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Little Miss Sunshine's Quest for a 34C!


I’ve experimented with some NBE on and off for the past year or so, but never really stuck with my routines. I’ve decided to start up again recently so here are my stats and my new routine, which I’m hoping will bring me more results than last time.

Age: 24
Height: 5’5
Weight: 116 pounds
No children
Don’t smoke
Only drink on occasions
Coffee once a day

Starting size: something between 34A and 34B
Desired size: full 34C

Past NBE trials:

My very first NBE mission I started with purchasing the Green bush Enhancement Blend kit. I stuck with if for 3 months with no results. And I mean none, not even pains, tingling nothing. I read somewhere after that the enhancement blend isn’t as effective because the herbs are all mixed together in the capsules and extract.
I then moved on to PM cream. I knew I couldn’t combine herbs with PM so I stuck to just PM cream (I didn’t buy any capsules because I couldn’t afford both). I decided to try some hypnosis as well. The PM cream I had smelled awful, like spoiled milk and even though I would take a shower in the morning after messaging with it the night before, I still felt like I could smell it during the day. Again I didn’t see results but I know that I probably should have used both pills and cream together for the PM to be effective. I also didn’t stick with it for long because I wasn’t feeling any sensations.
As for the hypnosis, I listened to Blake Talks and then Steve G. Jones. I enjoyed the hypnosis but had a hard time staying awake at night while I listened. I would usually fall asleep very quickly. So most of the time while listening to the hypnosis tracks I would concentrate more on trying to stay awake than the actual things they were saying. I gave up after a couple of months, with no results.

Current Routine:

So I’ve decided to go back to herbs and here’s my routine so far:


1x fenugreek cap (400mg)
1x flaxseed oil cap (1000mg)

1 cup of barley and chicory blend (caffeine free coffee-like drink)


2xfenugreek caps
1 cup of fennel tea

Evening (before bed)

1x fenugreek cap
1x fennel pill (800 mg)
1x flaxseed oil cap
1x kelp
Massage once a day (before bed) with an oil made specifically for breast massage. It’s marketed for pregnant women and it contains almond oil, apricot oil and fennel. I massage for about 5-10 minutes doing chi rotations and chiyomilk’s directional techniques.

I’m having a hard time finding certain herb capsules in my country, which I’d like to add to my routine, like hops. MSM is also hard to find. I saw some soy isoflavones though so I’m gonna be adding those soon to my routine. Although... I’ve read that isoflavones are meant for women during menopause to relieve symptoms like hotflashes etc. Not sure what effect it’s going to have on those women that aren’t going through menopause and want to use it for NBE. I’ve read some people have used it in the past. For those who have, have you seen the isoflavones make a difference? Have you seen growth using them? Also are there any harmful effects of isoflavones?

Since I’ve started my new routine I have been consistently experiencing pain and tingles, mostly in the armpit area. I know it might sound a little weird, Tongue but I’ve read on the BE Board that pain in the armpits is considered growing pains, so I’m very happy about that!! I’ve also noticed definite fullness in my breasts since starting my routine. My right breast, which is smaller than the left is filling out slowly. I used to have some slight stretch marks around the nipple and those are now gone because my breast filled out nicely.
I’m also feeling a lot better about this routine. I have a better attitude towards my NBE journey…in my past trials I was really obsessing over results and how fast they were coming and if I was seeing any results, and went crazy with the tape measure. Now I have a completely different attitude, I’m not obsessing, I’ve come to terms that this journey might take some time but I also believe in it. I have a positive attitude about this whole thing, I really believe in it but am not obsessing, which I think is really important. It’s becoming more of an everyday routine that makes me happy and excited. I’m also not measuring until I see very visible results, I don’t want to be disappointed and hinder this new attitude I have Big Grin

So that’s all for now, I’ll be updating soon! Good luck with all of your journeys! And keep positive!!!!! Smile

Hello Sunshine,

Looks like an excellent program Smile

For the hops, did you also check dried hops flowers or powder?

In shops for home brewers, I'm sure you can find the pellets all over Europe:
TGs here in the Netherlands just chew 5 or 6 of these a day.


Thanks so much for your suggestions! I havent thought of the shops for home brewers, I'll definitely look into that!! As for the dried hops flowers, I did think of getting those but figured those would only be good for tea, which I dont think gives you a substantial amount for the phytoestrogens it contains to be effective. But if I'm able to find the pellets you mention, I'll be a happy camper! Smile

Thanks again!! Hope your quest is going well!

Thank you sunshine,

I plan to ramp up to a tablespoon of dried hops flowers in my evening milk, then after 4 days ramp up to a teaspoon of fenugreek powder, and so on. The original plan was to start tomorrow, but I'm not sure my break is totally over yet. I will keep a daily account in my program thread.

Good luck with your program too Smile

So, just a quick update. I finally found a source of hops for my regime! yay! It's a herbal mixture in extract form that contains: hops, lavender, lemon balm and valerian root. I was researching if any of the herbs (apart from hops) could somehow hinder my NBE program and to my pleasant surprise I found that lavender actually helps breast grow!! I had no idea, maybe people here knew that already and I'm just a bit behind in this Wink So there's two active NBE ingredients in this extract. I'm adding it to tea at night and also using it for massage. I ran out of the oil mixture I had so for now I'm applying a teaspoon full of this extract and massaging till it gets absorbed and then continuing my massage with some regular lotion. The only problem with this extract is that it is alcohol based, so it soaks in very quickly and doesnt seem to mix well with oils and lotion.

AF is coming in about 4 days, I'm planning on ramping up my fenugreek 2000mg/day on day 1 of my cycle - etsrogen levels are low during that time, so ill give them a boost this way.

Isabelle, thanks for the info btw! I'll be following your program to see how you do with the hops flowers...I might have to go for the same option if i feel that the extract i bought isn't doing the job. I'm trying to avoid powder though because I'm very busy and can't see how I would intergrate powders into my daily routine...extracts and capsules are so much more convenient Smile
I also wanted to ask you Isabelle, having a family history of brest cancer, are you worried that the herbs could help develop breast cancer for you as well? I'm asking because my mom had breast cancer last year, age 53, and I'm starting to worry if taking herbs with phytoestrogens could lead to breast cancer in me as well (being that breast cancer is now in my family)...have you read anything about this subject?

Anywho, good luck to everyone! I will be updating again soon!

Hi Sunshine,

So sorry to read about your mother. 53. Really Sad

I have read a lot on the subject, but I have found only one study that could double as a health guideline for the general public: the "one million women" study in the UK. The conclusion was that herbal alternatives were probably safer than HRT for postmenopausal women.

So that's for women who have already decided to use something estrogen-like. In comparison with doing nothing, there's no clear answer. In general, I have learned three limits that seem to return in many studies:

1) Phyto-estrogens seem to protect against breast cancer, because they are weaker estrogens. There are exceptions, like zearalenone. That's why I have grave reservations about hops in mixtures with grains, especially malt. I'm not sure about PM either: is it weaker than the body's own estrogens?

2) The risk is higher at high estrogen levels. In NBE, this could mean that a woman struggling to grow from AAA to AA is safer than a woman breezing from F to G. Also, ramp up until you feel tingles; stop if you stall.

3) Someone who already has breast cancer, should avoid phyto-estrogens, except for some proven regimens, that she should discuss with her specialist first.

There is a huge amount of research in this field. Learn the lingo, and try to keep up. I have a feeling that there are some very thin lines that I don't want to cross:
- supplement only for deficiencies
- avoid formulas with vague descriptions of ingredients, without contents
- trusted suppliers. I prefer 200 year old herb shops.
- use food crops, be careful with "medicinal" (=toxic) plants
- don't use the latest hot herb before any cancer research looked into it
- use a simple program, that you can explain, in case of a diagnosis
- stay on the safe side of general nutritional advice (NIH fact sheets)
- think traditional. Herbal recipes that cause cancer are not used for long
- do something many others do

I guess we just have to be the cautious ones on the forum Shy

(09-07-2011, 18:14)littlemisssunshine Wrote:  So, just a quick update. I finally found a source of hops for my regime! yay! It's a herbal mixture in extract form that contains: hops, lavender, lemon balm and valerian root. I was researching if any of the herbs (apart from hops) could somehow hinder my NBE program and to my pleasant surprise I found that lavender actually helps breast grow!! I had no idea, maybe people here knew that already and I'm just a bit behind in this Wink So there's two active NBE ingredients in this extract. I'm adding it to tea at night and also using it for massage. I ran out of the oil mixture I had so for now I'm applying a teaspoon full of this extract and massaging till it gets absorbed and then continuing my massage with some regular lotion. The only problem with this extract is that it is alcohol based, so it soaks in very quickly and doesnt seem to mix well with oils and lotion.

AF is coming in about 4 days, I'm planning on ramping up my fenugreek 2000mg/day on day 1 of my cycle - etsrogen levels are low during that time, so ill give them a boost this way.

Isabelle, thanks for the info btw! I'll be following your program to see how you do with the hops flowers...I might have to go for the same option if i feel that the extract i bought isn't doing the job. I'm trying to avoid powder though because I'm very busy and can't see how I would intergrate powders into my daily routine...extracts and capsules are so much more convenient Smile
I also wanted to ask you Isabelle, having a family history of brest cancer, are you worried that the herbs could help develop breast cancer for you as well? I'm asking because my mom had breast cancer last year, age 53, and I'm starting to worry if taking herbs with phytoestrogens could lead to breast cancer in me as well (being that breast cancer is now in my family)...have you read anything about this subject?

Anywho, good luck to everyone! I will be updating again soon!

Hello sunshine. I did not know about lavender. I love that plant so to find this out is grate. Thank you. I shall do some research.

I am sorry to hear about your mother, I hope she has made a full recovery. It is a very good idea to be careful with herbs so you were right to ask the question. I was worried about breast cancer too. women in my family have suffered from it and died very young, I’m talking 40’s they were sisters. But my mother is sketchy about who they were and I cant get out of her if they are a direct link or married into the family, I know nothing about them she knew them when she was a little girl. She is now in her late 50’s and none of her sisters or cousins or she have suffered so perhaps there was no biological link to them. And she always goes on about how her family have a history of living into their 90’s+ (her grandmother got to 105) so perhaps it is unrelated. I didn’t find this out until well after I stated nbe.

Its one reason why I’m looking at the breast pump options- I got frightened, and not only because of that just in general I think we live in a polluted and unnatural world with additives and artificial things pumped into our food, buildings, air without us even knowing(I live in london and you can actually see a dome of smog in the summer as you approch from the countryside). I don’t want to do more harm. That’s not to say pumps have no risks, I actually think its rather an aggressive form of nbe and I do sometimes worry that I’m doing tissue damage which could be even more dangerous.(should have stuck to hypnosis and massage haha). I also had some bad reaction to some herbs but Isabelle kindly explained all to me and I think I can work around it now. I have since taken a glass of soy with 3 kelp tablets a day and soured some peppermint and liquorish tea. So mild herbs, which I drink in the later half of my cycle.

Oh I rambled some I am sorry.

Good luck with your program. I like what you are doing it doesn’t seem too intense with reams of pills and therefore manageable. That’s not to say you wont see results, I believe if you are persistent you will. I look forward to see how you get on. XX Big Grin

Hi littlemisssunshine,

Thank you for the info on the lavander oil.. it also said it tea tree oil too..that they have estrogenic and antiandrogenic effects too..I will cut and paste the section that says that so every can read the whole thing..I know tea tree oil does the similar effects for antiseptic and anti inflammatory as lavendor but didnt realize they were pretty much in the same family this is interesting about the estrogenic and antiandrogen...I would go with the lavender mmmmm smells pretty..

Hey Isabelle this would be an idea for you especially after reading what it says in the section I am going to right nowBig Grin

Controversy over possible endocrine-disrupting activityIn 2007, a study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine which indicated that studies in human cell lines indicated that both lavender oil and tea tree oil had estrogenic and antiandrogenic activities. They concluded that repeated topical exposure to lavender and tea tree oils probably caused prepubertal gynaecomastia in some boys.[18] The study has been criticised on many different levels by many authorities. The Aromatherapy Trade Council of the UK has issued a rebuttal.[19]

The Australian Tea Tree Association, a group that promotes the interests of Australian tea tree oil producers, exporters and manufacturers issued a letter that questioned the study and called on the New England Journal of Medicine for a retraction (ATTIA).[20]

The New England Journal of Medicine has so far not replied and has not retracted the study.


Thank you Susan! Pfrr LOL Big Grin

This is the kind of stuff I looove. An oldskool controversy! Or rather, a respected journal under fire from vested commercial interests, and not retracting the publication. Isn't that just what we're trying to do here? I mean, sharing experiences and not believing just any ad?

Does anybody know how the story goes on? I added lavender oil and tea tree oil to my try-before-you-die list, but not before checking all the scientific facts first.

Sunshine, Please do keep us posted Smile

Hey Isabelle I think this is the conclusion of the study:

I just googled tea tree oil and hormones and found that link.

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