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journey from a 34AA


I also notice that when I noogle for 2 hours straight, I get swelling. As of right now, its only a little bit of swelling and only lasts about 10 min. When I only noogle for 1 hour, I don't get any swelling, if any, very very little.
I actually prefer noogling 1 hour at a time, my ribs don't hurt me as much as when I am noogling for 2 hours straight and I can stop, do other things, then go noogle again for another hour, but your post just made me want to go back noogling 2 hours straight, ha ha.
Let us know, how long the swelling lasted!

my swelling lasted into the night. i woke up in the middle of the night and for a split second, i thought the blanket was between my boobs, but it was actually just my boobs. it didn't last all the way to this morning though.

thanks isabelle Smile i was talking on the phone so i lost track of time. when i finally got up and took off the domes, i did a double take because they looked HUGE! i wish my boobs were really that size permanently! oh and i wouldn't recommend talking on the phone while noogling. at one point, i moved and one of the domes farted and i was mortified because what if the guy i was talking to thought i farted! LOL!

i've been going to sleep with an electric heating pad on my boobs. it automatically turns off after 2 hours i think. (not because it's advanced but because it's faulty and cheap. lol) works for me though because it's not safe to sleep with a heating pad on your chest all night. i notice that since doing this, every morning i wake up with sore full breasts. i tried doing the same while taking an hour nap and i get the same sore full breasts when i wake up. personally i think this really helps with my growth.

Hi lled34aa,
Congratulations! Surely eventually the swelling with get permanent! You made me want to try the heating pad... and the NBSmile Do you do a massage before you use the heating pad?

in theory, the swelling will become permanent growth. but i'm also on the noogleberry forum and there's another member there that noogled for a year, had increasing swelling and moved up to larger dome sizes, but none of the swelling stayed.

while i still noogle, i really can't vouch for the effectiveness of it. on the other hand, personally i think the heating pad is a great addition. every night before bed, i massage my boobs with the lotion/cream/serum, then go to bed with the heating pad over my boobs. make sure the pad turns off within an hour or two.


Thanks, lled34aa! I will buy a heating pad. I may try using it before going to bed. How quickly did you notice swelling after you started using the heating pad? I think Wahaika also recommends using it for 5 minutes before a massage.
How is your progress, by the way? Still very sore?

i started using heating pad at the same time i decided to do massages morning, night, and through out the day. within a week of doing that, my breasts got sore. now i don't really do nearly as much massage... mainly only when i put on PM cream or serum. i would say my breasts are sore to touch 75% of the time... and some days, they are sore just hanging inside my bra.

i can try for a few days, to not use heating pad and see if i still get soreness. i'll let you know what happens.

my breasts are still fuller than 2 months ago. they are slightly sore, but i've been more sore in the past. i am in my luteal phase so i stopped taking PM pills and am using PC cream and herbs tea. i wonder if that's why i'm not as sore? i measured my boobs this morning when i woke up and i measured at around 31.75". if you look back at the beginning of this post, i used to hover around 31.25" at the most. so if i'm comparing luteal phase to luteal phase, i've grown .5".

my doctor thinks i have PCOS along with underactive thyroids. i am taking PM and doing PC cream as if i have regular monthly cycle, but i really haven't had a regular cycle in a very long time (without the help of pharmaceutical drugs). this is also my experiment to see if i can regulate my menstrual cycle via feeding my body estrogen for half a month and progrestogen the other half.


so i decided to upload my progress photos... the actual growth is slight, but the swelling difference is pretty drastic.

i'm using the contoured large cups and i still get red rings. the foam padding eliminates the rings altogether, but i find that i don't get nearly as good swelling.

If top right is your actual growth, I still think it's impressive Cool

Thanks, lled! And thanks for posting the photos. I think that you look great and I can definitely see some progress!
You know, I am also in lots of pain during the week when I am off the bcp, i.e. when I am estrogen-dominant, and not as much during the luteal phase. It must be normal. Do you notice more swelling during the luteal phase?
Do you take any vitamins for your thyroid problem? I think Vitamin B12 and kelp are what is normally recommended. I take a B complex daily which is good for hair as well.

i definitely have more swelling during luteal phase. last month, my boobs were sore almost every day.

i'm on my 3rd day of my period and my boobs are deflated and not sore at all. Sad i was used to them being full and sore all last month that now in comparison they look so pathetic.

i started using Aumeti cream 3 days ago. so far, no difference.

i take vitamin b complex. it has a lot of zinc in it though. too much zinc will interfere with my effort to raise my prolactin level via the goats rue. so i skip the b complex every other day or so. when i'm done with the bottle, i'm going to look for vitamin b without added zinc.

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