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Generic BO this time around


Hi lled34aa, for the first two months I was noogling 4-5 times a day,for 1 hour on each breast. I couldn't make both domes sit on my boobs at the same time, so, I used 1 cup at a time. I still do it because I discovered it gives me "meat" on my bones between the breasts.
Later I used NB two-three times a week, sometimes more. I keep it a secret so this it the only reason I don't do it every day.

Hi Soonenough, it seems like you understand exactly what I'm going through! Smile I can't still get used to having boobs now and I suddenly don't know why I'm doing this. I continue automatically but I think it gives me satisfaction that I've achived something. It makes me feel good about myself. It's like a little (actually a big one for me) victory. Nobody else will understand me, only girls here can, I'm sure. My husband doesn't know but he gets suspicious and asked me many times why my boobs got bigger now. Until C cup I could use a joke and tell him it was all his imagination. But now, between C and D it is hard to tell him he's wrong, right?

I started NBE because of him. Or actually because of my insecurity about myself becaseu his ex-girlfriend had big boobs. I know, it's supid, but it was driving me mad. He's always been saying he liked my small boobs, that the shape is perfect, blah blah blah. Try telling that to an insecure person.. Well, nothing he said worked and I started growing boobs. Did I do it for him? Or did I do it for myself? To prove something? To whom? I don't know, there was so much mixed in my head at that momentn. In the end it became an obsession and I couldn't let it go. So now I've achived something and I know I should be happy. I feel proud but not about the boobs! Hope it doesn't sound crazy.. I'm proud of something else. Maybe of what I've achieved (2 years of struggle), that I didn't give up, that I went on. I'm still not sure about what I feel but I know that in the end it wasn't about the boobs, it was about proving to myself (yes, only to myself) that I can do something really difficult, something that others don't believe in.

Did you notice any change in your husband's "attention" to your boobs? Do you think (feel) that he likes them better big or small? I still can't say that mine likes them better or worse. There's really no change in his "attention" to them Smile Maybe it does prove that the size of boobs doesn't really matter to some men?

Hi Ginie,

Thank you for taking the time to explain all this. Don't worry too much about your husband. Men love boobs. Period. In addition, men are simple beings. They judge in a fraction of a second if you are the woman who is ready to have their children. Once the children are there, their perception of how you mother them becomes very important. Sad but true: exactly how big your masterpieces are is only really important to your husband while you're breastfeeding Dodgy

Your doing NBE automatically, to me, looks like a very important sign, as to what it means to you. I had doubts before the start of my three month ramp, early July. I used a technique, from a book called "The Smart Unconscious" by this guy:
It's simple:
1) Read, listen, learn, absorb all the relevant information.
2) Do something else, something that doesn't occupy your mind too much.
3) The answer will occur to you when you are relaxed, not really thinking about anything. Places that start with a "b" have good track records: bed, bath, bus, grocery shopping ("boodschappen" in Dutch) Big Grin

Good luck if you try it, but you probably know the answer. You achieved something unique. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing it Smile

That is really helpful. One more thing, do you use collagen powder or capsules??

Edited to Add: I just read one of the posts, Ginie uses collagen powder. Thanks Ginie for everything!
I am actually starting my NBE, and I am using BO, but I will add the MSM, Collagen, Vitamin C, Calcium, Hyaluronic Acid to my program, and I am going to order a noogleberry soon. If BO doesn't work, I will DEFINITLEY switch to PM, thanks to you!
Thank you so much for helping us out!

(24-07-2011, 12:27)Ginie Wrote:  Smile

Did you notice any change in your husband's "attention" to your boobs? Do you think (feel) that he likes them better big or small? I still can't say that mine likes them better or worse. There's really no change in his "attention" to them Smile Maybe it does prove that the size of boobs doesn't really matter to some men?

Nope, nada, no extra attention. Nothing changed in the frequency or intensity; hubby still favors the same right side (which is the bigger one and still is), don't know why.Huh

Thanks, Ginnie. Like you, once I start on a routine, it eventually becomes an automatic part of my day. So, I keep on chugging along. BTW, I started Siriporn PM 2x a day and their Ro-bust lotion (doesn't this lotion smells funny?) last Fri. 7/22/11. I swear it could just be my imagination, but I already registered a 0.25" increase in both sides?? It's my 4th day of my cycle. Anyway, I'm not jumping to celebrate since it may be premature to really tell. Yup, I caved in and joined the PM bandwagon. I did take Greenbush Kit2 faithfully for 3 months, so I gave the herbs a chance, and my plan is to take PM right before ovulation, and continue with the herbs in the luteal phase. wooohooo! so much for the break that I wanted to take. My original plan was to take the herbs for 6 months, and then take a break. So, I'll take PM for 3 months, and see what happens.

I'm so fickle minded. I just want to see how far I can grow.

Please do let us know what you will use for placenta once you run out, ok?

Hi ginie! I am wondering if you have any idea if taking aguaje pills or other pills which are high in phytoestrogen on my non pm days will be alright? Because based on the japanese woman's program, she used herbs which are weak in phytoestrogen during her non PM days.Thanks a lot!

Hi Soonenough! Smile Yeah, same thing. He used to say that he doesn't care about the size but of course I didn't believe it then. Now I start thinking he probably was telling the truth. Smile

Totally! I so agree with you on Ro-bust thing! I started with St.herb which was more expensive and their cream (regular, not nano) smelled good. When I started with Ro-bust I swear it smelled like, well, puke or something. But I got used to it, especially when the results kicked in seriously. Now that you say that you too experienced that fast "increase" (well, let's not go head over hills and call it "growth" just yet).. I thought it was my imagination but I did notice the difference between St.Herb and Ro-Bust almost immediately! Isn't Ro-Bust stronger? I'm still not sure, maybe they are qually good, maybe PM just got accumilated and kicked in after a few months? And co-incidentally at that time I switched to Siriporn? I don't know. Let's see what results you will have. Please share!

I decided to order pig placenta from Japan. Yes, I know, I'm carzy! Smile Probably from Rakuten or richworld sites. I don't know how important placenta is in the program but I know it is packed with growth factors, besides, real placenta in pregnant people/animals produces progesterone. I don't want to take it out of my program. Since I started my skin and hair improved and maybe I should attribute it to HA, msm, placenta and other things I take. So, I would like to continue. I also highly recomment HA. I didn't notice any change for the first two months. They say it's because collagen and HA first go to when they are needed most - joints, spine, so on. Only after that you see results "on your face" too.

Btw, I think adding herbs in luteal phase will definately help. They not onl;y work on estrogen but also on prolactine which is important for breast tissue development. Just keep an eye on your progesterone level. You know, of course, that "normal" level of progesterone in luteal phase is equally important for growing.

Are you taking GABA? I'm thinking of adding it. I'm going through a stressfull time right now (moving to another country) and don't want to spoil everything because I once have lost quite some growth when I was going through a big stress.

Good luck! I expect you to report 2 inches growth soon! Big Grin

Hi Shyfly! Unfortunately I don't know anything about aguaje but what Chiyumilk was taking I wouldn't call WEAK phytoestrogens. For example, FG is very potent. They are just WEAKER phytoestrogens than PM. But if you look closer at the ingridients list of B-Up Drop you will see that the herbs listed there just not just phytoestrogens. Some work on prolactine, some - on progesterone, some - cleanse liver, and so on. It is a clever combination of herbs. Besides, my theory about why she didn't overload her body with phytoestrogens is because the quantities of each herb in B-Up Drop was really small. It is always like this if the ingrident list is that long.

Happy boobie growing!

thank you for your reply.Are you also using progesterone cream? where do you apply it? Do you use it everyday? Thanks again!

Hi Ginie!
I just ordered a NB and I am so excited!!
I am just like how you were, on the middle of your chest, just skin and bones. I would love to make this more meaty like you. I read that you said that you just use one dome at a time and you position the dome a little to the center??
So should I place a side of the dome right on the center part of my chest? Or do you mean almost to the center? I am so sorry if its seems its a stupid question, but i want to follow your program as closely as possible. I have bought the collagen, HA, MSM, i will order the placenta soon, i might go with swiss lam placenta because i dont eat pig, lol!

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