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tibetan princess's program



Have you tried on a C bra? Your breasts definitely look larger than an A/B!! The measuring tape can be tricky and deceiving! You should go try on a C! I have a feeling you might be pleasantly surprised! Smile

Also, what progesterone cream are you using? I am interested in trying to use it during my luteal phase while I cycle with PM, but I have NO idea how to use it! Everything I have read sounds so tricky.

THanks! I have not tried on a C. I have a feeling I may be in between sizes at the most, so I still have a little bit to go. If you were to see the rest of my body, you would probably think otherwise. I have 2 inches more on hips and bum, so I am still bottom heavy.

The brand I use for progesterone cream is Kokoro (korean or Jap Brand I think). Its in a blue bottle and comes in a cylinder pump. This is my second brand of PC. I like this one more. You can find it on Amazon. I got mine at a store called Sprouts.

Do you apply progesterone cream everyday during your luteal phase or do you use it every other day?

Hey Melissa, I just dab micro amounts all over my chest and in some other areas of my body During luteal phase and sometimes a week earlier.

I don't want to sound dumb, but what is this luteal phase ya'll are talking about??? Great results btw Tibetan!! =) What kind of pc do you use (the name and brand please???)

The answers are in this thread hunWink(right above your comment)

32B? They look massive! Lucky, lucky you xx

Haha they are really not I sware. I think its just lighting or my measurements. I don't fill a C. But Thank You kindly!

Here is a shot for day 15 (of Cycle #2).
Luteal swelling seems to be picking up.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Since I have Hashi's I am easy to attack my own body with the fluctuations of hormones happening from NBE. Since I have not had my T-Cell tests, I don't know where I fall in the T Type domination (very expensive test I have to save up for). So in the mean time, I am stopping my recent program and changing it some but sticking with PC.

New new program a brewin:

-Noogle berry

-PM powder- at a teeny dose 2x a day. (I read PM is a modulator- I guess I will find out)

-PC during Luteal

-Vit D w/ Calcium (Hashi's)

-Swiss Lamb Placenta (growth factors, Vit A Hashi's)

-Bovine Mammary ( tissues strengthening)

-Bovine Adrenal/Pituitary (for my warn out adrenals)

-3GM Vit C (heal adrenals/thyroid)

-Nutribio- L arginine/lysine (skin,growth)

-A few chicken feet once a week

So I guess I will give PM a shot with the noogRolleyes


The side picture does show that your breasts are smaller than we thought. The front pictures of your breasts made your breasts look huge.

You have perfect shaped breasts, you're so lucky!!!!Wink
I would be so happy to have your breasts: shape and size!!

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