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Pumping to a D


(22-04-2011, 21:31)Maz Wrote:  I know the advert is hilarious! And its looks really silly when you use it but my arms are looking better. Also there is a total body workout on the video and I have been doing it everyday since I got it and I think it’s worked, the arms only is a 6min video and the body work out is another 10 I do them back to back. However, I did nothing before I got this. Maybe if you work out properly its a bit crap. Also a lot of people who know anything about fitness say its rubbish. Normal people I find say its good, probably because many of them are like me and didn’t do any exercise before. As an easy introduction to exercise I have enjoyed it. I team it up with a workout program on youtube by sparkpeople- 7-day swimsuit boot camp, I try and get it in everyday but this week has been a bit every other day, I have been working late at the office. And I spend 30mins once a week on a stationary exercise bike. I haven’t enjoyed the yoga dvd so kind of gave up on it but I feel like giving it another shot so I had a go at it last night. Part of the problem is lack of space in my house.

I would say I am all round a bit more toned than before and I’m sliming down so I give it a thumbs up.

The shake weight for improving the chest and muscles around the breasts- meh. I’m not sure its doing a whole lot but the shoulders and underarm are looking less flabby so I think those muscles must be improving a little as a consequence. I look forward to the easy curve.

Now that the UK is having a little heat wave I brought out the summer wardrobe and put on dresses I haven’t worn in a year. Something must be happening to my boobs the dresses don’t look the way they used to Big Grin it’s slight more like just a fullness and perkiness but it’s enough to encourage me to keep going. it feels good!

Yh yoga isnt really something u can learn off a dvd(withoutt ever doing it before) but i love yoga classes it is incredibly good for toning up, flexability, and reduceing stress

I agree with cupcakes. I hated my yoga DVDs at first, but only because I wasn't really doing it right. Try to find somewhere you could take a couple classes so you can learn the flows, then it becomes really enjoyable!

Hey thanks guys. I can see why going for a class is a good idea. Something I will have to look into. I must say despite not really doing the yoga I was shaping up just from the run. It’s looking pretty easy to get in shape maybe beginners luck or just an immediate flurry before it’s all down hill. Kind of how my life is.

My immediate pumping success has dropped a little. The swelling doesn’t last as long nor is it as big (I started pumping just before my period my breasts always swell and look awesome at that time) however it doesn’t have a chance to disappear completely before the next pump. I pump in the morning, it falls a little during the day I pump again when I get home from work and them again before I go to sleep. This amount keeps them permanently a little inflated.

I think I have however reached a sustainable stage. It’s more realistic.

I must must must drink more water!


I wanted to save something from another post that Isabelle told me about some of the herbs I am/was on in my program and why they were a bit of a problem. I thought I would copy and paste the facts in here for safe keeping on my profile page. (I’m at a loss when it comes to quoting posts into other areas of the site rather than in reply) it was so nice being told by an expert what went wrong rather than me doing some iffy reasearch and drawing the wrong conclution.

RE: liquorice tea
Hi Maz,

I don't think you have a hormone imbalance between estrogen and progestins. The only thing that happens is that your testosterone goes through the roof whenever you change something. That too is perfectly normal, and adding an anti-androgen to your routine should take care of it.

Congratulations for still growing on 3660 mg/day of FG! Most women cannot take more than 3000 without growth stalling. Wahaika explains what happens in this thread:
Your body reacts to the FG by making more estrogen, which makes your breasts grow. However, when your body makes estrogen, it makes it from testosterone. This means your body cannot decide to make more estrogen without increasing testosterone first.

When your testosterone increases, more of it will also inevitably be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is what causes the breakouts. An anti-androgen stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and stops the breakouts. The most popular anti-androgens on this forum are saw palmetto berries (in the Greenbush kit), and the combination of barley, vitamin B12, and zinc (in Wonderup and Eve M's program).

There are also alternatives:
licorice tea
spearmint tea
peppermint tea is also an anti-androgen, and more estrogenic too
stinging nettle root
pygeum bark
pumpkin seed oil
borage oil (against hair loss, probably not so effective agains breakouts)
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the main lignan in flax seed (linseed)
Beta Sitosterol (the fytosterol in stinging nettle root)
Which anti-androgens help best against breakouts, is discussed on the acne forum:
Stay away from oats and maca root without taking an anti-androgen: they boost testosterone.

About bcp. Microgynon 30 and Yasmin are both combination pills, which means there is a progestin in them, and an estrogen. The idea is that they should not disturb your natural hormone balance that way. Only, your body appears to respond extremely well to subtle hormonal changes, so you should be careful. The estrogen in both pills is 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol. At this dose, it appears to trigger your body to produce even more estrogen, much like the FG does. Hence the dark moods, the breakouts, and the breast growth. The progestins in both pills are different. Progestins have a tendency to stop NBE. Apparently, for you, the one in Microgynon 30 doesn't, and the one in Yasmin does. Consequently, you don't have dark moods, breakouts, or breast growth on Yasmin. The fact that two pills, the only difference between which is the progestin, have such different effects, suggests you might try licorice, which is both anti-androgen and progestin. If it makes breakouts worse or stops NBE, don't worry, and try another anti-androgen from the list above.

Kelp stimulates the thyroid, which helps weight control. That's probably why your body responds so well to exercise and diet changes. Don't worry or beat yourself up about not doing enough: certainly as long as you take the kelp, a little will do.

Fennel makes your breasts grow by stimulating your body to make more prolactin, which stimulates milk production. This does not affect estrogen or testosterone, which is why it doesn't cause breakouts. FG also stimulates prolactin, but at the same time the right dose (3000-4000 mg for you), it will also stimulate your body's own estrogen production. If you don't want to go through the trouble of balancing estrogen and anti-androgens, you may want to try other herbs that work in the same way as fennel: aniseed (like Onicemile), blessed thistle, basil, dill, wild cumin, nigella sativa.

Having this new information makes me look again at my program and that maybe I will go into the world of herbs again.

It is at this point that I have to say thank you to Onicemile and Periwinkle12 for making me rethink my decision to lose the thread and keep it as I’m doing a U turn and thinking about herbs again. Although that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pumping. I have forgotten what my boobs used to look like! It’s going to be sad when I am forced to take a brake and they shrink.

(11-06-2011, 15:37)Maz Wrote:  hello

I wanted to save something from another post that Isabelle told me about some of the herbs I am/was on in my program and why they were a bit of a problem. I thought I would copy and paste the facts in here for safe keeping on my profile page. (I’m at a loss when it comes to quoting posts into other areas of the site rather than in reply) it was so nice being told by an expert what went wrong rather than me doing some iffy reasearch and drawing the wrong conclution.

RE: liquorice tea
Hi Maz,

I don't think you have a hormone imbalance between estrogen and progestins. The only thing that happens is that your testosterone goes through the roof whenever you change something. That too is perfectly normal, and adding an anti-androgen to your routine should take care of it.

Congratulations for still growing on 3660 mg/day of FG! Most women cannot take more than 3000 without growth stalling. Wahaika explains what happens in this thread:
Your body reacts to the FG by making more estrogen, which makes your breasts grow. However, when your body makes estrogen, it makes it from testosterone. This means your body cannot decide to make more estrogen without increasing testosterone first.

When your testosterone increases, more of it will also inevitably be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is what causes the breakouts. An anti-androgen stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and stops the breakouts. The most popular anti-androgens on this forum are saw palmetto berries (in the Greenbush kit), and the combination of barley, vitamin B12, and zinc (in Wonderup and Eve M's program).

There are also alternatives:
licorice tea
spearmint tea
peppermint tea is also an anti-androgen, and more estrogenic too
stinging nettle root
pygeum bark
pumpkin seed oil
borage oil (against hair loss, probably not so effective agains breakouts)
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the main lignan in flax seed (linseed)
Beta Sitosterol (the fytosterol in stinging nettle root)
Which anti-androgens help best against breakouts, is discussed on the acne forum:
Stay away from oats and maca root without taking an anti-androgen: they boost testosterone.

About bcp. Microgynon 30 and Yasmin are both combination pills, which means there is a progestin in them, and an estrogen. The idea is that they should not disturb your natural hormone balance that way. Only, your body appears to respond extremely well to subtle hormonal changes, so you should be careful. The estrogen in both pills is 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol. At this dose, it appears to trigger your body to produce even more estrogen, much like the FG does. Hence the dark moods, the breakouts, and the breast growth. The progestins in both pills are different. Progestins have a tendency to stop NBE. Apparently, for you, the one in Microgynon 30 doesn't, and the one in Yasmin does. Consequently, you don't have dark moods, breakouts, or breast growth on Yasmin. The fact that two pills, the only difference between which is the progestin, have such different effects, suggests you might try licorice, which is both anti-androgen and progestin. If it makes breakouts worse or stops NBE, don't worry, and try another anti-androgen from the list above.

Kelp stimulates the thyroid, which helps weight control. That's probably why your body responds so well to exercise and diet changes. Don't worry or beat yourself up about not doing enough: certainly as long as you take the kelp, a little will do.

Fennel makes your breasts grow by stimulating your body to make more prolactin, which stimulates milk production. This does not affect estrogen or testosterone, which is why it doesn't cause breakouts. FG also stimulates prolactin, but at the same time the right dose (3000-4000 mg for you), it will also stimulate your body's own estrogen production. If you don't want to go through the trouble of balancing estrogen and anti-androgens, you may want to try other herbs that work in the same way as fennel: aniseed (like Onicemile), blessed thistle, basil, dill, wild cumin, nigella sativa.

Having this new information makes me look again at my program and that maybe I will go into the world of herbs again.

It is at this point that I have to say thank you to Onicemile and Periwinkle12 for making me rethink my decision to lose the thread and keep it as I’m doing a U turn and thinking about herbs again. Although that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pumping. I have forgotten what my boobs used to look like! It’s going to be sad when I am forced to take a brake and they shrink.

Wow...Isabelle explained that so well..Oh hi..sorry just blow me away that finally someone explained what was on my mind.. thank you for posting was extremely helpful, I so understand.. I kept wondering if I take SP will it reduce or raise estrogen on ... and thank you because I thought anise wasnt good for women..but I can go make a cup of tea cause my dad has fennel and anise mixed..whoo hoo..

So Maz are you taking SP.. I am not sure if I want to continue either, if anyone could tell my why I get a leftside heaache that runs up the left side of my neck to the base of my scull and if I put presure on the base of the scull (I believe there is a massage spot there) it relieves it..

anyway..thank you very much

(11-06-2011, 16:30)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  
(11-06-2011, 15:37)Maz Wrote:  hello

I wanted to save something from another post that Isabelle told me about some of the herbs I am/was on in my program and why they were a bit of a problem. I thought I would copy and paste the facts in here for safe keeping on my profile page. (I’m at a loss when it comes to quoting posts into other areas of the site rather than in reply) it was so nice being told by an expert what went wrong rather than me doing some iffy reasearch and drawing the wrong conclution.

RE: liquorice tea
Hi Maz,

I don't think you have a hormone imbalance between estrogen and progestins. The only thing that happens is that your testosterone goes through the roof whenever you change something. That too is perfectly normal, and adding an anti-androgen to your routine should take care of it.

Congratulations for still growing on 3660 mg/day of FG! Most women cannot take more than 3000 without growth stalling. Wahaika explains what happens in this thread:
Your body reacts to the FG by making more estrogen, which makes your breasts grow. However, when your body makes estrogen, it makes it from testosterone. This means your body cannot decide to make more estrogen without increasing testosterone first.

When your testosterone increases, more of it will also inevitably be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is what causes the breakouts. An anti-androgen stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and stops the breakouts. The most popular anti-androgens on this forum are saw palmetto berries (in the Greenbush kit), and the combination of barley, vitamin B12, and zinc (in Wonderup and Eve M's program).

There are also alternatives:
licorice tea
spearmint tea
peppermint tea is also an anti-androgen, and more estrogenic too
stinging nettle root
pygeum bark
pumpkin seed oil
borage oil (against hair loss, probably not so effective agains breakouts)
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the main lignan in flax seed (linseed)
Beta Sitosterol (the fytosterol in stinging nettle root)
Which anti-androgens help best against breakouts, is discussed on the acne forum:
Stay away from oats and maca root without taking an anti-androgen: they boost testosterone.

About bcp. Microgynon 30 and Yasmin are both combination pills, which means there is a progestin in them, and an estrogen. The idea is that they should not disturb your natural hormone balance that way. Only, your body appears to respond extremely well to subtle hormonal changes, so you should be careful. The estrogen in both pills is 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol. At this dose, it appears to trigger your body to produce even more estrogen, much like the FG does. Hence the dark moods, the breakouts, and the breast growth. The progestins in both pills are different. Progestins have a tendency to stop NBE. Apparently, for you, the one in Microgynon 30 doesn't, and the one in Yasmin does. Consequently, you don't have dark moods, breakouts, or breast growth on Yasmin. The fact that two pills, the only difference between which is the progestin, have such different effects, suggests you might try licorice, which is both anti-androgen and progestin. If it makes breakouts worse or stops NBE, don't worry, and try another anti-androgen from the list above.

Kelp stimulates the thyroid, which helps weight control. That's probably why your body responds so well to exercise and diet changes. Don't worry or beat yourself up about not doing enough: certainly as long as you take the kelp, a little will do.

Fennel makes your breasts grow by stimulating your body to make more prolactin, which stimulates milk production. This does not affect estrogen or testosterone, which is why it doesn't cause breakouts. FG also stimulates prolactin, but at the same time the right dose (3000-4000 mg for you), it will also stimulate your body's own estrogen production. If you don't want to go through the trouble of balancing estrogen and anti-androgens, you may want to try other herbs that work in the same way as fennel: aniseed (like Onicemile), blessed thistle, basil, dill, wild cumin, nigella sativa.

Having this new information makes me look again at my program and that maybe I will go into the world of herbs again.

It is at this point that I have to say thank you to Onicemile and Periwinkle12 for making me rethink my decision to lose the thread and keep it as I’m doing a U turn and thinking about herbs again. Although that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pumping. I have forgotten what my boobs used to look like! It’s going to be sad when I am forced to take a brake and they shrink.

Wow...Isabelle explained that so well..Oh hi..sorry just blow me away that finally someone explained what was on my mind.. thank you for posting was extremely helpful, I so understand.. I kept wondering if I take SP will it reduce or raise estrogen on ... and thank you because I thought anise wasnt good for women..but I can go make a cup of tea cause my dad has fennel and anise mixed..whoo hoo..

So Maz are you taking SP.. I am not sure if I want to continue either, if anyone could tell my why I get a leftside heaache that runs up the left side of my neck to the base of my scull and if I put presure on the base of the scull (I believe there is a massage spot there) it relieves it..

anyway..thank you very much


I’m glad the post by Isabelle helped. I found it so informative, which was why I copied it to my program page it has to stay near me.

No I’m not taking SP but it is something I will keep in mind and may do in the future. I am likening the sounds of peppermint and liquorice tea.

I am also going to get some anise. I found some in a shop near me. Can I simply boil the seeds in hot water to make a tea?

I hope someone can answer your question about the pain on your left side, I really don’t know why that might be but some things to think about:

-Are you dehydrated?
-Do you have poor circulation?
-Have you slept funny/pulled the muscles in your neck?

Perhaps be careful about poking your head to much I think that there are very sensitive point around your neck don’t do any damage.

I wouldn’t think that this was related to herbs you are taking.

(12-06-2011, 19:19)Maz Wrote:  
(11-06-2011, 16:30)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  
(11-06-2011, 15:37)Maz Wrote:  hello

I wanted to save something from another post that Isabelle told me about some of the herbs I am/was on in my program and why they were a bit of a problem. I thought I would copy and paste the facts in here for safe keeping on my profile page. (I’m at a loss when it comes to quoting posts into other areas of the site rather than in reply) it was so nice being told by an expert what went wrong rather than me doing some iffy reasearch and drawing the wrong conclution.

RE: liquorice tea
Hi Maz,

I don't think you have a hormone imbalance between estrogen and progestins. The only thing that happens is that your testosterone goes through the roof whenever you change something. That too is perfectly normal, and adding an anti-androgen to your routine should take care of it.

Congratulations for still growing on 3660 mg/day of FG! Most women cannot take more than 3000 without growth stalling. Wahaika explains what happens in this thread:
Your body reacts to the FG by making more estrogen, which makes your breasts grow. However, when your body makes estrogen, it makes it from testosterone. This means your body cannot decide to make more estrogen without increasing testosterone first.

When your testosterone increases, more of it will also inevitably be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is what causes the breakouts. An anti-androgen stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and stops the breakouts. The most popular anti-androgens on this forum are saw palmetto berries (in the Greenbush kit), and the combination of barley, vitamin B12, and zinc (in Wonderup and Eve M's program).

There are also alternatives:
licorice tea
spearmint tea
peppermint tea is also an anti-androgen, and more estrogenic too
stinging nettle root
pygeum bark
pumpkin seed oil
borage oil (against hair loss, probably not so effective agains breakouts)
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the main lignan in flax seed (linseed)
Beta Sitosterol (the fytosterol in stinging nettle root)
Which anti-androgens help best against breakouts, is discussed on the acne forum:
Stay away from oats and maca root without taking an anti-androgen: they boost testosterone.

About bcp. Microgynon 30 and Yasmin are both combination pills, which means there is a progestin in them, and an estrogen. The idea is that they should not disturb your natural hormone balance that way. Only, your body appears to respond extremely well to subtle hormonal changes, so you should be careful. The estrogen in both pills is 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol. At this dose, it appears to trigger your body to produce even more estrogen, much like the FG does. Hence the dark moods, the breakouts, and the breast growth. The progestins in both pills are different. Progestins have a tendency to stop NBE. Apparently, for you, the one in Microgynon 30 doesn't, and the one in Yasmin does. Consequently, you don't have dark moods, breakouts, or breast growth on Yasmin. The fact that two pills, the only difference between which is the progestin, have such different effects, suggests you might try licorice, which is both anti-androgen and progestin. If it makes breakouts worse or stops NBE, don't worry, and try another anti-androgen from the list above.

Kelp stimulates the thyroid, which helps weight control. That's probably why your body responds so well to exercise and diet changes. Don't worry or beat yourself up about not doing enough: certainly as long as you take the kelp, a little will do.

Fennel makes your breasts grow by stimulating your body to make more prolactin, which stimulates milk production. This does not affect estrogen or testosterone, which is why it doesn't cause breakouts. FG also stimulates prolactin, but at the same time the right dose (3000-4000 mg for you), it will also stimulate your body's own estrogen production. If you don't want to go through the trouble of balancing estrogen and anti-androgens, you may want to try other herbs that work in the same way as fennel: aniseed (like Onicemile), blessed thistle, basil, dill, wild cumin, nigella sativa.

Having this new information makes me look again at my program and that maybe I will go into the world of herbs again.

It is at this point that I have to say thank you to Onicemile and Periwinkle12 for making me rethink my decision to lose the thread and keep it as I’m doing a U turn and thinking about herbs again. Although that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pumping. I have forgotten what my boobs used to look like! It’s going to be sad when I am forced to take a brake and they shrink.

Wow...Isabelle explained that so well..Oh hi..sorry just blow me away that finally someone explained what was on my mind.. thank you for posting was extremely helpful, I so understand.. I kept wondering if I take SP will it reduce or raise estrogen on ... and thank you because I thought anise wasnt good for women..but I can go make a cup of tea cause my dad has fennel and anise mixed..whoo hoo..

So Maz are you taking SP.. I am not sure if I want to continue either, if anyone could tell my why I get a leftside heaache that runs up the left side of my neck to the base of my scull and if I put presure on the base of the scull (I believe there is a massage spot there) it relieves it..

anyway..thank you very much


I’m glad the post by Isabelle helped. I found it so informative, which was why I copied it to my program page it has to stay near me.

No I’m not taking SP but it is something I will keep in mind and may do in the future. I am likening the sounds of peppermint and liquorice tea.

I am also going to get some anise. I found some in a shop near me. Can I simply boil the seeds in hot water to make a tea?

I hope someone can answer your question about the pain on your left side, I really don’t know why that might be but some things to think about:

-Are you dehydrated?
-Do you have poor circulation?
-Have you slept funny/pulled the muscles in your neck?

Perhaps be careful about poking your head to much I think that there are very sensitive point around your neck don’t do any damage.

I wouldn’t think that this was related to herbs you are taking.

Hi Maz,


Good points.. I may have been dehydrated. Today I had a rightside headache but that one was by the eye..but yea maybe with the water I usually drink 48 ozs a day give or take..and I barely had more then a glass just taking supps.. and I think I took supps at the wrong times..As for the poking around my I dont actually poke, IMO I am pretty good at massaging and finding the presure points on myside and others, my exboyfriend and current one says I should have been a massage therapist...I said noway gross.. it is different with the guy I am with.. as for my current man..I just love touching I dont know why..never had anyone that made me feel that way..well maybe cause he really does like when I massage him. I so enjoy massaging him, I have actually feel asleep massaging him...sorry went off the topic, ya missing my man.. ok I just read about symptoms for hormones and I think I am low in estro, high test., and low progest., now I just started PM on friday and thinking if I should just take only that with supps.. til next period and see how I feel.. I asked that question as a new thread for feedback.. but rather have that in twizler form..heheBig GrinTongue...spearmint tea....yummm.. love spearmint much better the peppermint but like that too.

Talk later

Hi Susan and Maz,

So happy this helped. Aniseed tea is a bit of manual work: crush 1 teaspoon of seeds in the mortar first (unless you've got an old coffee grinder). Pour on 1 cup of hot water, steep for 10 minutes, and sieve. Sweeten with honey or sugar. Drink two to five cups a day.

Aniseed is mostly used in blends, like Onicemile wrote on page 2 of this thread. A mix designed for new mothers to start the milk is 10 g aniseed, 10 g fennel, 10 g black cumin (nigella sativa), 10 g dill, 10 g origanum majorana and 10 g melissa officinalis. Prepare in the same way.

(12-06-2011, 19:40)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  
(12-06-2011, 19:19)Maz Wrote:  
(11-06-2011, 16:30)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  
(11-06-2011, 15:37)Maz Wrote:  hello

I wanted to save something from another post that Isabelle told me about some of the herbs I am/was on in my program and why they were a bit of a problem. I thought I would copy and paste the facts in here for safe keeping on my profile page. (I’m at a loss when it comes to quoting posts into other areas of the site rather than in reply) it was so nice being told by an expert what went wrong rather than me doing some iffy reasearch and drawing the wrong conclution.

RE: liquorice tea
Hi Maz,

I don't think you have a hormone imbalance between estrogen and progestins. The only thing that happens is that your testosterone goes through the roof whenever you change something. That too is perfectly normal, and adding an anti-androgen to your routine should take care of it.

Congratulations for still growing on 3660 mg/day of FG! Most women cannot take more than 3000 without growth stalling. Wahaika explains what happens in this thread:
Your body reacts to the FG by making more estrogen, which makes your breasts grow. However, when your body makes estrogen, it makes it from testosterone. This means your body cannot decide to make more estrogen without increasing testosterone first.

When your testosterone increases, more of it will also inevitably be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is what causes the breakouts. An anti-androgen stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and stops the breakouts. The most popular anti-androgens on this forum are saw palmetto berries (in the Greenbush kit), and the combination of barley, vitamin B12, and zinc (in Wonderup and Eve M's program).

There are also alternatives:
licorice tea
spearmint tea
peppermint tea is also an anti-androgen, and more estrogenic too
stinging nettle root
pygeum bark
pumpkin seed oil
borage oil (against hair loss, probably not so effective agains breakouts)
Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the main lignan in flax seed (linseed)
Beta Sitosterol (the fytosterol in stinging nettle root)
Which anti-androgens help best against breakouts, is discussed on the acne forum:
Stay away from oats and maca root without taking an anti-androgen: they boost testosterone.

About bcp. Microgynon 30 and Yasmin are both combination pills, which means there is a progestin in them, and an estrogen. The idea is that they should not disturb your natural hormone balance that way. Only, your body appears to respond extremely well to subtle hormonal changes, so you should be careful. The estrogen in both pills is 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol. At this dose, it appears to trigger your body to produce even more estrogen, much like the FG does. Hence the dark moods, the breakouts, and the breast growth. The progestins in both pills are different. Progestins have a tendency to stop NBE. Apparently, for you, the one in Microgynon 30 doesn't, and the one in Yasmin does. Consequently, you don't have dark moods, breakouts, or breast growth on Yasmin. The fact that two pills, the only difference between which is the progestin, have such different effects, suggests you might try licorice, which is both anti-androgen and progestin. If it makes breakouts worse or stops NBE, don't worry, and try another anti-androgen from the list above.

Kelp stimulates the thyroid, which helps weight control. That's probably why your body responds so well to exercise and diet changes. Don't worry or beat yourself up about not doing enough: certainly as long as you take the kelp, a little will do.

Fennel makes your breasts grow by stimulating your body to make more prolactin, which stimulates milk production. This does not affect estrogen or testosterone, which is why it doesn't cause breakouts. FG also stimulates prolactin, but at the same time the right dose (3000-4000 mg for you), it will also stimulate your body's own estrogen production. If you don't want to go through the trouble of balancing estrogen and anti-androgens, you may want to try other herbs that work in the same way as fennel: aniseed (like Onicemile), blessed thistle, basil, dill, wild cumin, nigella sativa.

Having this new information makes me look again at my program and that maybe I will go into the world of herbs again.

It is at this point that I have to say thank you to Onicemile and Periwinkle12 for making me rethink my decision to lose the thread and keep it as I’m doing a U turn and thinking about herbs again. Although that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pumping. I have forgotten what my boobs used to look like! It’s going to be sad when I am forced to take a brake and they shrink.

Wow...Isabelle explained that so well..Oh hi..sorry just blow me away that finally someone explained what was on my mind.. thank you for posting was extremely helpful, I so understand.. I kept wondering if I take SP will it reduce or raise estrogen on ... and thank you because I thought anise wasnt good for women..but I can go make a cup of tea cause my dad has fennel and anise mixed..whoo hoo..

So Maz are you taking SP.. I am not sure if I want to continue either, if anyone could tell my why I get a leftside heaache that runs up the left side of my neck to the base of my scull and if I put presure on the base of the scull (I believe there is a massage spot there) it relieves it..

anyway..thank you very much


I’m glad the post by Isabelle helped. I found it so informative, which was why I copied it to my program page it has to stay near me.

No I’m not taking SP but it is something I will keep in mind and may do in the future. I am likening the sounds of peppermint and liquorice tea.

I am also going to get some anise. I found some in a shop near me. Can I simply boil the seeds in hot water to make a tea?

I hope someone can answer your question about the pain on your left side, I really don’t know why that might be but some things to think about:

-Are you dehydrated?
-Do you have poor circulation?
-Have you slept funny/pulled the muscles in your neck?

Perhaps be careful about poking your head to much I think that there are very sensitive point around your neck don’t do any damage.

I wouldn’t think that this was related to herbs you are taking.

Hi Maz,


Good points.. I may have been dehydrated. Today I had a rightside headache but that one was by the eye..but yea maybe with the water I usually drink 48 ozs a day give or take..and I barely had more then a glass just taking supps.. and I think I took supps at the wrong times..As for the poking around my I dont actually poke, IMO I am pretty good at massaging and finding the presure points on myside and others, my exboyfriend and current one says I should have been a massage therapist...I said noway gross.. it is different with the guy I am with.. as for my current man..I just love touching I dont know why..never had anyone that made me feel that way..well maybe cause he really does like when I massage him. I so enjoy massaging him, I have actually feel asleep massaging him...sorry went off the topic, ya missing my man.. ok I just read about symptoms for hormones and I think I am low in estro, high test., and low progest., now I just started PM on friday and thinking if I should just take only that with supps.. til next period and see how I feel.. I asked that question as a new thread for feedback.. but rather have that in twizler form..heheBig GrinTongue...spearmint tea....yummm.. love spearmint much better the peppermint but like that too.

Talk later

Paints in specific parts of the head usually suggest tension headaches and what cures them is water but this is not always the case. With all these things if you are worried see a specialist. If it’s over your eye perhaps you need an eye test you could be straining or sinuses so a cold/ hay fever?

You would be very welcome to come massage me lol. I think I need one. My ex would enjoy a massage too. Touching is important for getting that intimacy its really important and not at all surprising you enjoy doing it to him.

I have been doing some PM research. How are you finding it? I thought I read somewhere that it should be taken on its own, as it’s so potent. But you probably know more than me as you are taking it. the results are really good as far as I have seen so good luck.

I don’t often see spearmint, it was on the list so drink up. I’m interested in the peppermint as its estrogenic as well. Isabelle didn’t say anything about the spearmint but I guess it wouldn’t hurt.

Thanks again Isabelle you are really looking after us Smile. I will have to get a mortar. I love them they look fantastic and have always wanted a reason to get one. I think preparing a flask of this in the morning will be the best way to go I may make an aniseed and fennel blended tea. Not sure how that would taste but could eat some liquorish to take it away lol.Big Grin

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