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Starting my own NBE adventure


Boobies have been feeling really meaty as of late. I swear they feel cushier in between, as though there's more meat covering my sternum now. I've refused to measure because I got back in the habit of measuring daily and disappointing myself. They looked/felt really big all of today but I'm also on the 4 day lapse of bcp. Will start my new pack today, so logically they should be deflating by now but I dunno.

Sometimes it seems as though BO is working and other times it doesn't. I definitely get growing pains, but they're kind of rare and fleeting. Just a while ago I got a really sharp ache in my smaller (and I swear slightly underdeveloped) breast. Painful enough to make me grab my boob, but it was gone in less than 5 seconds. I honestly don't remember ever having growing pains through adolescence, so if I did they must not have been painful enough for me to remember. I don't know if that's because that's how my body grows or because of the fact that I KNOW I screwed up my hormones as a teen so subsequently my breasts never reached their potential.

Still not getting 90g of protein but I drink probably at least 48oz of milk a day, eat lots of eggs, whole grain bread, tuna. Pretty healthy stuff with lots of protein. I just wish I could know if it's actually working so I'd know if I should continue the 6 months or switch to PM. Some signs point to yes but some signs point to no. Huh

I think this marks just about two months.

Well, I apparently lost about half a bottle of UB. I keep it in a cayenne pepper container, so no one will know what it is if they find it but I never took it out of my bag when I was over at boyfriend's house. (I ended up not taking it.) Hmm...

Not too sad about it honestly. I think that BO would probably work for me, but I don't like taking the three pills a day, I always forget. I don't get enough protein. I have to stay away from soy and I LOVE edamame. Also, I've been getting these tiny little...almost pimples on my butt which I've never had before. Just like four or five but I do not enjoy them at all. I just don't think it's right for me.

Once I get some extra dollars, I'm going to start PM. Not only for boobie growth but after research I've found that it's supposed to increase your...lubrication. I've been on the BCP for about six years now, and I love the pill that I'm on (very low dose, 1/20. Lo estrin 24) and the boyfriend does a good job, but I sure could use a little help down south in that way. Rolleyes
I think that I'm going to get just the pills, no cream...not yet. I have fenugreek and WY to take during the luteal phase. I also have left over EPO and Flax oil which I will start taking. After doing research I've seen that people start on day 1 of their period, on day 1 after their period ends and apparently on a Japanese study the ladies were given PM from day 8 of their cycle to day 21. I'm thinking to either start on Day 1 of the pack (Like day 1 after period) or day 8...does anyone have any input on this?

I haven't given much thought in to the brand either. I'm leaning towards Ainterol or PM UK. However, I don't want to have to wait for it to be shipped all the way from the UK and from what I understand, Ainterol can be shipped from the US. Although, I'm sure that I'll need to cleanse before I start PM soI'd probably have to wait anyway. Hm, decisions, decisions...

I like the cheap ones from target too!

(29-03-2011, 05:51)Anastasia916 Wrote:  Don't stress so much about growing for a special occasion... get a miraculous type bra and you'll be fine LOL. If you don't want to shell out $50+ on the miraculous bras from VS... I got a knock off of it from Target for like $16 that was the exact same push up except the straps didn't convert, but who cares lol. I got two of them from target, but they didn't have 32D's (surprise surprise lol) so I got 34C's they fit fine, just have to put them on the tightest hook. But yea still makes me look 2 cup sizes bigger just like the VS ones, so who cares. But yea, I have way too much VS stuff lol. At least 4 bikini's from them, tops and bottoms, don't even know how many panties, tons of bras, and tons of lingerie. People know I do NBE and know I go up in size alot so that's what they gift me with, NOT COMPLAINING! But yea, just get a good bra to wear for the special event Wink

Ugh, I'm over BO.
I'm tired of seeing no results, especially when I grew so well on Zoft back in January. I'm tired of the little pimples on my butt. I'm tired of the horrible way it tastes. It's just not for me. I'm not even gonna finish what I have left, I'm going to start taking my milk thistle again and cleanse for a couple weeks and then start on PM. At first I was going to order Siripron but now, I think that I'm going to order from this Ebay seller:

I found her hubpage when I was researching Pueraria Mirifica and she found a way to keep her AIPA under control with Pueraria Mirifica, and apparently also experience a nice bust increase! She now has decided to make her own product. Has anyone heard of her before, or seen her products? Her feedback is 100% although of course there aren't any testimonials. I sent her a message on Ebay asking if she kept in contact with anyone who might be recording their progress with her. I think she only started selling Pueraria Mirifica a little more than a year ago. I'm still kinda torn between trying hers and going for Siripron...what would you guys do? Huh

Pm pills come in tomorrow! I'm so excited to start them. Also, they are coming in right on my 7th day so I can start them then as well. I figure I'll go from day 7 to day 21, and see how that works with my cycle. My period is actually only 4 days due to my bcp, so I might start on day 1 next month. We'll see how this works out. I'm very excited because I responded and grew so quickly with herbs the last time, I'm hoping that I'll see even some results within my first month.

I ordered from the Ebay link I provided after speaking with the lady and seeing her before and after pictures and reading some of the testimonials she sent me. 20 bucks for 45 500mg pills, not too bad I don't think. I'm going to order the serum as soon as I have the extra dollars.

My new routine:
Days 7 - 21
1/2 pill PM morning/night taken with a half glass of milk
1 1,000mg Flaxseed oil if I remember
5g L-Arginine (starting with this)

Days 22 - 6
1 pill of Wild Yam (450mg I think)
1 1,000mg Flax
1 1,000mg EPO
5g of L-Arginine

I haven't been keeping up with massage AT ALL lately. Sad I'm hoping that I'll get new hope and new motivation once I can start my new routine. Oh, and just FYI I stopped BO a couple weeks ago and I haven't had a single pimple on my butt since! I have an entire bottle of UB left but it's opened so I figure that I'll just throw it away...too bad.

All that I can say is wow, PM works quickly. Tomorrow I'll have been taking the pills for a week. Sometimes they seem fuller, and I really think that there's more to grab but I can't really judge on that yet. However, I'm definitely getting some pains. Not too many sharp pains, but it's more like soreness. My boobs aren't sore to the touch, but there's a consistent dull ache underneath everything. Still measuring around 34". I can't wait until I can order the serum as well because I feel as though that'll really boost my results.

Herbs are clearly the way for me to go. I'm thinking instead of cycling (since I'm on BC that's consistent until day 24) that I'll drop PM and take WY for the four days on my inactive pills since my hormones don't fluctuate until then anyway. Thoughts?

Happy growing!

So just a quick update before I head to school.

Been on PM for about two weeks now and I love it! I started to break out just a bit so I started to take 1 450mg of SP a day. I have LOTS of fullness. I honestly think I may be a half cup size bigger already even though my measurement hasn't really changed. My 34B bras almost fit and I used to be practically swallowed by them.

I went to see the boyfriend this weekend and I hadn't seen him in two weeks. We were playing around, and he grabbed my boobs and stopped and said "...Babe, I think your boobs got bigger." I, of course, played dumb but it was still pretty exciting.

This on top of all the other great side effects. I love PM...

Hi Run.Rabbit,

Just a thought about breaking out, before I started PM I had bad acne since I started it is clearing so much just about gone but when I start PM I broke out a little more but I think it is the body clear its system out from the hormones balancing just a if you started making big changes in your eating and supps..meaning if you went to a healthier eating and started taking supps that you never too before all that can detox the body and hence acne then with me it started clearing..with me since I had bad acne and my hormones were unbalanced it is taking a few months for my system to clear itself..I do get some acne but it gets better each I use tea tree oil and that helps clear them up very fast..since using PM and changing my eating my rash around my mouth is totally gone even my acne scars seem to have faded some. I just love PM and plan on staying on it for as long as I can, since I am 47 yrs old I am sure it is doing premenopause a good deal..Big Grin

P.S. I is helping the booty too..Big Grin

Hey beachbum,

The SP has actually pretty much completely eliminated the pimples! My skin looks nice and clear like it did back before PM. I can only hope that it begins to look even better! I can't believe that I've responded so quickly and in only two weeks. I know that a lot of it is swelling, but it sure is a lot of swelling. Hell, I'm thinking about staying on PM for a long time just for all the other positive side effects too.

Boobs are pretty sore, but not hard to the touch or anything. Nipples are really sensitive, but nothing unbearable. I keep grabbing them all the time just because they feel so different! Itchiness and aches throughout the day, some light and fleeting others are a little more pronounced. I wonder if I can gain a whole cup size in a just couple months. That would be amazing. Big Grin

Here's to hopeful thinking.
Happy growing.

I hear you on grabbing the do you ever catch yourself touching them in public not realizing ..wooo dam..I hope nobody seen that..TongueBig Grin well guys wouldnt care..hmmmmTongue As for SP not a fan of that one makes me anixety sp? out..I know PM has my nails growing like crazy and hair too..since I been on 3 pills I have been feeling more zings and such too..before my period I was like you soooo sore and tender and they were and inch bigger..not now but I hope they go back up..but I will say that swelling I had it for 2 wks before period and it stopped during now it went up just a little but not like you know if it suppose to flexuate..also I never had swelling like that ..only when I was in high school so I am hoping it is growing had a quick response to PM..I started on SP and FG and I did get stuff from that but had major headaches and mood swings...couldnt handle that glad I switched to PM.. I just have to eat more..what do you eat..

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