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Twister_Mama's Program

(06-06-2011, 12:44 PM)crystalelle Wrote:  Hi Twister_Mama,

Came in the forum and saw you being sick. Sad Have you tried alternative medicines instead of all the antibiotics? I would suggest you to check resveratrol taken together with olive leaf extract (liquid one is better). It is good antioxidant and help you to build your immune system unlike the antibiotics that will kill off all the good and bad bacterias in your body.

Get well soon!

Yes totally agree with alternative medicine.. I was wondering what resveratrol was because I ordered a li quid collagen (called collagen beauty formula) it has a bunch of stuff I posted in my program with all the ingredients in it, I hope it does my complextion a world of good.. I am thinking having beautiful skin is just as important as having a big boobie size, in way ya..Smile I am waiting patiently on that and my other supps.. RolleyesBig Grin

Thanks guys. I'm gonna be calling the doctor again today to tell them my headache isn't better yet. The very first antibiotic that gave me a large hive and rash was Ceftin, which is a penicillin. I'm not surprised I reacted to that, because I broke out in hives when I last had penicillin (which was when I was 5 years old! a long time ago). The really nasty one that made me feel like I was dying was Avelox, which is a fluoroquinolone. Very wicked stuff. Can even cause nerve damage too. Now I'm on Bactrim DS (double strength) which is a sulpha med. I don't get so nauseous after taking it anymore, thank goodness! But so far my headache is not going away. In the past, Bactrim DS has taken like 3 weeks to work for me; and it's only been 5 days now; so maybe I'll feel better in another week or so. I will definitely look into alternative meds! I also have vitamin C powder here I could use to help my immune system too. There is quite a bit of vitamin C in my multi-vitamins anyway, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to have a little more. There's really no toxicity with high levels of vitamin C anyway; if you go beyond your body's threshold, it can have a laxative effect, but that's pretty much it. I will look into that Resveratrol and olive leaf extract. If I can treat myself with natural means, I'm all for it! I hate taking medication. My asthma has been pretty bad the past several days, so I've had to increase the use of my inhalers, and it makes me feel so shaky and uncomfortable all day. Sad

I noticed that the inner sides of my breasts still look about the same as they did, with the little extra fullness I got a few months ago; but the outer sides are mostly gone. Sad That's where I lost that inch, I guess. The undersides aren't looking too good either. I have been slacking off really bad with my hypnosis though. It's been a couple weeks since I've listened to it. I've also lost a couple pounds, so that may have something to do with it too. I did increase my Neocell collagen tablets to three tabs once a day (before bed), and my MSM to 3000mg per day. I also added my HGH releaser capsules back in. I THOUGHT I may have felt a few more aches last night in my right breast, but I'm not sure. I'll just keep taking my pills every day and try to reincorporate my protein drinks and hope that something happens growth-wise over the summer. Smile

I so hope you feel better soon, twister mama. I'm thinking once you slowly get past all these infections/ailments, that your nbe will start taking off. right now, your body is trying to get back to its natural healthy state so the energy required towards growing breasts is not happening or taking a back seat.

Just continue taking the other supplements to prepare your body and once you're ready to get back on nbe, the body is primed. Nbe is primarily finding the right combination of routines and supplements, and once applied methodically, one of these days, will find the jackpot combination. that would be fantastic!

Cheering for you!


So sorry your going through all that. Guess what been there too.. I had a nosebleed and ended up with an infection...anyway. Yes Vitc powdered which is much better to take would help so much and I would add MSM and if you are taking it up it.. I have read that both of these you can take very high..I mean very high doses and be ok but make sure you dont have certain aliments.. just google both and they will say dont do such and such if you are or have such and such... sorry I dont remember.. go figure I read them both last night.. I think they are serious type of aliments but check first. Look into L-Glutamine too..

Note: When you up the doses go slow.. I read that if you go quickly off vitamin c it will make you worse (almost like not finishing antibiotics).

I also read this about borage oil:

Asthma And Borage Oil Or Gamma Linolenic Acid:
Some small studies in humans show that borage treatment might prevent or reduce some inflammatory processes in Asthma.

Hope you fell better really soon.

I'm sorry to hear about your health problems TM. I hope you get better.

I read that you're going to start PM. I wish you luck. I'm still hoping BO will work for me as PM sounds a little scary. If you don't do it correctly you risk becoming infertile although for you that's not too much of a concern. I also wonder whether one month cleanses are enough for NBE regimens. I know when getting off the BCP it is said that it takes as long as a year for your hormones to function normally again. I will take a break in mid-September and then resume in January. I'm trying BB pills this time because I'm just so tired of playing around with dosages and taking so many pills a day.

hey tm, sounds like you have had a rough ride recently!

are you going to take generic BO? BB did work for you up to a point. I wonder if you might have more luck with BO since you can change the dosages.

I've found I'm happier when I just forget about my breasts, and just take my pills, drink my protein drinks and that's it. Maybe when you are feeling better again, you could work out a program on generic.

Great you kept a symptom chart. I reakon those a really helpful if you do it for 6 months or so. then you can really start seeing trends in your health.

Must be annoying that you lost some breast growth. But on the bright side, the fact that you had it before, means it should be more easier to get it back than to grow it from scratch right! So don't give up now.

Also, I recommend taking collagen powder or tablets. I reakon collagen, and protein throughout the day provide the building blocks to grow cells right.

Well my doctor wouldn't even bother dealing with me anymore; they said if I'm feeling worse, to go to the E.R. Dodgy Ugh!!! My next appointment isn't until June 22nd. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands. I've done research on every pill and medication I'm taking, and ALL of them have a potential side effect of headache. So I'm guessing one of my pills is causing it. The two I've been on the longest is Prilosec (for reflux) and Claritin (for allergies). So for the past two days, I have stopped EVERYTHING. Including my allergy meds, Prilosec, and asthma inhalers. No vitamins either. NOTHING. It's very strange to not take ANY pills at all!!! I could be wrong, but my headache might be a TEENY bit better today! Smile My gut instinct is telling me it's the Prilosec. When my other doctor had me take four Prilosecs per day, it gave me a massive headache that wouldn't go away until I backed down to two Prilosecs per day. Then I was able to go down to one per day, and that's the dose I've been at for about a year and a half now. It's possible my body just can't take it anymore. I'm not even sure how safe that med is for long-term; the box says to ONLY take it for 14 days; and that you have to wait 4 months before doing another 14 day treatment. Yet my allergy doctor told me I'd have to be on it every day forever. Well, sorry, I can't live with this headache anymore! I'll just have to be more careful in controlling my reflux like avoid spicy foods and don't eat within 3 hours before bedtime. I'm PRAYING this headache will totally go away. I want to get back to my program soon!!!

I was all set to consider PM; but seeing as how GF and Crystalelle are having such good success with taking 2000mg of BO per day, what I might do instead is finish the last 3 months of my BB and add 500mg of generic BO (which I still have on hand) to see if that makes a difference. So I will take one BB and one Swanson BO capsule in the morning, and one BB and one Swanson BO capsule at bedtime. If nothing happens after a couple weeks, I'll add one more Swanson BO pill per day. At the end of the 3 months, if STILL nothing, I will switch to PM.

I decided to try Noogling again last night, for one hour. Light suction on the larger left side, a little stronger suction on the smaller right side. I did it while lying down on the couch, since that was the easiest way to get suction for me versus sitting up. I just did pump and hold. I did get some pesky red dots on that right side, but they're not too bad. Surprisingly, I got some decent swelling! I didn't measure or anything; probably only 0.25" or so; but I was encouraged! And the right side seems maybe a teeny bit bigger even now, 15 hours later. Smile So I'm planning on doing NB a good hour every night before sleep again.

I've also been listening to the Rockmelon ringtone about an hour each day for the past three days, lol. I guess it couldn't hurt.

On a positive note, my stomach seems mostly back to normal! Smile And I've been craving milk lately. I drink like two or three glasses per day. I don't know why! Rolleyes

TM....can't your doctor switch your acid reflux medicine to something else? There are other prescribed meds you could take for acid reflux. Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac, Dexilant,Axid, Pepcid, Tagament, Aciphex, Protonix, Zegerid, Kapidex, Reglan. I wonder if maybe something else would help with the acid reflux and not cause the headaches.

I didn't know adults got reflux. Isn't it something babies get?

How's your headache now?

Have you tried slippery elm powder? It's a powder you can get in the US and you make it into a hot drink and it provides a layer of mucous stuff along your gut. That may help your gut with the reflux.

It does wonders for my stomach problems.

(15-06-2011, 07:40 AM)girlfriday29 Wrote:  I didn't know adults got reflux. Isn't it something babies get?

How's your headache now?

Have you tried slippery elm powder? It's a powder you can get in the US and you make it into a hot drink and it provides a layer of mucous stuff along your gut. That may help your gut with the reflux.

It does wonders for my stomach problems.

Reflux is more common in adults than it is in babies. Your right though, babies can get it. But you can develop reflux at any age in life. I bet if they did a study though, they would find that most adults who develop it, once had it as an infant. My 2 year old keeps getting weened from his acid reflux medication, only to have it show up again 6 months later. He has no signs of any problems the whole time he's off the meds, then one day all of a sudden he's throwing up again from bad reflux. I hate it. I don't want him to be on medicine the rest of his life. Sad

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