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Temperature taking for BB


I'm having a lot of trouble gauging my body temperature... I have bought a digital thermometer and have been taking my temperature orally but it varies from anywhere between 97.3 - 98.2 within a few minutes... I've been placing it under my tongue as it says in the instructions and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Should I be taking something to raise my temperature? I'm worried that if I'm getting such varied readings that my temperature isn't going to be good enough for BB to work. :-(

Hey there!
I would recommend you take 1 pill of L-Tyrosine and 1 pill of Kelp once in the morning and then both of them again at night. That should raise your temp to the right temp in order for BB to work for you.
I, myself take the L-Tyrosine and the Kelp, and I think it has made a big difference. They really help.
A lot of ladies here on the forum are using these as well to raise their temp.
Just in case you are wondering, I bought mine from Swanson Vitamins. I really love their service and they ship super fast!!!
Good Luck!

Hi! Thanks again Melissa! Okay I'll look into these then, I'm really keen to get started! This may be a silly question but is taking these and attempting to raise your body temperature going to make you sweat more or have any side effects like this?

That's not a silly question.
No, its not going to make you sweat. You shouldn't have any side effects from these.
It just helps raise your temp so that BB/BO can work more effectively. BB/BO has to work with a body temp of 98.2-98.6
You know, some ladies who are not even using BB/BO are using L-Tyrosine and Kelp, I guess it helps with Breast Enhancement in general. But I have read tons of info about BO and it is most effective when body temp is 98.2-98.6
You should also consider taking a multi-vitamin or a pre-natal vitamin to help with your journey on Breast Enhancement.

Thank you so much! Have started taking Kelp and also just ordered some L-Tyrosine online.

Ladies, you should only be taking one or the other, not both! Choose either kelp or L-Tyrosine. It's overkill to do both. You only need one and take it per recommendation on the bottle not more than that. I personally take kelp and the one I get you only take 1 per day, that's it. Kelp is an iodine supplement and like any supplement, vitamin, etc. too much can be bad. Only take what is recommended, it's not like BO where you take more than what is recommended on the generic bottles. The reason we take more than what is recommended on the generic BO bottles is because BO in generic form isn't made for NBE, it's made for other reasons and taking it for NBE we have to take it in higher quantities. That's why those that take generic BO take more than the recommendation on the bottles to be able to match the mg dosage of say a name brand BO NBE product like BB or UB. Make sense now? But yea choose one or the other, whichever you feel most comfortable with. I felt comfortable with the kelp because I read about it's other benefits. I take it now everyday even when not taking BO.

As for varying temps in short periods of time, you should be taking it in thesame manner that you get the basal temp for tracking ovulation and that is typically for 10 minutes. See what that method says before you panic about body temp and even then keep in mind there are many reasons for low temp besides thyroid....adrenal and candida Are big ones also.


I actually was about to purchase BB before buying generic BO and I was emailing Erika from BB, and she suggested I take both L-Tyrosine and Kelp!
If you read some program pages, especially the ones who are using BO, they are taking both.
Where did you read that both is not good for you??
If it is true, I want to stop one of them. I wouldn't want to overdo it!

I was told by a few BO users on the forum back when I first started BO to choose either kelp or L-Tyrosine. I chose kelp after researching both because of the many benefits kelp has, one of which is it helps prevent cancer! And I had cervical cancer once, so any help in preventing more cancer I'm all game for. Here are only 8 benefits to kelp but I know there's more, just schemed through this site just now, so wanted to give an example. But yea, when I first started BO I was told to take one or the other, not both. I forget who all told me that, it's been too long! But it makes sense, taking kelp, I take ONE tablet per day as per recommendations on the bottle. I get my kelp from swanson vitamins. I'd just suggest doing your own research on both supplements, find out if it's safe to take both together then go from there. But personally taking just the kelp has done well for me, my temp is always normal now.

A noob question, hope y'all don't mind.

Is this whole raising body temperature thing based on the believe that womenfolks' body seem to be oriented to the 'cooler' type while menfolks' 'warm' ? Like the yin /yang type? Then what is the ideal temperature for BB /UB /BO (basically glandular therapy).

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