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Mochaccino's Fall/Winter Program


Thanks Isabelle. It might seem stupid, but I would never have thought of that.

I just received almost all of my supps and creams today, only 2 days after I ordered them. Now im just missing the hyaluronic avid serum and the derma stamp, but today was officially the first day of my regimen. Im so excited [/u]Big Grin

It turns out I measured myself incorrectly the first time. I forgot to look at myself from the side while measuring to make sure that i was holding the tape paralel to the floor. These are the right measurements:
Under bust: 29.5"
Bust: 31.5"
Above bust: 31"

I changed my mind, and I'll be doing the chi massage instead of Fengshui's method. I was just looking for a massage that combined applying downward pressure, like you would in normal massage, with plenty of rougher stretching and pulling on the tissue. Chi massage seems to do that in the simplest possible way. I wasn't even interested in it before because I thought it just involved gently gliding your hands over the skin in circles while meditating or something. Turns out that it's more like kneading in circles the way you would if you were making a round loaf of bread Tongue

Oh wait, I forgot to mention that my breasts are already slightly sore and they have been all day. I hope that's a good thing Big Grin

It almost seems like we're starting together (Esp with the sore breasts on the first day LOL!!!) And you know SO MUCH more stuff than me and did so much more research haha Blush I'm going to be lurking in your thread for updates SmileSmileSmile Has anyone else here ever tried retinol for their breasts? Other than Dr. OZ, I think he recs it for cleavage wrinkles. I'd be worried about flaky skin on the breasts but I guess that's a small price to pay if it'll prevent sagging. Although I've never used skinceuticals ret.
Please do keep us updated!!!!

Thanks Almonds! You give me too much credit Big Grin BTW, the creams I use on my boobs are based on the same idea as those "bust firming" creams, but it seems like almost none of them have any ingrediets that could actually firm anything.

>Sad The pump on the skinceuticals retinol bottle did not work. I wish I hadtaken the reviews more seriously. I had to pry it open, which was not easy. The bottle is not flexible and has a tiny opening, so most of the cream will be difficult toget out. Most of this extremely expensive cream will probably go to waist. Luckily the vit-c serum came in a dropper bottle. Anyway, the retinol didn't sting at all, it just felt like normal cream. Body skin is usually a whole lot less sensitive than face skin.

It's my fourth day applying these creams, and I definitely don't feel or see any irritation whatsoever. When I apply pimple cream to my face it almost makes me cry, but my boob skin must be much tougher than my facial skin, because my skin feels perfectly fine.

In other news, having been inspired by Morninghello's example, I decided to split my noogling into 3 shorter sessions, still totaling 2 hours. It always made sense to me that longer sessions would work better, but it's hard to argue with her results, and the results of a few other successful NBers.

I'm also going to try to take my morning dose of MSM, vitamin C,and collagen immediately before my daily massage and the first of my noogling sessions. The idea is that the they'll be more fully utilized for repairing, and eventually building up, the connective tissue if I take them immediately before the "damage" is done, something like what happens when you take protein immediately before a workout.

I got my HA yesterday, and used it immediately. I doubt it's really necessary though. I'll use it for now, since it's such a great moisturizer, but since I'm not having any irritation or dryness from my other products anyway, I won't be purchasing it again.

God, I've added a lot of posts! But my program is so complicated, and I keep fine tuning it. I just thought I should clarify my skin care regimen. I apply the copper peptides one day, and then on the next day, I apply the Vit-C serum in the morning, followed by the retinol at night. Copper and Vit-C should not be used on the same day. Retinol and Vit-C can be used on the same day if they're applied several hours apart. The hylauronic acid and emu oils are just very good moisturizers, but I'm beginning to think they're unnecessary. Also, the emu oil has a super weird texture unlike any lotion or oil I've ever used (Imagine moisturizing with melted butter and you'll get the idea)

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