of excess estrogen from the body) . You can take DIM in the first half of your cycle.

After you balance your hormones, you may re-introduce estogens gradually in the first half of your cycle. If u find that you quickly become estrogen dominant. Then you may have to back off. If your body is making enough or too much estrogen already, you don't have to supplement with more estrogen.

I have tried Brava and noggleberry. I am not really into suction devices. But there are a lot of ladies on this site who love noggleberry and say that it has given them a lot of growth e.g. IdreamofD, Anastasia etc. There is also a separate noggleberry forum. You can read on there and decide whether it is something you would like to try. Who knows, you may have great success with it.

Massage is great. Massage is said to increase the prolactin which also helps with breast growth. Sometimes I also increase my prolactin levels by taking goats rue

hello Nila,

Actually im not sure about the estrogen dominant coz it was base on the test but every month symptom are different.

I will take appointment with my doctor and talk to him about it.

I took fennel mix with others prolactin herbs after i ovulate but i dont know how much i should drink very day so i try it only 2 time.

I heard about Goat rue but i look for it here (canada) and i didnt find it.
Where did you get it?

As far as noogleberry, im not into sucion device either but sometime i dont massage (sometime 2 time a day sometime one time) or i do it
but for like 2-3 min.

I have a question about cream.... I know you are using Robust cream.... Are you using that cream all the time or you alternate with another one?

Hope you have a good day and thank again

Hi Jul,

Its good that you are going to have a talk with your Doctor. Maybe you can have a hormone test.

As to taking fennel, you can start low and increase the dosage slowly until you get growing pains - then you can stay steady at that dosage. You may need more than one menstrual cycle to figure out which dosage works best for you.

I don't think you should just take it two times and abandon it. In one of my earlier responses, I posted the link to a menstrual graph. The graph tells you when estrogen and progesterone levels should rise and drop. According to the graph, if you have a 28 day cycle, progesterone should begin to rise slowly from day 11 or 12 and peak at day 24 or 25. These are the days you should take fennel or other phytoprogesterone. Since you do BBT charting, my advice would be to introduce phytoprogesterone's after you ovulate till a few days before the start of your period.

Goats rue is also called galega officianalis. Do a google search with both names. I buy goats rue from It comes in powdered form, so you'll have to buy tea bags (you can get it from Amazon or there might be health food stores in your area that stock it) and put the powder in the tea bags in order to make your tea. I think you can also buy goats rue extract from amazon (think its made by Mother's love brand).

I used Robust for a bit. Then I bought the liquid extract from ainterol. I finally stopped buying any of the above because it was getting too pricy for me. What I did was buy the PM powder (in bulk) from the ainterol website and I make my own PM liquid extract.

I steep the pm powder in 160 proof vodka for a two week period. Its advisable to stir it twice a day. After two week, I filter out the PM with a cheese cloth. Because I do not want the alcohol content to be too high, I dilute the extract with distilled water

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