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journey from a 34AA


it's a little frustrating that the information on NBE are all over the place, and a lot are contradictory. Wahaika wasn't a fan of PC, yet some women grows on PC alone. i know the progesterone pills that i took for 5 days to induce a menstrual flow caused some women to grow larger breasts. since i only took it for 5 days, i don't think the little bit of increase in measurement i'm experiencing now is due to that. but it's a possibility.

as for the fennel seed, i'm at total lost about that. there's fennel in the natureday liquid and cream that i'm taking, and i think i'm responding well to that (along with PM). maybe it's a matter of dosage?

i looked at all of my supplements and added up all the zinc. i'm right at 34mg. there's a lot of information on the web about the effect of zinc lowering prolactin levels, but none specifically states the amount of zinc before prolacin starts to get effected. i think this is because it depends on your body size, and if you're deficient in zinc in the first place.

thanks girlfriday for sharing your story regarding PCOS. i've read/heard so many stories of women who were able to revert back to normalcy through dietary measures - cutting out carb, sugar etc. it's inspired me to do the same. i've only recently started doing this, but i've already noticed my waistline is slimmer. in place of the high amount of rice and bread that i used to eat, i'm taking in much more fat and protein and vegetables. i feel much healthier now than before, though it's too early to tell if it can fix my PCOS.

Thanks lled34aa and Girlfriday29,

Yes, digging through contradicting reports takes up most of the time. Ginie grew on PC alone, and I remember that happened quite fast. It's in the early pages of her program thread. At least now you know where the limits are for you.

Your idea about the effect of fennel being dose related may be spot on. I was already wondering why it's in the two most successful herbs programs (Greenbush#2 and Eve M) while some women seem to stop growth on it. But 1 cup of tea seems to be enough.

So your zinc intake must be about right - at least if you think you might be producing milk - why should you have low prolactin? 35 mg was what Wahaika posted as OK. I saw in the NIH fact sheet 11 or 12 is OK for pregnant and breastfeeding women, so you should be fine without the extra supplement too.

I don't know much about PCOS, but really sorry: must be hard to manage PCOS and NBE at the same time. Your waist slimming is a good sign, though. I also noticed three things I have stocked up on are supposed to help: nigella sativa, SP, and galega officinalis. I'm not a frequent visitor of the PCOS forum, but maybe there's good info there.

Hope your growth keeps going!

i've been at NBE for a year now so it's a good time for an update.

while i haven't outgrown any of my bras, i can finally say for sure there's progress. i am noticing more pronounced shadows between my breasts whereas before that area was completely flat. comparing photos that i took tonight with the ones from last december, i can see that my breasts have more roundish shape and there have more volume.

it's been 2 cycles since i noticed the fullness so i know this wont deflate after my period. what i'm unsure about is if this is growth from PM, or temporary swelling as long as i'm taking goat's rue. i guess i can stop taking goat's rue and see what happens, but i don't want to risk losing these new sexier boobies Tongue

a few quick thoughts:

- i'm still noogling even though i'm skeptical it's doing anything

- i'm trying out the St. Herb nano cream. it absorbs better and faster than the regular St. Herb cream. i don't know if this is contributing to my growth?

- i fall asleep with a heating pad on my breasts every night and i turn it off around a few hours later. when i wake up, my breasts feel full.

- greenbush breast serum is full of sugar i feel like. it is way too sticky to do massage with. i'm trying not to spike my insulin level so i'm not taking it every day. when i do take it, i add it in hot water and make tea.

- because St Herb is so expensive, i'm using it once a day and supplement the rest of the massage time with Siriporn's serum. i'm skeptical about this as well as it feels like nothing but oil.

- i'm doing 2 weeks of PM pills, then 2 weeks of herbs and progesterone cream.... though i use progestrone cream sparingly.

- i'm also taking goat's rue. so my growth could very well be just from goat's rue and not from PM at all. aiy! i'm taking too much and it's hard to pinpoint which is working and which is not. all i know is i'm finally making progress after a year of trying so i don't want to mess with my progress by taking anything out.

-oh and i lost weight. i am down to 100bls. so i know for sure the breast fullness isn't from me getting fatter. Big Grin

Congratulations, lled!

Weight loss and growth. A lot of people doubted if it could be done. Of course with PM and GR, you're out there with only the lonely and the brave, like GB:

Does the siriporn oil bleach your areola?

haha "the lonely and the brave". may i also add "the desperate".

my areolas are fine... so far. i try not to let the oil touch them, but inevitably, sometimes it does come into contact. i've only started using the oil less than a week ago so it's too early to tell.

i tried looking to see if anyone's grown on goat's rue alone. i couldn't find anything.

i'd like to also add that while i'm exercing and eating probably a little less than before, i am eating A LOT more fat in the form of coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil, avocado, and good ole meat. i'm also eating a lot of proteins. i think this is key if anyone's trying to grow breasts/muscles while losing weight in the mid section a.k.a. the "gut".

Thank you lled,

I'll add more of these too. I know the omega-3s (fish and flax and algal) are essential to keep insulin sensitivity up, but after some insulin resistance has been built, omega-3s will only reduce it over months (more than three). The goat's rue will help much faster to increase insulin sensitivity.

Goat's rue has no phyto-estrogens. You need PM or another one with it for permanent growth.

The lonely, brave, and desperate: I think we've got a movie here Big Grin

Lled34aa, congratulations on your progress! Smile
After one year you definitely deserve it. Perhaps it just takes a long time for us small girls to respond to NBE. I have heard of people who did not give up for a year and finally had growth.
As for goat's rue, I used to take it whilst breastfeeding my daughter to help with my milk supply. It is very potent and even works for adoptive mothers. It stimulates the development of mammary tissue in lactating women and I saw reports of women claiming that their breasts got bigger before their milk increased. I am not sure if it can help the development of the breast tissue on its own without any phyto-estrogens though. I started my NBE taking goat's rue (because I had a lot of them left from the time I was breastfeeding) and eventually started producing milk again. I had no growth from it whatsoever.
I am thinking of adding it to my routine for prolactine as well now (I am following Ginnie/Chiyomilk's program). Do you take it daily or only during the luteal phase?
Isabelle, thanks for confirming that goat's rue has no phyto-estrogens as I was just wondering about it.Wink I am taking PM daily so I did not want to add any phyto-estrogens.

thanks luisa, i'm glad to hear other small girls struggle for a year before getting any results.... so i know there's still hope for me.

i'm taking goat's rue daily.

did you breasts temporary swell up a little while taking goat's rue (because you were producing more milk) then they go back to normal size once you stopped taking GR?

Hi again, when I used GR for NBE they only got a little bit swallen once I added fenugreek to my routine. So I am not sure if GR alone did anything for me. I was not producing that much milk either. I kind or stopped taking the herbs staght away once I noticed milk. Are you producing milk at the moment?

i am not producing milk right now... but i haven't tried squeezing them really hard either. i'm currently noogling so i can't do it now. haha i will try it after i take the domes off.

i've never been pregnant, but after taking BO for around 4 or 5 months, i was having all sorts of hormonal problems, one of which was me producing milk. my breasts swelled up a little and milk would come out if i squeeze the areola. after quitting BO and taking thyroid medication, the swelling went away, boobs deflated, but with daily massages, i was still able to produce a few drops of milk every now and then. since then, i stoped stimulating my nipples region when i do my massages. that's when i started taking PM and goat's rue. my breasts are rounder and perkier and have more volume to them now, and i'm hoping it's not just milk and i'll deflate once i stop taking goat's rue.

but i feel good this time around. last time when i was swelling due to milk, my breasts would hurt when i wake up in the morning. it's as if my breasts were so full of milk it wants to come out. this time though, i don't have that same amount of pain. it's just a constant dull soreness that i only notice if i'm massaging it.

this is the perkiest and roundest my breasts have ever been. i'm crossing my fingers and hoping my growth will continue. i ordered more St. Herb nano cream and pills. i also ordered Siriporn's pills so try out. i'm spending so much money on this Sad but when i look down and see a little bit of shadow between my boobs that were never there before, i feel it's worth every penny!

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