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Journey With BB

I've been getting hot flushes recently, and after I take 1-2 DIM it goes away.

Okay crystal, I'm just posting this as a test. We'll see if it comes through to ur email.

So glad to be back! Thank you so much Mel & Eve for your help and kindness. Big Grin

For those who are reading and am curious well I was being ban from this forum. LOL! But it is all sorted out already. I read this forum almost daily when I wasn't able to access it at all I get quite lost. LOL! Fell out of a supposedly daily routine of mine.

Back to my report. I went for a vacation last week. Those who always travel will understand when I say travelling and NBE sometimes just don't work together. I think it is perhaps the body went into stress when it travels. I make a little adjustment to my protein instead. In the morning I took 25g of whey protein and at night I took 10g of plant based protein from Amazing Meal. After taking the Amazing Meal I went straight to bed and woke up the next morning with a much volume on my chest. This is the first time that as I travel the growth is happening. I travel so many times on the program and non of it consist any growth at all.

On the plane I was thinking about something too. When we drink alcohol while flying it takes very little to get us drunk because the alcohol we consume amplify while we were flying. While this don't work while we were on the land. I was wondering whether swallowing the BO pills on air will cause the pills strength to get amplify as well. Just a thought. Smile

Happy growing everyone!

I finally found my measuring tape. I was a little anxious to know my current state so I went ahead to measure, since I didn't measure at the beginning when I start with generic BO. I grew all together 2 1/4 inches since I started with BB January last year and now generic.

BB pills contribute to a solid 1 inch and 1/5 while generic so far gave me a 3/4 inch. I am such a slow grower. Sigh! I am planning to get a noogleberry soon to put into my routine. I didn't do it at the beginning was because I was so flat I don't have anything to noogle aside my rib cage. Now that I have some swelling I should be able to keep the cup on my chest instead of leaking air.

Happy growing everyone!


Hi Crystalelle,
Congrats on the growth!!
I know everyone is different, but from your personal experience, did you find that you grew faster with the BB than generic?
How long did you take BB?
How long have you been taking generic?


I have been taking generic since April this year. In my honest opinion it works the same actually. I start taking generic because I grew immune to BB and that it no longer works for me. Since I cant up the BB pills, scared that I might jam up the growth I move to generic instead. Generic is way cheaper than BB anyway.

Thank you so much for the reply so you've been on BO for 1 year and 8 months... WOW!! I admire that about you! You are patient, I need to learn from you, LOL!
You grew more than 2 inches which is very good. You should be so proudBig Grin

How long re you going to continue with BO??

Hi melissa4u,

I was planning to take BO until end of the year to see what happen. Now I have a change of mind. I was reading a lot about PM recently, then I went and check the PM pills I bought last time and found out that it is expiring soon. So I am going to start PM again most likely next cycle. I might not going to start a liver cleanse. Just jump into PM and see where it takes me. If I do made up my mind I will post my new program up.

Big Grin

I am going to try something crazy this time. Wonder where it will take me. My menses for this cycle is coming this Wednesday and I will be cutting BO cold turkey and turn to PM instead. Cause my PM pills are expiring soon, beginning of next year. I am one of those who don't like to waste anything at all especially when it comes to beauty products and supplements.

One time when I accidentally spilled my loose powder on the floor, I stand there for a few minutes nursing a heartache because of the powder and thinking whether I should bring it back to the box and use it. Lucky my bf came into the room that moment and saw me, he knows exactly what I was thinking and talk me out of it. Blush

Anyway this is how my new program going to work, after going through all you precious lady out there who are doing PM.

Day 1 to 12
B2UP 377mg 1 pill
Evening Primrose 1300mg 1 pill
Sheep placenta 13500mg 1 pill
Resveratrol 12500mg 2pills
Fish Collagen 2000mg 2 pills
Multivitamins for women 1 pill
At least 20 gram of protein powder mix with 2 tablespoon of VCO

B2UP 377mg 1 pill
2 tablespoon of VCO

Day 13 to 28
Sea buckthorn oil 2 pills
Royal jelly 1 teaspoon
Sheep placenta 13500mg 1 pill
Resveratrol 12500mg 2pills
Fish Collagen 2000mg 2 pills
Multivitamins for women 1 pill
At least 20 gram of protein powder mix with 2 tablespoon of VCO

Sea buchthorn oil 2 pills
2 tablespoon of VCO

Side supplements
Every 7 days Pai Fung Wan (chinese general herbs for menstrual health)
Korean ginseng every tuesday, thursday and saturday
DIM/Progesterone cream alternate day after ovulation day (alternating every month)

I think that is about all for now. I can only pray I don't get period pain. Because I did herbs before and it lead me to some very awful pain.


My cycle is not end yet but I would like to record some of my experience. Since the beginning of my cycle after switching to PM for the 1st twelve days of my cycle aside not having good night sleep I have dizzy spell almost everyday. My ovulation was delayed for 2 days even after I stop on the 12th days. Is expected since I switch method cold turkey. Almost forgot to mention my good friend Miss Migraine came to visit me. When I was doing BO I occasionally have migraine too but I can kill it with isotonic drink. This time it was bad enough that I need medication and sleep for it to go away.

This cycle I am using progesterone cream on my breasts on alternate days after my ovulation. I put DIM aside because DIM will metabolise any phytoestrogen that is not docking properly on my receptors. PC is amazing, every night I go to sleep with it I wake up with a fuller breasts. I am not sure weather I will have growing pain this cycle though. With BO before I have growing pain literally 3-4 days after ovulation. But I am not feeling it yet with PM. Planning on buying robust cream too.

My instinct has always told me breasts enhancement for small chested women like me involves more than loading the body of estrogen or phytoestrogen. That is why my 1st round with hops for 2 years don't help me at all.

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