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reply to PM...for Kailee61310


Okay hun, I tried to reply to your PM but you had your PM settings set to NOT receive PMs, so this is my response hun...

Kailee61310 Wrote:Hi anastasia916,
I was wondering if you could help me, I'm 17 and my breast wont grow. I am at a 32B and it makes me upset when i look around at girls younger than me and skinner than me, and they have bigger breast than I do. I've heard that you had the greatest growth, and I was wondering if you could give me a couple of pointers, but I don't want to really spend money. I was looking for around the house items, if you wouldn't mind. Thank you!

The only way to help without spending money would be to do massages with your regular body lotion, or dry. You could also download some of the free hypnosis stuff that is out there, and to prevent sagging in the future and firm up what you have you can do chest exercises. But other than that, there isn't really anything you can do without spending money, just the way it is. I really don't want to discourage ANYONE. But to be 100% honest, with massage, hypnosis, and exercises, you MAY grow some and get perkier, rounder breasts, but you won't grow like 2 or more cup sizes if that's what you're looking to do. At your age I wouldn't recommend herbal NBE this INCLUDES soy! Soy has powerful phytoestrogens in it, which is why I don't recommend it, PM or any other form of herbal NBE for those under 21, why? Because you are still growing!!!! Crazy I know but trust me on this. I knew a girl in HS that was a 34A or smaller up until I last saw her at 19 years old, then I bumped into her in a store when she was 23 or 24 and she was a DD, I asked if she got implants or did anything, she said no, that out of no where she started growing after she turned 20. So you could possibly just be a late bloomer. But honestly hun, 32B is NOT small! I was a 32AA when I first started, and MANY women on this board wish they could be your size. But if you still wish to grow, for under 21 I recommend massage, hypnosis, exercise, eating healthy, exercise, and if you want to look into spending money, go for a Bovine Ovary supplement (BO) and a breast pump, I recommend the Noogleberry. BO and Noogleberry is what gave me the best success, it is also what gave Cheryl1989 the results she has (and she's a biological male!). But yea I went from a 32AA to now a 32D through natural means, you can find what all I did in the gallery section my program and pictures are there. My journey was very long though, I went through things that didn't work and some that did. This DOESN'T happen overnight. NBE takes time and LOTS of patience. But if you're willing to be patient enough, I say go for it. Hope this helps, and good luck!

um not spending money? would only leave free hypnosis tracks or massage things you might have around your house herbal teas(things like fenugreek, fennel and liquorice) or soya milk theres no age sticker on either
But you have to be really regular with any nbe program and everyones different im not convinced by bo(sounds pretty rank too) tbh i havent seen much in the way of success on here of people using it without a noogleberry so if u can afford one the pumps the better option as lots of women have had success using it alone plus if you join their forum and post i think 100 coments you get quite a nice discount..

mydream, you say there's no age sticker on the herbs you are recommending... are you trying to say they are safe for a 17 year old to take or that they don't expire? Just trying to make sure we get accurate information here. But ANY type of herbal NBE is NOT recommended to minors because it greatly effects hormones while they are still growing. That is why most here don't recommend them until someone is 18, I don't recommend them until 21 because some people don't finish puberty until their early 20's. So yea... I think the advice you reciprocated that I already said about massage and hypnosis is good, but herbs, sorry I have to disagree. The main reason I recommend BO is because it did work for me and it HAS worked for some even without using a pump, like itsjust4fun aka Mel, she used Bountiful Breast and grew on it WITHOUT a pump waaaayyy before she ever tried using one. But yes, I can say the combination for me myself did work the best for me personally. I did Noogleberry and Ultra Breast. Now the reason why I recommend BO even when someone is under 21 is because on both Bountiful Breast's and Ultra Breast's website they say it is SAFE for those in their teens as long as they have had their period for at least 2 years I believe it is, Bountiful Breast was I believe actually invented for teens that were not developing correctly, so it's designed for them. I know from personal experience that I did not have the same hormonal effects from BO as I did from herbs. Personally herbs literally put my hormones and body into complete chaos where as BO balanced them and helped me. But alas everyone IS different, NBE of ANY kind is trial and error and everyone has to do what works best for them.

well loads of kids all over the world drink soya milk or herbal tea :s hey im just saying there cant be all that much of a chance of anything bad happening.
Plus if you say bo is meant to just balance hormones for normal development then surely that would mean that it wouldnt cause big breasts just normal ones :\

2 mydreamisGcup

Sometimes "normal ones" is exactly what a girl needs in terms of enlargement to feel good. Not everybody is dreaming of G cupBig Grin

I'd die from happiness if I was a 32B.

(17-06-2011, 03:56)twister_mama Wrote:  I'd die from happiness if I was a 32B.

Agreed. I actually don't want huge breasts. I wouldn't want anything larger than a c.

Mydream, it can cause "big breasts" and not just "normal ones" if you were meant to have big ones, like Cheryl for instance, all the women in her family are very big chested, which is why BO caused her to have huge breasts. Where as with me, my biological mother was a DD by the time she was 16, and I am now a 32D (34C in some bras), and that I'm happy with, I'm sure if I started up BO again I could get bigger, and I may eventually when life settles down. But if I don't grow anymore, I'm fine with that. Not everyone wants huge boobs. Some of us are fine with shapely smaller ones or average sized. But honestly, maybe I'm wrong on this, but I don't think anyone's body can grow on herbs or BO more than it's suppose to. Most people, like myself, that get into NBE were just underdeveloped. The BO and herbs helps us get our full potential that we missed out on, but it can also bring back what you once had and lost due to weight loss or pregnancy/breastfeeding. Maybe to get bigger than you can naturally with herbs or BO you could gain from a pump, I would think that would be the only natural alternative to implants to get bigger than your body will allow. Hope that explains more on my train of thought.

Oh and about kids consuming herbal teas and soy milk... that may be, but they are not consuming it in large amounts daily for NBE. For it to be done for NBE it would be done in larger amounts than most people normally consume, thus flooding the body with hormones, which could cause someone still in puberty to overload their system when they already have tons of hormones as is. Make more sense now?

Hold on a sec...

So if I wanted to (but I'm not going to because I'm only 16!) I could drink those herbal teas (fenugreek, liquorice and fennel) maybe once a day and there might be some improved breast growth? However there is a chance my hormones would be messed up for life. A friend of mine drink green tea every morning, is that bad too?

Life should be made much clearer than this ♥

^no green tea is just tea but some people use for detox.

anastasia how do YOU know how how much herebal tea or soya kids drink if fenugreek tea is a substitute for standard black tea(or if soyamilk is substitute for milk) it could be as many as 10 cups a day

this is good question about herbs for under 18s because i havent seen any real reason to beleive either its just people saying not too and fear mongering so under 16s dont, without any facts included
or proof that bad things happening either, i mean docs can percsribe birth controls(in uk alot of girls sexually active before 16) containing all sorts of synthetic hormones to any age child as long as she has periods and without testing her hormones first and Phytoestrogens(herbs) are much safer than synthetic estrogens

if anything all the girls on birth control young at school had bigger boobs
^also herbs can give bigger breasts than natural maximum havent you seen japanese blog
and even mydreamisg said in her family most women are small chested and the biggest a c i know she drank alot of soya milk and fenugreek tea as a child before knowing of nbe and was a gcup age 15 before she got underweight.

so really as there are no health warnings on soya milk or tea and the fact that docs can prescribe synthetic hormones id also agree that
there is little if any chance of 'messing up hormones for life' this statement itself sounds very unrealistic and dramatic also if hormones are 'messed up' oh well thats not incrediblly hard to right certainly wont effect you for the rest of life.

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