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Maca - the famous side effect is true!


I have been noticing that my butt is getting bigger and today I measured and it has grown 3 cm (a little over one inch) since I started using Maca about 2 months ago. This is good news for me since my previous flat butt is not so flat anymore Wink Unfortunatly not much has gone to my chest but I think they are also a little fuller than usually but hard to tell at this stage. At least I recommend Maca for girls that are trying to gain weight also at the butt region Wink

Hi CousinRose,

I'm new here, but I know there is a huge thread on this subject in the forums of The thread is called "Maca Root Users": 350+ *pages* of postings. These women really run with the wolves, but they could use an authoritative contributor like Wahaika to categorize the data they have accumulated, and to help them with theory formation.

hi; i'm a male taking saw palmetto , fenugreek , and now maca root trying to be more feminine and get a bigger butt. i know that saw palmetto helps with the testosterone levels and fenugreek helps with the estrogen levels, but i don't want the maca to produce more testosterone . i'm taking one pill of each at the same time, does anyone know if this will work or anywhere i can find an answer. thanks

There are other forums that say a great deal on maca. For most women it only helped in the butt. Some got both.


Don't worry about testosterone if you take enough saw palmetto. That will keep the testosterone from being converted to DHT, and the excess will just react to estrogen, which is what you want. Only - how much SP is enough? Most people take about 600, but Wahaika suggests 3000 mg. Anyone?

thank you isabelle; i'm taking only 540 mg of sp, 610 mg of fg,and 450 maca. i just wanted to take things slowly , but wanted to make sure that one would cancel out the other.i wanted to get more of a feminine shape , with a nice buttt, love your pic.

Thanks Nikki Blush party pic, not ready to post my chest yet.

You could try a really nice and slow maca ramp up, and journal the symptoms of androgen excess. Oily skin, checking your hairbrush, and libido should give up to date information on a daily basis. Really curious, I also try to find a way to sneak maca in my routine without messing up the rest.

Did you try other supplements that are supposed to improve waist/hip ratio? I´m studying reports on supplements against insulin resistance. I may try Goat´s Rue or Nigella Sativa (Al Habba as Sawda or Black Seed).


I read your program page (your measurements are woww!) and saw you mentioned androgen excess in January. Did that change since you´ve been taking maca? How is your progress now?

hi Isabelle : since i started on this quest i have noticed some changes in my shape, alittle more roundness in my boobs, and butt , and less in the waist area . my hair is softer and my nails are growing nice now also. i haven't tried any other herbs other then the ones i previously mentioned. i will try to add another maca pill to see what happens, i have noticed some extra fat in the butt area, and have been doing some exercises to help that area, but i do notice that it looks good when i'm relaxed , but have some cellulite when i tighten my butt.don't know if that is good or not. what should i look for in my libido , and skin, and hair to check for androgen excess. thanks again i really appreciate your help

Hi Nikki,

Looks like you're turning into quite an attractive little figure there! Congratulations, and keep up the good work.

What you should be looking for, is subtle but immediate signs that more testosterone is being converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These include hair loss, libido (sex drive as well as the urge to start some big project), and oily skin. Other signs are more body hair (e.g. more hair around your nipples, where you would have little or none if you're taking enough SP). If you notice big signs of testosterone excess, like agression, you're way too high in maca. By the time you notice slow effects, like when you're building muscle faster, it's probably too late to make a timely correction in your routine.

When you increase maca, and notice these signs after 3 days, you could increase SP. If the signs don't disappear after a few days, reconsider your maca increase. If you are just taking too much maca altogether, you will probably feel like this girl jhajha21 on pages 16, 17, and 22 of "The Maca Root Users", who just plain overdosed maca:

If you're worried about cellulite, those women there massage fish oil to keep it shiny and bubbly. I forgot who it was here on NBE, who found a cherry flavored one that didn't smell.

You could also check for signs that you're using too much SP. Conventional wisdom says that - tmi alert for the ladies! - your prostate would stop waking you up between 2 and 3 a.m. When I experimented with SP however, it did exactly the opposite. I stopped taking it altogether, years ago. You don't want too little testosterone, too: you'll have low energy, even slide towards depression. Anyway, I didn't go any further down that route, so I can't share any experience there.

Thanks Isabelle Smile I am a big believer in proper nutrition even though I often fall of the wagon Wink I think my reasons for high testosterone is because high sugar/carb-low protein diet. I am trying to change it and sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.

I was worried that Maca would raise my testosterone higher but I have actually had less of the unwanted symptoms after I started using it. My skin looks GREAT. I have had compliments latly but I am very acne prone. I am a natural blonde so hair growth has never been a big problem for me Wink

I am ordering some collagen and msm and I am going to use that along with noogleberry and try to minimize the sugar and raise the protein. That is my new programme and I have high hopes for it. I'll let you know how it works!

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