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My Program... (:

Both these bras I bought yesterday, both 34DD:


And this one which looks tighter than the above bra (especially on the left side of the photo - my right boob):


And here's the topless pic, I always get a bit of a knot in my stomach before posting these...


Side shots:




Yes, I'm sucking my tummy in. Hehehe.

But this is where the truth comes out:



As you can see, my boobs don't fill the middle of the bra.
They don't feel the middle of the bra even if it's 34B, my boobs just don't grow there.

I'm very pleased about my growth so far and I don't want to get bigger but I would very much like to grow a bit closer together. Despite my fantastic 34DD growth, I still have no cleavage when I wear low cut tops, even in my super-ultra-cleavage bras. I've just invested in some chicken fillets for now, don't know why it never occurred to me before.

P.S The above two bras are both completely non-padded Smile

I've been doing a lot of reading on the NBE forums today. Alas, my head is spinning.

I'm currently wondering whether or not to replace my progesterone cream in my luteal phase with bloodroot... Anyone have any experience with bloodroot? I'm not even sure what it is.

I've decided not to try out WY because I don't like how it seems to counter-react with other herbs. Another herb I'm not a fan of is maca, I think it affects mood rather than growth and I don't want to take anything that affects my mood on top of my Citalopram. I also don't like it because it's a strong diuretic and that's a royal pain in the buttocks.

I'd like to take hops in the first half of my cycle but I'm worried that they'll make me need the loo all the time too. I am avoiding ALL supplements that make me need the loo a lot, this is an intrinsic part of my program. I'm basing my disinclination to take hops on the theory that when drinking ale, which I love, I need to go all the time, and ale's made from hops...

I'm still breaking from herbs at the moment, it's only been a few days and I've already come on. Looks like they were helping to regulate my cycle after all. I'm still not convinced that I'm ovulating due to my bcp. It's a POP and statistically half the people using it stop ovulating... Not a helpful statistic. I'm pretty sure I ovulated last month because I experienced good growth on the natural highs and lows of estrogen in my cycle. When my growth seems to occur at a consistant rate throughout then I assume I have not ovulated. The latter is the norm for me.

I'm very tempted to stop taking my bcp because I always achieve my best growth during cycles when ovulation has occurred. I'm very in tune with my hormone levels and I generally know when to take my supplements and how many to take, nevertheless it's much more difficult to judge during months when I don't ovulate. I just don't want to get pregnant which is the only reason I'm still taking my bcp.

I've gained a lot of weight since I started NBE and if anything my diet has only got better. I'm not sure why this is and I'd like to start a weight loss diet but I'm afraid of losing my boobs all over again. My tummy is turning into a monster. Flub flub flub. Don't get me wrong, I am a tummy lover! Probably the main reason I'm still with my boyfriend (he really is very round) but it's one thing being attracted to other peoples tummies, and a very different thing being proud of your own.

Speaking of my boyfriend, he accidentally called my breasts BIG the other day. I think he surprised even himself. He also commented that they were bouncing more than usual and he thinks they've grown... Funny that. He still doesn't seem to find them attractive though Sad but he gets more and more obsessed with my bottom everyday. It's a size POW apparently.


Haha Gasolinerainbow,

but please be careful with bloodroot. Its traditional use is for abortion.

Beer is mostly water, alcohol, and sugar, and only very little hops. Any effects you have from beer are most likely not from hops.

Wow congratulation!! XD
B to DD? that's really amazing!
Seeing your progress gives me a lot of hope.
And thank you for your info, it really helps since I'm such a newbie to this whole thing Smile


It was a short-lived 34DD Sad I've gone back down to a D since AF started 5 days ago (2 weeks early).

In that case I'll stop pretending it's not the alcohol and sugar that's the diuretic and start incorporating hops into my program Smile

It's weird... Although my cup size has changed a lot, my boobs don't really look any different to me now than when I first began NBE...

Hey now, don't be so hard on yourself! I just spend a lot of time reading through your thread, because I am looking into Siriporn/Progesterone cream, and I have a few things to say:

1. Your breasts are BEAUTIFUL and full! I can definitely see a difference between your earlier pictures and your more recent pictures. Remember, positivity and optimism are key in all successful ventures.

2. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, and it is not the standard to have the breasts of a model, because supermodels are photoshopped! Victoria's Secret, for example. Their models actually have smaller busts (minus some, of course), and they get all the "enhancements" via photoshop, padding, etc. Your breasts are REAL and BEAUTIFUL, so your boyfriend is absolutely insane if he cannot recognize your true and natural beauty.

I have a few questions for you, as well, because I am thinking about switching from Ainterol to Siriporn.

Have you changed your program since the one listed on the first page? If so, what are you taking now?

Also, do you use Siriporn's RoBust Lotion or Serum?

AND LASTLY (I promise), what is your consensus with the progesterone cream? The reason I ask is, progesterone is what contributes to the roundness of breast growth in NBE, and what better way to raise your progesterone level than with progesterone cream. I am curious to hear what your experience with it is! Smile

Happy growing, and keep your chin up, lady!

Oo thanks for your response notsobusty! I only just got it for some reason Sad Thanks for all your positive comments Big Grin

Unfortunately I have preeetty bad news. I took a break, hence why I haven't written here for nearly a month, and I've lost everything! Sad Feeling VERY down allll over agaaaain.

I've changed my program loads as I've gone along. It's currently approx 2-3 PM a day for 5/6-14 of my luteal phase, and then progesterone cream from 14-25 (ish), I generally base it around how my body 'feels', when I think I've ovulated etc. I also take l-lysine everyday, and vegetarian vitamin supplements. I didn't like maca, and I'm looking to try some kind of collagen when I start up again (after Christmas).

I've had a good experience with progesterone cream so far. It definitely helps aids different areas of growth to PM. I have a teensy problem in that my cream has GONE MISSING though. I think my mum found it and threw it out... I'm pretty upset because although a lot of people think it's too strong and I've read more than a few negative responses about it, i've definitely had a good experience from it for the few months I used it.

I use Ainterol, not Sirporn. I take the capsules and use the sprays, not the lotion, about 2-3 times a day.

Happy growing Smile xx

Time for a long awaited update!!

I had a break, for lots of reasons. Thought my body was probably due a break and also I kept forgetting to take supplements. There's no use trying to achieve something while I'm that disorganised so TIME OUT.

During this break I lost everything. Went right back down to from 34DD to a 34B. Lost any body confidence I had acquired along the way.

This may have been directly linked to a period of depression. I won't go into the specifics but it was really bad. I did not deal with it well. Doesn't bear thinking about.

Anyway, I finally picked up and I'm easing back into my routine. It's not like it was a difficult routine to maintain but I'm still struggling to get straight back into it. Baby steps.

The good news is that, although I've just restarted my routine and in fact all I'm doing at the moment is using ainterol spray morning and night, I'm gaining back everything I lost very quickly.

This experience has highlighted the importance of maintenance! I don't know if results really do become permanent or maybe they do for some people but not for others. Either way, I'm still getting results and that's the most important thing.

I don't particularly want to be doing this for the rest of my life, my ultimate goal was to have boobs of my desired size that I don't need to constantly maintain... But who knows? Maybe that will come.

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