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Help! Dizzy spells


Help! Dizzy spells
July 9 2007 at 5:28 AM
kieyah (Login kieyah)


Ok I have been taking bo for 2 weeks now, also doing gy's for almost 2 months. Nothing else different. But lately I have started getting dizzy all the time and very tired and frequent headaches. Even though I am at my second week on bo I still get headaches soon after every time I take them. The dizziness has me worried the most. Is it an allergic reaction or something? It seems kind of late for the massages to suddenly start doing this to me. I stopped taking saw palmetto which I had been trying to add to my routine. Could it be the bo? anyone else have this reaction to bo or anything else? I think I may have to give up bo and start taking herbs again. I sure hate to as the herbs give me acne really bad Sad
Any advice?

Author Reply
Fennel Fairy
(no login) Re: Help! Dizzy spells July 9 2007, 7:47 AM

Have you ever been on birth control pills and felt equally bad? This is estrogen/progesterone so I guess those who feel bad on BCP will feel bad on this too. I had headaches in the beginning, now only sometimes. With herbs I got migraines almost on a daily basis so I prefer it on BO. I guess we all react differently.

Are you getting enough iron? Lack of that can also cause a dizzy, tired feeling. Take a week break from the BO, get a god multivitamin/mineral product, drink plenty of water, eat on regular times and give BO another try before giving up.

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HP Hybrid
(no login) Re: Help! Dizzy spells July 9 2007, 9:52 AM

Dizziness and fatigue are signs of unopposed estrogen in the body, which would undoubtedly be harmful to health. The dizziness could eventually lead to blackouts, so you better be careful.

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Help! Dizzy spells July 9 2007, 5:44 PM

I did have dizziness, blackouts, and headaches during puberty and all through my teens. I also got dizzy and migraines during pregnancy. Could it be I may just be very sensitive to the hormones? I guess I am built backwards because have taken several kinds of bcp before and never had dizziness. Actually bcp helps prevent my migraines and makes them less severe. I didn't get dizzy or headaches on herbs either. So this is very odd. I'm thinking it must either be the bo or the gy's. It seems odd that I would just now start having this effect from gy's since I have been doing it for 2 months now. But I'm not ruling it out yet as I did just recently start having cholostrum during my massages possibly my body thinks I'm pregnant? No there is no possibility of actual pregnancy here. But I suppose the hormones don't know that.

I do take vitamins and other than puberty and pregnancy I have never experienced this dizziness with anything else. So I don't think it is lack of iron. I probably am not drinking enough water. I did not take my bo last night or this morning and so far no dizziness or headaches. I guess we'll see. How long did it take on bo for your headaches to stop? did it take more than 2 weeks? the only other thing I can think of is that I had stopped taking 1 bo 3 times a day and instead started taking 1 in the mornig and 2 before bed. It was just easier to remember that way. Would that be a problem?

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(Login Ann5)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Help! Dizzy spells July 10 2007, 11:54 PM

It could be that your not drinking enough water. I remember while I was on herbs I got dizzy a few times and noticed why. It was because I wasn't drinking enough water during the day.

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(Login Kittyluv09) Re: Help! Dizzy spells July 31 2007, 5:57 AM

I know this topic was posted awhile ago, but I just woke up right now after falling asleep for about 2 hrs. I took 2 BO pills 2.5 hrs ago. When I got up to go to the bathroom I became extremely dizzy and my limbs felt really heavy. I also started feeling sick, but I'm not sure if it's just because this reaction is freaking me out.

Has anyone else had problems on BO where they feel dizzy? Is it possible to overdose on BO?

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(no login) Re: Help! Dizzy spells July 31 2007, 7:03 AM

Well, taking 3 pills a day can hardly be overdosing. But perhaps you are sensitive to the hormonal formula since you mentioned feeling similar during puberty. Perhaps BO just isn't compatible with your body in some way?

I have no other advice for you than to stop taking it.

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Help! Dizzy spells August 4 2007, 8:41 PM

I have had no more dizziness since stopping BO. But I have a theory. I did work up slowly from one to three a day but then stopped taking 1 three times a day and did one am and two pm. It was just more convenient for me to remember twice a day than three times a day. maybe I just can't take 2 at the same time like that? Maybe I should have stuck with taking three times per day. Who knows. I am back on herbs for now but if I get no effect I may decide to give BO another try. After all I still have two bottles left. Thanks everyone Smile

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Dizzy Lizzy
(no login) Re: Help! Dizzy spells August 5 2007, 8:49 AM

Well BO makes me dizzy, even in small doses. I don't think this whole dizzy thing is anything to do with overdosing, but to do with how the individual responds to it.

Dizzy Lizzy

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(Login Kittyluv09) Re: Help! Dizzy spells August 5 2007, 4:11 PM

Yeah my dizziness went away after stopping BO... although it did take about 12 hours after my last dose to completely go away.

To start I was taking 2 pills a day, one in the morning and one 12 hrs later at night. On the third day I took one in the morning and 2 at the same time 12 hrs later. The night I took two is when I woke up really dizzy. It really scared me, so I stopped taking BO. A few days later I decided that I just couldn't take 2 at the same time so I tried taking 2 pills a day (12 hrs apart) again, but I just couldn't get over the fact that the last time made me sick so I stopped. Sad

I think I'm going to order BB because I really wanna try BO. I'm hoping by switching to a different brand I can trick my mind into thinking it won't make me sick. I have a weird subconscious like that.

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(no login) Re: Help! Dizzy spells August 5 2007, 6:37 PM

I'm sorry you're having this trouble, it must be frustrating! One thing I would say is that it's VERY important to listen to what your body is telling you. If the BO is giving you dizziness, then it's not right for you. If you find that if you split the dosage up in taking 1 pill 3 times a day and your dizziness goes away, then perhaps like you said you just can't handle 2 pills at the same time, so don't even try. There are many things out there to try and along the way while you're experimenting and finding what's right for you never ignore symptoms that you have on certain NBE methods or you may do yourself more harm than good. Good luck! :-)

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(Login Kittyluv09) Re: Help! Dizzy spells August 6 2007, 3:36 PM

Thanks Lisa! Smile

I think BO is my last chance though. I tried wonderup with no results, not even any tingles and I attempted to try natureday, but the Dong Quoi in it made my heart rate waaaay to low. Before I found this discussion board I started the Flat to Fab program, but the herbs interacted with my bcp.

I'll never try brava because I wouldn't have the money or time to do it and I don't ever wanna get breast implants. Oh, I also tried GYs but it just took up too much time and I didn't like the thought of lactating, especially since I've never had a kid.

I really think my main concern with DNE BO is that it comes from Denmark, which freaks me out due to vCJD. I didn't think this would bother me so I ordered a month to try it, but every time I took a pill I just felt like the pill was full of infected prions and I would start to worry. Although I must say, from the very few days I took BO last week my boobs have been firmer like before I get my period.

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Dizzy Lizzy
(no login) Re: Help! Dizzy spells August 17 2007, 9:00 AM

I had to stop taking the BO. First it made me dizzy but then later it made my legs feel heavy.

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(no login) Re: Help! Dizzy spells -- BE w/BCP? April 23 2008, 3:28 PM

In the posts I've read on this thread, it seems that people are mixing BE methods with BCP. I'm no expert, but I'm wondering if there are compatibility problems there. The hormones in the BCP could be interacting with those in the BE, perhaps making you estrogen dominant and/or vice versa. Maybe to be on a BE regimen you have to stop the BCP. And, if it's too much estrogen, perhaps a progesterone cream can be used to help balance things. Good luck!

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(Login kieyah)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Help! Dizzy spells April 26 2008, 2:43 PM

I was not taking any kind of BCP while taking BO. I am now taking BCP with herbs and not experienced any kind of dizziness since stopping BO. It is definately BO that causes the dizziness, at least for me.

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Brenda (Princess Pearl)
(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Help! Dizzy spells April 26 2008, 8:50 PM

Hi K,

This salt water flush works for me. I will put it in USA measurements, hope that is OK.

Drink half your body weight in ounces of water plus 1/4 teaspoon SEA SALT (preferably Celtic Sea Salt) for every pint you drink.
So if you weigh 120 pounds, drink 60 ounces of water and after about every small water bottle (approx. 1 pint), take 1/4 teaspoon, about a pinch, of your Sea Salt. NOT table salt!

Sea Salt is healthy for you, it has many trace minerals you need. It works! It takes alot of effort to drink so much, but by the end of the day you will feel better. It is not instant! But you will feel more "normal" at the end of the day. It is a good cleanse for your kidneys, and to rid your body of toxins. Good luck! Hope you feel better. I have also found PO to have less side-effects than BO.
this is a link to a different Salt flush, this works on heavy-metal detox even.

But the first method is tried and tested by myself, I found it to work very well.

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(no login) Dizzy on BO April 30 2008, 12:39 AM


I became dizzy and very foggy headed on BO. Gave it a break for a while and now I am trying PO. The PO seems to be working better and I do not have the horrible side effects as I did on BO. Maybe a switch to PO might help.

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(no login) Dizzy on BO April 30 2008, 12:43 AM

Also forgot to mention that I am on BCP as well. The PO has not affected me in anyway with this.

Princess Pearl
(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Help! Dizzy spells May 7 2008, 8:41 PM

Dear Alley, that is good to hear. Yes, the PO seems more delicate to me. Much less brain fog and all that. Good luck!

Headache first day on BO
June 15 2007 at 2:31 AM Lisa (Login lilmama40)


I started my BO last night, took one before bed and then took one twice today and I'm totally battling a raging headache today. Has anyone experienced this when starting BO?

Author Reply

(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Headache first day on BO June 15 2007, 9:07 AM

Hi.Congratulations on ur start.I haven't experienced that but many many girls have.Don't worry it will go away after few daysSmile Wish u a good start with hopefully plenty of growth

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Lost Sheep
(Login HS29) Re: Headache first day on BO June 15 2007, 4:05 PM

I had headaches- they will go away- eventually.....

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(Login lindyrose) Re: Headache first day on BO June 15 2007, 6:48 PM

I got headaches at first too. They didn't last long and I haven't had any since. I always get headaches when I start my period so it's prob just due to hormone fluctuations... just my guess.

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(Login Ann5)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Headache first day on BO June 16 2007, 12:54 AM

I never experienced headaches when I switched to BO. I did experience nausea though. Thankfully it went away. I agree with most of the girls it should go away eventually. Like lindyrose mentioned it must be from hormonal fluctuations. Just out of curiousity is your water intake good?

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(Login lilmama40) Thanks June 16 2007, 5:59 PM

Thanks all, this is good to hear. I'm probably not drinking enough water, I'm so bad at that! I agree that it's just a hormone fluctuation issue and I'm hoping it goes away. BCP used to give me horrible headaches, so I don't want a repeat of that. I had a headache again yesterday but it wasn't as bad as the day before so hopefully it will stop soon as I'm getting used to it. For now I thought I would stick with just 2 pills a day until the headaches stop and then I'll add in the third one. Thanks again! :-)

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(no login) Re: Headache first day on BO June 17 2007, 7:15 AM

I started BO and have had headaches for 4 days. I can't help wondering whether my body is trying to tell me something.

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(Login lilmama40) Re: Headache first day on BO June 17 2007, 5:28 PM

I actually didn't have a headache at all yesterday. Fiona, did you start off slowly or dive right into 1500mg a day? I think it's easier for your body to adjust if you start slow, even slower than I did. I would say take 1 for 2 days then move to taking 2 a day for 2 days and then ad the third one in after that.

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(no login) Yes June 24 2007, 5:26 PM

I had headaches the first few days too and a bit of nausea, but it all went away. When I was taking fenugreek, I had migraines almost on a daily basis so this felt like a relief actually.

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(no login) Re: Headache first day on BO July 6 2007, 8:55 AM

Wow, I find that yes bovine ovary means a really bad headache! Absolutely raging in fact. I just hope it will pass after a few days as others have reported.

(Login lilmama40) Re: Headache first day on BO July 7 2007, 6:08 AM

Don't worry, they will go away quickly. It's just your body adjusting to the hormonal change.

Tossing and turning...
June 5 2007 at 8:23 PM
Buffeee (Login BuffeeeAgain)


Anyone else have a hard time sleeping through the night when on BO? I didn't tie the two together, but I was waking up 5-10 times a night a few months ago when I was on BO. I took a break for a cycle and a half, and now that I've started up again I'm not sleeping well again. I kinda thought it was other things; it was my bf who mentioned that it might be my "boobie pills."

Author Reply

Lost Sheep
(Login HS29) Re: Tossing and turning... June 5 2007, 8:40 PM

Interesting observation, buffee!

I'm going to be paying attention to that. I don't sleep well a LOT, which I thought was just me, but I think I have noticed a really good nite's sleep the nites I DON'T take my pill. Hmmmmmmmm.

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(Login lindyrose) Re: Tossing and turning... June 6 2007, 8:02 PM

I def have noticed I wake up ALOT during the night. I will keep a note of it when I take breaks (I usually stop taking the pills for a few days when I'm on my period) I never linked the 2 together but maybe your on to something. Didn't someone say at one time that l-t can give you lots of energy maybe that has something to do with it??

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(Login Myjourney) sleep June 7 2007, 1:23 AM

Hi Buffeee...

I notice that I have to take my BO at night, and not in the morning or anytime before 3:00pm or I am very tired during the day. That means I can't split doses. but since I am taking such a low dose right now, that doesn't matter. I do notice though, that if I do not take my gaba at night bfore bed I cannot sleep.
Also, sometimes during full moon etc I use melatonin...that conks me out good...or some herbs that are good...
skullcap (very strong)
passion flower

I don't know the phytoestrogen properties of these so you may want to check them out bfore use...

btw I know I haven't been here for a while...I am still playing games with my BO...but I will measure soon bcause hubby said the other day...boy! your boobs feel big!!! that is a FIRST! I told him it was pre cycle swelling, but I hope it is not!!! I will measure in a couple of days, and take an update pic. hopefully good news.

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Lost Sheep
(Login Buffeee)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Tossing and turning... June 7 2007, 10:51 PM

Cool, I'm glad you're in a growing state!

I'll have to try some of the things you've mentioned. I've used Valerian, but happen to be out of it right now. Now that I think of it, I think I've missed my gaba doses a lot lately, too (I take that before bed.)

Weird that BO makes you tired. Or maybe weird that it doesn't make me tired... Herbs just wasted me energy-wise. I could have slept the majority of the day when I was taking them.

Lost Sheep
(Login HS29) Re: Tossing and turning... June 14 2007, 1:43 PM

SO yep, BB makes me NOT sleep. If I take my pill any later than 7:30, I don't sleep well and if I take it around 9- I don't sleep A WINK all nite long.


Nausea, any advice?
August 15 2007 at 4:55 PM Kitty (Login Kittyluv09)


So I started taking BB 3 days ago because the DNE BO made me dizzy. I haven't gotten dizzy or had headaches on BB, but I've been getting really nauseous. Does anyone have any advice for this? Does it/how long does it take to go away?

I tried emailing BB customer service twice, but they didn't respond to me.

At first it would just come after I took the second pill at night. But today on the third day, it happened after I took the first pill in the morning. And I'm still nauseous 4 hours after I took it. *sigh* why does NBE have to be so complicated?

Author Reply
Fennel Fairy
(no login) Re: Nausea, any advice? August 15 2007, 6:19 PM

I suffered a lot from nausea when I expected my first child and got the advice to drink ginger tea. Get some ginger (the spice) and put a little bit in a teacup and add boiling water. Let it cool down a bit and then drink it. It helped me anyway, I hope it helps you too. Also make sure your stomach is never really empty. Eat lots of little meals during the day rather than a few big ones.

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(Login Kittyluv09) Re: Nausea, any advice? August 15 2007, 8:27 PM

Ooh ginger tea sounds nice, thanks fennel fairy! Hopefully it will work.

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(no login) Re: Nausea, any advice? August 16 2007, 5:46 AM

Hi Kitty...Check out this site
GINGER HONEY TONIC by newchapter. This is honey mixed with ginger. The product is around $9.00 w/tax. I take a teaspoon 15mins before taking BO...and another right after. It really works!

(Login Kittyluv09) Re: Nausea, any advice? August 16 2007, 6:33 PM

Thanks Carolyn! I'll def look into that.

I made some ginger tea yesterday and it helped a bit, but it has a very spicy kick to it. Also, I didn't take my BB last night or this morning because I was out with friends and I didn't want my nausea to ruin a fun time. Unfortunately I woke up with a little nausea and had started spotting! and I'm on birth control too. I'm going on vacation this weekend so I've decided to stop BB until I get back so I don't ruin my trip.

Feeling really "out of it" on BO
December 1 2007 at 7:51 AM Princess Pearl (no login)


Hello Ladies!

I have really learned a lot by reading your individual programs & all about BO here on this site..

Hopefully someone will have some insight on this matter.

I am taking 1600-1800 grams of BO a day, (broken down into 3) and at least two a day of 200 grams (one pill) of Pituitary Gland supplement. One kelp tablet, and a lot of protein in whey from other sources.

I felt so SPACEY at work, yesterday, it scared me! So I didn't take my evening dose. Today I took a morning dose of one pituitary, 2 BO's and kelp. With whey. 12 hours later, I am still "out of it", so to say.

Do you think I should cut out the Pituitay supplement? I am 40 yrs old. Any clue to what the feeling of not really being here, unable to think clearly etc is from? Is it normal? I searched this site and couldn't find this topic covered under BO.

BTW: I have had results... almost immedeately. But no tingles or pains yet. I fear that without a high enough dosage, my results will be temporary and not actual tissue growth. It has been about 7 weeks.

Thank you in advance for your info!

Author Reply

Lost Sheep
(Login PrincessPearl) My spelling errrors are showing you what I'm talking about! December 1 2007, 8:08 AM

Sorry, I meant that I am taking whey (smoothies) and also getting protein from other sources. See what I mean? Feeling and probably acting "ditzy!"

(Login Kittyluv09) Re: Feeling really "out of it" on BO December 2 2007, 4:30 PM

Although I don't have a link to the page, what you're experiencing has been discussed in this forum before. Women started feeling ditsy and spacey or even said they felt like an air-head. They thought it has to do with the hormones, seeing as some women go through this "ditsy" stage when they get pregnant. The ones that talked about it on this bored said they got spacey just like when they were pregnant. I think you might be able to find it under the program's page for people who took BO. Otherwise it would be somewhere near the beginning of this forum.

(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Feeling really "out of it" on BO December 3 2007, 12:28 AM

Thank you, Kitty! I didn't want to ask a repeat question, I will look where you said in the individual programs. Also, the really bad days that prompted me to write in to this forum, ended up being the few days before an ealier-than-expected period. Only 25 days since last instead of 28 (frequent enough for me!) It will be interesting to see if all this inconvenience leads to a growth that will stay after I stop the BO. Good luck to all you ladies! And be careful if you are as ditsy feeling as I was the other day!!! (Be extra vigilant while driving, etc.)

(no login) Re: Feeling really "out of it" on BO December 3 2007, 2:52 AM

you may have too much candida growth in your intestines. feeling spacey is one of the symptoms as well as depression and many other symptoms. it may also cause vaginal yeast infection. candida growth results from eating certain foods especially foods with high sugar and startch, it may also result from taking antibiotics and thus eating eggs and meat that have been treated with hormones and antibiotics would do that, i guess this somehow has a correlation with BO. read more about it on google.

(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Feeling really "out of it" on BO December 3 2007, 4:02 AM

Also, I read about synthetic estrogen (pills), one of the side-effects is dizziness and even the inability to concentrate or learn.

Started BB today!
November 15 2006 at 2:22 AM Sissy (Login sissy2345)


Hi everyone, just wanted to say thanks to all of you...I was minutes from ordering Brava when I found this site, read alot of the post for several days, and decided to give the pills a try first. Personally, I was willing to try it, but don't think I would have stuck to Brava. My son and I are pretty close because I was young when I had him, but he will be home from college next week for Thanksgiving, and I just know he would not have understood when he saw me wearing those things! Then I found the BB site, went back and read more on this forum and realized that Michelle was an actual person and not a paid model, that made my mind up. There are so many phony sites out there is sad....anyway, wanted to say hello to all and I am trying to think positive, actually I think it's working already lol. I will take my measurements and pictures over the next couple of days to gauge my progress. Take care all!

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(Login jellyboobs)
SENIOR MEMBER just wanted to say..... November 15 2006, 6:34 AM

good luck with your new expedition in boob growth . I take herbs myself but michelle is an excellent exp of success with BB all the best !!!!!

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michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
SENIOR MEMBER hi sissy November 16 2006, 4:49 PM

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck on the bb pills!! And yes just keep thinking positive and give yourself time and patience, cause it definitely takes that. Smile Let me know if you have any questions, I'll try my best to help. Take care and boobie blessings to ya!! Smile

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Thanks for your support ladies!! November 16 2006, 11:36 PM

Michelle, I did have a couple of questions that I didn't see in the forum.... It's only been two full days, but I have had a headache in the evenings. Did you experience that when you started BB? It could be my imagination, but seems like it comes after I take my evening pill. Also, do you know if anyone here has tried the Ultrabreastsystem? They are cheaper, but seem to be the same thing, a little higher dose with a little herbs thrown in. The web site is kinda sleezy, but I was thinking of trying it if anyone knows anything about it? Thanks again, I still can't believe that there is actually truth to NBE, until I found this forum, I thought it was all fake. Everyone here is so great, if this wasn't my little secret, I would be telling everyone about it. Another question I had (sorry, may as well get them in), do you know of anyone who has kept their growth for several years & beyond, since BB has been around for almost 10 years now? Just curious.

Jelly, thanks for your kind words also!


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michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
SENIOR MEMBER Hey Sissy! November 16 2006, 11:57 PM

Hey Sissy,

I'm sorry that you're getting headaches like that, I get tension/migraine headaches from time to time, but I have always had them practically all my life....even was taking BC powders all the time before and it ended up poisoning my system and had to be in the hospital/intensive care for almost a week (about 4 1/2 yrs ago). So I know it's not the pills that cause them since I've always had them. And ever since being off the BC's I don't have them but once in a blue moon. So do you think maybe your hormones are causing the headaches, since the pills mess with our hormones?? I'm just guessing here. Maybe your system just needs to adjust to them or something. Or maybe ask April Anna (i think) who's a medical student, she's mentioned side effects of the bovine ovary before.

I don't know of anyone who has tried the ultrabreast product, but yeah it is similar and cheaper. May be worth trying, I didn't know about that one until a few months ago myself.

Yeah and I'm so glad that you found this forum, because I know a lot of women probably don't realize that we can actually grow naturally and that's why they run out and get implants, thinking it's their only option. So I'm glad you did some research first and found out that it can be done without surgery and spending thousands. Smile

I don't know of anyone personally that has taken the bountiful pills that long ago or years ago. But, I do know one lady on the bb site, she stopped I think in June or July taking the pills and she still has her growth from my understanding. I talk to another lady that has grown well on bb so far and she's email buddies with the lady who stopped the bb pills not too long ago. As far as I know she still has her 34 or 36C and started as a 32A I think it was.

Other than that, everyone else I keep in contact with is still on bb at the moment.

I didn't take them for like 5wks since I ran out and couldn't afford them right away and didn't lose my growth. But, I know that's probably not enough time to really tell.

Good luck to you, boobie blessings!! Smile

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(Login emmiedee) headaches November 17 2006, 3:50 PM

i was getting headaches when i first started taking the generic bo pills, but they have pretty much subsided now (two months later). they lasted about a week or two, and then i guess my body got used to them.

drink a LOT of water. it will help you process them better and will keep your system functioning somewhat normally... that helped me...

hugs and good boobie wishes!!

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(Login wonderbride)
SENIOR MEMBER Hi Sissy! November 18 2006, 1:20 AM

Welcome to the forum and best wishes on your boobie growing journey!
I'm also on BB but I never experienced any head aches from the pills. Hopefully it was just temperary and not related to taking the BB pills. Happy holidaysSmile

"Whether you think you can or you can't either way you are right." Henry Ford

(no login) Hey November 20 2006, 10:21 AM

Well, my headaches are gone, lost the 3lbs, and I swear I am fuller and heavier after just 5 days. I guess I need to do measurements and pictures soon, but I am so encouraged so far. I don't really have pains, but alot of weird feelings there, especially within a couple of hours of taking my BB pill. I haven't been doing much else except the protein drinks, and after shower 3-4 minute massages with Nivea Q10 skin firming lotion - I know that's not what is recommended, but I just got it for the rest of me and so far that's all I have time for. I did notice that my breast are sooooo soft and smooth, but whether or not massaging with that does anything else, I won't know. I figure I am atleast getting some circulation going. By the way, I try every lotion on the market for all over, and if you want soft skin, this stuff is fabulous! I think I am going to add the L-Tyrosine, and maybe DIM because of how it seemed to work for Michelle. I learned so much here, but most of all it is that we need to find what works for them.

Everyone here is just great and so supportive. I know I said this before, but nobody knows about what I'm doing, so it's nice to have someone to talk to about it!


(Login wonderbride)
SENIOR MEMBER that's great! November 21 2006, 4:59 AM

I'm glad your head aches are gone and that you are feeling fuller already! Good job Smile As far as massage creams for the breast I've heard any cream will work, the important thing is to massage the breasts. Best wishes to your continuing growth.

(no login) Re: Started BB today! November 22 2006, 12:10 PM

Sissy - You had a lucky escape from Brava, wish i had tried pills first, Brava is a bigger nighmare then you can imagine, even if you can tolerate it at least 10 hours a day, the blisters, rashes etc etc are so depressing!

(no login) Lucky escape from Brava... November 22 2006, 8:13 PM

You are so right. I can't believe I almost did that. I will probably have the same money tied up in BB before it's over, but I never could have stuck it out so I would have been $1000 poorer without any growth. If this doesn't work for me, I will find something that does, but I won't ever look back and regret not trying Brava...


Side effects on BO?
March 28 2007 at 3:24 PM
Myjourney (Login Myjourney)


Has anyone experienced side effects...headaches, tiredness, etc, I am wondering if I am taking too much..or if it is just my period coming on...

Author Reply
(Login O1ivia) Re: Side effects on BO? March 28 2007, 3:34 PM

I havnt had any side effects yet, but ive only been on bo for almost a month. how many mg's do you take?

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(Login Buffeeee) Re: Side effects on BO? March 28 2007, 3:48 PM

How much are you taking? I haven't had any side effects.

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(Login mama2fiveboys) Re: Side effects on BO? March 28 2007, 4:01 PM

I have been on BB pills for going o a year and I have never had any negative side effects from the pills. Also to let you know, I recently had blood work and a mamogram (my first) for my routine yearly check up and EVERYTHING came back normal, I know that so many of us worry about the side effects from taking medications we don't know much about, so hope this helps some.


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(Login Myjourney) hmm March 28 2007, 4:12 PM

Well, I started with 2 in morn and 3 at night, (generic) and have ramped up a the tingles diminished. I took 4 in morn and 5 at night for two days, then last night i took less just in case it was that. There is a sickness goin round, and my period is due...course I am doing pm soap and cream too, but didn't use much of that the last two busy.
What are the highest doses anyone has taken here? Do you think the high doses cause stalling?

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(Login O1ivia) Re: Side effects on BO? March 28 2007, 5:04 PM

yea, that is a lot to be taking. I dont think anyone here is taking that high of a dose. Im only taking 3 in the morning and 2 at night. thats what most people say is a safe amount. i think your taking too much... Others will pobably know more than me... but i do think you a taking way too much

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(Login sandy111)
SENIOR MEMBER Bo doses March 28 2007, 5:22 PM

Hi.I read on the boutanical beauty website that bovine ovary concentrate should be taken from 1800 to 2400 i think 2500mg will be ok but not 5 pills in the whole day.Good luck

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(Login Buffeeee) Re: Side effects on BO? March 28 2007, 9:01 PM

I think you're taking more than anyone has dared to take before Tongue I think you might benefit by lowering the dosage.

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(no login) Re: Side effects on BO? March 28 2007, 11:26 PM

That does sound like too much. Emmie got up to 2500 I think towards the end of her BO program, but that was after months of building up to it. I don't know how much exactly I take, it's probably around 900-1000mgs, but with the potenization they do to BB, it could be like taking 3000mgs for all we know.

I have not had any side effects that I attribute to BO or the herbs I take for that matter. **knocks on wood** -- Sissy

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(Login Myjourney) OK ok March 29 2007, 1:02 AM

I'll ramp down! :-)
I did today, and am getting tingles still.

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(Login Myjourney) Buffee March 29 2007, 1:41 AM

I noticed on your program pg. you are having some frustration. Maybe you should try ramping down too?
My tingles had actually diminished on the higher dose??!! and now today, I ramped down, and am getting major tingles! weird. Also, maybe try and add that Gaba at night that we talked about. It won't have any side effects except to drive away any insomnia...

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(Login Buffeee)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Side effects on BO? March 29 2007, 12:14 PM

Yes, you might be right. I'm going to give it 2 more days and then ramp down if I don't get anything. Shoot- if GABA drives away insomnia, I'm all for it. I'm not bad, but I do wake up several times a night & if my boyfriend is there hogging the bed then I find that I have a hard time getting back to sleep. If I were a little stronger, I'd flip his ass off the bed.

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(Login Myjourney) Gaba March 29 2007, 8:09 PM

Is really great for insomnia. I find it helps me best in larger 4 pills. What it does is stop that "monkey mind" where your mind goes over and over the day...etc. It works pretty good.

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(Login Buffeeee) Re: Side effects on BO? March 29 2007, 9:08 PM

Just read up about GABA and ordered it. You must be right on the dosage- bodybuilding websites said effective dosage starts at 5 grams, which is 10x what some of the bottles recommend.

Thanks, girl Smile

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Fennel Fairy
(Login fennelfairy)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Side effects on BO? April 1 2007, 9:13 AM

Why don't people ever go by the recommended dosage? Is the product ineffective if taken according to recommendaton? I wouldn't want to overdose anything generally. Have any of you experienced that the recommended dose does NOTHING for you and that you need to ramp up to see results, or is it just impatience that makes people O.D? Just wondering.

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(Login emmiedee) headaches April 1 2007, 9:17 AM

i did get headaches for awhile, especially when starting out. i found that the pills seemed to make me feel dehydrated, so i used the old army adage of "drink water." for once, it worked!

make sure you are drinking plenty of water no matter what your routine...

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(Login lassysam)
SENIOR MEMBER Myjourney April 1 2007, 4:27 PM

I have had headaches and tiredness with any BE routine I've tried, but they came mostly with the higher doses. And here is an interesting thought, it seems there are many women that complain of yeast infections doing BE. I think the extra estrogen maybe can do that, or somehow makes a more friendly environment for yeast. And yeast or our bacteria in our body being out of balance can also cause tiredness. I have been feeling better now that I am eating Activia yogurt everyday and I've also been taking the B Complex vitamins. I hope you start feeling better Myjourney.
I had to take a break for a while I was feeling so bad. I felt lethargic and was also having stomach problems. I still don't know what caused it. It could of been anything. I am getting back on the BO, now though. I feel my old self again.
These hormones affect every system in our body so if side effects pop up we need to find solutions to help us.

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(Login sissy2345)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Side effects on BO? April 1 2007, 5:11 PM

I also got headaches in the first few days, I even posted the question to see if that was normal. They went away and never came back. I seemed to get them right after I took my pills. -- Sissy

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(Login fawnmarie) Re: Side effects on BO? April 1 2007, 6:08 PM

Excess estrogen can cause fatigue and headaches, so it may be related to your use of BO.

I used as much as 2800 when I was on BO, but not everyday and everyone is different. If you're getting headaches, don't be afraid to ramp down some.

Botanical Beauty Lab

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(no login) Re: Side effects on BO? April 2 2007, 7:37 AM

I took bovine ovary and it gave me a lot of headaches, although it did at least have some desirable effect on me, if not the amount of breast growth I was hoping for. When I stopped the headaches went away immediately, so perhaps I was taking too much for me. I'll try herbs now anyway because several people told me that herbs are gentler, which for me is probably good.

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(Login Myjourney) Fennel April 2 2007, 4:00 PM

The recommended dosages on bottles are put there by the FDA...who we all know, knows nothing about much. The dosages put on there are the very minimum that a person could take, unless the bottle specifically says 'do not exceed dosage."

( I should note this is for USA) FDA standards...even the "recommended allowances" are the very minimums that a person would need to stay alive. I wish I could remember the source, but I was reading statistics on this stuff once, and the guidelines were originally made for men in war (world war II). They did a study to see the bare minimum they could feed a guy on the battle front, and that is where the " requirements" come from. The study actually made me quite angry, and also angry that most people are still not taking enough of essential nutrients that they need. (If this has changed...someone let me know!!!) Here..I found a link that touches upon it lightly...

Here is a quote from the Chicago Tribune:
"Some researchers believe the current recommended daily allowances of vitamin D are probably too low to maintain optimum health. The recommendations are 200 international units for infants, children and adults up to 50 years old; 400 IU for men and women from 50 to 70; and 600 IU for people older than 70.

Vitamin D supplements are generally considered safe except for megadoses, Ascherio said. But a large trial to determine if a several-fold increase in the intake of vitamin D supplements can reduce the risk of MS is needed before recommendations can be made for people to take higher doses of the vitamin, he said."

So, depending on the substance, one would usually take more, according to body weight, and effect. Certain substances are water soluble (like vit c and vit b) and you can take them ad naseum because the excess gets peed out. More caution needs to be taken with stuff like Vit A that builds up in the body.

Now, my Bovine Ovary bottle says something like 1 two to three times daily. If i took that it wouldn't do much for me at my weight (175lb) I have ramped back down to 3 in morn 4 at night and that is working well, and no more headaches. Most of the ladies taking herbs I would say are definately "exceeding" the RDD that is on the bottle.

Hope that answers your question!

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(no login) side effects of bo April 6 2007, 3:36 PM

I started taking bo a week ago and since then I have been having stomach cramps, I wasn't sure if it was the bo but it seems to start after I take my morning bo pill. I think I might try to take the pills with food, but I can't go on if the cramps don't stop. Has anyone else had this issue? I have always had a sensitive stomach but nothing has given me stomach cramps like this. I'm already noticing I'm regaining some fullness that I lost after I quit using herbs, so I would like to continue the bo but only if my stomach can get back to normal. Any advise would be appreciated.

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(Login BObabe) Side effects on BO? April 6 2007, 9:25 PM


Personally, I have not experienced this, However I have read on other threads here that there are a few girls who had a hard time taking BO on an empty stomach as it made their tummies hurt too, so you're not alone in this. I know they started taking their's with food for this reason and have repoted no decrease in it's affect. You'd have to search this forum to find it word for word. Hope one of them can reassure you personally! Smile

If it's generic, I believe Botanical Beauty Lab recommends taking it WITH food........So, if you're in pain, and it sounds like you are, Get yourself a snack, Girlfriend! Try to take it for a while with a snack or light meal and see how you feel. Sore Boobies is the goal, not sore bellies! Happy to hear you're getting some fullness back. YAY!!! And may it continue!!!


(Login goodolanh)
SENIOR MEMBER Headaches and dizziness April 10 2007, 6:01 AM

In the first month, I did get a lot of headaches and dizziness, but not as much anymore. It usually happens when I don't take my pills on time or forget to take it that day. I have skipped several times when I was too busy with school or stayed up too late studying... b/c the pills aren't effective when you're stressed!

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